Rise Of House Falken

Chapter 23 - Hogwarts and Sorting - II

I soon found out the names of the two people I had observed earlier. The snob was Terence Nott, Heir of Ancient and Noble House of Nott and the girl was Irene Greengrass, Heiress of Most Ancient and Noble House of Greengrass. I knew that these two people did not exist in the HP Universe so most probably it was some kind of buŧŧerfly effect due to my appearance in this world. Terence Nott may be the Rival for me and Irene Greengrass the love interest. These two would fit their parts very well.

Irene Greengrass was very elegant and beautiful for a 11-year-old girl. There were no emotions on her face and I knew she would soon be called the Slytherin Ice Queen in this world and not her sister, Daphne even if she existed in this world and had the same character. Terence Nott looked like a general pureblood bigot and I knew he was going to be a bully. They both were sorted into Slytherin.

One look at Nott and I knew that he could only become at most a above average wizard in his life and would not rival my power. The universe may have designed him as a rival for me thinking that I would be a clueless child in the magical world. It must have not taken into consideration me keeping the memories of my last life. So now instead of becoming my rival he was just going to be the target for me to prank and embarrass.

As for love life, I would consider it later as I had much more important things to do and only when I am ȧssured of my survivability in this world would i look into that part of my life.

After these two sortings no one else caught my attention. Other than those two no one else had good political status or magical strength in my year. This year the number of Slytherins sorted was more than any other house and the number of Hufflepuffs was lowest. My year group maybe was the weakest in the novels as in the novels we three were not present. No wonder Diggory was chosen as the Hogwarts Champion even though he was in his sixth year and not someone from the seventh year.

No important characters in the books belonged to my year. Percy Weasley, Oliver Wood and Marcus Flint were my seniors by one year while Cedric Diggory, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet and Roger Davies are going to join Hogwarts only next year.

Looking around I saw three characters from the books. Bill Weasley who was in the 7th year and the Head Boy, his brother Charlie Weasley who was in 5th year and the prefect and Nymphadora Tonks who was also in the 5th year. They were quite easy to spot due to the iconic red hair of Weasleys and the unique pink hair of Tonks. Other than them I did not know anything about any other students.

After the sorting was over I looked over at the staff table and saw the nice and grandfatherly looking old man smiling and looking around the great hall. Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Looking at him no one can guess than this kind looking old man is the reason the wizarding world is going to ruin itself into extinction over the coming years. From my mage sight I saw that he was not as powerful as I expected him to be. He was powerful but most of it was not his own power. He was getting power from two sources. From the elder wand he was getting the most power. I could see the wand core was as big as some wizard magic cores and was feeding Dumbledore's core with magic. Another source I think was the power he got from the bond with Fawkes as the power was coming from somewhere else and I could not see the source. But the power gained from Fawkes was not much when compared to the elder wand. These two sources of power were the reasons for his high magical strength. Maybe his personal strength was stronger during his youth but it had come down due to his old age and not using magic that much and was around the size of core of McGonagall. The core of Dumbledore also had no dark spots in it which meant he was a light wizard. This meant that he had never used any dark spell which was surprising or there must be something that can be done to remove dark spots in the core after casting dark spells. For now I guess I will have to believe he was a light wizard but paranoid and borderline evil. I looked at Dumbledore for only a few seconds. I did not dare looking at him for more than a few seconds so as not to be noticed and then looked over to the other staff members.

To weaken Dumbledore, I will have to first obtain the allegiance of the Elder wand from him that means get the wand in a duel. I could not do anything to the bond he had with Fawkes as the familiar bonds were going to be active until any one of them died. Since Fawkes was immortal I could not do anything about the bond. I will have to add reading up on Phoenixes on my to do list as I wanted to know if they were truly light creatures and then find out why he bonded with Dumbledore.

Other professors are same as in the books aside for DADA whose name is pointless to mention as he will be gone soon but I was curious about how he was going to die or leave. The Care of Magical creatures was taught by an old man named Professor Kettleburn, the professor who retired from his job just before Harry's 3rd year.

Among the professors only Snape had Dark spots in his magic core. It covered almost half of his magic core. So I cannot tell which side he belongs to. My guess is that he is loyal only to himself and like a true Slytherin he plays equally on both sides so that he can enjoy his life not caring about which side won the war. There was an unusual glow on the dark mark on his wrist and to understand that I would need more knowledge.

After the feast was done Headmaster stood up and gave a speech telling the usual rules such as Forbidden forest was Forbidden and list of items not allowed in school was put up near the caretaker's office. Then the most embarrassing and funny Hogwarts song was sung by everyone. I just lip-synced to the song. There was no way that I was going to sing that awful song ever in my life.

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