Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1042: Misfire

Zhentian Pass is getting closer and closer, Zhong Yue's heart can't help but feel a little hesitant. The closer he gets to Zhentian Pass, the more uneasy this feeling becomes.

"Xuan Xuan said, don't eat outside if you have it at home."

Zhong Guan's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he said, "I not only ate it, but also brought it home ..."

Yi Wanjun and Shi Yinji saw his head suddenly three laps larger than usual, and they were startled. Yi Wanjun was concerned: "Zhonglang, what happened?"

Zhong Yue snorted: "Practice is out."

He glanced at the second daughter, and his head was enlarged three more times. More cold sweat came from his forehead: "It seems that I haven't said to Wanjun and Yinji for decades, that I have become married ..."

Yi Wanjun and Shi Yinji looked at his neck with a head larger than his body, all shocked. Hundun Yu turned a blind eye and whistle while hiding far away, while Payfire pretended to be asleep.

"Will I be the second passer-by-fire to be killed by the harem ..." Zhong Daguan cried in his heart.

"Wan Jun, Yin Ji, actually ..."

Zhong Yue gritted her teeth and bit her scalp, "In fact, I have become married in Ziwei ..."

The two women's faces changed drastically, Yi Wanjun snorted coldly, and Shi Yinji's face sank.

Zhong Yue coughed and said, "I don't want to hide from you. I married two ladies in Ziwei. Yin Xuan Xuan is the daughter of the Ziwei Emperor Yinkang clan. Jin Hexi is an apprentice of the ancient universe Jinwu God Emperor."

He encountered his own encounter with Yin Xuanxuan, forced the marriage of Tianhe's continent, the ancient universe and Jin Hexi argued, and the emperor Jinwu once told his second daughter that he was silent.

Yi Wanjun said indifferently: "What matter to me? I have nothing to do with you, and I have not committed myself to you. If you like to marry a few, marry a few."

Shi Yinji giggled: "How are these two sisters doing? I'd like to teach some! Wanjun, if I can't beat them, you have to help me!"

Yi Wanjun said coldly: "No help!"

Shi Yinji bit her ear and said, "Hate the husband, don't you want revenge?"

Yi Wanjun hesitated, and the ghost nodded his head.

Zhong Yue's head was three times larger than her body, scaring Hundun Yu half to death, and only listening to Zhong Guan whispering, "Fire, fire ... Salary, don't you come out to fight the fire?"

Zhentian Pass is getting closer and closer. It has been more than sixty years since Zhongyue sailed from Zhentian Pass. Over the past sixty years, Zhong Yue's avatar has assisted Jin Hexi, Yin Xuanxuan, and Tianting forces. Battles, battles, battles, thousands of games!

Zhentianguan became a blood-stained place, one of the six battlefields of the Imperial War, and the first battlefield of the six battlefields. I do n’t know how many gods are buried here.

In the 36th army of the Heavenly Court, Yu Linjun was beaten and stunned, Tianhe Marine, Nantianmen, Four Heavenly Kings, and Four Masters, plus the Panhu royal family, the royal court royal family, the grand court royal family, and the Wuming clan. For hundreds of millions of demon army, for decades, never won the Zhentianguan.

In addition to Zhongyue's siege troops, who guarded the town's Tianguan, there were also Kun army troops, and the Jiao Nuojun and Xun Nujun shined in this battle.

At that time, the emperor's spirit of the emperor's court descended from the lower realm of the Nether Realm, landed on the battlefield, and entered the body of his own emperor, overwhelming the heroes. Two female emperors locked the Dragon Emperor with nine tails to lock the emperor's spirit of the emperor's court for a while, and the other planted numerous corpses and soul-eating insects in the emperor's spirit, and replaced the emperor's corpse and spirit Eat everything!

The Tianhe Marine Division and the Emperor Ting's family were defeated as a result. They were killed by the boundless Kun god, who lost their helmets and armor, and failed to become an army. Fortunately, the emperors of the Panyu Family and the Huangting Family were present, guarding the rear, and there was no whole army annihilation. Then Gui Youming led the four armies of Nantianmen to avoid danger.

However, Tianting Zuo Tianzhang Ghost Nether failed to win the Zhentian Pass, and Xun and Jiao Xun were the old rivals of Ghost Nether. Both sides tried their best to kill hundreds of games outside Zhentian Pass.

Jin Hexi and Yin Xuanxuan can only fight for the two female emperors, and Zhong Yue's clone is just a plan, and there are not many opportunities to show his face.

The innate emperor's friendship was wide, and strange people and strangers continued to go to the town of Tianguan to play, with strong strengths, each with their own strengths. The heavenly side is also capable of coming out to participate in this fierce battle.

Among them, Feng Xiaozhong fought several times and captured the opponent's strong one. He really grabbed the opponent and shocked the two armies. Gui Youming assassinated himself, but escaped by Feng Xiaozhong.

However, Feng Xiaozhong was extremely perverse and arrested his war spirits, Beidou spirits, seven kills spirits, and plague spirits. After studying for several years, he released the four **** emperors.

After the four **** emperors were released, they were a little crazy, and when they saw Feng Xiaozhong, they couldn't help going crazy, they were very afraid.

Guiyou can't attack for a long time, so he mobilized the ghosts and gods of the world to let the ghosts and gods come to help.

He is the ghost emperor. The emperor who governs the ghost and **** clan, ordered that the strong man of the ghost and **** clan immediately flew out of the **** reincarnation of the major holy places and rushed to Zhentianguan.

The ghost **** family is the prestige tribe. The physical body can be virtual or real, somewhere between the virtual and the real. The natural Yuanshen is powerful and a great weapon against Kunshen. Kunshen's shell is hard and unmatched, but it is cast by God's gold. It can toughen the magical soldiers and magical soldiers, and it has strange methods and fast reproduction. Kun God's body, eat the **** of the Kun God!

The daughter-in-law of Junjiao is hurting her soldiers, and Her Majesty Kunshen has suffered countless deaths and injuries, and her daughter-in-law has also been hit hard!

Gui Youming chased after victory, but met Jin Hexi to aid him, defeated the army of ghost gods, and decapitated hundreds of thousands of ghosts and gods.

Gui Youming mobilized Nan Tianmen's Four Heavenly Kings army to confront Jin Hexi, Zhong Yue split into an overview of the battle situation, and on the side pointed out that the two sides fought for a hundred rounds. Gui Youming failed to break the Jin Wu fight.

Yin Xuan Xuan sacrifice, leading the Four Heavenly Kings out of the army, leaving the Four Heavenly Kings army unowned, unbalanced scheduling, and heavy damage. Gui Youming had to write to the heavenly courts, and invited reinforcements from the four masters.

The Zhentian Pass also went to the Congenital Palace. The Congenital Palace mobilized the soldiers and horses of various ethnic groups. They went to Zhenguan, Zhenzhong, and filled the Zhongyue's Majesty. At the same time, there was a steady stream of grain and grass.

The heavenly emperor's holy shrines also continued to carry heavy loads on the front lines. The two sides began to not face conflict on the front, instead they robbed each other of heavy grain and harassed the rear.

This harassment battle lasted for several years, until the reinforcements of the Four Masters Gate arrived, which came to an end. The two warring parties gathered hundreds of millions of demons and troops, and the front line was filled with hundreds of stars. Each had its own troops to suppress the army's luck and attack. This turned the town Tianguan into a killing field, and countless dead demons.

Gui Youming is an old rival to Jiao and Jiao, and they know each other very well. For decades, they have failed to overcome the town's Tianguan, and they are a little flustered, afraid to attack aggressively, writing to the Emperor, and then asking for reinforcements.

When Zhong Yue drove the Qianyi ancient ship, the reinforcements of Tianting came to Zhentian Pass.

Zhong Yue looked to the front of the town's Tianguan, but she saw that the demon camp of the heavenly courts covered the heavens and the sun, and they became a spectacle.

There were not many reinforcements sent by the court this time, only three people. Zhong Yue's heart jumped and urged the ancient ship to enter Zhentianguan in the deep sky to avoid the prohibition in the deep sky. No one was alarmed.

Although there were only three reinforcements in this court, he felt great pressure.

Among these three people, there are two old wives, who are Xuanqi Erqi, one carrying a large stove on their back and one carrying an iron shop!

The other is Mo Yin, another army division of the Emperor!

The three men sent by Tianting seem to have the greatest threat to Zhentian Pass, but Mo Yin's threat is even greater!

Zhong Yue looked dignified and walked down the ancient ship with Hun Dunyu, Yi Wanjun and Shi Yinji, leaving the ancient ship deep in the space.

In the King's Hall, the main leaders of the town's Tianguan pass together and are discussing. Many of them are faces, but they are all heroes summoned by the innate emperor. After a while, the masters would disperse, Yin Xuanxuan and Jin Hexi stepped out, and suddenly hesitated slightly, and saw Zhong Yue standing there, smiling at them.

Yin Xuan Xuan and Jin He Xi were both excited, but suppressed, and each stepped forward. Yin Xuan Xuan laughed and said, "The husband is finally back, and the husband has been here for more than sixty years."

Zhong Yue laughed: "Fortunately, I came back. I met Xuan Qi Er Mo and Mo Yin when I arrived. I am afraid that there will be a big storm in Zhentian Pass."

"Xuanqi Erji?"

Yin Xuan Xuan's face changed slightly, and she felt a little shuddering at the thought of Jiulong Shenhuo. Although she broke the Jiulong Shenhuo, Xuanqi Erqi's military training methods made her feel scared.

"The Emperor sent Xuanqi Erji, but Mo Yin is the most troublesome. He is another army division of the Emperor."

Zhong Yue Shen chanted: "Mo Yin owns Qi Yun Tian Shu, one of Fu Yi's three great books, and possesses the art of fortune, and he is brilliant, and his wisdom is better than ghosts. This time he came to Zhentianguan I am afraid there is no good thing. Although he is not as good as me, he is not far apart, especially Qiyun Tianshu has the unpredictable power I have never had before, which is very difficult to prevent. "

"Qi Yun Tian Shu?"

Both women frowned, Yin Xuan Xuan said: "If it's inconvenient, ask Brother to do it and kill him. Brother Feng's method is strange, and there are many ways to put him to death!"

Zhong Yue grinned carefully and said, "Don't worry first. Two ladies, let me introduce two of my old friends with you. Wanjun, Yin Ji, come out."

Yi Wanjun and Shi Yinji came out, Shi Yinji smiled and said, "I have seen two sisters."

Yi Wanjun also took off his men's clothing and changed to women's clothing, smiling with a smile: "I've seen two sisters."

Jin Hexi and Yin Xuanxuan became very cold, looking at Zhong Yue, Jin Hexi smiled and said with a smile: "Master does not want to explain when we have two sisters?"

Zhong Yue's face did not change, and she said, "I was still in the Nether World when I hadn't met you yet. I had a relationship with them, and this time I met them again, I didn't realize ..."

"Renewed without consciousness?" Jin Hexi grinded his teeth. UC Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Master, where is your avatar?" Yin Yunxuan groaned.

Zhong Yue hardened her scalp and called for her avatar. Yin Xuan Xuan killed his avatar with one palm, and slap the other avatar with another palm, angrily, "I told you not to eat outside if you have one at home. You just don't listen, you just don't listen! "

Zhong Guanguan's forehead swelled with cold sweat, and watched the Xuan Niangniang repeatedly beat his hundred avatars, dare not stop.

"I feel better."

Yin Xuan Xuan clapped her hands, and smiled to Yi Wanjun and Shi Yinji: "Two sisters, it is a rule to want to enter our Zhongjia door. You follow me."

Zhong Yue wondered, and said to Jin Hexi: "Rules? What rules?"

Jin Hexi groaned with a smile: "After I entered the house, I was struck by my wife and had to recognize her as my sister. These two sisters are probably going to suffer."

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