Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1094: Detonate the Emperor

Feng Wuji walked with Luo Luo and rushed to the Bo Huang Clan. The Bo Huang Clan had two innate gods and deities. Luo Lao had a high status in the Blue Palace and was a very good person. The favor, the two were moved by Luo Lao. ?

The two innate gods persuaded the powerful emperor of the Emperor's Clan to help each other, and gathered hundreds of **** emperors' creations.

The crowd went to Wu Huai, and they also received Wu Huai's support. As many as six innate gods have been born.

When he came to the Water Dragons, Feng Wuji gathered ten innate gods, and there were three or five hundred **** emperors.

The wind was jealous and rushed to Wuming's family. Wuming was originally the emperor's in-laws. Naturally, he could not quit, making this line even more extensive. Continent.

Mo Yin did not dare to neglect, and personally led the generals to welcome him. He was respectful and respectful of the wind.

"Mr. Wuji is comparable to the army of billions of gods and demons!" Mo Yin exclaimed.

Feng Wuji laughed, quite contentedly, and said, "Mr. Mo is polite. Wuji always has no strengths, but there are still some faces in the heavens."

Mo Yin's eyes flickered and he whispered, "Mr. Wuji, Your Majesty was very displeased with you last time, as if it was because of Princess Wenyu ..."

Feng Wuji's heart was stunned, and she smiled and said, "Mr. Mo broke through the sky and lost hundreds of millions of soldiers. Is your Majesty very displeased with Mr. Mo?"

Mo Yindao said: "I broke the Purple City and destroyed the innate palace billions and gods. My majesty made up for it. Instead of punishing him, His Majesty brought the Zhou Tianxing Department, Tianying Star Department, Disha Star Department and Tianshu Department, Three Ligong Department Help me. "

Feng Wuji said: "This time I invited many gods and demons to come to our aid. The strong ones of Lalabo, Wuhuai, Shuilong, and Wuming are also considered to be small credits. He makes mistakes frequently, but His Majesty still pays great attention to Wuji. "

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Mo Yin stopped his laughter and said in full color: "I still don't know which faction Mr. Wuji is, so please tell Mr. Wuji."

Feng smiled wistfully and said, "Of course, your Majesty's faction. Which faction is Mr. Mo?"

The two looked at each other and laughed again.

"What are you laughing at?"

Tian Si Niang Niang came and smiled and groaned, "What are the pleasures of the two, not to talk and listen to the body, but also make the body smile?"

Mo Yin laughed: "We are talking about which faction Mr. Wuji belongs to. Madam, although we are old acquaintances, I still don't know which faction you are. Speaking of Coca-Cola?"

Tian Si Niang Niang blinked, and said positively, "I belong to the Emperor of Heaven."

The three laughed, and Mo Yin laughed so much that tears came out, and Tencel's mother was also overjoyed.

Breaking the heavens, a scout came to report, saying: "The protagonist, Pan Xi's filial piety, drew water dragons, Bo Huangs, Wu Huai, and Wu Mings, and gathered eight hundred gods and creations. There are sixteen demon gods, and now they have gone to the continent of Tianhe. "

Zhong Yue was surprised, and laughed: "Xiao Wuji came out again? His energy is really not small, and he can eat anywhere. He is not from the Emperor's faction, so he spares no effort to help Emperor, some intriguing. And Tian Si Niang Niang, It should be the same as Feng Wuji, who is working for a certain big man who has been hidden deep enough. Now he is helping the Heavenly Emperor faction, and he will bite back when he doesn't know.

Tai Feng said: "King Yi, filial piety has great energy, and it is necessary to guard against it."

Zhong Yue said: "Brother, rest assured, I never underestimated him. I never will, and never will. In the absence of him, it will be extremely difficult for me to break the heavenly army, but if he is there, the heaven will be undoubted. Yan Huang, Can you send me a letter to King Ziguang? "

Jiang Yizhang came out and said, "I'm willing to go."

A copy of Zhong Yue's handwriting was handed to Jiang Yichen.

Jiang Yizhang was an emperor. He turned into a candle dragon and went away at a very fast speed. He arrived at the Ancestral Palace within three months and met with the King of Light, and presented the letter of Zhong Yue.

King Ziguang opened his letter and looked at the letter, saying: "Brother and brother are equal, and they are called kings. This younger brother is invincible and the battle is invincible. The Tianhe beheads hundreds of millions. The soldiers are facing the heaven, and their reputation is as high as the sun and the moon. Brother Chang The name of Xiong Si has not seen any achievements so far. He has heard that he has a strategy of chaos and impossibility. He calms down the world, and his brother is called a servant under his brother. "

The King Ziguang was furious, tearing the letter into pieces, angrily, "I am too vulnerable to cheat me! He said that I have not done anything, and that he will be called a servant under his door! This thief killed me, and I went to Emperor Star and broke it. Today's deadlock! "

Jiang Yizhen tentatively said, "Ziguang, King Yi clearly drove you and sent you to Emperor Star. If you go, what should be the rear?"

King Ziguang laughed and said, "Brother, don't I know that he drove me? You don't know. Now King Yi soldiers come to the Emperor Star, as long as he doesn't move, it is convenient and safe for the ancestor of the Ancestral Palace. If he attacks the Emperor Star or Heaven, other Only then did the forces dare to attack my innate palace. He said that if he did not attack for thirty years, my innate palace would be safe for thirty years. I can go to Emperor Star anyway. "

Jiang Yizhang was a little worried: "The emperor star is mixed with dragons and snakes now, can you protect yourself when you go to emperor star?"

The King of Light called Susara, and said, "The presence of Susara is enough to protect yourself. I will go to the Emperor Star and stir this muddy water even more! Susara, let's go!"

Nu Xiuluo immediately left with King Ziguang. Jiang Yizhang was one step behind, and when they saw that they were gone, his heart couldn't help but startled: "This Xiuluo Xiushu is a strong and powerful man. Can't even catch up with them! "

Jiang Yizhang returned to the breaking Tianguan, not yet entered the threshold, looked far away from the emperor star, could not help but slightly stunned.

I saw two emperor spirits in the emperor star towering into the sky and fighting. There were countless gods and sacrifices. In the void world, a spirit of the emperor, the spirit of creation, and the spirit of the emperor came down like rain and killed. Sky is falling apart.

Another imperial soldier, like a book, roared and turned in mid-air, confronted another imperial soldier, another imperial soldier was like a chessboard, stars were like chess pieces, and black and white were beating continuously, and every movement exploded with boundless power!

"How did King Titus and Bo Huang fight?"

Jiang Yizhen recognizes that the book-like emperor is the book of the emperor's emperor, and the other emperor is Jin Ti's Tianyuan local chess, and one of the two emperors is the emperor. The emperor's uncle, and the other one is the king's Jinti, the two emperors meet like enemies, are jealous, and show no mercy.

This scene is not a trifle, but the two emperors have used their heritage to fight for your life, and even the spirits of the two deities in the Nether Realm have been summoned to participate in this battle!

It is important to know that as an emperor, not only refers to the existing divine emperors, creations, and emperors, but also a large number of divine emperors, creations, and emperors born in history. These existences can hide in the void even if the life is exhausted Enjoy the sacrifice.

They will not make use of the idle emperor battle, unless they encounter a decisive battle that affects the race's life and death, they will go down!

Now this scene is the battle between the two emperors!

"What happened?"

Jiang Yizhang was shocked, entered the sky breaking gate, and met Zhong Yue. Zhong Yue was also watching the decisive battle between the two emperors of the Emperor Star, admiring again and again, saying: "The King of Purple Light is really amazing. Wisdom seems to be the cause and effect of Tencel Mother, but it is different. Strange, what is he practicing? "

Jiang Yizhang wondered, "Why did the two emperors suddenly break up to such an extent?"

Zhong Yue reckoned for a moment and shook his head: "I can't even count what Ziguang King did, so that the two imperial clans fought so much. If I ask him, he may not say, if you ask him, he will not hide you . "

Jiang Yi shouted, "I don't know where he is now."

"He is on my way to breaking the sky." Zhong Yue laughed.

Jiang Yizhang looked around, but did not see the King of Ziguang. After a long time, he saw the King of Ziguang and Wu Shura walking towards the breaking sky.

Jiang Yixuan rushed forward, and the two talked and laughed, entering the sky breaking. King Ziguang looked at Zhong Yue and sneered: "Yi Jun, what do you think of me?"

Zhong Yue laughed: "It's just a challenge to fight between the two emperors. It has the name of a famous man."

King Ziguang laughed and said, "The battle between the two emperors? You belittle me, and after a few more days, if you look at the emperor star again, you will not be fighting between the two emperors. The warriors have no wisdom, no courage, and do not need to fight in person. , You can calm down the world with wisdom. Only a first-order rude brave man will be able to send troops and lead generals and fight on the battlefield. "

Zhongyue Haha laughed: "A warrior with no wisdom, no bravery, was broken by hundreds of millions of soldiers and gods in the Tiantianguan, and there were countless deaths and injuries. In the end, he could only hide in the Tiantianguan and rely on the rude courage to rescue. Save your life. "

King Ziguang heard him ridicule that he was defeated by Mo Yin, and he couldn't help but stare. Jiang Yizhen quickly persuaded peace and laughed: "When you meet and fight, you will only make outsiders laugh."

King Ziguang laughed: "If he didn't say it too badly in the letter, I wouldn't be angry with him. Yizhan, let's go drinking and ignore this level of rude brave husband."

Jiang Yichen wondered: "You have stirred up the dispute between King Ti's and Bo Huang's, what about other emperors? The emperor's water is not muddy enough."

King Ziguang laughed and said, "The whole body is moved by one shot. There is a lot of grievances among the emperor stars. I only need to do a trivial thing to completely detonate the emperor stars. After that, I do n’t have to do anything. Emperor The various ethnic groups of Star will naturally be incapable of dealing with each other, and even those emperor families who want to stay away from themselves will find it difficult to protect themselves and will inevitably enter the game separately. "

"You only did one thing, www.readwn.com, and you can put emperor stars into a big fight?"

Jiang Yizhen was startled, wondering, "What are you doing?"

King Ziguang glanced at Zhong Yue and smiled, "Don't talk to the rude brave husband. You and I go drinking, and slowly watch the emperor-star dispute."

After two days, the Water Dragons joined the battle, dispatched the emperor soldiers, sacrificed the spirits, summoned the gods from the void, and besieged the King Ti with the imperial clan.

King Ti's was in danger, and he sent King Ti's maid to Zun Lu overnight. The patriarch of King Z's loved Jin Ji's maid, and immediately sent troops to rescue. Unexpectedly, he leaked news and was intercepted halfway by Ge Tianshi. Almost the entire army was wiped out.

Ge Tianshi also participated. The emperor Lushi was originally an ancestor of Emperor Tianyuan. Tianyuan immediately shot and attracted the suppression of Emperor Ming.

The Emperor Ming is an emperor, married with Wu Ming, and selected a maiden from each tribe to fill the emperor's harem, and was named as a concubine, concubine, and maiden. All ethnic groups involved also sent troops, and attracted other emperors With the interference of Emperor Xing, Emperor Xing was getting more and more chaotic. Standing on the breaking sky and looking down, I saw that Emperor Xing was not in a peaceful place, and there were wars everywhere! (To be continued.)

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