Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1031: I am Fu Xi

The battlefield in the level and chaos map is the ink and wash emperor's description of the transition period from the Fire Age to the Earth Age, according to Chaos, which basically reproduces the tragic years of that year.

Although the Ink Empress turned that chaotic era into a dual world, it is still extremely dangerous.

Zhong Yue rushed into the battlefield and saw all kinds of monsters, monsters, and monsters appearing. The magical powers, magic soldiers, and magic soldiers were all awkward, but because of this, it was even more dangerous.

Many of these demon races were unprecedented, unheard of, and weird, and they should have been extinct in the Fire Age.

Even some races are dark age races. The descendants of the innate gods are extremely arrogant, and they are extremely fierce in battle!

As soon as he rushed into the battlefield, I didn't know how many demon rushed towards him, up and down, everywhere, Zhong Yue's head turned six light wheels, struggling to kill forward, big day flew out of his head, big day twisted, Turned into a three-legged Jinwu, culled around and killed a deity.

Jinwu opened his mouth to spray the innate fire of flames, and the flames shrouded the flames. I don't know how many gods struggled in the fire, and bubbles appeared on the forehead, most of them were written "ah".

He rushed forward, and the battlefield became more fierce. The heavens and gods were flying and killed, and the sky was dark. Zhong Yue rushed out more than a thousand miles. The gods before and after the up and down were beyond imagination. He is getting stronger and stronger, and his Jinwu Yuanshen cannot resist it anymore.

Zhong Yuezhang, a word "Ha" popped out of his forehead, and one of the six beams of light flew out. The moon shined in the sky. The six-eyed star toad sat in the bright moon palace. One after another shot down and around, the sky was raining, the body of the gods and demons fell down and piled into mountains.

And Zhong Yue was standing on the corpse mountain, looked up, and saw that there was a big camp opposite him. There was a great devil sitting in the camp, facing in all directions, surrounded by gods of all sizes. A bubble: "This son is strong."

Then another bubble popped up: "He is Fuzi's descendant of Ziz, who killed him with me?"

"I'm coming!" A demon emperor emerged from the crowd and ran out of the camp to kill Zhong Yue.

"The demon emperor in the chaos era? How powerful is the demon emperor now?"

A bubble popped out of Zhong Yue's head, and the two Yuanshen returned to their bodies, raised their swords, and raised their swords.

"So fast!"

A bubble popped from the head of the demon emperor, and his head was separated from his body.

"Waste!" A string of bubbles burst from the top of the Eight-faced God, the eight faces said together.

Zhongyue rushed to Daying, and the sacred face stood up, immediately shaking the mountain, the main entrance of Daying exploded, and a black light went straight to Zhongyue.

"So fast!" A bubble appeared above Zhong Yue's head.

The eight-faced **** opened his mouth with a burst of drink, and the eight-hole cave appeared above his head. He held eight treasure soldiers such as an aquarium, a fire basket, and a thunder hammer, and another bubble popped out of his head: "Eight Barren Cave Heaven!"

"The Eight Wasteland Caves? Is it the descendant of the Eight Wasteland King?"

Zhong Yue was puzzled, and then he suddenly appeared with eight arms. Thirty-three caves opened in the flesh, and his breath was soaring wildly. On his head, innate gossips and caves emerged, consisting of yin and yang tai chi, four elephants, gossip and other caves. The sword flew out of the heavens.

Two gods and fiends fought fiercely, and the battle was raging, but at this time, the camp was in chaos. Behind them were the monsters attacking the battalion, and they entered the camp.

Shocked in the heart of the Eight-faced God, Zhong Yue immediately caught the opportunity, and the Sword continued to cut, cutting through his eight wasteland days. Seven heads of the Eight-faced God were cut off, and he walked away quickly.

But at this moment, an arrow shot and pierced his last head.

Zhong Yue followed the arrow light, and saw a snake-like Fuxi in the camp lowering his long bow.

The Fu Xi was handsome and very outstanding, and around him was also a Fu Xi **** man who raided the enemy camp and killed the demon army in the big camp.

When Zhong Yueyou stepped forward, a bubble emerged from the young Fuxi's head: "I am a genius, your Excellency?"

"Zhongshan's Zhongyue."

Fuxi was chasing after the defeated soldiers, Fenghua glanced, and eagerly tried, saying, "What's Brother Zhong going to do?"

Zhong Yue said positively, "I'm going to level up."

Fenghua said: "In this case, I do n’t leave you. The world has been in turmoil for hundreds of thousands of years. Some terrible existence will destroy the totem cultivation system, destroy the natural dharma, and let the heavens and earth return to darkness. You need to be careful along the way. "

Zhong Yue left before leaving.

On this way, he experienced slaughter, all kinds of demons and ghosts emerged, and disasters arose. He saw countless living creatures worshiping a huge sculpture, which is a sculpture of innate gods!

The innate gods and slaves enslaved all ethnic groups, did not teach the civilization of each ethnic group, did not teach the magical powers of the Tao, and the children of the innate gods and demons consumed blood from each ethnic group and devoured their people.

This is an era of the great decline of Taoism, the innate gods have become the masters of the universe again!

The more he went forward, the more dangerous he was. Zhong Yue was attacked by the inborn **** devil, and even encountered the resurrection, hunting, and escape of death several times.

"Fenghua said that the turmoil has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years. It was provoked by the innate gods and demons to destroy the totem cultivation system established by the Emperor Huang, and abolished the morality of the innate souls. From the records in the peace chaos, indeed so."

A series of bubbles popped up from his head, saying: "Is it the **** kings of the dark ages, unwilling to return to the universe, so they plan to return to the dark ages?"

"Is the extinction of the Zitz family related to this turmoil?"

"Who led the turmoil?"

He kept on advancing. The more he got behind, the harder he was. Zhong Yue did everything he could to survive on the battlefield, and was battered. Fortunately, the Taoist magical powers of that chaotic era had not yet evolved to such a delicate state today, He can also escape to the emperor-level existence, and will not be killed.

"I don't know if I can meet the emperor and the son-in-law? And the dragon dragon and the empress wife!"

He was excited, and suddenly he saw a scene that made him angry, and he saw a little boy in black helping a child of the inborn gods and slaughter the Fuxi Protoss!

This little boy in black is exactly the boy of the Black Emperor, the master of the congenital emperor!

Although this is the dual world in the peace and chaos picture, it is difficult to suppress the anger in his heart when he sees the tribe being killed!


Zhong Yue flew across, standing in front of the little black boy, and said coldly: "Brother, you have done too much! We should help Fu Zhishi to calm down the turmoil in the flat map, and then we can get out Flat map! Why are you doing it backwards? "


A bubble popped over the head of the young child that year and laughed: "This is not retrograde. The so-called chaos map is just a world in the picture. It can help Fuxi to chase chaos and go out, and help innate gods and demons to destroy Fuxi and chase chaos. Figure. In that case, why not help yourself? "


Zhong Yue froze slightly. The young boy smiled and said, "Mr. Yi, you probably don't know, the peace chaos recorded the battle that the Emperor Tiandi suppressed the master of my family. Since you are a concubine's minister, then It ’s also my family. You are here to help me out. In this world of chaotic maps, we will get rid of Fuxi. Let ’s get out of this map! Your ingenuity and the help of you will definitely make me even more powerful! ”

Zhong Yue's face sank, and the Black Emperor turned out to be the mastermind of chaos!

But with the ingenuity of the Black Emperor, how could it destroy the Zanders who were extremely prosperous at the time?

This turmoil, there should be more beings involved!

"it is good."

Zhong Yue nodded and walked towards him, a bubble popped out of his head: "But you and I are only here to join forces, and there is a chaotic picture, I will not join hands with you."

The young Dao Tong smiled proudly: "It's your fault not to join me, you don't know how much energy I have!"

Zhong Yue came to him, and he saw that the descendants of the innate gods were all around him, very powerful, and said, "These are all the sons of the Black Emperor?"

The young Dao Tong was extremely proud and nodded: "I only hate that I was born one million years later, and I couldn't fight with them. Master's sons and daughters have fallen in that period of chaos. Go, I will take you to kill Fuxi! We have six reincarnations. As long as we find the master and pass the six reincarnations to him, we can defeat the first generation of Emperor Emperor and the son-in-law! "

Zhong Yue followed him and went forward ~ www.readwn.com ~ suddenly said: "Brother, if we die in this volume of chaos, are we really dead?"

The young Dao Tong said: "It will not really die, but will be trapped by this volume of chaos, trapped in the six reincarnations of this dual world, and continue to reincarnate, life and death, and never go out. "

"That's fine." A bubble appeared on Zhong Yue's head.


The young Taoist boy appeared suspicious, and suddenly Zhongyue sacrifice Mugu, urging the heavens to nowhere, Mugu vibrated violently, and all of the mana avenues on the scene were suppressed and could not be used!

The stunning sword lights up, and Zhong Yue cut off the head of the young Dao boy with one stab. At the same time, his arms were drilled out, each holding a congenital sword, and cut it back and forth!

The head of the young boy had just fallen, and another head was born. The knife light poured like a waterfall. Young boys grew a head and were chopped off one head. In a moment, I don't know how many heads rolled down from the neck!

His magic knife poured out, and the black emperor's sister-in-law was unexpected. His head was chopped and his head rolled to the ground. Eleven swords flew up and down. The scene was extremely bloody. !!

The young boy was about to escape, but was suppressed by the heavens. A bubble popped from a falling head and asked, "Mr. Yi, why?"

Daoguang disappeared, and the ground was full of fragmented corpses, and the descendants and grandchildren of the Black Emperor were dead, and there was nothing left!

Zhong Yue's facial expression stepped forward, and a bubble popped out of her head: "I'm Fuxi."

"That's it, I hate Brother Innate for being hidden from the drum by you ..."

The air bubble on the little boy's head hasn't disappeared yet, stepping down with a big foot, crushing his skull! (To be continued.)

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