Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1080: Call of the Void

Town Tianguan.

Zhong Yue took her beautiful wife and family to travel in the mountains and rivers, and she was at ease, practiced the sacred passage method, sacrificed the seven disciples to perform the reincarnation, and occasionally held altars to preach and preach sermons.

Other than his congenital embargo, everyone else is here. Regardless of the situation in the future, regardless of whether the congenital emperor will discover his secrets, these are the basis of his foothold, a force that can live and die with him!

As for the fire, since the end of the future emperor conferences, there has been some mental distress and lack of interest in everything. It is about the mystery of the 22nd dynasty of Emperor Fuxi in the showdown with Zhong Yue. Hit him.

This little flame only has the skills of the Emperor of the Nine Dynasties. Xuanji knew that there were 13 more Emperors Fuxi of the Emperor, so that the name of the inheritance of the fire was not worthy of the name.

And the thing that hit the fire most is that Xuanji integrated the skills and magical powers of the 22 emperors of the Heavenly Emperor into a whole, but he was still defeated by Zhong Yue's seven reincarnations!

This incident made Shenhuo feel that he was somewhat useless, and even if he passed on his inheritance, he might not be invincible.

In fact, he originally agreed with Zhong Yue, that is, by combining the techniques of the ancient Fuxi emperor and the strengths of one, he can be truly invincible.

The scene where Zhong Yue cracked the mystery broke their cognition.

Gathering the strengths of the ancient emperors of Fuxi's dynasties, they can't be invincible!

This makes the fire a bit disheartening.

Zhong Yue was sacrificing the heavenly plate, trying to make Sanmu Tiantong's ridiculous heavenly classics compatible with the innate gossip, and then obtained an ancestral skill from Fuxi. Today, Pan's ability is enough to allow him to integrate more exercises. Although it is impossible to integrate the 22 emperors' heavenly exercises like Xuanji, it is not trivial.

"Zhongshan Family, what's the use of Fuxi's exercises?"

The voice of Luanhuo came and yelled, "That mystery is fused and perfect, hasn't it been cracked?"

Zhong Yue laughed: "Salary, did you forget it? I cracked it!"

He looked up at the traces of the innate gossip in the heavenly disk. His eyes were full of divine light, turned into innate Taiji, into the innate four-signature, into innate gossip, and leisurely said, "I have broken the ancestor's exercises, but my exercises It has n’t been broken yet. As long as my exercises have n’t been broken, Fu Xi ’s exercises have n’t been completely broken! ”

Salary stunned, and suddenly overjoyed, saying: "Yes, you are my heir, you are undefeated, I am undefeated! I thought I was defeated, and I thought I was defeated! Hahaha, The great salary did not fail! "

The flame of this little flame burst into arrogance and laughed on his hips.

After a long time, this little flame returned to peace, and said to Zhong Yue: "I have never seen a stubborn inheritor like you. You are really a cow ..."

Zhong Yue persevered. This kind of perseverance and indelible faith was something he had never seen before.

Among all the successors, Zhong Yue is definitely not the smartest inheritor he has ever seen, nor is it the most outstanding inheritor he has ever seen. In fact, Zhong Yue is among the successors of all ages. His wisdom and qualifications Can only be regarded as the last, there is no bottom.

When he met Zhong Yue in the beginning, the blood of Fuxi in Zhong Yue's body was so low that he could almost ignore it!

But Xuanhuo felt that Zhong Yue was the most satisfied among the heirs he had cultivated.

Because he has a subtle nature and lack of wisdom and understanding, he created a congenital gossip to enhance wisdom. If he lacks qualifications, he reverses innateness and improves qualifications.

He also learned from the strengths of all the families and gathered the wisdom of future emperors. In this troubled world, he is even known as the unparalleled wise man!

Those who praise Zhong Yue's existence, if he knows that Zhong Yue in his early years is just a small ordinary person with low qualifications among the human race, he will certainly not believe it!

Only Zhong Yue, who is so bullish, can come to this step in this dangerous era, and it is impossible for others to do it.

More than ten days later, Zhong Yue finally integrated Sanmu Tiantong into the congenital gossip.

He urged the innate gossip, the three-eyed sky pupil also started to run, the sun and the moon rose, fell into the eyes, and the third eye of the eyebrow opened. In his eyes, the structure of the entire world suddenly changed!

Previously, he saw mountains as mountains, water as water, and starry sky as starry sky. Now under the eyes of Sanmu Tiantong, mountains are no longer mountains, water is no longer water, and starry sky is no longer starry sky.

What he saw was Tao's trajectory, the Tao's movement in the heavens and the earth, a drop of water flowing, a flower opening, a piece of dead leaves falling, and even a girl's hair flowing, all reflecting the Tao.

For the first time, this world has become so lively, but full of mystery.

He saw the layers of space, the structure of the space was clear and clear, and the time passed like a long river, everywhere.

He looked to the moon god, which was the only existence in the town's Tianguan that was not surrounded by the long river of time. The woman stood in time but was not taken away by time, quiet and mysterious.

Zhong Yue stunned, the moon **** looked at him with a soft smile.

Zhong Yue enjoyed the beauty that the long river can't take away at this time. After a long time, he looked away and looked up. The deep sky was full of mystery.

Da Shiming once said that the moment when the acquired spirit looked up at the starry sky, it was already guilty. That was the power of the acquired spirit to pry into the Tao, the mystery of the eternal life, and the power of the devil.

But now, Zhong Yue has realized the first glance of the innate soul looking up at the starry sky, which is full of curiosity, full of desire for exploration, and full of desire for understanding the unknown.

According to the Grand Commander, this kind of sin has caused the acquired spirit to grow old, die, and die, but the grandmaster did not say that the acquired soul was not frightened by the sickness, death, and death. This kind of exploration and longing passed down from generation to generation. Carry on.

Zhong Yue exhausted his eyesight, and the universe seemed to have no secret in his eyes.

He finally saw the void world, the endless void is at the end of the space, where there is a vast expanse, and a lonely spirit floats. There is a void world opened by Dasao, which is used to make the acquired souls reach the ideal place for eternal life.

Although the Void Realm can only save the soul and not allow the physical body to live forever, it was a successful attempt.

There are various deficiencies in the void world. For example, the soul of the born soul needs to be extremely powerful to enter it. For example, if there is no sacrifices, the soul will gradually wither, and there is a need for uninterrupted sacrifices to maintain the vitality of the soul.

Even if the soul in the void realm wants the lower realm, it needs sacrifice.

But there is still a place where countless creatures yearn for, a place to prove that they have existed in the universe!

The heroes of the ancestors and ancestors of various ethnic groups floated there quietly, silent, but full of sacredness. From time to time, souls were awakened, and the power of sacrifice formed a channel, and there was an underworld of ancestral spirits.

Zhong Yue's gaze crossed a great shore spirit, searching for the traces of the ancestors of the Fuxi family.

The souls of the ancestors of Fuxi's ancestors were withering. Their sacrifice had been cut off. Zhong Yue exhausted his eyesight and silently searched for the spirits of the ancestors.

The taste, perhaps only he can understand.

"Fu Xiun in the future, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Suddenly, a voice came from the Void Realm, and the spirit of an Emperor Fuxi was opposite to his gaze. It seemed to see him. A vast spiritual wave came and sounded in Zhong Yue's mind.

"We have been waiting for you for a long time!"

In the Void Realm, the eyes of a Fuxi emperor's spirit met his eyes one after another, and grand voices sounded in his mind.

Zhong Yue's body shook, and he only heard the voices of the emperors turned into a torrent, which blew in his mind: "Heir to the fire, come to the void!"

But at this time, the spiritual fluctuations of the emperors came to an abrupt end and disappeared, as if cut off and blocked by a mysterious force!

Then, Zhong Yue saw the depths of the void world, and a curtain of sky slowly opened, blocking his sight and blocking the eyes of him and the emperors!

"what is that?"

Zhong Yue showed unbelievable color. The curtain was too big and too wide, and it completely covered the entire void world that he saw, and cut off an induction!

The eyesight of Sanmu Tiantong is also a kind of induction, which is also cut off, unable to see the void, making his eyes look like a layer of gray mist!

"A heavenly treasure!"

The breath of the sky curtain is very familiar. It is the breath of the heavenly treasure. This heavenly treasure blocks the induction and communication between the spirit of the Fuxi ancestors and the lower world in the void.

"So, Tian was also involved in the great event of my Fuxi Protoss' fall, and I'm afraid it's not as clean as all beings imagine!"

Zhong Yue fixed his mind, and the spirits of the emperors in the void were calling him to let him come to the void, and he must have entered the void!

How can I enter the void?

Moreover, there is a treasure of heaven in the void, will he be discovered by the treasure of heaven when he enters the void?

"The soul of Emperor Hao Yi once went to the void world ~ www.readwn.com ~ This shows that the Yuqing Zhou Guangxuanjing is enough to break through the gap between the void and reality. This practice has been practiced to a very high level, which should allow me to enter the void. Realm! However, there can be no entities in the void realm, only the Yuanshen can enter. Can my Yuanshen use the Yuqing cosmic light mystery to enter the realm, and see the emperors? "

Zhong Yue frowned deeply. If Yuanshen could enter the void, how could he come back?

There is a curtain of sky in the Nether Realm, which blocks the lower realm of the spirits of the emperors. If he enters the Nether Realm and is blocked by this curtain of sky, Yuan God cannot return to the flesh, does it not mean that the flesh will die?

This is the greatest danger!

Therefore, he must find a way that can also bring the physical body to the void, so that he can ensure his peace!

"I don't know the seven reincarnations of space. Can I get into the void?"

Zhong Yue's eyes were shining brightly, and a buzz of light spread out in the back of his head. Seven reincarnations were rotating and cutting, and a loud bang made his body disappear! (To be continued.):

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