Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1007: Breaking into heaven again

Feng Xiaozhong said indifferently: "There are some uninvited guests from outside. This place is no longer a quiet place to do research. Although I don't fear them, I don't want to fight with them. The world is so big that I can't let go of my spirit now. Jade Palace ... "

"Master, it's the **** house." Xing Tian whispered.

Feng Xiaozhong didn't take it seriously and said, "Since you can't let go, then take the heaven and earth as the Lingyu Palace, and all beings as prisoners in the Lingyu Palace, and do some research."

Zhong Yue's heart was admired sincerely, and Feng Xiaozhong's going out was also a state of mind experience.

It ’s just that we use the heavens and the earth as the **** house, and the sentient beings as prisoners. The tone is a little strange, like a very evil great devil who wants to leave the mountain.

He and Feng Xiaozhong are Taoists. Naturally, Feng Xiaozhong is not a big demon, but in the eyes of other people, this is definitely a very evil big devil out of the mountain!

"Brother, I won't be in the town of Tianguan in the past few years. I plan to enter the emperor's road. Where did you go out of the emperor's road last time? Where did you fall?" Zhong Yue asked.

Feng Xiaozhong said for a moment: "Are you going to visit now? Yeah, there is the Emperor Star Shard in the Fire Age, right next to the Emperor Star."

He moved slightly, and turned the path of his departure from the Emperor's Road into a star map and showed it to Zhong Yue. Zhong Yue's heart trembled, and she lost her voice: "Here is ... hell?"

Feng Xiaozhong left the exit of Emperor Emperor Road, and was located near Tian prison!

Celestial Prison is located next to the Heavenly Court of the Emperor Ziwei. The Convenience is the Blue Palace, while the Celestial Abyss is a place to suppress the existence of extremely powerful and horrifying things, such as Prince Fuxi!

The existence of repression there is a threat to the rule of heaven!

The Abyss of Heaven Prison, independent from the court of heaven, is the deepest horror. Even the Emperor of Heaven cannot control it there.

The exit of the Emperor's Road is just below the Heaven's Prison. In the past, Feng Xiaozhong entered the Emperor's Road from Mars and was transported to the Ziwei Star Field, and it was from there.

Zhong Yue took a closer look and noted the location of the exit. The emperor's path was two-way. It could be entered from Emperor Mars into Emperor Road and transmitted to Lagerstroemia indica.

However, the solar system where the ancestor is located has been blocked, and it is no longer possible to pass it on.

"The teleportation array under the sky prison has been blocked. When I step out there, the formation method is no longer functional. If you go there you will find that there ..."

Feng Xiaozhong looked weird and groaned for a moment, and said, "There, uh, it's strange ... I don't know the specifics, you will know after you arrive."

Zhong Yue looked at the star map he drew. Feng Xiaozhong said that the exit was far away from the heaven, but the star map showed that it was close at hand, which puzzled him.

Feng Xiaozhong sacrifice the sacred mountain, this sacred mountain is getting higher and higher, and said leisurely: "There are many magic in this universe, what you see may not be true, you will find some wonders there. Don't ever. "

Zhong Yue bowed down, "Brother, don't go away."

The sacred mountain shook, broke away, and disappeared.

Zhong Yue returned to board the ancient ship, and said, "Even if the teleportation array at the exit of the Emperor's Road is destroyed, it won't hurt me. The fire has witnessed the process of the Emperor's establishment of the Emperor's Path and resumed the teleportation array It ’s not difficult. It ’s just that it ’s so close to Heaven, Hell and the Blue Palace, so be careful ... ”

The congenital flesh wing of the Qianyi ancient ship vibrated, sailed away from the quasi-Xingze, and headed towards the heaven.

"Brother Feng is here, and there is an extra general in Zhentianguan. Tianting has many difficulties trying to win Zhentianguan."

He has confidence in Feng Xiaozhong that others cannot understand, even if his true body does not appear in Zhentianguan, he can relax.

The ancient ship with a thousand wings traveled for half a year, and finally came to Ziwei Emperor Star. Zhong Yue went up along the Tianhe River. For example, today the river sailor and the Panyu sailor are not here, so this road is the safest and will not disturb the heaven.

The thousand-winged ancient ship travels in the void, and the speed is not slow or slow. He must be careful because it is heaven, after all, it is close to the blue sky palace, and there is an unfathomable sky abyss.

"Heavenly desperately wants to kill me, but I do not know that I have lurked in the heaven ..."

There was some excitement in Zhong Yue's heart. Suddenly, a sacred tree on the Tiantai Guantian platform was shining brightly. The leaves of the sacred tree were full of eyes. The leaves swayed, turned, and looked in the direction of Tianhe!

Zhong Yue's heart jumped, quickly urging the Qianyi ancient ship to dive deeper into the space!

"Strange, I clearly saw something sneaking into Tianhe ... Eight eyes broke through the void!"

The sacred tree made a sound. Suddenly the crown of the tree was shaking, and the sacred tree suddenly turned into an emperor. He opened his eight arms, and each of the palms of the eight palms had a god's eye. Shine into the space deep in Tianhe!

Deep in the space, Zhong Yue saw a dazzling light reflecting on the space, constantly moving, and looking at the Qianyi ancient ship, he quickly urged the ancient ship to dive into the deepest part of the space.

The superintendent Tianshi Taishi Ling stood on the observation platform, moved his palm, scanned the space, and suddenly exclaimed: "Heaven!"

A **** who listens to the gods will appear one after another, Taishi Ling shouted loudly: "Something sneaks into Tianhe! Let me know if there is any unusual movement in Tianhe!"

Many gods heard that the protoss gods would raise their ears side by side, and they saw a large circle of ears protruded from the observation platform, and even the ears of the gods flew out, like a big flesh-red flower that fell into Tianhe. Among them, explore the movement in space.

Zhong Yue looked at the fleshy red flowers floating in the Tianhe River, her scalp was numb, the ancient ship with a thousand wings trembled and hid in the deepest part of the space, and then one by one the congenital meat wings were folded and affixed to the boat's gang, Silent!

This is already the deepest space where he can urge the Qianyi ancient ship to hide. If he still cannot escape the investigation of Jiantian Division, then he can only retreat!

On the surface of the Tianhe River, those ears trembled, and Tai Shiling's eyes turned into beams of light. Slight glances, huge beams of light penetrated the darkness in the deep space and illuminated the dark space.

And those ears go deep into the space, listening to the movement in the space.

After a while, many heavens on the viewing platform listened to the protoss, "Tai Shi Ling, we have never heard anything unusual."

Tai Shiling's gaze was like a torch. His eyes penetrated layers of space, only one step away from the deepest space. He suddenly shook his head and said, "There is indeed something hidden in the deepest part of Tianhe space. Keep telling me! Sacrifice me! "

The sky-vision protoss in the Jiantian Division worshipped him, the priests of all sizes, and worshipped him. Taishi made the sky above his head shine, the power of eight eyes breaking through the void rose, and the hole penetrated the deepest space. The vision finally broke through. Reflected in the space where the Qianyi ancient ship is located.

Zhong Yue sighed and said, "It seems that it is impossible to sneak into the heavenly court without any interest ..."

He was about to leave the ancient ship, and suddenly the space was shaken violently. A huge head was pierced out of Tianhe, and his huge head blocked the eyes of Jian Tianshi Tailing.

This is an old tortoise, filled with rolling Emperor Wei, opening his eyes slowly, and the huge pupils are shining like countless suns.

Tai Shiling's eyes fell on this old turtle's head, startled, he quickly retracted his eyes, his heart beating, and said loudly: "Seniors, juniors thought that foreign enemies sneaked into the heavens, not to intentionally alarm the seniors , Please senior Haihan! "

The old turtle snorted coldly, as if there were countless thunders in Tai Shiling's head, he was dizzy and almost vomiting blood.

"Bold junior, disturb me. Don't you close your ears?"

Hearing this voice, Tai Shiling immediately ordered the Tianling Protoss to close their ears and stay honestly on the rooftop.

In the deepest part of Tianhe space, on the other side of the old turtle's head, a huge eye pupil fell on the Qianyi ancient ship. Zhong Yue stood on the bow of the ship, his forehead was cold and sweaty, and he did not dare to move. Hun Dunyu took out the mirror, took the opportunity to paint desperately, and recorded the old turtle in the mirror.

This is a terrible emperor, who is even stronger than the emperor tomorrow.

Zhong Yue has seen Emperor Tomorrow, and compared to the one in front of him, Emperor Ming is almost the baby of the Emperor!

He and his boat are in front of the eyes of this emperor!

The old tortoise's pupil rolled a little, then the huge eyelids closed slowly, the skull slowly pulled out from the heavy space, and the huge body sank in the depths of Tianhe.

"Fushi, the last one, is so brave, it's just a little reckless. You walk on your Yangguan Road, I cross my single wooden bridge, don't bother me ..."

Zhong Yue quickly said: "Seniors are slow!"

The old tortoise turned a deaf ear, his body slowly silent: "Young Fuxi, you haven't cultivated enough to turn the world up. When you get there, you will find that the situation you are facing is far more sinister than it is now ..."

Zhong Yue was hesitant. The old tortoise must not have appeared for no reason. The reason why he happened to block the eyes of Jian Tianshi Tailing was probably to keep Zhong Yue's trace from being discovered!

Why did this emperor help him?

Moreover, the old turtle has seen his origin and said that he is the last Fuxi, why should he help him?

"The Emperor Pong once said that there was a certain desire for Fuxi in this world and that he had helped him. Is this emperor one of them?"

He pressed down the doubts in his heart, urged the Qianyi Ancient Ship, and drove in the direction of Heaven Prison. After being supervised by Tian Si, he became more and more cautious. After all, the heavenly court is heavenly court. There are countless powerful men and countless talents. If you are not careful, Mr. Yi will die here!

The most dangerous place is not the emperor's garden where the emperor lives, but the blue sky palace and the heaven prison, these two places are together, but his destination!

The Blue Palace is getting closer and closer, and the abyss of heaven is near, Zhong Yue pressed the heartbeat to stop, the blood no longer works, closed the five senses and eight senses, and the wings of the thousand-winged ancient ship no longer shake, but relying on inertia and silence Interestingly slipped towards the blue sky and the abyss of heaven.

At this moment, time seems to stop passing.

The ancient ship with a thousand wings slid past the big chain of the Blue Palace, near the abyss of heaven prison, and the guard standing outside the heaven prison stared wide, watching the movement around.

It was a giant, like bronze.

The ancient ship with a thousand wings is too close to the sky prison. One of the wings flew from the tip of a guard of the sky prison ~ www.readwn.com ~ As if the giant can touch the ancient boat with every movement, it is extremely thrilling.

Fortunately, the ancient ship was hidden in space. Although it was close at hand, the prison guards turned a blind eye that day.

All the senses of Zhong Yue have been sealed by themselves, letting the ancient ship slip past the sky prison, suddenly, a guard of the sky prisoner blinked doubtfully, and said, "I feel something is beside us."

Zi La-

A **** thunder appeared, and the guard guard shook the **** thunder whip that day, digging in space like a dragon tail swinging!

Suddenly, this long whip touched an ancient boat that was drifting. The ancient boat suddenly changed direction, was caught by the suction of the abyss, and fell into the sky prison!

Zhong Yue couldn't think too much, and quickly opened up the five senses and eight senses, urging the ancient ship to fly out of the suction envelope of the abyss of heaven!

——At about 8 o'clock tonight, the public micro-signal of the house pig will push the mother emperor and the Kun pictures. Everyone has the time to remember. What the mother emperor looks like when he is bewildered by the fire ... Pig public WeChat: zhaizhu00 (To be continued.) Enable new website

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