Rise of Empires: Spain

Chapter 75 Fatherly Love

Seeing Carlo looking like he had a headache when hearing the word marriage, Emanuele II thought Carlo was shy and said with a smile: "It's okay, Carlo, this is a step you have to go through.

Your two brothers are already married, and now it's your turn."

Carlo was certainly not shy, but it was difficult to explain at this time, so he could only nod.

After all, although some members of the British royal family were diagnosed with hemophilia at this time, the harm of hemophilia to the entire European royal family has not yet been fully revealed.

"Okay, kid. Don't worry, I will keep an eye on it for you. If there is a suitable marriage partner, I will notify the Spanish government.

But don't be too harsh on the conditions for finding a queen. After all, for us nobles, political interests are greater than our own love.

If you really have a girl you like, you can also let her be your lover, right?" Emanuele II touched Carlo's head again and said with a smile.

When Carlo was not yet an adult, Emanuele would try to avoid discussing topics such as lovers.

But since Carlo has grown up and become the king of Spain, such a topic naturally needs to be discussed.

"However, child, although you can have mistresses, it is best not to have too many, and do not provoke too many married women.

With your status as a king and the royal property, there are plenty of young and beautiful girls for you to choose from." Emanuele II reminded: "If you don't want to get a bad reputation because of promiscuity, you'd better remember my words, child."

Although it is almost a default status quo among European nobles to have lovers, it does not mean that the people are willing to see their kings promiscuous with many married women.

After all, as the ruler of a country, reputation is still very important. If you annoy the people, you will be forced to abdicate at best, and even be driven off the throne by the revolution at worst, which is not worth the loss.

If it is a short-lived love affair, it is okay, and generally you will become a familiar stranger after it is over.

But if you get along with mistresses for a long time, it is better to find unmarried girls with a clean family background, so that there will not be too much trouble in the future.

Carlo could only nod again.

Carlo also understood this.

There was no design of small umbrellas in this era, and even the contraceptive technology was very backward.

If he was unfortunately infected with any related diseases, it would be a total loss for Carlo.

Seeing Carlo nodding frequently and looking well-behaved, Emanuele II was in a good mood and said with a smile: "I heard that you moved the Sun to Madrid. How is it going now?

You have a good business mind, little guy. Now, the Spanish royal family should have a lot of assets, right?"

The Sun, which Carlo founded in Italy, has now become one of the largest newspapers in Italy. Because Carlo became the King of Spain, Carlo sold 51% of his shares to the Italian royal family after discussing with his father Emanuele, and only retained 49% of his shares to wait for dividends.

More than a year later, the Italian Sun has now become one of the top three newspapers in Italy, and the daily sales of newspapers have exceeded Carlo's original goal, which is 50,000 copies.

Of course, the reason for such a high sales volume is that the Sun has opened branches in Rome and Turin, which makes the daily sales volume exceed 50,000 copies.

Although 50,000 copies may not seem like a lot, it can directly affect more than 50,000 families, at least hundreds of thousands of people.

If we talk about the groups that can be indirectly affected, I am afraid there must be at least millions of people. If the spread time is longer, even millions of people are not impossible.

After all, most illiterate people in Italy will not buy newspapers. The way they get information from the outside world is through word of mouth.

If nothing unexpected happens, the sales volume of the Italian Sun will basically remain at this level, and there will not be much growth in a short period of time.

After all, the illiteracy rate in Italy is close to 70%. Before the education level is improved, not so many people will buy newspapers.

But in any case, the success of the Sun has proved that Carlo's business acumen is quite excellent.

Emanuele holds more than half of the shares of the Sun, and naturally knows how much money his youngest son has made by creating the Sun.

"Father, you know that the income of the newspaper is only a small part after all." Carlo looked helpless and said helplessly: "Spain's development plan is destined to make the steel plant not short of money, but the Spanish royal family does not have so much money to build a steel plant.

Now the royal family's income can only maintain the expenses of the palace and the more than 2,000 guards. If it is a little more, the royal family will go bankrupt."

Although Carlo's current assets have increased many times compared to when he just left Italy, he still has to cry poor when facing his father.

The Savoy family has been entrenched in Italy for much longer than the Bourbon family ruled Spain, and the accumulated wealth is naturally considerable.

Carlo naturally wants to get some money from his father, even if it is through an interest-free loan, it is much better than borrowing from other countries.

After all, the loan interest rates of other countries are high, and there are various additional conditions, which are not conducive to the future development of Spain.

But if it is a loan from the Italian royal family, the loan share may not be large, but it is most likely an interest-free or low-interest loan, and there will not be too harsh additional conditions.

For Carlo, who is extremely short of money now, it is natural to pick up a little bit, no matter how little it is, it is still meat, and he does not dislike it.

"You kid, you've become the king of Spain, why do you come back to me to complain about your poverty?" Emanuele II was a little dumbfounded, but he still didn't refuse Carlo: "

Speaking of which, you have been away from Italy for more than a year, and this time you come here just in time to return your annuity to you.

If you are really short of money, I can give you a share of the 10 million lira interest-free loan in the name of the Italian royal family, and you can pay it back within 10 years.

If the Spanish government is short of money, let them negotiate with Italian banks. I can't help them. Even if Italian banks are willing to lend to the Spanish government, the interest will be indispensable, and at most some additional conditions will be waived.

Those bankers are not philanthropic. If that guy Primo wants to borrow money from an Italian bank, he must be prepared to pay high interest rates. "

Emanuele II naturally feels sorry for his son, but this does not mean that he will support the Spanish government at all costs.

The Spanish royal family and the Italian royal family are naturally close families, but if it comes to the interests between Spain and Italy, it will naturally be an open settlement.

Emanuele II would not harm the interests of Italian capitalists because of Carlo's relationship, and Carlo naturally understood this.

In fact, Carlo was very moved by Emanuele II's willingness to provide an interest-free loan of 10 million lire to help Carlo.

10 million lire is worth 400,000 pounds, which can be used to invest in a steel plant. It is not a problem to multiply the assets several times in ten years.

Using such a sum of money to build the most powerful ironclad ship as an interest-free loan to Carlo shows his love for his son.

Second update, please support! This book will be on the shelves tomorrow, I beg you guys to order it for the first time!

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