Rise of Humanity

Chapter 984: Righteous father


There was a deep roar in Fuxi's throat, and the word was repeated. The expression on his face was grief, anger, grief, or irony. The galaxy twined around him was locked like a big python, and the big python kept tightening, but he was The violent breath bursts again and again!

Fu Baozheng and Fengshenyong were so shocked that the two galaxies that suppressed Fuxi were complete galaxies of six realms. The galaxies were filled with the seals of the ancient emperors, but at this moment it seemed that they could not calm him!

"Righteousness, righteous father ..."

Fu Baozheng trembled: "Remember me? I'm Bao Zheng! The name you gave me personally, let me protect the right way ..."

"Bozheng, my son?"

The taunt on Fu Xi's face was stronger, and he murmured, "Protect the right way? Yes, you have sheltered my Majesty, and it is I who made you reincarnated to my tribe. I am treated as your righteous son and teach you the exercises. Peerless ... I always wonder, what kind of beast did I take as a righteous son? I am a sinner— "

Fu Baozheng was creepy, Fengshen Yong smiled, and stuttered: "Prince, I am Fengshen Yong of the Migratory Bird Department, do you remember? We are the same family and blood relatives, I am not a reincarnation ..."

"Remember, I certainly remember you ..."

Fu Xi ’s huge eyes and pupils reflected the figure of them, whispering like a slang: “When I have nightmares, I often dream about the slaughter of your kin, I remember the laughter when you killed the kin Your expressions ... whenever I think of you as being more brutal and fierce than them, I shudder. What kind of devil are you and how can you be so poisonous? "

Fengshenyong's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he slowly backed away, his voice hoarse, and he laughed: "Prince, I am also destined to die, my Fuxi protoss should be perished, I am just doing it, you are doing it too We are all one class ... "

Fu Baozheng also slowly backed away, his muscles trembling, and he smiled loudly, "Father, do you remember those children of your year? I am your son, the tiger poison does not eat child, how kind you are, You will definitely let me go, right? "

"Let you go?"

Fuxi cried, grabbing the palm of his hand: "Who will let me go--"

"kill him!"

Fengshen always urged mana cultivation, sacrificed the seven heavens, and screamed: "This old thing has been suppressed for so long. Its strength is not as good as before. We can kill him by joining forces! Use the dragon and snake combo!"

"it is good!"

Fu Baozheng exclaimed: "If you don't stop doing it, don't stop doing it."

He hadn't finished speaking yet, and saw that Fengshenyong had fled outwards, numb his scalp, and said angrily, "Shenyong, you ... squeak--"

There was a strange noise in his mouth. He was grasped by Fuxi's big hand. The palm was so strong that he squeezed all the air out of his lungs. The six reincarnations behind his brain went out one after another. It was Fuxi who killed him. All the mysteries of God and the flesh are closed!

The seven heavens above him also made a crackling crackle, and the heavens continued to twist and collapse toward the center. Fuxi pressed his heavens to collapse and collapse, and the totems in the heavens were crushed. Countless stars are constantly annihilating, and the six are disintegrating.

His heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, gallbladder and stomach all pressed down from his mouth!

"Who knows the tortures I have suffered over the years?"

Fuxi looked crazy, smiling and crying, crying and crying: "Who knows how I have come these years? Who knows how bitter my heart is?"

Fengshen never escaped the six sphere beads, was caught by Fuxi's other hand, and sternly said, "Fuji, you can't kill me, you are also a traitor to Fuxi, you are not qualified to kill me!"

Prince Fu Xi turned a deaf ear, and a **** of light shot from the third god's forehead, sealing Fengshenyong. His eyes were tightly fixed on Fubaozheng, and one of the other four arms pulled Xinghe to wind Fengshenyong firmly. real.

The palms of his other three arms came over and grabbed Fu Baozheng.

"I gave you the third eye ..."

Fuxi trembled, "Why would I give you a sharp weapon to kill fellow people?"

Fu Baozheng screamed, and the third eye in his eyebrows was buckled by him. He only heard Fuxi saying, "I also gave you these pairs of yin and yang eyes, and now I want to take them back ..."

Fu Baozheng's cry made Fengshen chill forever, and saw that his eyes were also locked by Fuxi, Fengshenyong was locked on Xinghe, and he trembled: "Crazy! Madman! Prince Fuxi, you have gone crazy ! "

"Your tongue was given by me, and I want to take it away ... your hair is my hair from Fushi, and it is also given to you, your nose is also given to me, and the throat, I want to take it away, And this pair of ears ... "

"I want to take back your spirit ... and your lungs, and your ribs are also my Fuxi's, and I want to take them away ..."

"This innate dragon scale is also my Fuxi, you don't deserve it ..."

The harsh scales came, and Fu Xi scraped Fu Baozheng's innate dragon scales, then palmed into his throat, grabbed the spine, and pulled out a **** spine like a dragon, murmured: "This It's my fusi's spine, you don't deserve to have fu's spine ... you don't deserve to have it ... "

"Take off my volts' skin!"

"Also give me the blood of Fu Xi's, give it back to me!"

Fu Baozheng was completely drained of blood. He had been stripped, his skull had been taken off by Fu Xi, and his bones had been removed, leaving only a ball of dehydrated meat without any blood.

The proud body of Fu Xi, who he was proud of, completely disintegrated, and on top of the dry flesh, his Yuan Shen was still caught by Fu Xi.

Fuxi stared at his Yuanshen and murmured, "This Yuanshen is also the spirit of Fuxi's, child, give it back to your righteous father ..."


Fu Baozheng's Yuan Shen uttered a heartfelt shout, and endless pain came. Fu Xi was forcibly separating his spirit and soul, and extracted Fu Xi's spirit from his Yuan Shen!

The pain was indescribable, and so was the scariest torture in the world, and it was far less than the deep pain in his soul!

It didn't take long for Fuxi to take away his spirit, but the pain made him feel that every moment seemed like ten thousand years. It was really painful. It was the pain of tearing his soul!

Finally, Fu Xi stripped away his spirit and soul, Fu Baozheng's soul watched his spirit slumped by Fu Xi, his soul and his own spirit still existed, when the spirit was shattered by Fu Xi, The feeling of the soul being hollowed out is extremely uncomfortable, and the pain is extremely extreme.

"I won't kill you ..."

Fu Xi's face was bleak, and he looked down at Fu Baozheng's soul in his hand, and whispered, "How can I kill my child? Killing you will never wash away the sin on you, and the hatred of my heart ...

A small six-round reincarnation emerged around Fu Baozheng, and the reincarnation gradually grew larger and larger, covering him.

Fu Bao was dumbfounded, and suddenly saw that his spirit did not know when he was back!

His bones, his blood, his eyes, his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys returned one by one, one by one!

His mana is also back, the mystery of the Yuan is reopened, and the heavens are restored as before!

Fu Baozheng was shocked and delighted, and was about to run away. Suddenly, a big hand grabbed him and caught him in the palm of his hand. Fu Baozheng was horrified, looked up, and saw Fu Xi's face, which was to cry. Faces without tears, sad faces!

"Let you off, who will let me off--" Fu Xi's voice came.

Then the mysterious realm of Fu Baozheng was squeezed collapsed and closed, the seven heavens were destroyed, the six reincarnations collapsed, and the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were squeezed out of the chest!

"I gave you the third eye ..."

Fuxi trembled, "Why would I give you a sharp weapon to kill fellow people?"

"I gave your tongue ..."

"I want to take back your spirit ..."

"Take off my volts' skin!"

"This primitive **** is also the spirit of my Fuxi ..."


Fu Baozheng experienced the same pain again as he was in a nightmare, and his spirit was deprived again. The key is that his last memory is still there, and he still remembers the heartbreaking pain!

After the drama was painful, then he saw himself recovering as before, and then saw Fu Xi's palm grabbing, pulling his muscles to strip his skin, stripping his soul, and letting him experience an unbearable drama. pain.

"Who will let me off--" Fu Xi cried in a cry.


"Take off my volts' skin!"


"The nightmare of reincarnation, this is the reincarnation of time and space!" Fu Baozheng screamed, struggling, trying to escape from this reincarnation nightmare.

In the hands of Prince Fu Xi, the six light wheels turned gently, moving time and space again and again, so that Fu Baozheng experienced the pain over and over again, every time the pain was new and unbearable severe pain!

Fu Baozheng will always be sealed in this severe painful reincarnation, and will endure the torn painful forever, repeated over and over again, endlessly, endlessly, his soul reincarnation will remember this Pain, every pain will never be forgotten!

The Fengshen in the galaxy where he was staring at this scene forever, showing the color of fear in his eyes, the big fear planted in his heart, making him unable to raise any courage, even the thought seemed to be frightened to stop turning, only in his mouth Words repeated: "You cannot kill me, you are also a traitor, you are not qualified to kill me ..."

"I am indeed not qualified to kill you. I am a traitor and I have betrayed my race ..."

Fuxi looked sad and murmured: "I am a sinner of race, sinner greater than you ... Fortunately in this world there is Fuxi who is qualified to kill you ... I will give you to him, he Will dispose of you ... "

"Leave me to him?"

Fengshen Yongyan stunned and lost his eyes ~ www.readwn.com ~ Hehe laughed: "There is only one wild fuxi in the world, and the wild fuxi is still in the world of three thousand and six. You ca n’t find him, you are trapped in this broken local……"

He suddenly had a cold war and thought of Zhong Yue.

"That wild fuxi, that wild fuxi, has been in Lagerstroemia indica, always by my side! King Yi, he is the wild fuxi!"

His eyes were getting brighter and his body trembled: "I got this great secret. If I tell the sky, the reward must be amazing ... I want to survive and escape, and enjoy endless glory and wealth with this great secret! "

However, at this moment, Zhong Yue walked into the six realm beads, and gave Fengshenyong an indifferent glance, saying: "Prince, the Chop God Stage is already under construction, and there is still no head to come to the altar."

"I'll seal him, and you will go to execution." Fuxi raised his hand and suppressed Fengshen forever, said.

"Aren't you going to watch the ceremony?" Zhong Yue asked.

Fu Xi's face turned dark: "I'm not worth ..." (To be continued.)

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