Rise of Humanity

Chapter 967: Trapped Dragon

As if there was a torrent in his body, he kept advancing forward, and the earth-shattering loud noise broke out constantly. The blood in Zhong Yue's body was shaken constantly, and his avatar was still advancing, cutting to more seals!

The fourth seal in his body is as many as billions of seals and extremely thick. If his realm continues to rise, the number of seals will continue to increase!

He feels hard now and will only work harder in the future!


Zhong Yue burst into drink, the torrent of sword light swept all the way, crushed all the way, the place where it passed was destroyed, and the blood seals that could be touched were unified and cut off!

cut! cut! cut! cut! cut!

No need to change too much, any blood seals, uniform knife and leveling!

His blood veins awakened more and more. As the blood veins became stronger and stronger, the sealed thirty-four spine bones changed, and the last section of the tailbone was no longer the bone that blocked for thirty-three days.

This section of the tailbone was opened and immediately penetrated in thirty-three days, and the tailbone grew, turning the two legs into a snake tail. The snake tail inherited from the innate serpent was awakening and changed the structure of the legs.

As he continued to break more blood seals, the congenital snake tail became more and more complete. Not only that, but more Fuxi's natural totems emerged in his body, and he had a deeper understanding of Fuxi's emperor-level exercises.

Especially the congenital snaketail, born to be able to soar in the clouds and drive through the void, is extremely powerful. If it is cultivated, it has incredible power!

The Emperor's Imprint Gun Fu Mo Xuan Gong is the practice of adding a spine to the tailbone of the innate snaketail to make a long gun. It is extremely domineering and ever-changing. A large gun touches reality and void. Unparalleled skills to win through change!

It would be extremely difficult without the innate snaketail wanting to practice this technique!

In addition, if the printing gun Fu Mo Xuan Gong can be combined with the thirty-three heavy Heavenly Great Heavenly Classics, it can accommodate the advantages of the two emperor-level peerless studies, and combine the strengths of the two emperor-level peerless studies into one. Improve!

"After leaving here, let the Congenital Emperor **** Yin Kang's to Zhentianguan. I will look for Brother Feng. Be sure to get the mystery of the printing gun Fu Mo Xuan Gong and the Great Sword of Heaven from Jingfeng Yu!"

Zhong Yue continued to break the ban and seal, and his blood was also being consumed, making his breath more and more debilitating, but he continued to encourage his avatar, and the sword continued to break the seal.

A rare opportunity, he needs a blast to fully open the fourth seal, so that the innate snaketail is fully awakened!

In the depths of the world, in the abyss like a well, the ancestors Feng Zhen and Fu Mei suppressed the vibrations below the ground, and the ancestors stood up and laughed: "Finally let him be at peace. Although this old boy is old, he has enough mental energy, and can still toss it like this. It almost shakes my old bones. I do n’t know why he still keeps him. Would n’t it be better if he was directly dying? ”

The ancestor of Fu Mei smiled: "After all, he killed Feng Changyang and made great achievements. Some people say that he can't kill meritorious people, so he must save his life. Feng Zhen, you're not saying that you want to see Xiao Wu Don't you? Now I'm staying here, you'll see him. "

"You don't say, I almost forgot."

Feng Zhen's ancestor stepped out of the abyss and said, "Beware of this maggot, even though he is old, he is still very arrogant. I went to see the wind, and I saw something interesting from him. Very interesting stuff ... "


The last vibration came, and Zhong Yuewa spit out a cloud of blood, but she felt relaxed for a while, but she was very tired and exhausted, and her blood was exhausted to the limit.

"Finally unlock the fourth seal. To leave here, you must leave here!"

He was inspiring and dragged his exhausted body outwards. Outside, Hun Dunyu tried his best to guard him from the outside, and did not dare to slacken.

"Brother Yu, let's go!"

Zhong Yue reluctantly laughed: "Leave this place as soon as possible, the sooner the better!"

When Hun Dunyu saw that he was very weak, he quickly collected the hibiscus tree and said, "I help you ..."

"No need to."

Zhong Yue inhaled for a long time, shaking his heart, trying to create more qi and blood, but his qi and blood were exhausted, and his energy was exhausted, which could not increase his qi and blood greatly.

"You don't need to support me. If you support me, it will be easy for people to see the problem."

He had just said here, and suddenly a voice came from behind him, "Where is Mr. Wuji?"

Zhong Yue turned around and laughed, "I'm here, I plan to leave."

The man who spoke was the young Fuxi man who led him. He looked at Zhong Yue and was surprised: "Mr. Wuji seems very weak. Why not stay and rest for a few days and leave after he has been recuperated? There are some panaceas in my house, which will allow Mr. Wuji to recover quickly. Sir, give Xiaoshan a chance to honor Mr. Xiao? "

Zhong Yue laughed and said, "I also want to stay a few more days. How can the front line be tight, and I don't know how the Tianhe Marine Division and Pan Maoshui Division attacked the Yin Kang family. This frontline requires a wise general. Worried that they will suffer a big loss. "

The "Xiaoshan" laughed and said, "So it is. Mr. Wuji, can you speak by step?"

He took Zhong Yue's hand, looked around, glanced around, and whispered, "I don't want to hide it. I also want to go outside in the world of flowers and flowers, but I don't know if I can."

Zhong Yue understood and laughed: "You go with me."

"Xiaoshan" was overjoyed and thanked quickly.

Zhong Yue was anxious, and said, "I don't know how the battle on the front line is. I'm so anxious that I'm not ready to prepare a ship? I don't need a gorgeous ship, I just need a speed boat."

"Xiaoshan" hurriedly rushed to prepare for the ship, Zhong Yue and Hun Dunyu also speeded up and rushed to the dock. When they arrived at the dock, they had time to board the ship. They only heard a voice and laughed, "Why is it so eager for friends ? "

Zhong Yue turned around, but was an old Fuxi man named Fu Baorui who was ordered to guard the dock. He was also a clan elder, but his power was not as prominent as that of Fu Baotian.

Zhong Yue laughed: "I am worried about the battles on the front line, and I dare not stay long."

Fu Baorui moved, and praised: "Wujii Xiaoyou is thinking about the world, it is really respectable, but I watch your blood dying. If you rush to rush over, I'm afraid it will hurt your body and Yuan Shen. Why not stay a few Day, wait for Qi and blood to recover before leaving? "

"Thank you for your concern."

Zhong Yue said calmly: "Being on the line, it's already embarrassing to steal a few days of leisure, and the younger dare not delay, and when they come again the next day, they will definitely drink and have fun with their predecessors, and drink a lot!"

Fu Baorui laughed and said, "Since this is the case, then the old man will not leave you, and no worries, please."

Zhong Yue boarded the long ship, bowed to Fu Baorui, Fu Baorui returned the gift, and watched the three leave, only to see the long ship sailing into the heavy seal and disappeared.

Suddenly, a rush of Emperor Wei came, landed next to the dock, and the wind vibrated his ancestors to the ground, and said coldly, "Where is filial piety?"

"I just left, and said it was a frontline rush, and I didn't dare to stay long." Fu Baorui hurriedly laughed.

Feng Zhen's ancestors hesitated slightly: "Gone? He untied the blood seal so quickly? But on the 10th, how much can he untie? Borui, is there anything unusual on him?"

Fu Baorui thought for a moment, shook his head, and said, "There are no abnormalities, and it is still the same as before. Even if the blood is a bit dying, I will keep him for a few days to recuperate, and he never promised."

"Blood and blood?"

Feng Zhen's ancestors thought for a moment, his face changed greatly: "Unlocking the first and second blood seals, there is no need for blood and blood to decay, it will only make blood more vigorous! The third seal of blood will not wither At this level, how much can still maintain balance! Only when breaking the fourth seal, it takes a lot of blood and blood! Breaking the fourth seal can unlock 80% of Fuxi's blood, and Xiao Wuji has at most 50% of Fuxi's blood. He is not filial! "

His body moved sideways and fell into a treasure ship. The treasure ship started suddenly and rushed into the heavy seal!

"That kid is a **** of heaven, he's not fast, he's still under seal right now, he hasn't reached the outside world!"

In the heavy seals surrounding the extraterrestrial world, the long ship was sailing to the outside world. These seals were the result of the compromise of many factions. In the era of Feng Changyang, there were many factions.

At that time, the Era period had ended, and the Era period had risen. Tianyuan became the emperor and became the emperor. Therefore, there is the faction of the sky. In addition to the faction of Heaven, there is another faction headed by the existence of evil, and in addition, there are many factions with Fuxi in mind.

These factions compromised to create a place outside of the world. At that time, there was an emperor-level existence that was ordered to guard this place, so that Fuxi inside would not go out.

Later, Feng Changyang went mad, washed the blood here, killed blood, and even killed two emperors, causing another dispute.

Feng Changyang hissed, and his brother regretted killing his brother with his own hands, and went mad, these factions feared that he would endanger the souls of the world, so he suppressed him in the abyss.

Feng Changyang's Fu Xi only left Feng Jikai as the leader, but he likes drunkenness and hesitated, so there is no imperial guard here, and only strong players such as Feng Zhen are here to guard the place.

There is no such thing as outside beings wanting to go in, unless there is a decree left by the emperor who established this place, or there is a Fuxi in a place outside the world.

But a few ships in the dock can go out of the world.

Ships in the dock can shuttle seals.

Zhong Yue, Hun Dunyu, and "Xiaoshan" rode a long seal on the dock's long ship, and UU read the book www.uukanshu.com and rushed out. This seal is really heavy and I do n’t know how many emperors Cloth, used to cut extraterrestrials out of the universe, it will take some time to pass through these seals and return to the outside world.

"Just get out of here and go away."

Zhong Yue's eyes flickered, and she felt that she was not far away from Tianhe. She just let out a sigh of relief. Suddenly she felt a creepy feeling. She listened to an old voice behind her and said, "Wujiu Xiaoyou, why are you in such a hurry? Leaving? Did n’t he say that he was waiting for ten days and a half months? ”

"Wind-beating ancestors!"

"Xiaoshan" was shocked and happy, looking back, and smiling: "Old man, why are you out?"


A blade of light flashed, and Xiaoshan paused, covering his neck, his head still slipping slowly.

"Mr. Wuji, why are you ..."

Zhong Yue was expressionless, closed her innate sword, and looked up at the ancestor of the treasure ship that came. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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