Rise Of House Falken

Chapter 82 - Academy days End

The rest of my days in the academy passed by very quickly due to how busy I was everyday. Soon it was time for my return. I had achieved all of the things I had come here for and gained a lot more.

In the meditation exercise, I had reached the middle stage in physical strengthening which was increasing the strength of organs. My bones had become very strong and this was seen in how strong my punches and kicks currently were. The next stage was muscle strengthening which would give me even more increase in strength.

I had to come back here if I wanted to know the instruction for the next meditation exercise. The elder explained that without someone guiding me in the beginning of each exercise I could make life ending mistakes. I had no problem in coming back. Now that I knew the location of the academy and the portkey coordinates, I could easily create a portkey and come here anytime I wanted, even during Hogwarts school hours.

In duelling, I had come along a long way. I had defeated 12 of the 14 members in my group by the end of the first month. Only ones I could not defeat were Aryan who was the most experienced in the group and another Indian kid who I was not close to. During the second month of my stay the groups were changed and a new Elder had become the incharge of my group. I was told that this happened every month so as to make sure that the students can fight against many more people and familiarize with different fighting styles. In this group by the end of the month I defeated 13 of the 14 members. The last one was a prodigy and was even magically stronger than me. He was 6 years older so it did not bother me. I will catch up to him soon.

My mage sight had also improved by quite a bit too. I could now see a distance of 15 meters through a physical wall and also toggling between different modes had become very quick and smooth.

At the end of my two months in the academy, I measured my magic strength and I was quite happy with the reading of 532. I was as strong as an Elite wizard now. The rich magical environment at the academy and the daily duels in the classes had sped up my progress by quite a lot.

Coming to the Healing side, I had become close to gaining a healer's licence in India. With my current level I could gain one in Britain though. Healer Sesha told me all I needed was more practical experience and I would ace the Healer certification test.

Coming to my other studies in the library, there was not too much time for them due to the hectic schedule and doing extra time in the Hospital on some days. So I was nearly at the same level as when I entered the academy in rest of the subjects.

I did make good use of the free time I had in learning the specialties of India in the subjects I was already master level in. The people of southern regions of India had taken Ancient runes, Arithmancy and warding to new heights and I had read many books on them. I got inspired by the many things I found in the books and invented new types of wards. There was also the Black family Grimoire that I had yet to read which I knew contained information about the more dangerous wards. I was sure I could make my family wards unbeatable even from missile attacks after a few more years of research.

Most of my free time in library was spent on Healing and Duelling books so I did not find time to look into other sections other than some short reading whenever I found interesting books. I was always welcome in the academy so I could come back later to look through them.

I informed the Elders and Healer Sesha that I had to leave. They were quite sad to see me go especially Healer Sesha since she was losing her errand boy but she knew I had no choice but to finish my Hogwarts education. I had told everyone about the contract when they asked me why I did not graduate from the school early since I was already so advanced in many subjects. I told them I would be back soon since I had to return in few months to get the instructions for my next meditation exercise.

Before I left my duelling class friends and healer friends threw me a going away party. I had become very close with them since I did not need to hide too much secrets from them. There was no politics here and no one had other agendas when they made friends. Due to this I had more friends here than in Hogwarts. I learnt a lot from my Hospital friends and my duelling friends. The hospital friends provided me lots of invaluable advice while the duelling friends were fun to hang out with.

If not for the Basilisk I will very reluctant to leave the academy and go to Hogwarts. The return journey was quick. All I had to do was put in the coordinates of the black castle in a portkey and once I activated the portkey after leaving the range of the academy wards, I was back home. There was no way the Ministry of Magic could detect portkey usage so I could use them frequently without any worry. There was a licence for portkey making but that would be required only if I was caught using one by an Auror.

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