Rise Of House Falken

Chapter 29 - Muggleborns

Coming to the topic of muggleborns, I wanted to know how they came upon the gift of magic. After a lot of research in the ROR, I found that there were two reasons due to which magical children are born in muggle homes.

One of them was that they were descendants of Squib lines. With the increasing defects in their genes due to inbreeding, some pureblood lines produce squibs who are abandoned in the muggle world after removing their memories of magic. The descendants of these squibs over generations, get rid of the defects in their blood that stopped them from possessing magic by the addition of new genes and once again gain the gift of magic. These children are treated as muggleborns as no one checks if their parents are squibs, by the wizarding world. These children could be technically called halfbloods or purebloods in some cases.

For the next reason, I would have to go into the concept of ley lines. Ley lines are concentrated rivers of magic that flow below the earth's crust. They are responsible for the high concentration of magic in some lands. The more number of ley lines that passes below the land, the more the concentration of magic in the air present there. These ley lines are used to power up the wards of magical homes. It is due to this reason that the wards in magical homes are able to stand for generations without interruptions. Hogwarts is magically rich because it has 4 ley lines below it and its wards are powered up using all four of them. This makes the wards stronger than any wards in Europe and Hogwarts have a lot of ambient magic in its surrounding air. For homes without ley lines below them, the wards will have to be powered up by using their magic in intervals of time like that with my London home.

Now, these ley lines are everywhere around the world and release magic into the air. So in very rare cases, due to the magic in the air, the genes of new born babies sometimes get mutated when they are in the foetus form in their mother's wȯmb and they form magic cores in their bodies. This is very rare and that too mostly happens in places with high concentration of magic. It has a probability of nearly 1 in a million chance of successful evolution. This was the way ancient magical people and Magical creatures came to be. So all wizards and witches can trace their ancestry to someone who gained his magic in this way.

Europe is seen as a magical powerhouse due to the presence of large amount of ley lines under it more than anywhere else in the world. This is the reason why powerful people like Merlin and the founders came from here. This is also the reason for a large number of muggle borns being born here. The presence of high magic in the air also helps get rid of defects in squib lines faster.

So these two reasons are the cause of muggle borns coming into the magical world. The first case is the most common, while the second case is very rare. My mother's ancestor should have come to attain magic due to the second reason as I did not find any lost lines in my blood during the heritage test. But since the heritage test was only a surface test and did not look too deeply into my blood, I may have a chance of belonging to another old family. So most of these muggle borns belonged to old families and can be technically treated as Halfbloods or in cases of both parents being squibs, purebloods.

This information was hidden deep in the books and it took me a lot of research to find it. I could not release my research into the world as it may lead to a lot of trouble. The magical world would most likely skip the first reason and concentrate on the second one. Since the magical world did not believe in evolution, they will mostly take it as muggleborns stealing magic from the squibs instead and this would lead to the mass killings of muggleborns. So this information was better to kept safely hidden. I could advice some people to take heritage tests at Gringotts but it would only look back 5 generations and any test that checked deeper was not available presently. So it was useful only for recent families and since the vaults were most likely emptied and closed, there was nothing to gain for them from finding out other than the elevated status for which they will have to do a lot of paperwork at the ministry to prove their ancestry.

This concluded my research on the topic. It took a few day and after that I started to research another topic. Who were superior, the ones with magical parents or muggleborns?

What I found was that for the same age if the pureblood wizard had no defects in his or her blood, then it could be said that purebloods are stronger. Wizards/Witches born from magical families gained a lot of benefits from their ancestors. When the ancestors performed a ritual to gain strength or any other reason, their descendants were gifted with some of the benefits, the ancestor had gained. The gifts like my mage sight, metamorphagous and parseltongue were gained by wizards in old times after performing some specific ritual, after which their children also were gifted it through their blood. This was one advantage of belonging to a wizarding family.

The next advantage is that by living in a magical environment, the child gains more growth of magic in his core as he grows. There were many other advantages too but they were not as important as these three.

So muggleborns and squib borns (since their magical blood loses most of its power over time after removing the defects caused by inbreeding) start with very serious disadvantages. The only advantage they had was, they started with a clean slate. So they could concentrate and learn any field of magic without the problem of their magic core leaning to a particular field. Since they could now focus on any field of magic, it was very easy for them to branch out and learn all fields of magic much more quickly and easily than others. The others will need to have strong will power to study other fields of magic. Since they will find a field of magic easier, they will think that other fields are more tough for them even if they have the same difficulty that others have. So they only concentrate on the easier field and leave the others alone.

They also find it easier to do rituals since they don't have the by-products of other rituals in their body making which would make performing successful rituals harder.

So for muggle borns to become stronger, they need the help of rituals, but since they are banned by the ministry, they have no such hope. But due to the amount of inbreeding in the magical population already, it seemed like the purebloods were on the same level of strength as muggleborns.

This does not mean that the purebloods must marry muggleborns, to keep their magic strong, that too must be done in a careful way since by having a lot of muggleborn marriages in the family lines will also lead to the loss of family magic due to the non-magical part of genes present in muggleborns. So it is better to find some partner that is not related to you or very distantly related to you. If that is not possible, then find a partner among muggle borns but make sure that you children chose their partner from half-bloods or purebloods. If the muggleborn has performed rituals during their young age, then there is no problem as the non-magical part of their genes will get overpowered during the ritual.

The best case scenario to keep magic strong is to find a totally unrelated partner from a magical family or find a muggleborn who has performed rituals like I did at the age of seven before their magic has mȧturėd. These two scenarios will make sure that the child born will gain the best parts of both parents without any loss of family magic.

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