Rise of Humanity

Chapter 109: Sun Moon Treasure

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"Master Long is back!"

Hunchun, summer, autumn, and winter, the four girls were shocked and happy, and hurriedly greeted them, jumping for joy, Qiuer blinked, and tempted, "What is the master ..."

"Rest assured, Master doesn't eat you."

Zhongyue has already transformed into the "Longyue" image of the dragon's head, waving his hand: "The master is still vegetarian, and the master does not practice femininity. Right, where is Qiu Bo?"

The four young girls were relieved, Chuner said sadly: "Qiu Bo was eaten by a lady who passed by ..."

"Qiu Bo was eaten?"

Qi Zhongyue's anger burst into her chest, her face suddenly glooming: "Who did it?"

Donger whispered: "It is a passing lady in Yanming Mountain. The lady said that the old grandfather was hospitable at the time and gave blood to passersby who passed by, but now the master Long does not give anything to stutter The truth? She had to eat people. Qiu Bo asked us to ask Master Tiger and Master Bai, but he was eaten by the passing lady. The lady took a few followers and ate all the men, women, and children in a village under the mountain. It's ... "

Ji Zhongyue took a long breath and Shen said, "What's the name of this Yanming Mountain's gas refiner?"

Xia Er whispered quickly and said, "I heard that Master Tiger and Master Bai who came here called the passing master as Mrs. The two masters respected her and sent her away. The two masters said to us Yanming Mountain is a mountain next to Guxia City. The gas refiners who live there are all people with heads and faces, which can easily provoke them ... "

"Like a lady?"

Zhong Yue wrote down the name and settled down, saying, "I won't be in Yingyingling all the year round. There are a lot of gas refiners passing by, and some guys will inevitably come to eat you as self-identified. Today, when the master returns, he must Change this situation and leave totem poles for all tribes in my territory. In the future, you only need to worship the pillars, and I will feel it. Although the power of the pillars is not strong, as long as you continue to worship, you can improve The power of the Totem Pole can still be done by the defender. "

Four girls are shocked and delighted. Where is the totem **** column? Only those demon tribes deserve totem poles, and they are relatively large demon tribes.

还有 "And you."

Zhong Yue glanced at the four girls, and saw that the four girls were all qualified for elixir. Their skin was like white radish, and their hearts moved slightly, saying, "I teach you some cultivation methods, you each cultivate. If you are qualified to become a gas refiner in the future, I will take you to find a superior spirit and make you a gas refiner! "

The four girls were shocked and delighted. The people of Donghuang are all animals, where can they practice?

I did not expect that this Dragon Master would even teach them the method of practice, and may even become a gas practitioner!

The four daughters quickly thanked him, Zhong Yue raised her hand, and the four girls could not kneel. These girls were a few years younger than him, and they belonged to the same ancestors. Would he be easily bowed by them?

"I'm not strong enough now, my identity can't be revealed, so I can't teach them the Jianmen exercises, and I don't learn much ..."

Ji Zhongyue pondered carefully, and her heart suddenly moved: "Teach them the moon totem and let them visualize the moon moon toad!"

It is impossible for the moon to sense the moon spirit. Anyone who senses the moon will be the **** of the filial piety and will nourish that god.

Zhongyue Yue's moon spirit is the true moon spirit, except for the filial piety, it is probably the only one. The Moon Spirit also has three forms. The first form is the bright moon, with a total of thirty-two totem patterns.

The second form is Xingyue Jade Toad, which has 56 totem patterns, while the third form is Luna, which requires spiritual unity to practice.

Zhong Yue carved the moon along the way, and she has thoroughly polished the thirty-two totem patterns of the first form of the moon spirit, but it is much more difficult to teach the four girls who have no knowledge of cultivation than to enlighten the moon spirit. Zhong Yue It took more than half a month for them to remember the thirty-two totem patterns of the moon spirit, and the wall became a moon.

As for the mysteries and mysteries contained in these totem patterns, it is impossible for them to comprehend the little brains they know nothing about. Only when their cultivation is high can they realize the mysteries in the totem patterns. Now they have to do It's just thinking about the moon and improving one's mental strength.

"These girls are much higher than my starting point."

Zhong Yue couldn't help sighing, looking at the four young girls who were suffering hardships, showing envy. When he started, he practiced Jianmen's meditations, which is the most common practice method. The elixir enhances the strength of the body. When you are exhausted for a while, you will fall asleep, otherwise you will emptied your body.

Therefore, the poorer the children of the birth, the slower the practice speed, because they ca n’t eat enough and wear warm clothes. Where can I have enough energy to cultivate? The Zhongshan family, where Zhong Yue is, is the smallest and poorest of the 3,000 tribes in the Dahuang. The other disciples of Jianmen are anyhow supported by a tribe, but he has nothing and naturally practice slower than others.

And when these four girls came up to practice, it was Mingyue Baozhao, contemplating Mingyue, and refining the spirit. Not only that, Mingyue Baozhao is also a method of refining the body, so that the body, spirit and soul go hand in hand and improve together!

Wu Mingyuebao's starting point is higher than Jianmen's imagination!

Not only that, these four women are also 的 pharmacological girls raised with elixir. Even the skin's pores contain spirituality, and it seems that water can be exuded with a light touch!

Cultivate Mingyuebao Zhaojue, they will do more with less!

"Mingyuebao Zhaojue and Da Ribao Zhaojue, I wonder if you can practice at the same time?"

Zhong Zhongyue, while contemplating Mingyue Baozhuo, while carving a totem **** column, a round of moons around him circulated around him, the moonlight nourishes and shines on the body and spirit, and carefully senses that this method of practice is different from Da Ribao Zhaojue.

Da Ribao's Zhaojue pays more attention to refining. Refining is refining, refining impurities in the body, refining the impurities with ferocious vitality. After the impurities in the body are removed, the essence of the beast **** Nedan flows in, replenishing the emptiness of the flesh with less impurities. Then, the physical body will naturally become stronger.

And Mingyue Baozhao focuses on quenching. Quenching is promotion. It is like running water like silver paste, washing away impurities from the body, moisturizing the body like water, and the body is nourished and naturally strengthened.

Because it is a method of two types of refining, they cannot run at the same time, otherwise the phenomenon of collision of powers will occur. Therefore, at present Zhongyue can only refining the body with Da Ribao Zhaoji and another time with Mingyue Bao Zhaoji Body, very inconvenient.

Therefore, he wondered whether he could fuse the two methods together.

Soon after, Zhong Yue carved out a totem pole. Only the dragon totem was engraved on the totem pole. If Li Min worships, he will have a spiritual sympathy, urge the dragon totem, and let the totem move from the totem pole. China turned into a dragon owl to guard the village.

Long Yao is also a struggle for his identity. After all, Zhong Yue entrusted the "Dragon Yue" named Dragon in the territory of the monster clan, so he painted the dragon totem pattern, and other monster gas refiners came to his territory and saw The totem pole knew it was his place.

He immediately began to carve a second totem pole. Behind him, a big day emerged, trying to run with Mingyue, and at the same time using Mingyue Baozhuo and Da Ribao Zhaojue to train the flesh together.

He just watched the sun and the moon at the same time, and it didn't take long for the big collision to happen, which made Zhong Yue frown slightly.

"In space, what I see is that the planet that we live in revolves around the sun, and when I look on the ground, the sun and the moon revolve around the earth."

Zhongyue thought, and said, "The Taiji diagram shown to me by the fire is the rotation of the sun and the moon around Taihao. The key to keeping the sun and the moon in parallel is probably here!"

He began to try to modify Mingyue Baozhaoju and Da Ribaozhaoju. Both of these methods rely on Baozhao to promote the physical body, and it is easy to conflict.

"It is naturally difficult to run two methods at the same time, and it is difficult to integrate the two methods. If you want to integrate, you must add a vital link between yin and yang. Become that dragon pattern line in the middle of the sun and the moon in Taiji! Yin and Yang are separated, and the sun and the moon rotate around the dragon pattern line, you can combine the two skills!

The Tai Hao Fu Xi of the dragon's head snake body is naturally a dragon line separating the yin and yang, so there is the Tai Hao Tai Chi picture.

The Taiji picture of Taihao Fuxi is very complicated, so Zhongyue replaced it with a dragon pattern.

"I just have a dragon totem pattern and a dragon totem pattern. I can barely compose that dragon pattern in the center of the Taiji figure, and the dragon totem pattern is also the method of refining, which is equivalent to combining three refining methods! "

His eyes are gradually brighter ~ www.readwn.com ~ more and more brighter, finally find the best way to combine the three refining techniques!

When Zhong Zhongyue carved the totem pole, he tried to fuse the three gates. After all the totem pillars were carved, he also preliminarily merged the three gates.

Zhong Yue tried to run it, and saw the dragon pattern entangled, and the sun and the moon revolved around him. Although the operation was still a little sluggish, the flesh could sense the condensing of the big sun treasure photo, the tempering of the bright moon treasure photo, and the dragon Blessing of power!

"This new method of refining is called the Sun and Moon Bao Zhao Jing!"

Zhong Zhongyue stood up and called for four women in spring, summer, autumn, and winter, and gave them the totem poles that had been carved, and let them distribute them to each of the ethnic villages in their territory.

"As Madam, Yanming Mountain!"

Zhong Yue's eyes flickered and she left the old temple and walked down the mountain. The fire suddenly said: "Yue, like a wife, you mean Xiaoyin, and you still love Ai, you have the status no less than your wife! If you kill This lady-like person will inevitably lead to a lady-like fight. The person's little sister-in-law is a gas practitioner. I am afraid that she has the strength and status is not low! "

"Heaven Lao Tzu's love, I have eaten my people's clan, and I want his life!"

Zhongyue shook his body, and his whole body crackled: "I'm in the sword gate, I can't hurt and kill people, but in the demon tribe, I'm a dragon, whoever provoked me, I'll eat who!

———— It is the fourth chapter, there will be four chapters today, the lowest four! Want to see more outbreaks? Where is the monthly pass? !! !! R1152

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