Rise Of House Falken

Chapter 2 - New Life

"I am happy that I kept my original name. Now I need to get a feel of this world. From what my mother said, it is a world with wizards and I am also a wizard. The world looks the same as my previous but it seems like I am born before 1990s as the things I see in this room look old and outdated for me. When I read those fanfictions I always wished I was born in a fantasy world. It always gave a thrill fantasizing about what I will do if I was in that world. I can make use of those now. The only fantasy world in novels that I know which is both modern and contains wizards is Harry Potter universe. It could be that or a completely different one. I don't know as I have not read all the novels in the world and there may be some other novel with the same setting. I hope it is HP world as I have read the novel and countless fan fictions. I can adapt to any scenario in this world. I am sure of it. All this is well and good but becoming an orphan in a fantasy world at birth sucks. It is too dangerous. Me keeping my memories after rebirth somewhat makes up for it I guess but still it sucks. Now to find out more information about this world."

I looked around the room looking for some clues. There was a calendar hanging on the wall. It showed the month June and the year 1977. The date gave me more hope that it was HP world. The years were too close to just be a coincidence.

Suddenly, the door opened and two nurses came in to the room. They went about looking at the other children and taking some notes on their clip board. Soon it was my turn. Seeing that I was awake they smiled sadly at me and started talking between themselves.

"Poor child. His mother died just after giving birth to him and she said that his father died a few months ago. Looks like we have to inform the proper authorities to decide about his future."

"Has he been named? We need it to fill the forms."

"His mother named him Charles Daniel Falken and her name was Sara. That's all we know. She suddenly came into the hospital alone in labour. She paid the money at the reception and was admitted. It was decided to get more information about her after the child birth. So we do not know much about her. Let's fill in his name as she gave and then the date of birth as 4 June 1977."

"Alright. Let's go finish the formalities."

Then they left the room.

I thought, "Orphanage. I hope it is a good one with enough funding. Mother said I belonged to House Falken. If this is HP world, then it looks like I am from at least a Noble house. She left the house to me so I am the only one left in it. I don't know if there are any house elves in the family. If there are it will be very helpful. I need some help to prepare before I join the wizarding world. I would have to wait till I can talk clearly to call them, if there are any, but I had to do it as soon as possible as they may die due to loss of magic from lack of bond. I hope that they can last long enough. There is no rush to think about anything else so let's wait and see."

A few days went by in the hospital with the same routine. I was tired too easily and most of the time was spent sleeping. When I was hungry I would start crying and the nurses would feed me from a bottle. I started copying the other babies around me otherwise. It was fun crying when one of the other babies started crying. It was fun watching the nurses run around trying to calm each baby.

Soon a strict looking lady came and took me from the hospital. We travelled by car to a large building which I guessed was the orphanage. We went inside and entered the matron's room. The Matron was not too old. Maybe in her 50s. They took care of the formalities and the matron took me to my room. It already had 3 other babies in it. I looked around the orphanage and it was in good condition and I felt the living conditions will be good.

Eating and sleeping routine continued but as time went by I felt bored. To pass time I started to meditate. It is always good to meditate but in this world I could meditate and try to feel my magic. I wanted to have my magic always in my control as I did not want any accidental magic. It would make people afraid of me and the fear will turn into hate. So taking full control of my magic was very important.

The above routine continued for about 6 months. I did not want to be singled out as weird so I followed the examples of my roommates. Whatever they did, I would replicate like crying when hungry or when they felt like it.

Even if I find a house elf it would be better to live here as it would be less suspicious. So I started planning,

"From my knowledge if you don't want to be bullied, you have to fit in. So I can't behave like a genius or a dumb person. I have to be average. I have to do this until I am physically strong enough to intimidate them from attacking me. That means to start talking and walking nearly at the same time as others. This does not mean that I have to be slow at developing my body. I have to get all the advantage I can get due to rebirth. So that means to exercise vocal cords and doing flexibility exercise when others are asleep and hide my growth."

So the days went on like this. Meditation did not give much results in magic but it made my mind clearer and sharp. So I continued. Me and the other kids had started saying words and walking. I was already able to talk and walk long before others but hid it and practised both when no one was monitoring me. I did not try calling the elf as I could not go to a secluded place to try it. I had to wait until I was left alone. I was still hoping for an elf as I felt my mother should have had some help during her pregnancy. She could not have done everything and come to the hospital if she was alone. She must have had some kind of help. I was banking on it.

When I was 1 and half year old, I was moved to a dormitory in which there were 5 other kids with me. Acting like a kid for me was very tough. Living with other kids and not correcting their silly mistakes and doing similar things is very difficult for a 28-year-old soul. It was very tough but I still had to do it to fit in with others.

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