Rise of Empires: Spain

Chapter 3 Laurent Royalt

Chapter 3 Loren Royat

Vittorio Emanuele II was still very quick.

On the day when Carlo received the annual pension of 3 million lire, Vittorio Emanuele II also brought Carlo the butler he carefully selected.

However, the decision-making power still lies with Carlo. After all, the butler is the most trusted subordinate of a noble, and Carlo has 100% right to choose.

Borrowing a conference room in the royal palace, Carlo and the subordinates recommended by Vittorio Emanuele II had a meeting.

Because Carlo is not old, the talents recommended by Vittorio Emanuele II are not old either, and they look to be in their early 20s.

However, according to the information provided by Vittorio Emanuele II, this guy named Loren is not simple.

First of all, the academic qualifications, not only graduated from a prestigious university, but also studied in England and France for several years.

However, because he has been trained and funded by the royal family since he was a child, his loyalty is also worth guaranteeing.

Moreover, Loren himself manages part of the property for the Italian royal family, and his ability in finance and economy is worthy of recognition.

In short, Loren is a talent who has been tested in terms of knowledge and ability, and his loyalty is also worthy of recognition.

Carlo's first impression of Loren is also good.

Born in a monarchy country, Loren still has a good impression of the monarchy. In particular, everything he has comes from the funding of the Italian royal family, and his loyalty to the entire Italian royal family is beyond doubt.

"Loren?" Carlo spoke first.

"Yes, Your Highness. I am Loren, and I am honored to serve you." Loren nodded very respectfully, keeping his attitude very low.

"Very good." Carlo nodded with satisfaction, and he was quite approved of Loren's behavior.

After all, if his butler does not recognize the superior status of the nobles, who else will recognize the nobles?

"Were you working for my father before?" Carlo asked.

"Yes, Your Highness." Loren nodded and replied respectfully: "I used to manage plantations in the Philippines and also acquired several newspapers in the Turin area."

Carlo was quite satisfied. Although the plantations managed by Loren were all crop plantations, this management experience could also be extended to the rubber plantations in the future.

Needless to say, how much money rubber plantations make. With such experience, Carlo can easily become a giant in the rubber industry when planning in the future.

And the experience of acquiring newspapers added a few points to Loren. Because in Carlo's heart, the power of public opinion such as newspapers is very important.

If a person or a country can master the power of public opinion, it can easily reverse black and white, and say that what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right.

This is very important for stabilizing the monarchy in Italy or Spain. At least it can influence the choice of the people and prevent the monarchy from withdrawing from the stage of Italy and Spain so early.

Whether it is now or in the future, the people have a blind herd mentality.

No matter whether a system is good or bad, as long as there are more people who say it is bad, it is bad.

If the power of public opinion is well controlled, it will become Carlo's most important weapon in the future, second only to the army, and it can also play an unexpected role.

In Carlo's future plan, whether he becomes the king of Spain or continues to be an Italian noble, he must use his noble identity to do some good things for the people.

And the power of public opinion, mainly newspapers, is Carlo's important weapon for propaganda. After all, the purpose of doing good things is to let the people know that nobles are not all cruel rulers who oppress the people, and the monarchy is not all flawed.

"Tell me what you think of the newspaper." Although Carlo is already very satisfied, his investigation of Loren is not completely over.

If Loren can be somewhat compatible with Carlo in future development, perhaps the cooperation between the two will be more perfect.

Hearing Carlo's question, Loren did not answer in a hurry, but pondered for a moment before speaking: "For now, newspapers are just a way for people to get information from the outside world.

But for the future, the role of newspapers is very important, and can even affect the people who read newspapers.

Although the role of a newspaper is not great, if we can control dozens or even hundreds of newspapers, and then publish a piece of news in these hundreds of newspapers, then this news will be instantly believed by hundreds of thousands or even millions of people, regardless of whether the news is true or false.

I think that in terms of the potential and role of newspaper development, you need to buy several newspapers as your own public opinion weapon to influence the public."

Carlo nodded, quite agreeing with Loren's words.

Although the development of newspapers has not yet formed a large-scale public opinion force, the role of newspapers as public opinion institutions is unquestionable.

Loren was able to see this first, proving that his strategic development vision is quite good.

As the manager of Carlo's property, such talents, at least the probability of Carlo's property growth is much greater than the probability of reduction.

"You have successfully impressed me, Lauren." At the end of the conversation, Carlo smiled and nodded, and said to Lauren who looked nervous: "From now on, you are my palace steward."

The butlers in the Western courts are not like the eunuchs in the Eastern courts. The butlers not only have a high right to speak, but also will not be discriminated against by anyone.

Loren is not opposed to becoming Carlo's butler. After all, if he is under the command of Vittorio Emanuele II, he is just a talent with good ability.

But if he is loyal to Carlo, Loren will become Carlo's confidant and important subordinate, and the importance of both parties is completely disproportionate.

And Carlo is also the Duke of Chablais in Italy, and it is not shameful to be the Duke's butler.

"Your Highness, because I was an orphan since childhood, I only have my name Loren, and I don't have my own surname.

Can you please give me a unique surname? Loren is willing to serve Your Highness for his whole life." At the end of the chat, Loren suddenly spoke and asked Carlo to give him a surname.

This kind of thing is not unheard of. If a commoner suddenly gets the trust and reuse of the monarch, it is not surprising to give him a surname that integrates into the aristocratic class.

Loren's request for a surname was actually a way of showing his loyalty to Carlo. After getting the surname from Carlo, Loren was completely labeled as Carlo.

If Loren betrayed Carlo in the future, his reputation among the European nobles would be ruined, and his future would naturally be gone.

Carlo naturally understood this. Looking at Loren with a determined face, Carlo smiled and said, "Okay, Butler Loren. I think the surname Royat is good. Loren Royat will definitely become a legend worth writing in Italian history."

Loren nodded and accepted the surname with a respectful face.

Royat means loyalty in English. The meaning of Carlo giving him such a name is self-evident, and Loren also hopes to express his loyalty in this way, so as to gain Carlo's trust and reuse, and to show his ability.

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