Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1061: Running head

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "It's finally here!"

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Zhentian Guanzhong gathered more than 17,000 powerful men with imperial capital above the realm of the universe. At this moment, they are all inexplicable. Many of them have seen Zhong Yue and Zhu Zhu. The evil battle of legends is really the legendary battle that gave Zhong Yue an undefeated myth!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Although many other powerful men were not able to see the battle in person, they also heard rumors of the battle, and many of them experienced the existence of the battle at that time. Take photos and let the younger generations participate in research.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The prestige of the Seventh Secret was spread all over the world.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; And now, the strong man who opened the seventh mystery will have to compete with Zhongyue, a mountain-opening monster.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "Why didn't I open up a seventh secret?"

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Tian Xuanzi trembled with excitement and said to himself: "If you can also participate in this battle and make Lao Yi fart and urinate, Lao Tzu will be more arrogant than Yang Hou ..."

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Jin Chongyu exploded, his breath suddenly skyrocketed, the gods and demons who had been forced to retreat had to retreat, and everyone was shocked. The previous battle between Yang Guanyuan and Yao Xingyue was extremely stunning, but now he looks at Jin Chongyu Their ability is definitely not inferior to them, even worse than that!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp;

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The crunch of bone growth came from Jin Chongyu's body, one head was drilled from the neck, the other arm was growing from the armpit, grabbing with a probe, holding the cymbal, bowl, floor, tower , 锏, whip six magic soldiers, turned out to be the prototype of Emperor soldiers!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; At the same time, another arm came out under his armpit, and he even held a mouthful of magic soldiers, which was also the prototype of the emperor soldiers, but a flood furnace!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Yang Guanyuan, Yao Xingyue, and others looked dignified, with three heads and seven arms, holding the prototype of Emperor soldiers, and the prototype of seven emperors, which meant that Jin Chongyu not only opened the seventh Secret Realm, and there are extraordinary accomplishments in the seven reincarnation!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The six soldiers in front of him represent the six emperor-level accomplishments in the six reincarnation, and the seventh soldier means that his research on the seventh mystery has reached other Extremely deep realm, began to come into contact with the seven reincarnation!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; If no one teaches, then Jin Zhongyu's talent is high, I am afraid they are not comparable!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "It is only a hundred years since Mr. Yi opened up the seventh mystery. How can anyone study the seventh mystery to this depth?"

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Yao Xingyue's eyes flickered, and he whispered: "There must be a master teaching behind this Jin Zhongyu, definitely not the emperor of Jin Tianshi!"

& bp; As an eighteen-pillar cave, the pagoda is high, suppressing the heavens. The Hong furnace is a star-making furnace. The stars in the furnace rotate like whirlpools.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; He not only has a long-range attack, but also a melee, and the outbreak of magical power is even more shocking!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "King Yi is in danger!"

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Lou Zhengshi and other people's faces changed greatly, Jin Chongyu's strength is really amazing, the seven emperor soldiers can be called amazing.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "More powerful than King Yi then!"

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Pan Xi revealed his joy: "Is this the first supernatural power of seven reincarnation? Maybe you can win King Yi in one fell swoop, you don't need Princess Qi to shoot!"

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp;

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Jin Chongyu stepped out in one step, the space shock shattered and appeared in front of Zhong Yue. The broken space debris flew around like a glass!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The opening time of the seventh mystery is limited. He must make a quick decision and immediately urge the prototypes of the seven emperors, the seven treasures in one, and the power of the seven emperors in an instant. Seven reincarnation phantoms appeared!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Such a violent attack turned out to be extremely peaceful, quiet and terrible, all other sounds were suppressed, as if the voices of ancient gods could be heard faintly!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; That is a very strange Tao sound, different from the divine language, the pitch of each word is very weird, some are short, some are long, like the praises of ancient gods!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Both the Ziwei star field and the strong in the ancient universe can't help moving. Such supernatural powers are simply trying to make the world better!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; But at this moment, only listening to the chirping sound of the knife, the knife light was on, and in that dazzling knife light, only Zhong Yue raised his knife with both hands, facing the seven light wheels. Cut off!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; That is the seven beams of light formed by the seven emperor soldiers. They collided with Zhong Yue's sword light, and suddenly the seven beams of light broke apart!

& bp; & bp; & bp; It's nothing more than a step.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Just as he lifted his feet and rushed to Zhong Yue's body, ready to attack again, he suddenly found that he could not find his seven hands.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Jin Chongyu was shocked and turned his head, only to find that his neck was missing!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; His head looked backwards and saw his second head, which was hundreds of miles away from himself, and then saw his third head farther away, Seeing his neck far away, then there were scattered arms, palms, chest, abdomen, two thighs, two legs.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Then he saw where he stood when he exited Wanli, with two big feet!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Jin Chongyu screamed, creepy, wondering what happened!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; And everyone else is ashamed. Compared to Jin Chongyu, they see more, but it is still difficult to suppress the shock of their hearts.

& bp; & bp; & bp; Ground.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The moment the thigh was lifted, the leg fell down.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; When Jin Chongyu's body rushed toward Zhongyue, his body seemed to fall apart, his two thighs fell, his abdomen fell, and then his arms, chest, neck, and head.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Finally, Jin Zhongyu rushed to the middle of the three heads in front of Zhong Yue!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; He was so fast that he didn't even find himself dismembered.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Although more than 17,000 gods were present to see Jin Chongyu dismembered, when was Zhong Yue ’s sword cut on Jin Chongyu, they were not much, only the existence of the emperor-level After clearing Zhong Yue's knife light, his heart was shocked.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Zhong Yue's slashing down and breaking Jin Chongyu's Qibao unification, cut through the seven light wheels, and directly broke Jin Chongyu's strongest blow. Then, when Jin Zhongyu stepped back, Zhong Yue's sword light disappeared, and that sword light did not disappear, but cut into a lot of space!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; When Jin Chongyu stepped back, the physical **** was cut by the blade of space, but he was unaware that he had avoided the magic sword of Zhong Yue.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Therefore, Jin Chongyu did not know that he had been dismembered.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Zhong Yue's sword has been so inspiring that it can threaten the emperor, and the emperor present must be dignified and consciously difficult to crack.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Jin Chongyu quickly recalled his physical body, and was frightened. Zhong Yue's knife was not only dismembering his physical body, but also disintegrating with his primordial spirit, but he could also feel his physical primordial spirit. The pieces can be restored as usual as long as they are connected.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; As soon as he recovered his body, he saw Zhong Yue take out a scabbard and was about to return it into the sheath. He couldn't help looking at it, and yelled out loudly, "Mr. Yi, his mercy--"

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Zhong Yue used this trick when he killed the evil spirits. He also cut into the sheath. Dao Yin excites the power of the blade of time and killed them. Can Yue not be surprised when Yue still enters the sheath?

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp;

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Zhong Yue also cut into the sheath, Jin Zhongyu was pale, almost spirited, but saw that he was safe and sound, suddenly sweating all over, almost paralyzed, and supported to keep himself standing.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The sword and scabbard in Zhongyue's hands disappeared and laughed: "Brother Jin, just a joke, don't worry. Today is the future conference of the emperors, I easily do not kill."

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Jin Chongyu barely smiled, wanted to talk, and worried that his voice was trembling and timid, he had to keep his mouth shut.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Zhong Yue looked at the other seven people and smiled gently: "Several brothers and sisters, who else wants to enlighten me?"

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Tian Yao's demon Xingyue's face changed slightly, and he muttered, "I know that even if I opened the seventh mystery and received the old man's teaching, I would still not be his opponent. The old man was partial to me now Invincible in the same realm ... "

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Yang Guanyuan chuckled and laughed: "King Yi, I haven't resumed the battle just now. You wait for me for 80 years, and after I recover, I will compete with you!"

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "This is more shameless than me!"

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Tian Xuanzi excited to Fuli: "It is our fellow!"

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Fuli rolled his eyes.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Princess Wen Yan looked at Wu Qingxuan, Wu Qingxuan understood, walked forward, and smiled softly: "Mr. Yi, who is a woman, and hopes that Mr. Xiang will be more pity."

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Zhong Yue was extremely kind and said: "The county master does not need to laugh, and there is no difference between men and women in my eyes. If the county master is strong enough, the injury will be more serious. If the county master is weak, the injury will be Much lighter. "

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Wu Qingxuan blinked and smiled, "What's the point, sir?"

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Zhong Yue earnestly and truly said: "If you are strong, I can't keep my hand, so the injury will inevitably be serious. If we are weak, I have room to keep my hand, so the injury will be lighter."

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Wu Qingxuan Jiao sang, seven light wheels emerged in the back of the head, the seven light wheels cut through layers of space, show their slender hands, gathered the power of the seven reincarnation and shot to Zhong Yue.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Her five fingers trembled gently, and she saw a beam of light bursting from her fingertips. It was extremely mysterious. The beam of light was filled with mountains and mountains, as if a beam of light was a cave. !!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; This attack is different from Jin Chongyu ~ www.readwn.com ~ Jin Chongyu is so arrogant that he is extremely overbearing when he makes a shot. The spirit of killing is extremely strong and the offensive is extremely fierce. However, Wu Qingxuan's blow was slender and soft, picturesque, without any firework.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; But her blow reveals that she is no less inferior to Jin Chongyu's cultivation strength, hiding the killings between the beautiful fingers!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "What does Junzhuo drink?"

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Zhong Yue raised her hand and smiled, "I've already passed, I only see the enemy in my eyes, and there is no difference between men and women."

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The two palms touched each other silently, but Wu Qingxuan showed horror. Seven light wheels trembled behind her head. Bone people are usually paralyzed. (To be continued.)

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