Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1070: Haunted Secrets

The more than 17,000 gods who came to the meeting this time were shocked. This future conference of the emperors was too exciting. I almost saw the emperor taking the throne and even marrying him.

And the prestigious King Yi, persuaded King Yi in the presence of the emperor and the queen's maiden, saying that when to kill is not to kill such words, it is even fueling the fire!

Of course, if the three emperors do fight, they will not know how many of them will survive the aftermath of the imperial war.

However, Mu Xiantian and Di Ming shattered their faces in public. This matter still made them happy, and even some goddesses secretly discussed whether Mu Xiantian was because he loved his empress queen and was deceived by Di Ming. This was because of love. Hate, want to seize the throne, ambition to emperor Ming.

This is just a small episode of this future conference of emperors.

The Emperor and the Empress Dowager stood up and laughed, "Thank you King Yi for your hospitality. This is the future conference of the emperors. I will wait for these aging ones to delay the practice of your young and handsome men, and King Yi will not have to send them."

They walked away. They stood up, and the ninety-five innate demon stood up, and followed them away.

Zhong Yue got up to send her away, but saw that Emperor Ming and Empress had stepped out of the sky with the ninety-five Supreme, and had to stop, Mu Xiantian sneered, stood up and disappeared.

"Or why don't Mu congenital."

Beyond the sky, the emperor sighed tomorrow and said, "If there is no reminder from King Yi, you and I have opened the seventh mystery, you can take Mu Xiantian in one fell swoop, and the world can be calmed down easily. How can Yi King be troublesome. "

The Empress Dowager laughed: "How long has Your Majesty never shot?"

The emperor thinks for a moment tomorrow, and laughs: "Since he took the throne, he has never shot again."

"When is Your Majesty the fastest way to enter the country?" The Empress Dowager asked again.

The emperor's eyes brightened and he smiled, "It was the time when Emperor Tianyuan died, and in a troubled world, I decided to fight for the throne and become the ruler of the universe."

"A troubled world has the benefits of troubled times. Since the world is in chaos, why bother to calm down the troubled times?"

The Empress Dowager laughed: "Since ancient times, only the famous general Mingjun was born in troubled times. Who has heard the prestige of the general in the prosperous age? His Majesty repaired it after he ascended to the throne, and just now, His Majesty has made great progress. Progress has almost opened the seventh mystery. It can be seen that the world is chaotic. "

"I have a good wife, and it is better than my harem."

The emperor laughed tomorrow, and went hand in hand with her.

In the future, the conferences of the emperors will continue, but after the shocking scene just now, everyone's state of mind is still difficult to recover.

"I think I'm about to open the seventh mystery!"

Suddenly an exclamation came, and everyone's eyes were attracted. I saw a young boy with a tiger head and a yell, and the secrets of his body opened, forming a light wheel outside his body, which was disillusioned!

Every light wheel turns on, there are wonderful Tao sounds coming!

What caused this vision was the fragmented little secrets inside him were opened one by one, and the secret forces were projected to the outside to form a light wheel.

Everyone looked at each other, and the power of some holy medicine could open up thousands of mysteries in the body. How could this boy own a holy medicine?

"It seems to be the boy who is often seduced by King Yi's offerings!"

Lou Zhengshi's eyes were red, and he immediately remembered what Zhong Yue had done in the past. When the boy was born just a short time ago, he was still a big fat baby and a small baby. Tianhe and Panyu.

Later, in Zhentianguan, the baby gradually grew up and was sacrificed by the goddess Xuan Niu, the lady of King Yi, to seduce the general of the heavenly army, seduce the enemy to go deep, and kill many of the top generals in heaven.

A hundred years later, the baby of that year has become a teenager, not as seductive as before, but this teenager has suddenly become the youngest emperor, giving Zhentianguan an extra general!

The army of heaven, I do n’t know how many people hate and love this young man, ca n’t wait to crush him to death, and love to hug him and bite two.


The fourth son of Chen Long.

Zhong Yue quickly whispered: "Four cousins, don't cause me trouble! You are the emperor, and you must have an emperor to calm down the impact of your concealment!"

He repeatedly grumbled and said, "I didn't cause any trouble! I don't know why, the secrets of all sizes in my body were suddenly opened!"

Zhong Yue was doubtful and asked, "Have you ever taken any holy medicine?"

The aura of mystery in the body is still jumping outwards, shaking his head and saying, "No! I just heard your words, and then I felt something, and my heart said that it would motivate me to regenerate the red dust and revive the suspense, maybe I can break a few A mystery, and then the medicine hidden in those mysteries broke out, and I could n’t stop it! "

Zhong Yue was speechless. He was a living sacred medicine. He originally thought that after the big fat boy became an emperor, the medicine in his body would be completely gone. I did not expect that some of these medicines were not lost, but they were hidden in six secret areas. In thousands of other mysteries.

At this conference, he gained insights into the existence of future emperors, Emperor Mu Xiantian, Emperor Ming and other emperors. Although the accumulation has not reached the depth of Emperor Ming and Empress Emperor, but the medical power in the body is triggered, it is no small matter. Hidden medicinal powers in the big and small secrets of his body!

Zhong Yue suddenly became tense, and his understanding and accumulation were insufficient. It is impossible for the existence of the Emperor Ming to accumulate enough power. In one fell swoop, his seventh mystery is bound to close, conflicting with the six reincarnations. Existence cannot be suppressed.

And now, there is no emperor-level existence in Po Tianguan.

Suddenly, Zhong Yue flashed a light, winked at Yin Xuanxuan and Feng Xiaozhong, and got up and laughed: "Zhu Jun, after all, sermons are just talking, it ’s better to see them with your own eyes. Today ’s opportunity is rare, Emperor Jundi is about to start the seventh Let ’s demonstrate it to everyone. If the princes of the future would open the seventh mystery, they would be well prepared. "

The dark path is not good, and suddenly he is sacrifice by Yin Xuanxuan and Feng Xiaozhong, dancing to the pulpit.


The two of them sang aloud, and saw that the flesh's body became bigger and bigger, and became a behemoth of the tiger's head dragon body, so that everyone could see more clearly.

Ashamed and ashamed, she quickly mentioned her pants.

When Zhong Yue passed the order, the hundred million deities and gods who broke the sky will immediately sacrifice the five emperor soldiers and hang high above the pulpit, suppressing all the imperial avenues.

Zhong Yue stepped forward and came to her side, and said, "Juns, I will need your help to help him close the mystery. Now it is a safe time, let me explain the mystery of the mystery to you."

A mysterious hole opened in the body, and Zhong Yue passed the order, letting the army urge the imperial power, suppress it a little, and then walked into the light wheel of the mysterious projection, pointing at the texture totem of this secret, explaining the mystery of this secret.

The crowds shrank their bodies, walked forward, visited in the secret realm, and listened to Zhong Yue's explanation.

After he finished speaking, another mystery opened, and Zhong Yue and everyone went into another mystery and explained it. Others asked questions and said what was puzzled. Some doubts Zhong Yue could solve, but others couldn't answer it. Fortunately, among the more than 17,000 strong men, there were many geniuses in this area, and the discussion was extremely heated.

He was aggrieved and determined to be there. Every now and then a secret realm in his body was opened. Zhong Yue took everyone to drill in his secret realm, and it was very lively.

"It is the most difficult to form a system between the mystery and the mystery. The mysteries with the same attributes need to be connected by avenues. These mysteries must be connected, unified, and then converted into the seventh mystery."

After a long time, Zhong Yue took everyone out of the flesh and said, "Emperor Jun, now you can try to open the seventh mystery!"

狴 犴 Meditation, a avenue like a dragon, meandering through its body, passing through the mysteries of the same attribute, and after a while, all the mysteries of the same attribute penetrated.

Zhong Yue said with a surprise, and said to everyone: "The emperor who opened the emperor opened the secret territory of hijacking, and he used this as a way of saying, such a rare state ... extremely rare!"

The unscrupulous hijacking unification unites all the unsuccessful hijackings in the body. Even in the trial and error of the ancient emperors, very few people have cultivated the unscrupulous hid.

He practiced a hundred revolutions and reborn the Red Dust Scriptures. The most important one of his avenues was the avenues of transport and fortune. Every time he passed, he would repair it. The more robbers he experienced, the higher the repair, the stronger his strength. .

This kind of practice is rare and full of danger. The reason why it is rare is that most of the people who walk on this path die in the robbery. No one knows whether they can survive the next robbery!

"It's amazing to create the existence of a hundred revolutions and rebirth of the Red Dust Scripture! Mr. Bi Luo said that he was still alive, waiting for the maturity of the puppet, he would eat the puppet and become an innate god. Whether he succeeded in becoming an innate **** or not. , But it ’s amazing to create this technique! "

Zhong Yue sighed and laughed: "The princes, it is extremely dangerous to open the seventh mystery for the first time, because the powers of the seventh mystery and the six reincarnation mysteries are not systematic and conflict with each other. You need to use the power of the emperor-level existence to suppress the mysteries! Join me to urge the Imperial Soldiers to suppress his seventh mystery! "

"Good!" Everyone laughed ~ www.readwn.com ~ With so many future emperors' blessings, the huge mouthful of imperial power on the pulpit was urged to the extreme, from five imperial soldiers. The hanging avenue is like a giant dragon. When the seventh realm of the uncle conflicts with the six reincarnations, it directly suppresses his seven realm and suppresses the power that erupted in his realm!

I was shocked to vomit blood, and almost passed out. Fortunately, the medicine in his secret place had not been exhausted, and he soon recovered.

"At this time, it is necessary to mobilize wisdom to calculate the trajectory and connection between the seventh mystery and the six reincarnations, so as to minimize the conflict between the seventh mystery and the six reincarnations."

Zhong Yue told her to continue to open the seventh mystery, and said to everyone: "Princes, when you open the seventh mystery, you need to be fully prepared. It is best to have an emperor present to protect your physical body of the gods! Otherwise open The seventh mystery is not achieved, but it may be killed! "

——Wake up this morning, took a look at the subscriptions, and suddenly felt compelled. The new subscription was 58 thousand, oh my goodness, remembered that the new subscription three or four months ago was 58.... Enough! Four chapters broke out today, this is the second more! The third is at 6 pm and the fourth is at 8:00! (To be continued.):

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