Rise of Empires: Spain

Chapter 87: Go and ask the British government (please subscribe!)

Early before the Spanish government declared war on Morocco, it had received a reminder from the Italian government.

The Italian government said it would provide diplomatic support to Spain in this military operation, but if it attracted the attention of other powers, Italy would not interfere.

Primo naturally understood that the Italian government would not go against the British for Spain. As long as they were willing to express their support for Spain in the military operation against Morocco, it would be enough.

At 4 p.m. on September 28, 1870, two and a half hours had passed since Spain declared war on the Moroccan government, and fourteen and a half hours had passed since the Spanish army officially took action.

Facing the sudden attack of the Spanish army, the Moroccan indigenous tribes were not prepared at all and were beaten to the ground, although they had no armor.

Morocco is a very special country in Africa. Most of the population of Morocco are Arabs and Berbers, belonging to the European and Mediterranean races, that is, white people.

However, unlike the white countries in Europe, Morocco is an Arab country and believes in Islam.

As the most special African country, Morocco is obviously different from those native Africans. They are more like natives in the Middle East.

But the natives are the natives after all, and Morocco is undoubtedly far behind Spain.

And Morocco is not a monolithic entity. There are still many tribes in Morocco, and not everyone supports the Moroccan Sultanate government under the rule of the Alaouite Dynasty.

Another reason why Morocco is more suitable for localization is precisely because of these white populations in Morocco. Carlo does not think he is a racist, but Carlo's hatred of black people comes from the heart.

However, such ideas are not surprising in Europe at this time. Although the abolition of slavery movements in various countries are in full swing, there has never been a white person who recognizes the human rights of black people from the bottom of his heart.

In the hearts of white people, black people should be plantation slaves. What does human rights have to do with them? Are they human beings?

The colonial policies of various countries in Africa have never regarded local natives as human beings, and the cumulative number of blacks massacred by European countries is at least eight digits.

Of course, this is mainly because the countries have not explored Africa deeply. When the countries have basically divided Africa, the number of African natives who died will increase.

As a white country, Morocco will not blacken Spain if it is included in the rule of Spain.

Speaking of which, the Moroccan Sultan at this time was also an old acquaintance. Mohammed IV succeeded to the throne of Sultan in 1859. As soon as he took office, he faced the war between Spain and Morocco and suffered the bitter fruit of defeat.

After this defeat, Mohammed IV decided to reform Morocco, introduce powerful European industries, improve Morocco's military strength, and deal with the colonial invasion of European powers.

But Mohammed IV overestimated the Moroccans' acceptance of advanced industrial technology. When he went to great lengths to get the British to bring the steam engine to the royal palace in Marrakech, he found that the ministers were frightened by such a huge monster that they had never seen before, and they dared not even approach it.

Even if Mohammed IV ordered the printing of a large number of Bibles on the promotion of steam engines, it could not arouse the curiosity of Moroccans.

In the end, the reform was also in vain, and Morocco did not eventually move towards industrialization.

Seeing the failure of industrialization, Mohammed IV had another good idea, which was to strengthen Morocco's military strength.

He formed a new army, Askani Zami, and spent a lot of money to equip the new army with muskets and conduct Westernized training.

When Mohammed learned that the Spanish invaded northern Morocco, he was furious and ordered the newly formed army, Askani Zami, to go north to resist the invasion of the Spanish army.

The Moroccan Sultan, who was born in 1802, had great confidence in his newly formed army at this time.

Even at the meeting of the Moroccan Sultanate that day, Mohammed IV was quite confident that "my army will easily defeat the Spanish army. The days when Morocco was invaded by European countries are gone forever."

But soon, reality gave the old Sultan a heavy blow.

Not long after sending out his new army, intelligence came from the south that the Spanish army was heading north from Sidi Ifni and was heading towards Agadir, a major town in southern Morocco.

This time Mohammed IV was dumbfounded. His new army was not large in number, and it was obvious that he could not deal with the Spanish army in both the north and south directions at the same time.

But if the Spanish army was allowed to attack Agadir, it seemed that Marrakech would also be in danger.

Mohammed IV was filled with frustration because the confidence that the new army had just ignited was extinguished in an instant, and his already old face looked even older.

"Damn it, will Morocco escape the fate of being colonized?" Mohammed IV looked up at the sky, full of despair about Morocco's situation.

At this time, Moroccan ministers gave their opinions one after another.

Among them, the more unified opinion was to go to the West quickly, no, go to Western Europe to ask the British government.

The last war between Spain and Morocco was because of the intervention of the British government that Morocco was able to keep most of its territory.

Otherwise, considering Morocco's turbulent domestic situation and poor military strength at the time, it was completely a toy under Spain.

The current Moroccan government really has no better solution. Apart from asking the British government to intervene, there seems to be no other effective solution.

As for fighting a war with the Spaniards, the Moroccan ministers have never thought about it.

There was indeed such an idea ten years ago, but they were beaten by the Spaniards and couldn't tell east from west and south from north. The domestic situation in Spain at that time was not much better. It was completely the gap in weapons and equipment and comprehensive strength.

Although Morocco has now formed a new army, the number of new troops is only about 20,000.

Moreover, the Moroccan ministers themselves know the situation of the new army. With the support of the Moroccan army in Morocco, the combat effectiveness is still quite strong.

But if compared with European countries, it is completely disproportionate.

Moroccans are not very receptive to advanced weapons and technology. In addition, Morocco's weapons and equipment are all purchased from European countries. Naturally, it is impossible to allow the soldiers of the new army to conduct long-term target shooting training.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the past few years since the establishment of the new army, the total number of target shooting training organized is no more than ten times, and each person is only given three bullets for each target shooting training, which basically has no effect.

It is more reliable to expect the British to be merciful and save their lives than to expect such a new army to stop the attack of the Spanish army.

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