Rise Of House Falken

Chapter 25 - Aftermath and Friends

Next morning, I saw the disappointed and angry face of Nott looking at me. I heard that Filch had scolded him a lot in front of many students just a few minutes ago. He must have expected me to get caught and get punished but instead he was the one who got scolded by Filch. I saw him looking at me from his table and I smirked back at him. He became red with anger and embarrassment and looked away.

When I met him later in the corridor when he was alone after a class, I mocked him and said, "It seems you were scared Heir Nott since you decided to not come to our Duel. I waited for a long time but the only person I found was Filch who seemed to be looking for something. It looks like it is proven, a child who grew up in a muggle orphanage is better than you, Heir Nott. I hope for your good that this news does not reach your House mates as this would cause your status there to plummet. Forfeiting a duel is frowned on upon by many people."

Nott paled at what I said but angrily replied, "Are you threatening me Falken? I could make your life difficult if you threaten me. Lets have another duel that duel does not count."

I smiled and replied, "i don't have time to waste on another duel. And yes you can make things troublesome for me but I think that you value your status more as it will come very useful in the House of cunning. So stay away from me from now onward, Nott or I will make sure that you will become a laughing stock in Slytherin House and will never be able to rise up in status there."

He was angry but still kept quiet since he knew I was right. Seeing that he had no reply, I turned around and went my way leaving him alone. Good thing he was alone when I saw him otherwise the threat would not have worked. With this threat over his head he will not make trouble for me until he had good enough standing in the Slytherin House so I was free from his taunts and schemes for some years.

The next couple of weeks went by, getting settled down in Hogwarts, roaming around the castle and mapping the way around the castle in my mind and attending classes. With the castle plotted out in my mind, I started my daily morning jogs. I also got to know about the students in Ravenclaw house. Muggleborns were interested about getting to know me but they soon learnt that I was not a social person and decided to give me my space. I only gave the usual greeting and did not take part in any of their activities. I did not want to distance a lot of Heirs by becoming too close with the muggleborns and I also did not want to distance the muggle borns from me. So I kept a cordial relationship with both sides. I helped people who came to me with doubts about what was thought in class. For extra studies, I acted clueless.

I had a lot of things to do in the next four years so I could only hang out with the friends that would not disturb me during my free time. So it was good that I was in Ravenclaw as I could find people that fit the criteria only here. I found two students in my year who fit the criteria and became friends with them. They were Elena Spiers and Damien Broad. They both were childhood friends and after I became friends with Damien, he introduced me to Elena. Elena was pureblood and was very studious spending all her free time studying while Damien was halfblood and was not too interested in studies but still a genius. He spent the time away from us talking with others about quiditch which we both did not like. He tried to argue but our facts made sure that he could not. Since he could not convince us, he found other people to discuss about Quidditch. Both of them belonged to small wizarding families that had come up in recent years but still had ties to the muggle world. So they were not clueless about the development in the muggle world. They both were also able to have intelligent conversations about both worlds with me and not act like typical clueless 11-year-old children.

I started helping them in theoretical part and with their intelligence they started excelling in classes. They both had enough magical reserves which with enough practice could make them strong magic users in the future. I needed some friends here at Hogwarts to have fun otherwise Hogwarts will be too boring. It was a boarding school and if I was alone all the time I would become crazy.

I did not make friends during my childhood due to many reasons. During my early childhood it was not possible for me to get friends. Doing silly things that small children do, calling people silly names and telling children jokes like all young children do was not possible for me. It was immature and i could not bring myself to even act like them. So I gave up. In the muggle schools due to the age difference, others stayed away from me. The fact that I would be going to Hogwarts in a few years also discouraged me from making friends at school. Since I would not be able to meet or talk(no phone) to them for 10 months of a year and I would not be able to talk about magic with them, there was no way that the friendships were going to last. Since they were ȧduŀts, it was very easy for them to detect my lies if I lied too much. So my only friend was Sherry and that was enough for me at that time.

My plan was to stay in cordial relationship with everyone and stay with only a few close people till Harry starts Hogwarts and only then start socializing with other houses and years. By then I would have enough strength and completed most of my goals that I could slow down my studies and not have hectic schedules.

With Nott not making trouble for me, I was left alone by the Slytherins of my year. The Snior Slytherins left me alone as if they were caught making things tough for me then they will be in a lot of trouble due to being older and the laws greatly supporting me due to my age. Only people of my year would not be in a lot of trouble if they harm me. With my Heir status, me not making any trouble for them and no one in my year coming forward to try their luck, the Slytherin decided to leave me alone. They were Slytherins and making trouble for me in spite of all my advantages would make them no better than a Gryffindor.

The Gryfiindors had a mentality that every pureblood who followed the wizarding Etiquettes were dark and the Gryffindor students in my year were scared of me due to it. They did not even consider the fact that I spent all my life in the muggle world and would not be against muggles and muggle borns. Since they were foolish enough to believe that I was dark, I stayed away from them.

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