Rise Of House Falken

Chapter 38 - Pranking Days

Sherry had the list ready when I woke up the next morning. I told her to add names till afternoon and give me the final list then. There was no fun in doing the pranks in the morning because everyone had their breakfast at erratic timings. I needed the tables full of students before I pranked thus I chose the Lunch time for my pranks.

It seemed like no one had taken my threats seriously because I had a long list of more than 20 people by the time for Lunch or maybe someone like Snape must have ȧssured them that the new Marauders will be caught during the next prank. Anyways, I was happy that I got some targets. I was hoping that the bullies would not take my threats seriously so that I would have targets for my practice. Otherwise all the time I spent making prank spells would have been wasted.

So during Lunch while everyone was calmly eating there was a bang like last night and Leo became visible to everyone.

Leo "Hey guys did you miss me? It seemed like some of you did because in spite of our threats last night some people decided to not care and continued to bully some helpless people."

Then the letter started producing smoke, became red and Leo had a demon like face. It had the dėsɨrėd effect as it instilled some fear in all the students. Leo then continued with an angry voice, "Were our threats last night a joke to you that you continued your behaviour. If you like jokes so much then I curse you to become a joke for the rest of your life."

There were bangs across the Slytherin table at 25 different seats. The 25 students on those seats now had their faces transformed into a clown face similar to the clowns at circuses. Their face were covered with white make up, they had a red nose, red hair and everything. This was a simple prank but it would give the best laughs. Nott was also among the ones who got pranked.

Everyone was shocked at the sight. Then Leo after returning to his normal appearance started laughing loudly which caused everyone else to join in and make fun of the prank victims.

Leo "Haha. Raven created this spell just last night. She copied it from the muggle world. People with these faces are called Jokers there. We were looking for some Guinea pigs to test it on. So thank you for volunteering."

Snape who failed to control his anger shouted, "Turn them back this instant or else I would see to it that you are expelled from this school. Also remove this ridiculous curse that you put on me."

Leo "Your face is too funny Snivellous. The smile looks good on your face. If I were you I would keep it for the rest of my life. I don't know how your students would be able to control their laughter in your classes after seeing your new look, I know I won't be able to. I think by the weekend we will be having all the houses points in the negatives for the first time in years. Don't disappoint me Snivellous because we have a betting pool going on and I said it will happen in 4 days. As for your threats, we will consider after we get caught which I don't think is possible. Goodbye and have fun."

Leo then disappeared with a bang. Snape cursed and left the hall in anger again. The laughter continued even after Leo left. It was the first time the wizarding world had seen clowns and the muggle borns were explaining the clowns to their friends who had no idea. The bullies ran away from the hall after seeing their faces in a conjured mirror. They went to Madam Pomfrey and did not leave the infirmary for the next three days.

True to what Leo predicted, Snape started deducting points from everyone who showed even a trace of smile on their faces during his classes. So by the week end every house except the Slytherin house who used their pure blood training to control their laughter had their points total in the negatives with Gryffindor going as far a negative 200.

The next few days passed quietly until some Gryffindors thought that it was their time to rule since only Slytherins got pranked. To prank them, Slyde appeared during one lunch and then turned their hairs into baby rubber snakes and their faces green. He just appeared, cursed the bullies, and left. He did not say anything since that was the kind of character I wanted others to believe Slyde had. A no nonsense guy.

The next targets were the Ravenclaw bullies which consisted of only girls. The reason for their bullying was jealousy for others scoring higher than them but the main reason was taking out their frustrations on others. They were too frustrated with all the studying and they found targets who looked carefree and took their frustration out on them by bullying. So my prank on them was not being able to study for 3 days. It will give them the much needed break while also pranking them.

I made it so that they would only see dancing letters when they opened books for reading. They could still listen to lectures and take notes but they could not read their notes. This was a tough spell as there were too many conditions to satisfy but I still pulled it off. The targets were angry at first but at the end of the prank they were much calmer and stopped bullying.

The pranks continued for some days with no deterrent effect on the bullies who were searching for the perpetrators and still attacking the muggleborns but as the days passed while getting pranked frequently and no one was able to find us to retaliate, they slowly gave up bullying just so that they could calmly eat their food and not worry about getting attacked and humiliated around every corner.

I cursed Snape every alternate week with the same spell just so that he focused more on finding our identity and less time on belittling students in his classes.

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