Rise of Empires: Spain

Chapter 95 Antonio Canovas del Castillo (Subscribe please!)

Di Canovas del Castillo (Subscribe please!)

Since the South Morocco Colony is ready to be established, it is natural to consider the issue of the selection of the Governor of the South Morocco Colony.

Carlo still has the same idea as before. The current Governor of the South Morocco Colony does not have much effect on Carlo, and Carlo does not have a suitable candidate for this position.

It is better to exchange interests with Prime Minister Primo and consider future interests.

Yes, the purpose of Carlo and Prime Minister Primo's exchange of interests is to plan for future power.

A position of Governor of the South Morocco Colony in exchange for a seat of cabinet minister, this deal will not be a loss for Carlo and Prime Minister Primo.

Because Carlo has long expressed his support for Prime Minister Primo's reform, this seat of cabinet minister will not only not affect Prime Minister Primo's reform, but will also become a boost to Prime Minister Primo's reform.

The position of Governor of the South Morocco Colony can also increase Prime Minister Primo's influence to suppress those forces that oppose reform.

Carlo will not lose. After all, the governor of the colony needs to be appointed by Carlo, and the governor of the South Morocco colony will not resist Carlo's rule.

The seat of the cabinet minister in exchange can also allow Carlo to cultivate his own confidants in the government and prepare for the power change after Prime Minister Primo retires in the future.

At present, the majority of people in the government support the monarchy, but this does not mean that the future government will still be like this.

Carlo will not let others dominate his fate. Only by having enough voice in the government can he ensure that his power will not be shaken by any accidents.

Hearing that Carlo wanted to use the position of the governor of the South Morocco colony to exchange for a seat of a cabinet minister, Prime Minister Primo frowned and thought for a moment, and then decided to agree.

"Your Majesty, your proposal is of course possible. But the Minister of Finance and Industry cannot be moved easily. I can think of ways to deal with other positions." Prime Minister Primo said.

Although it is agreed to exchange the position of the colonial governor for a seat of a cabinet minister, it does not mean that all cabinet departments can be selected by Carlo.

The most important ones are the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry. The Ministry of Finance is in charge of the country's funds, which Prime Minister Primo must have in his hands.

The Ministry of Finance is very important for a country's government department. The Spanish Minister of Finance is currently Prime Minister Primo's confidant.

In a country like the United Kingdom, the Prime Minister is generally the Minister of Finance, which can also prove the importance of the Ministry of Finance to the government and the country.

After all, the Ministry of Finance is in charge of a country's money, and the scale of this fund is large enough to exceed the imagination of normal people.

Prime Minister Primo's reforms require a lot of funds everywhere, and he is certainly unwilling to give up the supervision of the Ministry of Finance.

The industrial sector is also very important as one of Prime Minister Primo's plans for reforming Spain.

The position of Minister of Industry is basically the object of everyone's competition, because Spain's industry is destined to have a considerable growth in the future, and the Minister of Industry basically earns credit by lying down.

In addition to the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry, although other departments are also very important, it is not a bad idea to change to the position of Colonial Governor.

Prime Minister Primo and Marshal Serrano have both served as Colonial Governors, which is not only a brilliant resume, but also can exercise people's abilities.

Carlo nodded, and was not surprised by Prime Minister Primo's request.

If Prime Minister Primo let Carlo choose any cabinet position, that would be a problem. After all, a country's government always has some more important departments and some relatively less important departments.

Although neither Carlo nor Prime Minister Primo mentioned the Ministry of Defense where Marshal Serrano worked, they had no objection to the selection of the Minister of Defense.

Marshal Serrano's position as Minister of Defense is quite stable. Even Prime Minister Primo, who has enough reputation in the military, will not easily abolish Marshal Serrano's position.

Carlo is even more needless to say. Marshal Serrano himself is very close to the royal power represented by Carlo. How could Carlo destroy the relationship between him and Marshal Serrano?

If Marshal Serrano himself was older than Prime Minister Primo, Carlo would even plan to let Marshal Serrano take on the transitional government after Prime Minister Primo retired, and then train his own confidants to lead the government after Marshal Serrano.

Carlo's choice was the Minister of Agriculture.

As an agricultural country, Spain's position of Minister of Agriculture is quite important. Moreover, Spain has previously reduced farmers' taxes, and agriculture is destined to usher in a golden period of development in the future.

The position of Minister of Agriculture is also destined to be able to make a lot of contributions in the future. Combined with Carlo's propaganda ability of the public opinion empire, it is not a problem to cultivate a representative figure with influence and support in both the political arena and the people.

Hearing that Carlo chose the position of Minister of Agriculture, Prime Minister nodded and had no objection.

The agreement between the two was also reached quickly. After Prime Minister Primo selected a suitable candidate for the colonial governor, he would submit it to Carlo for confirmation.

After Carlo confirmed, the colonial governor would be appointed, and the vacant position of Minister of Industry would also be held by Carlo's nominee.

This was a relatively normal exchange of political interests. Both parties got what they needed, and the result made Primo and Carlo very satisfied.

After forecasting the specific work, Prime Minister Primo returned to the government to preside over his own affairs, and Carlo carefully selected the new candidate for the Minister of Agriculture.

Speaking of the candidate for the Minister of Agriculture, Carlo actually has relevant candidates in mind. But Carlo is not sure whether he can trust him. After all, the position of Minister of Agriculture is not only one of the cabinet ministers, but also the beginning of Carlo's influence on the government.

The candidate that made Carlo hesitate was named Antonio Canovas del Castillo, one of the main representatives of the Spanish royalists.

As a conservative ideologist, Antonio Canovas del Castillo expressed firm support for the monarchy, which should be Carlo's absolute support.

But the problem lies here. Antonio Canovas del Castillo supports the monarchy and is a Spaniard, but he is an old minister who served as a cabinet minister during the reign of Queen Isabel and was once loyal to the queen.

Carlo even had some doubts about whether Antonio Canovas del Castillo was loyal to the monarchy or to the Bourbon family and Queen Isabel.

Facing this staunch royalist of the conservative party, Carlo doubted his loyalty to himself, which was why Carlo hesitated.

But in terms of reputation and influence in the political arena, Antonio Canovas del Castillo is indeed a more suitable candidate.

During the reign of Queen Isabel, he served as Minister of the Interior and Minister of Overseas Territories. If Queen Isabel's rule had not been overthrown, he would even have the hope of becoming Prime Minister.

Another point is that Antonio Canovas del Castillo was born in 1828. He was 18 years younger than Marshal Serrano and 14 years younger than Prime Minister Primo, which was the golden age of his political career.

Carlo also considered this when he chose him as a candidate. His age qualified him to wait for Prime Minister Primo's retirement and seek great progress in his political career after Prime Minister Primo's retirement.

Should I choose such a minister who is a royalist but seems to only protect the king and not myself? Carlo hesitated.

After thinking for a long time, Carlo finally decided to meet this old minister from Queen Isabel's time to see if he could be used by himself.

If he cannot be loyal to himself and be used by himself, it is better to find someone else.

After all, Carlo wants to train the prime minister of the transitional government after Prime Minister Primo, not an ordinary cabinet minister.

If you can't trust yourself, the best way is to find someone you trust. Don't doubt people when you employ them, and don't employ people when you doubt them. If you have doubts at the beginning, the final result is doomed to be bad.

In the magnificent banquet hall of the Royal Palace of Madrid, Carlo met with Antonio Canovas del Castillo and had a brief conversation.

Carlo deliberately placed the place for meeting Antonio Canovas del Castillo in the reception hall that Queen Isabel once loved the most.

There are not only antique calligraphy and paintings from Europe and even the whole world, but also various luxury goods, murals and ornaments.

The value of this reception room alone is as high as hundreds of thousands of pesetas. Those who can be received in this reception room can only be the king's confidants.

After several years, Antonio Canovas del Castillo came to this huge and luxurious reception room again. His mood was a bit complicated.

The monarch in front of him has changed from Queen Isabel to the younger Carlo, and the Spanish government has long changed from an autocratic royal government to a reformed constitutional government.

"Your Majesty!" Antonio Canovas del Castillo respectfully performed a Spanish noble salute to Carlo, and put his posture very low.

"Mr. Cavanos, it's a pleasure to meet you," Carlo smiled and nodded, motioning Antonio Canovas del Castillo to sit on the chair next to him.

"I am also honored to meet you, Your Majesty." Cavanos looked humble and respectful, and carefully sat on the stool next to him, without any impolite behavior.

"You were the Minister of the Interior six years ago, and the Minister of Overseas Territories four years ago, right?" Carlo asked with a smile.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Antonio Canovas del Castillo nodded, not understanding Carlo's intention for the time being.

"The position of Minister of Agriculture will be vacant soon. I plan to recommend you to Prime Minister Primo as the Minister of Agriculture. Do you have any ideas?" Carlo continued.

"It's my honor, Your Majesty." Antonio Canovas del Castillo stood up immediately, his eyes full of gratitude to Carlo.

"Sit down first." Carlo gestured for Canovas to sit down again, and then said with a hint of meaning: "However, Mr. Canovas, before recommending you as the Minister of Agriculture, I would like to ask you a few questions."

"Your Majesty, please ask." Although Antonio Canovas del Castillo did not know what Carlo was going to ask, he knew that what he had to do now was to listen to the questions quietly and then answer honestly.

"You served as a cabinet minister during the reign of Queen Isabella, and you expressed support for the Bourbon dynasty during the provisional government. Mr. Canovas, I would like to ask you, is your loyalty to the king or to the Bourbon family?" Carlo had a warm smile on his face, but his words made Canovas break out in a cold sweat.

"Of course I am loyal to the king, Your Majesty!" Antonio Canovas del Castillo stood up quickly and explained: "You are the King of Spain, and I will always be loyal to only one person, that is you, Your Majesty.

The Bourbon dynasty is a thing of the past. The Spaniards have chosen a more suitable king. As a member of the Spanish people, I will certainly support the decision of the Spaniards.

Your Majesty, Canovas is your people, and I will always express my loyalty to you."

Canovas is not stupid, he certainly knows why Carlo asked this.

If there is anything wrong with the answer, let alone the Minister of Agriculture mentioned by Carlo, I am afraid that Canovas' political career will not be smooth in the future.

After all, Primo will not offend Carlo for Canovas. Although Carlo's power is not great, he can still do it if he wants to completely ban an official.

The current political arena is not so clean. Even if Carlo is the kind of king who will take revenge for every grievance, Canovas may not see the sun the next day after answering incorrectly.

Although he did support the Bourbon dynasty, he would not be loyal to the Bourbon dynasty when Queen Isabel and the Carlos faction were driven away one after another.

"Of course I believe you, Mr. Canovas." Carlo smiled and nodded, as if he had believed Canovas's statement: "I am just asking this, of course I believe in your loyalty.

Mr. Canovas, I will recommend you to Prime Minister Primo. You royalists are my loyal subjects, and I will certainly not forget your contribution to the kingdom."

Antonio Canovas del Castillo nodded repeatedly and said very respectfully: "It is my honor to serve you, Your Majesty.

No matter who ruled Spain in the past, the Spaniards now will always be your loyal subjects."

In addition to winning over Canovas, a representative of the royalists, Carlo's purpose is also to win over more royalists to be loyal to himself through him.

Because the Bourbon dynasty ruled Spain for hundreds of years, most of the royalists still have a good impression of the Bourbon dynasty.

What Carlo has to do is to make them understand that the House of Savoy is still the master of Spain. If these royalists cannot be used for their own purposes, then the best way is to ban them and cultivate a royalist faction loyal to the House of Savoy.

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