Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1004: Crying tears

The power of Sanmu Tiantong is really weird. Ting Fengcen confronted Zhong Yue with Sanmu Tiantong and was defeated. The spirits were scattered, and even their life-saving supernatural power failed to save his life!

"My son ..."

The roar of Tingdaoji's brain shook, and he reached out and shook out Ting Fengcen's corpse from the elephant's back. Ting Fengcen had no wounds on his body, but Yuan Shen had been chopped, his soul drifted, and there was no possibility of reincarnation!

Ting Fengcen's three gods' eyes were still staring round, majestic, and happy on his face. Obviously his death was instantaneous, and Yuan Shen was beheaded by the opponent's pupil.

The monarch-level life-saving supernatural powers they left did not have a half effect, and the pupil strength of Sanmu Tiantong did not touch these supernatural powers.

Lou Zhengshi's heart shook, and he looked up at Zhong Yue, only to see that Zhong Yue's third god's eye was closed, and he recovered as before.

"Sanmu Tiantong breaks the delusion of heavenly scriptures! He will also break the eyes of Sanmu Tiantong, which is more brilliant than Tingfengcen!"

Lou Zhengshi's mind was chaotic: "He is the true god. Even if he has the power of the Emperor, it is also impossible for Sanfeng Tiantong to stare at a strong one like Tingfeng Cen! Could it be said that his Sanmu Tiantong Is it authentic? How does he transform into Mr. Wuji and sneak into a place outside the world?

His heart was cold: "He has learned Fuxi's genius, and it is not so easy to kill him ..."

"Siege!" Suddenly, the courtroom was extremely red with eyes and fierce.

Lou Zhengshi was shocked and shook his head quickly: "Brother Tao, we have just come down to the city. The two armies have not yet exercised. The cooperation is not perfect. It is better to wait for two days before the two army exercises. Siege. "

The courtroom hummed extremely coldly, and said, "Well, you can break your fingers with a bullet, so why use a drill? Brother Lou, you can deal with the Yinkang Marine Master, and leave the rest to us Huang Tingshi!"

He burst out suddenly: "Drums! Toll! Give me a siege-"

The drums rang, and then the bells of the Shinto shook the heavens. Among the bells, the army of the royal courts rushed towards the town Tianguan like a tide, and the bells swelled, hitting the town Tianguan, and even the galaxy surging, the huge waves Towering, pressing the gate of the town's Tianguan.

But at this moment, a **** tree fell into the Xinghe, took root, and the **** tree rose up, blocking the bells and towering waves.

The countless gods and figures on the city wall trembled, and the gods of Zhentianguan waited.

Lou Zhengshi looked at the army of Huang Tingshi and frowned slightly. When the army of Huang Tingshi rushed out, the array was neat, but when he ran to the side of Xinghe, the formation was scattered, and he could not help but sigh.

Although Huang Tingshi is an emperor, it has not been combated for tens of thousands of years, and its arms are scattered. Obviously, it is far less disciplined than Zhong Yue's innate ban.

"Although our strength is strong in this battle, we are afraid that we will not take any advantage ..."

Despite this, Lou Zhengshi could not watch Huang Tingshi attack the city alone, and immediately ordered the Tianhe Mariner to dispatch and kill Xinghe.

The battleship building in the Star River sailed, sailing shadows and thousands of sails, Tianhe Marine and Yinkang Marine met on the back of Xinghe. The town of Yinkang's town was under the pressure of Tianhe Ding. Yin Kang's beings sacrificed to Zhentianhe Ding, making the power of Zhentianhe Ding even more horrible!

Lou Zhengshi roared, standing alone in the Xinghe, the river was waistless, turned into a giant god, standing up against the sky, against the Tianhe Ding.

On the front of Tianhe, the creator of the Huangting clan used his own body as a bridge to cross the Xinghe, allowing countless troops of the Huangting clan to rush across from his body.

As an emperor, there were many creators of the Emperor Tingshi. One of the creators prostrated himself, and the huge body formed a bridge deck. On the back, the imperial demon of the Emperor Tingshi flocked to Zhentianguan like a dense crowd.

Some gods tried to fly, but when they touched the ban above Zhentian Pass, the physical gods disintegrated and died.

Seeing this, the other demons ran quickly and honestly from the Creator.

And at this moment, all of the sky in the town ’s Tianguan Pass suddenly shined, and the power of the rolling sky blasted into the Tianhe River. The river was full of wind and waves, the stars were gushing, the stars and waters were turbulent, and the stars and sands were flying and swept away. I will rush into the river without knowing the masters of Huangting Family!

Even those creators were battered by the big waves, one after another.

A respected tribe of the Huangting Family killed Xiang Tianhe, suppressed the storms of the Tianhe River, set up their own heavenly offerings, and competed with the power of the heavens. The bright light of God appeared in the air and collided with each other.

At this time, the city gate was wide open, and a large army was killed. The top creators, such as the Emperor of the Fatty Gods and the Emperor of the Dai Nationality, could not help but attack the Emperor of the Imperial Court, who was the meat bridge. Those creators fell into the galaxy.

The strong court royals on the backs of the creators were drowned one by one by the galaxy, and then the emperor such as Bawang jumped into the galaxy and fought with the royal court creatures in the river. The giant beasts appeared in the water, killing the sky!

"Pave the bridge!"

The court path was extremely roaring, and the back of the Emperor Ting's sacrifice a piece of **** wood, whirling to the river, and at the same time, there were many bridges flying out of the gate on the other side, and they were also spread on the river. Who is the bridge out?

The army of the imperial court in the back rushed, wrapped around the imperial imperial imperial imperial clan, and rushed to the opposite city gate, rushing halfway was suddenly flying away from the side of the Shenmu bridge and drew away from the river.

The gods from behind rushed in, squeezed the gods and monsters in front of the river countlessly, washed away by the stars and water, and immediately became white bones, and the white bones then shattered!

The heavens swarmed one by one and suppressed the heavens in the Tianguan Pass of the town. More than a dozen emperor monarchs of the Imperial Family grasped Xinghe, picked up a handful of Xingsha from the river, and shook toward the sky.

I saw Xingsha turning into a sky full of stars, but then I saw those emperors opening a avenue, linking the stars together, and building a flying bridge over the Xinghe.

The strong court of the Huangting Family immediately boarded the bridge and rushed to the town's Tianguan Pass. Suddenly, a large wave emerged in the river, with giant snakes and two tails.

"The Fat Relic Progeny is really eventful!"

A emperor of the Emperor's Court stepped on the bridge, hummed coldly, and a golden light flew out of his head, turning around the emperor's head, the emperor's huge head suddenly fell into the galaxy.

Suddenly, the emperor's headless body grew a head again, and he did not dare to presumptuously, immediately plunged into the river and disappeared.

"The body of the Fatal Protoss?"

The emperor was surprised, but he didn't take it to heart. Although the emperor was the emperor of the fat legacy, he was far worse than his emperors. The other emperors of the Huangting family boarded the bridge and attacked the city. The huge creator in the galaxy below was making waves, and the hibiscus tree and the bells of the heavens repeatedly confronted each other. Countless roots must draw the energy of the galaxy and resist thousands of thousands. Road bell.

The power of the heavenly bells of the heavens is vast, but they cannot cross the galaxy.

On the city wall, the innate banned army set up a crossbow-string car and fired at the emperor of the Imperial Court, blocking the footsteps of the emperor, and another magic light gun blasted towards the Xingqiao, trying to blast the Xingqiao and kill the demon on the bridge. .

There is also a Tianluo net on the city wall to block the imperial family demon who climbed the city wall. The soldier on the wall held a spear and killed the demon on the Internet!


A violent shock came, and an emperor killed him under the gate and sacrificed a **** mirror. The rays of light in the **** mirror shone like pillars and bombarded the gate, leaving the towers shaking.

"Sacrifice Starlight Mirror!" Jin Hexi ordered.

Thousands of bright mirrors rose in the city, forming a sky curtain, reflecting the countless stars in the galaxy, thousands of rays of light shining, and suddenly I do n’t know how many emperors of the Imperial Court were evaporated by the mirror light!

"Festival flag!"

The court was so angry that he boarded the bridge in person and saw thousands of flags offering the flag. The palms of the court drew out one after another, grabbed one of the flags, shook his hand, and shot, and a large number of flags shot into Zhentianguan. Over the sky, nailed to those bright mirrors, the flag spread out, blocking the mirror light.

"Flying cloud cart!"

The court was extremely explosive, and a flying cloud car came in. The gods and gods took off the cloud car, and a long cloud ladder was placed on the wall. Numerous gods and monsters climbed up the ladder crazy.

Jin Hexi immediately issued an order: "Hang the sun lantern and light the sun beads!"

Lanterns were hung on the city walls, and many Jinwu soldiers turned into Jinwu and flew into the lanterns. The flames inside the lanterns burst out like angry dragons, lighting up a flying car and a ladder.

This army was the Jinwu's goddess she was married to. The number was not large. The lantern was also a dowry. It was also used by her at the moment in the battlefield.

The court was furious, forcibly killing the tower, and suddenly the rear of the royal court was chaotic. The army of the twelve fortresses in nine towns was killed from behind, tearing the rear of the royal court, and Zhongyue in front banned all congenital troops on the city wall. Included in the eight-matrix chart, urge innate gossip to block the court pole on the tower!

The court was extremely unable to enter the town's Tianguan, but at this time a respected emperor of the Huangting family boarded the tower and surrounded Zhong Yue.

Suddenly, a big laugh came: "King Yi, Yu Tianguan comes to help!"

Another laugh came: "King Yi, my reinforcements have arrived!"

The court looked back very hurriedly, and saw that the Emperor Doyin and Emperor Fuya each led ten million gods to kill from the two wings and entered the battlefield. The huge ramparts and the imperial fortress crashed into the sky, and countless gods on the ramparts Demon soldiers sacrifice thousands of demon soldiers and demon soldiers, slaughtering all around, and Yutianfeibao shoots arrows like the rain and shoots at the royal court.

There are giant drums in the ramparts and Yutianfei Fort. The drum sounds rang out of the sky, the fighting spirit was high, and the Emperor Duoyin and Emperor Fuya killed the city tower and joined Zhongyue.

"Back! Back!"

Lou Zhengshi suddenly ordered the Tianhe Marine Division to withdraw from the battlefield, and the Tianhe array sacrifice rose into a huge star wheel, colliding with Zhentianhe Ding, driving back the Yinkang Marine Division, and yelled, "Dao Jixiong, speed Back! "

In the heart of the court, there was a cold heart. When I looked around, I saw that the army of Huang Tingshi was severely injured and wounded, and the defeat had been settled. He had to sigh and preached: "Her court, Langting, exit the battlefield!"

After he personally broke with more than a dozen old emperors, he blocked the counterattacks of the innate ban army, Lebiguan and Yutianguan. However, Fuli, Fulie, and Mu Suge and others led the army to attack from the two wings and continuously eat away, letting the royal court There will be countless losses.

This assassination lasted for more than ten days, and Lou Zhengshi and Tingdaoji finally withdrew from the two-star land, using the heavenly bells of the heavens to force the army of Zhentian Pass, Lebi Pass and Yu Tian Pass.

Zhong Yue is standing on the tower, UU reads www. uukanshu. com looked to the front and saw that the soldiers of the innate confinement were cleaning up the battlefield. This vicious battle left corpses on the battlefield, fragments of **** soldiers everywhere, and some disabled gods fell in a pool of blood and failed to follow Retreating troops.

The blaze of flames shone on the corpses in the battlefield, with shadows and uncertain lights.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh"-On the battlefield, a **** man of the Emperor's Family embraced a corpse and made a heartbreaking cry.

His legs were broken, and the body in his arms should be his loved ones. He opened his mouth and seemed to have a thousand words, but because he was too sad, all the words were so weak that he could not describe the moment on his back, and he could only make sounds.

It was a cry that ripped the heart.

Li Hua, the commander of the innate confinement, stepped forward and bowed down, "Brother, I'm very quick and there is no pain."

The Emperor of the Emperor's Palace raised his head and looked at her calmly, and Li Hua sacrificed a light to cut it out. The head of the Emperor of the Emperor's Palace fell to the ground.

On the tower, Zhong Yue sighed secretly. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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