Rise Of House Falken

Chapter 59 - Confrontation



The common room was packed. All students had been sent back to the common rooms by the professors and no one knew why which led to the children discussing the reason amongst themselves. I was also sitting with my year mates and listening to their discussion about this development.

Damien tuned to me and asked "So why were we sent back to the common room by Professor Sprout without any explanation? Any guesses Charles?"

I replied "It must have something to do with the Prophet article. I saw two Aurors roaming around the castle on my way towards class. They must be investigating the allegations."

Elena "Finally they are going to act. I was expecting them to come to Hogwarts after the troll attack. At least they are taking action now. I hope they catch whoever is killing those unicorns."

Suddenly everyone became silent. The door to the common room had opened and Professor Flitwick had entered.

Flitwick "Today's classes have been cancelled. Aurors are looking around the castle to catch the culprit behind all the incidents reported in today's Prophet. Until they catch the culprit, all of you are forbidden from leaving your dormitories. You don't have to worry about food as Hogwarts house elves will bring food to your rooms. Prefects, you are in charge. Make sure no one leaves their rooms."

With that he left the room in a hurry. His presence mist be needed during the search for the culprit. The prefects took charge and told everyone to go back to their rooms. Everyone was disappointed since they wanted to know more about the new development. But they could do nothing but obey the prefect. Soon everyone including me were in our rooms.

I told everyone that I was going to sleep and asked them not to disturb me before closing the door to my room. I had to do this to make sure that no one noticed my absence. It was time for me to confront Voldemort.

Getting the philosopher stone was not possible for Voldemort anymore with the Aurors patrolling the castle. He must be looking at his options right now. So to make sure that he does not take any drastic actions using Quirrell's body leading to death and destruction, I had to exorcise him quickly. The spell for exorcising a spirit was easy to find in the ROR. It will drive Voldemort's spirit away from Quirrell's body easily.

In the spirit from, it was not possible for me to kill him. I had to wait for him to regain his body before doing that. For now, I just had to drive him. After getting ejected from Quirrell's body, he will be too weak mentally to possess another person for a long time.

The only problem was that I had to face him directly and had to hide my identity during the confrontation. The only way to do that is to disguise myself using Polyjuice potion. I had already decided on the candidate I was disguising into this morning and was just waiting for Sherry to provide me with the hair of the person and the pre-made Polyjuice potion. Sherry had bought the potion from a Potion Master who resided in France. Since this plan was made just yesterday, I did not have the time to brew my own potion.

Soon Sherry popped into the room and happily gave me the two ingredients, some blond colour hair and the potion. Now that I had the potion ready, I had to leave the Ravenclaw common room without getting noticed and wait for the perfect time to drink the potion and confront Voldemort.

I changed my clothes into the robes my target usually wore. It was a little big for me but it was manageable. Then using my invisibility cloak and some 'notice me not' charms on the various doors, I quickly left the common room unoticed.

While looking at the Marauder Map, I carefully made my way towards the DADA class room. The professor's room was attached to the DADA class room. After reaching the room and seeing that he was alone in there, I drank the Polyjuice potion. It tasted bad like most of the magical potions.

After a few seconds, my body started changing. At the end of the transformation, in my place stood a silky blond haired Lucius Malfoy. What I am going to do today will make Voldemort brand him as a traitor. If everything goes smoothly, Voldemort will kill him in the graveyard after getting his body back without waiting for an explanation.

This was my first time using the polyjuice potion and it felt wierd. I had to use a few minutes to get used to my new body so that I could battle Voldemort without any problems. Just in case I had Sherry hiding near me to help me when something goes wrong. Then I entered the DADA room without knocking. I warded the door to make sure that no one walks in on us and interrupts me.

On entering the room, I was met with the familiar disgusting odour of the classroom. Quirrell was standing near the other end of the room. He was conversing with Voldemort but on sensing my presence stopped and turned towards me.

Quirrell "W…What can I d…do for you L…Lord M…Malfoy?"

(AN - It makes more sense if I write the dialogue under Malfoy)

Lucius Malfoy "Cut the act, Quirrell. I can easily differentiate between a fake and real stutter. Yours is fake. I already know you are behind all the incidents in today's Prophet."

Quirrell "Alright you caught me. I am glad I don't have to use that stutter anymore. It was quite an hassle acting like a timid person for the whole year. What are you going to do now? Why haven't you called in the Aurors?"

Lucius "I wanted to torture you for nearly harming my son yesterday. From the first letter home by Draco at the start of the year, I knew you were upto something. And after Draco mentioned the dangerous third floor corridor I knew that whatever was stored there was your aim.

I decided to not do anything because I hoped that you would cause some incidents at Hogwarts and get Dumbledore fired. Even then I did not want you to have a quiet year. Since my son would be in danger, I decided to make your year a hell using pranks.

Yes that's right. All the pranks on you throughout the year were done per my instructions. And all of them on the turban. I know that the real culprit is hiding behind that ridiculous turban. The drastic change in your behaviour after your holiday trip led me to believe you are posesed by a spirit and are taking orders from it."

A gruff voice spoke from behind Quirrell "Let me face that traitor."

Quirrell "But master you are still weak."

Lucius "Yes. Let me fave the real culprit. I decided to leave you alone after making sure that Draco will not be in much danger. All I did to you was get you pranked. I thought you will be bored staying in behind his head all the time and would appreciate some entertainment. But last night you nearly killed my son. Due to you endangering my son, I could not let you stay at Hogwarts anymore. You had to go and to make sure that your mission fails, I sent an anonymous letter to the prophet."


Quirrell timidly compiled and removed the turban slowly. After the turban was removed, he turned around. A white face with red eyes was glaring at me from behind Quirrell's head.

Lucius "Dark Lord. So what you said was true. You cannot die. I was hoping you were dead."

Voldemort "I am immortal Lucius. What do you mean you were hoping I had died. KNEEL BEFORE ME YOUR MASTER."

Lucius "I won't do that anymore. I left that life behind 11 years ago. I like the life I have now."

Voldemort "BETRAYING ME MEANS DEATH LUCIUS. YOU HAVE SEEN WHAT HAPPENS TO TRAITORS. DO YOU WANT THAT TO HAPPEN TO YOU.. I will forgive you for all the difficulties that you have made me face this year if you help me regain my body."

Lucius "I won't serve you anymore, mudblood"

Voldemort "WHAT."

Lucius "Yes. I know your true heritage now. After your death, I decided to investigate your origins. I felt Voldemort was a childish name and knew that it was not your real name. I hired investigators to find your true identity and they succeed in finding it in a few months. Tom Marvolo Riddle son of a muggle and a squib of the Gaunt line. You must have found it funny. Making purebloods kissing the robes of a mudblood."


I dodge the green spell easily and taunted him.

Lucius "Is that all you got, Tom. In that body you are weak as a mudblood you are. No rituals helping you become stronger than you superior purebloods."

He was infuriated and I used his anger to my advantage. After dodging a few more AKs, I cast a chain of spells at him.

He was not expecting it and he found it very difficult to move away to dodge the spells. In an instant, he was wandless, tied up and petrified.

Lucius "That feels so good. I have wanted to do that for a long time. I want to torture you but I don't want your death to be connected to me. Count yourself lucky."


Lucius "I will do everything I can to prevent that. You will be in the spirit form for a long time until you finally fade away. Even if you are able to get your body back, I will be prepared to kill you permanently. Goodbye Tom."

With that I cast the exorcism spell on him. The spell connrcted withh Voldemort's face and the face started to glow.

Voldemort screamed in pain and his spirit was forcefully ejected from Quirrell's body. The spirit was creepy looking. All I could see clearly was the face which was the same as the face he had on the back of Quirrell's head.

The spirit glared at me for some time while I smiled back at it. I put up an shield surrounding me to make sure it does not try anything. After some tries attacking the shield, the spirit gave up and flew away through the walls.

I sighed in relief and started removing signs of battle from the room. Voldemort's spells had damaged the room and I jad to repair it. It took some time and after I was sure nothing will lead back to me, I wore the invisibility cloak and left the room.

Soon I was back in my own perfect body back in my room in the Ravenclaw tower. Moving around as Lucius Malfoy was weird and uncomfortable. If only I had the Black family gift I could change into any person that I want without feeling uncomfortable.

The way back was uneventful. I guess the Aurors will be more focused on clearing the obstacles in the third floor corridor. And thankfully no one had noticed my absense. I quickly incinerated the clothes I wore as Lucius Malfoy. I will not be needing them again.

Lucius Malfoy is now living on borrowed time. I hope he enjoys the time he has left in this world. He will never know the reason for his death. I am sure Voldemort's first act after calling his followers in the graveyard after his revival will be killing Lucius. Voldemort will cripple himself after his revival after by killing his most resourceful death eater. Manipulating Voldemort was fun.

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