Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1114: Abacus

The moment he walked away, the Wuzhishan blast burst into the market, and then shattered from layer to layer. From the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, a terrible figure rose to the sky, paused in the starry sky, and then space. Shattered, the figure has disappeared!

"Black Emperor, you suppressed me for 100,000 years, and I missed many good things. If there were an old tree to send peaches to me, I would be killed by you! I have a deep hatred with you and do n’t wear it together!"

The voice came, and the anger was sky-high.

The confrontational beings all around suddenly stopped, and each laughed and dispersed.

In Kunlun, Long Yue suddenly turned pale and lost his voice: "I am going to die, I am going to die! The King of the Crow God is looking for me!"

In the depths of the innate mountain, suddenly a large hall emerged. Inside the temple, a horrible existence stepped out, turned into a black crow and a white crow, flew into the sky, and flew into the sky with anger.

These existences are the outer body of the King of the Crow God. They are extremely powerful and not inferior to the emperor. When Zhong Yue slaughtered this holy place, they were practicing and did not know what was happening outside.

Now Zhong Yue encounters the black crow's outer body in the hall of holy medicine, which alarms them, and makes these outer bodies of the King Crow God irritable and chases Zhong Yue.

In the distant starry sky, an ancient ship with a thousand wings screamed past. The ancient ship cut through the layers of heterogeneous space formed by the a priori mountain and avoided the hunting of black and white crows. Zhong Yue mobilized all the forces, and the power of the fire spirit was also borrowed by him, and the seven reincarnations were directly exhibited, cut out from the heterogeneous space formed by Daoshan, and rushing out of the enveloped area of ​​Daoshan.

"The King of Crows actually has so many outside bodies. These outside bodies are hidden in other temples. Do those temples also have emperor corpses?"

Zhong Yue did not want to investigate in detail, madly urged the ancient ship to be far away, and the other body of the King Crow rushed out of the other temples. If there was also an emperor corpse and a holy medicine there, then this ancient The details of God King are really terrible!

In the vicinity of Daoshan, the monarchs and creatures such as Luo Ya are besieging the Shenxia Pavilion, Fengyuhuan, and Xieyang together.

Suddenly, the three members of the Shenxia Pavilion saw the huge black crows and white crows. They couldn't help looking pale and quickly jumped out of the battlefield and dared to stay for a moment.

The breath of the black crow and the white crow is even more terrible and horrible than their great consummate monarchs. The strength is several times their strength. Even holding the evil eye mirror or the heavenly **** fire fan, they may not be their opponents. If they do n’t run away, being stared at by the bodies of these King Crow Gods is definitely a dead end!

The Taoist Taoist tried hard to catch up, but failed to catch up with the three of them. They had to turn back and said, "The Master ’s body has always been sitting and practicing. Why is this a big fanfare? And all the bodies are out. What must have happened? "

"Is it the Master who found King Yi? Yes, King Yi escaped from the Yuguang bottle, and then disappeared. Did he enter my congenital mountain?

The Raven Taoist and others quickly returned to the Holy Land, looked around, shivered, and their hearts were cold.

"Oh my **** ..."

The scene in front of them made their hearts tremble. There were corpses everywhere, and ruined halls everywhere. Plasma converged into a river, flowing into a depression, forming a sea of ​​blood.

There are still some sacred fires that are not extinguished, still burning, and emitting a black smoke.

They saw that the harem of the King of the Crow God was completely destroyed, and the Crow Taoist flew forward, and saw the bodies of ladies.

Although the King of the Crow God just married so many women just to satisfy his desires, but so many damsels were killed by a brain, which has made him imagine how angry the King of the Crow God would be!

"Master's wife and concubine, dead ..."

The crow's eyes twitched violently, hurriedly flew up, and flew to other places. He looked away, his heart was cold.

Misery, it's too miserable.

From here, you can see the trajectory of Zhong Yue's killing the past. It is simply God blocking the demon and blocking the demon, directly destroying the dead!

"These brothers ..."

One creator trembled: "They have all been poisoned! Why, why didn't this gangster touch any banned formations? Did we have traitors? Leaked the layout in our holy place?"

The confinement formation in the congenital Daoshan Holy Land is extremely powerful. After all, it is the Tao of ancient gods. The confinement here is definitely not inferior to the royal family.

Of course, there are not many imperial classes born in the Congenital Mountains like Lei Ze, Hua Hua, and Fu Xi.

However, Zhong Yue broke into this place without encountering any bans and formations. This is too strange. It is no wonder that the creator suspected that there was a traitor in the Holy Land of the Apostles.

"It's that ship!"

The raven gritted her teeth and said, "That ship can cut through layers of space, or dive into it without touching those forbidden arrays! I heard Master say that ship ..."

The corner of his eye was beating. When refining the Qianyi Ancient Ship, the King of the Crow God was also among them, and he built the Qianyi Ancient Ship together with many Taigu Gods. The thousand-winged ancient ship contains his **** channel method. This ship sneaked into the Holy Land of the Ancestral Mountain. Although the ancient ship has the unique magic, there is also the avenue of the king of the crow **** to make trouble in it.

The avenue of Yuan Yashen King touches the ban set by King Yasuo God, naturally it will not trigger the ban.

"Brother, Master Raven is dead!" One emperor cried out.

The ravens Taoist looked that it was the **** who died in Zhong Yue's hands and opened the seventh secret, and was given the seven reincarnation by the King of Crow God. He was beheaded and killed by Zhong Yue, and his soul flew away.

There was a hint of imperceptible joy in the eyes of Menao Tao, and he said, "The Master is partial and always favors Master Menao, opening up the seventh mystery, and even imparting his understanding of the seven reincarnations to him, wanting him to The strong men in the world are fighting. I have served the Master for so many years and I have never been taught! Good death, Master Raven died well, and his quota vacated. Maybe I can open the seventh mystery! "

"Brother, our race is destroyed!"

In the distance came a weeping cry. The ravens Taoist hurriedly rushed to catch up, their bodies trembled, and they saw that the heavens hiding the white and black crow protoss were all missing, it should be Zhong Yue snatched away!

However, there are still hundreds of people who have escaped the calamity. When they saw the ravens and other people coming, they all wept and said, "They died so terribly! That Fuxi rushed to kill all of us, exterminating our hundreds of millions of people. No one escaped the heavens! "

"We saw the opportunity early, and we had time to hide one of the heavens, but the other heavens were exterminated by him!"

"The Black Raven Protoss has been destroyed! The White Raven Protoss has only one heaven! Brother, you have to decide for our dead people!"

"The sin of Fuxi killed and killed our fellow people.


The Raven Taoist is so angry that he is extinct. He is also a black crow god. He is the descendant of the king of the crow god. I did not expect that he was destroyed, but only a few of them!

"My wife and children, they ..." The yaw trembled.

Thousands of gods shook their heads one by one, and one of them boldly said, "I couldn't save it. The Fuxi Yuxi was drunk, and it seemed as if he was drunk, and broke into the heavens and opened the killing ring ..."

"King Yi!"

He yelled, and thought he was a little bit pleased to see the death of Master Raven just now, but now he was angry and rushed to the sky and chased away in the direction of Zhong Yue's escape.

At this time, Zhong Yue did her best to urge the Qianyi ancient ship to flee wildly, and behind the ship was a huge black crow, fluttering to the ancient ship. Rao is the amazing speed of the ancient ship. The crow shook off completely.

Even if Zhong Yue borrowed the power of the Fire Age Fire Spirit and used the emperor's repair to motivate the ancient ships, they still could not throw them away!

The King of the Crow suffered a big loss this time, and his old nest was washed by his blood. If it was an existence that was on a par with the King of the Crow, the King of the Crow must also work hard, after all, it is related to his own face, not to mention Zhong Yue Why is he still a little emperor?

"That being the case, go where you can't!"

Zhong Yue's eyes flickered, and the Qianyi ancient ship suddenly swayed up, getting higher and higher, infinitely rising towards the upper part of the Ziwei star field, and the black crow in the rear chased wildly and reluctantly.

Zhong Yue's face froze, and she was a little flustered: "Well, I haven't seen the chaos of the past and the future ..."

His original intention was to drive an ancient ship into the realm of the Dao. Once he drove the ancient ship into the sky at the town's Tianguan Pass, avoiding the pursuit of Tai Feng, Ji, and others. The ancient ship sailed into a passage of time. See In the past and future pictures, and then flying higher and higher, eventually overwhelming the Ziwei star field, saw an incredible scene, entered the real town heaven temple, and awakened the grandfather's life, resurrected the grandfather's life.

At that time, Zhong Yue saw that there was another temple suspended in the Lagerstroemia in the Lagerstroemia, and it should be a place of cultivation and enlightenment for the existence of the Taoist god.

The heights of these temples are different, representing the existence of these cultivations as the distance from the realm of Taoism ~ www.readwn.com ~ Now Zhongyue's old skill is re-implemented, which is to use the function of the thousand-wing ancient ship to shuttle the world of the Tao, He has always rushed to the Dao realm, and the King of the Crow God's body has not been trained for strength, so he naturally cannot catch up with him.

However, this abacus failed, no matter how high the Qianyi ancient ship rose and how fast it was, it was still unable to enter the wonderful time channel again.

"Yes, Zhentianguan can enter the road leading to the realm of the Dao. It should be the passage opened by Da Shiming and those ancient gods, and the palaces suspended above Lagerstroemia indica should also be the ones that have created a passage to let their own The palace is suspended there. It is impossible for me to create such a channel alone! "

The cold sweat on Zhongyue's forehead, unable to approach the Tao realm, could not shake off the body of the King of the Crow God, if the King of the Crow God came to kill him personally, I am afraid he would be dead!

"How can this be good?"

He urged the ancient ship to go crazy, but no matter how high it flew, it was still in the Ziwei Star Field and couldn't jump out.

But at this moment, a thick voice suddenly came, which was the innate divine language, the profound and obscure Taoism.

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