Rise Of House Falken

Chapter 63 - Holiday Destination

My destination for this year's holiday trip was India. There were two important reasons for my decision to go there.

The main reason was the opening of chamber of secrets next year which meant that I have the opportunity to kill a basilisk and harvest its parts. Before killing the basilisk, I want to know if there was an ancient ritual that I could perform using the basilisk or its carcass to become a parsel mouth. The best place to find a magical ritual for this will be India since it is a country where parselmouths are revered for their ability to control the large population of snakes living in it.

I would very much like to become a parsel mouth since it is rumoured that healing spells performed in parseltongue are much more effective than when performed normally. Also having the ability to speak a rare language is always appreciated. I had a suspicion that in the ritual used to become a parsel mouth, a basilisk or similarly powerful magical snake is involved and I don't want to regret missing this chance if I find in the future that a ritual did exist and it indeed require a basilisk to perform the ritual..

I was absolutely certain that Malfoy was going to let the chamber incident happen despite my meddling in the timeline. In fact, Dumbledore's current situation would greatly encourage Lucius Malfoy to do it. Dumbledore's running of Hogwarts was already being inspected by the governors and with another dangerous event happening at Hogwarts, Malfoy will have an easier time removing firing him from the Headmaster post.

The second important reason for my decision to go to India was to find more information about the world in the Harry Potter universe.

The canon only tells about the situation of British magical world and some parts of the French magical world. If you take into consideration the other series by the same author, then you could get some idea of the American magical world. The magical communities of the other parts of the world are unknown.

I did try to understand the state of the world after getting reborn in this world but information available to me was lacking. There is nothing in the library about the situation of magical communities outside Europe and since the Room of Requirement can only fetch me the books available inside the castle I was out of luck there too.

The Falken library also did not provide much information. Asking Hogwarts students from other countries was also a failure since they too did not know much. The only place that gave a vague idea about the world is the Black library and that too about the Asian ones. It was in the Black Grimoire to warn descendants to not cause trouble in these countries since they were stronger.

The information I have compiled from my several sources are as follows.

First, the International Confederation of Wizards (ICW) is similar to United Nations in the muggle world but not all countries are part of it. The ICW consists mainly of European countries, Russia and countries with indirect connection with the European countries.

The countries with indirect connection with the European countries are the countries where witches and wizards from the European countries have migrated to for different reasons and set up their own government to govern themselves. The local magical people of most of these governments did not like to be under the rule of others and did not join the government and stayed far away from them. The migrants did not force the issue since the indigenous wizards were stronger than them.

Examples of this system are The Magical Congress of the United States of America (MACUSA) and the Magical Australian Ministry. Many European magicals migrated to these countries to escape the numerous magical wars happening in their countries. They set up governments similar to the European magical governments to keep the migrants in check. The local tribes allowed them to set up these governments with the condition that the tribal people will not be forced to follow the laws set up by them. The tribes liked to live in their own small world and did not like others interfering in their lives. So not much is known about the magical lives of these communities.

The magical counterparts of powerful and highly populated countries like India and China are vastly different from their muggle counterparts. In fact, there is no united India or China in the magical side of the world. The Magical counterparts of the smaller countries near India and China also do not exist since these countries were created due to wars in the muggle world and the wars did not affect the magical world.

The magical Indian subcontinent consists of many magical tribes that live isolated lives away from rest of the world. I learned from the Indian origin students studying in Hogwarts that in India when muggle borns are found, they are given the option of either going to other countries for their magical studies or get their magic bound. Another option is getting adopted by the tribes and joining them but that choice is given only when the tribes feel that the muggle born has the potential to become a strong wizard in the future. So the muggle borns and their descendants have to look for magical schools outside India for their studies. I learned only these small things about that world.

Also these tribes only rule over small areas of land surrounding their settlement and the whole of India is not split between themselves to rule. Trading between the tribes does exist but it is not known who keeps these tribes under check and make sure that war between tribes do not happen.

Similarly, China is made up of many small independent magical communities called sects. But unlike the Indian tribes, the Chinese sects allow other magical people to join them and learn and work under it. The muggle borns are encouraged to join these sects.

In China the sects have large areas surrounding their sect that they rule and there is a small council made up of the sect leaders of these sects that take decisions on topic relating to outside sect matters.

These two countries are believed to have very powerful wizards and due to this no dark wizard as dared to create conflict involving these countries.

The advantage India and China had over other countries is that on these countries there were no witch hunts in fact the few accidental sightings of magic was viewed very differently there. Since they did not have to face witch hunts they could concentrate more on improving themselves.

In India the sighting were misinterpreted as signs from gods and some of the magicals in the olden times were worshipped as messengers of gods since they performed miracles. In some cases when magic was seen by normal people, they were informed that it was a result of long hours of meditation.

In China the people were made to believe that the acts of magic were a product of reaching a high level in martial arts. Accidental magic performed by children was misinterpreted as the child having high talent for martial arts.

There must have been problems in those countries too since they too were human but there was nothing about that in the information that I had gathered.

One of my Black Ancestors had gone to these two countries and tried to take advantage of the people. He failed and when he tried to force them he was easily beaten to near death condition. This Ancestor this wrote some details about these two countries to warn his descendants from ever repeating his mistake.

So my plan now was to go to India and try to earn the favour of one of their tribes and learn more about magic from them. I could only hope that some tribe accepts me or else this whole trip will be wasted.

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