Rise of Humanity

Chapter 973: Dragon house

Two months later, the transmission light flow dissipated and Zhong Yue landed. He had already restored the appearance of Mr. Yi. Looking around, I saw that Quasar is an extremely dangerous place. There are huge quasars everywhere in the starry sky. This kind of star is also called Kuei Xing. The nebula is dense and endless. It looks like a vast swamp from afar, so it is called Xingze.

Among the stars, huge queen stars burst out, the light is several trillion billion times that of the sun. The light emitted from the poles of the queen star, and the straight beams of light illuminate the universe, which is spectacular.

The beam of light was like a sword, everything was cut open, and it was extremely powerful and daunting.

Zhong Yue watched the beams of light, and her heart moved slightly: "Watching the eruption of these quebei stars can evolve an extremely powerful sword power from it."

The beam of light emitted by Quixote is composed of terrifying rays. If it is evolved, it is indeed very powerful. This is the power of the floods of heaven and earth, the reaction of the Tao, and it can be used as a magical power.

However, the purpose of his trip was to find Feng Xiaozhong, get Fuxi's exercises, and have no time to understand the pillar of light of Kui Xingxing.

Zhong Yue sensed it a little, distinguished the orientation of Feng Xiaozhong, and immediately flew to the depth of Xingze Ze.

Although Quasi-Xingze is a sinister place, there are no shortage of pleasant places to live in. There are actually many primitive races living there, making Zhong Yue complimented by the magic of life.

These oasis are the only places where quasars can pass. Everywhere else is very sinister and it is not easy to get past it.

"It is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is a good place. But it also has a great disadvantage, that is, it cannot develop and there is too little space for living beings."

Zhong Yue looked around, but her pace was not slow. After more than ten days, she felt that the sacred mountain of Feng Xiaozhong was ahead.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for him to see a sacred mountain stand upright. There were many spiritual beings in the mountain. Zhong Yue came to him, but saw many children playing around and having fun.

"There is also an innate demon here!"

Zhong Yue was taken aback, and saw that an innate demon in front of Lingyu Palace seemed to be a dragon species, very magnificent, but an innate demon dragon.

The innate demon dragon was surprised when he saw Zhong Yue, and he lost his voice: "Some demon can touch here! This brother, the demon dragon is polite!"

Zhong Yue reciprocated and said, "Brother, how about the master here? Could you tell me?"

The congenital devil's face changed greatly, and he hurriedly whispered, "Don't ask the host here, this is a black house, the host is black! Let's go now. If it is late, the black heart master will hold you and make you big. Unloading eight pieces, chopping your skin, pumping your muscles, and digging into your flesh and blood, it ’s better to die than to suffer. Brother, you go quickly, if it ’s too late for him to come out! ”

Zhong Yue was surprised and laughed: "Brother, why are you here? Dare to ask respect?"

The congenital demon dragon smiled proudly: "I'm a student of the Blue Palace, the congenital demon dragon, and the title is the demon dragon. As the so-called poetry proves ... Well, don't have poetry to prove it. This brother, you go quickly, no more It ’s too late to leave, and he has a big-headed boy to follow, all in a group ... He will also be restrained in your body, making you impossible to walk! "

But at this time, the sound of footsteps came, and I saw Da Shizun walking out of Lingyu Palace holding Xing Tian, ​​Xing Tian was shocked and happy, and he jumped off the back of the lion and jumped over: "Uncle Zhong!"

The lion camel turned into three demon gods and sang a big chant: "Second Master."

The innate Demon Dragon looked like Zhongtu, staring blankly at Zhong Yue: "The second master of the Big Black House? This gang is also a group? He looks good and looks better than the big devil. Why is he a villain?"

Zhong Yue walked to Lingyu Palace and smiled, "The innate demon dragon is very interesting. When I meet me, I will read poetry, and then I wo n’t say it."

Xing Tian and the lion came quickly to follow him, Xing Tian laughed and said, "He likes to read poetry. When he first arrived, he fell in front of the master. After just two sentences, he was caught by the master. This time he would also read poetry in the presence of Uncle Zhong. It is estimated that the loss is not enough. "

"My lord is telling him to make a mount. I don't think he is very happy anyway," said the lion and camel.

The Congenital Demon Dragon laughed when he heard the "Second Master": "The congenital demon of the Blue Palace is very arrogant, of course, it is not very happy, but after being studied by Brother Feng for several years, it will no longer be arrogant ..."

"A nest of bad embryos!" The inborn Devil Dragon indignantly.

Zhong Yue came to the depths of Lingyu Palace, and saw Feng Xiaozhong's rare leisure.

"Brother is elegant." Zhong Yue laughed and made it across from him.

Feng Xiaozhong looked up at him and smiled, "You are just too busy. When you have no leisure, you can actually do research in Lingyu Palace like me, drink tea, don't always look like ass. Someone is rushing you with a whip at the back. This is a tea tree I found in the class Xingze, it should be the holy medicine, you try it. "

Zhong Yue lifted the teapot and poured a cup for herself. Haha laughed: "Life is short, things that can be accomplished in this life cannot be passed on to the next life, and some things need to be done to the best of their ability."

He held up the tea cup and drank it, and suddenly there was a glow of glow in his body, and the effervescent outwards made him feel that the countless secrets in his body seemed to be ironed again, unspeakably comfortable.

"Good tea!" Zhong Yue moved.

Feng Xiaozhong gave a light sigh, looked at him, wondered: "Have you ever drank this tea?"

Zhong Yue shook her head, Feng Xiaozhong wondered: "So strange, you haven't drunk it. Why isn't the secret in the body cleared by the power of the Holy Medicine? The Holy Medicine I found can break through many secrets in the body."

Zhong Yue laughed: "I have taken a holy medicine called Chaos Shenguo, and all mysteries in my body have been washed away."

"So it is."

Feng Xiaozhong drank a cup of tea, and the sound of gurgling came from his body, one by one, the secret realm was washed away by the medicine, and the halo of all sizes fluttered around him.


He unified tens of thousands of mysteries into a seventh mystery, and was immediately shocked to vomit blood, and the flesh and the Yuanshen also tended to be cracked.

Feng Xiaozhong grabbed the teapot and murmured and drank the tea, and even swallowed the tea. The cracking of the flesh and the Yuanshen suddenly slowed down and began to slowly recover.

Zhong Yue was so frightened that he dared to do so with Fuxi's help, but Feng Xiaozhong did not dare to open the seventh mystery alone. His style was wild and he did not worry about playing himself to death!

Of course, Feng Xiaozhong has a holy medicine. The holy medicine can save him at any time, which is equivalent to strong men like Fuxi. This holy medicinal tea tree is much inferior to the chaos **** fruit, which can only break through some of the mysteries, but the chaos **** fruit is too small, the emperor of the chaos family only gives one to Zhong Yue, while Feng Xiaozhong owns a whole **** tree !!

Feng Xiaozhong brewed a pot of tea for himself, and continued to stir up the seventh mystery, and realized the beauty of the seventh mystery, trying to merge the seventh mystery with the first six mysteries.

Zhong Yue immediately noticed that his seventh realm was different from himself. The seventh realm of Zhong Yue was a space realm, and the seventh realm of Feng Xiaozhong was the Chensu realm.

The so-called Chen Su is the stars.

For example, a galaxy spirit body like Lord Geng, the power of his spirit is the power of Chen Su, the power of billions of stars in the galaxy.

This kind of power is extremely complicated. Before the establishment of Liudao, the Xinghe Spirit was almost a waste body, but after the establishment of Liudao, the thousands of forces in this spiritual body can be continuously transformed in the six reincarnations, uniting all the forces and erupting. Magnificent power and might!

There are as many stars as there are powers, and there are as many roads and secrets as there are powers.

The seventh mystery opened by Feng Xiaozhong is Chensu's mystery, which was unexpected by Zhong Yue, but it is reasonable, because the six reincarnations of the six mysteries can transform the power in Chensu's mystery. The seventh mystery is Chensu's mystery. It's logical.

Zhong Yue's choice is a space mystery, which is more difficult to integrate with the six mysteries, and Feng Xiaozhong's Chen Su mystery is the easiest and most promising way to complete!

"If it weren't for me, in the Age of Gods, the Chenshu Mystery would be completed into seven reincarnations, and it would definitely be a Xinghe Spirit."

Feng Xiaozhong's physical body **** broke down, and he drank tea again, leisurely saying, "But with me, it is no longer the Xinghe Spirit that can open up the secret place of Chensu."

Zhong Yue was speechless.

He is right, in the end, he hopes to merge the six reincarnations of the Chenshu Mystery into seven reincarnations, which is bound to be the Xinghe Spirit.

The Xinghe Spirit controls the power of Chen Su. If there is a great achievement, if you study the power of the mystery in the body, you will definitely find the clues, then go deeper, and then gather the wisdom of the strong in the world to open up and perfect the seventh mystery. come out.

But now, it seems that Feng Xiaozhong, a freak, has crossed the restriction of the Xinghe Spirit and took the lead in discovering Chensu's secret realm!

However, Zhong Yue did not think that Feng Xiaozhong could fully develop Chensu's mystery with his own strength. The wisdom required to open up the seventh cycle was too great and too long.

There were more than 5,000 emperors in the Fuxi Daozun era, and the innate gods and demons accumulated from the dark ages gathered wisdom, which opened up and perfected the six reincarnations.

Although Feng Xiaozhong is smart and peerless, he should not be able to do it with his own strength.

"I will help him. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Zhong Yue said: "I set up a list of future emperors, and I will also use the wisdom of future emperors to help me perfect the seventh secret and open up seven reincarnation."

With the help of Zhong Yue, Feng Xiaozhong has the wisdom of future emperors.

The seventh mystery, the seven reincarnation, maybe it will be fulfilled on his body, so that the Xinghe Spirit can only stare at it, sighing how I did not expect.

After more than ten days, Feng Xiaozhong stopped testing. Although the tea tree was a holy medicine, he could not ban him from drinking. The tea on the tree was picked up, which made Zhong Yue worry about whether the precious holy medicine would die. Off.

Feng Xiaozhong has now reached his limit. The seventh mystery has been opened for about the same time as Zhong Yue, and continued to take holy medicine has little effect.

"Brother, why are you here to find me?" Feng Xiaozhong picked up the tea tree, walked out of Lingyu Palace, planted it in a medicine garden, and asked.

Zhong Yuedao came out and said, "Is the work done on the Fuxi that I sent, has the master sorted it out?" (To be continued.) Activate the new website

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