Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1170: Eat happiness

There are such pictures everywhere, they are the momentary memories of the deceased before his death, recalling his life experience and his emotions.

There are too many of these pictures. The second day has been filled with such pictures. From ancient times to now, the number of born creatures is countless, and the number of souls who died is also countless. .

Passing through here, you will inevitably touch these pictures. Zhong Yue accidentally touched a picture, and suddenly saw that he became a little baby. When he walked through the picture, he saw " "From one's birth to adolescence, to middle age, to old age, to death."

The course of this life is condensed into a picture with content, and if you walk through it, you can walk through his life in a short time from the perspective of the owner of the picture.

Zhong Yue and Hun Dunyu did not speak. They passed through this picture, and occasionally touched these pictures, and experienced the sadness and joyful separation of other people's lives. It is a strange experience.

But there are too many lives and deaths here. There is too much love and hate, love and lust. They can avoid these pictures without touching them.

The second day of the burial area is like a huge red dust field. Walking here, it is easy to lose yourself.

Bang, boom.

There was a sudden sound of vibration in front of them. Zhong Yue and Hun Dunyu looked at the sound, and saw a behemoth walking in countless pictures. Wherever he passed, he continuously extended his long tongue and licked into those pictures.

This behemoth is full of faces, all of which are smiling faces from the heart, as if extremely happy.

"Be careful, that's the Eater!"

Suddenly a voice came. It was the voice of Emperor Lingling's Lingzi Shou, Zhong Yue and Hun Dunyu moved slightly. Obviously Feng Wuji and others were nearby, not far from them.

Ling Zishou's voice continued to say: "The Eat Yue Demon can have a happy memory in the soul. If you are licked, you will only have sadness and sorrow in your memory! Let's avoid it!"

"No, there are so many monsters in front of me!"

When the commotion came, Zhong Yue frowned slightly, and Sanmu Tiantong looked forward. I saw a huge eater Yue floating in the air, swimming, long tongue licking and licking, taking pictures and drawing The happy memories, these happy memories will become the energy of their growth.

He looked around and saw the boundless herd, countless food eaters moving on the boundless wasteland, a picture!

Zhong Yue could not help numb her scalp. It was not easy to pass through these herds of Yueyue. The monsters were huge, full of faces and eyes, and could see everything around them.

Passing by them will definitely be found!

Suddenly, Feng Wuji and others were discovered. Many food eaters surrounded them with open faces and laughed: "Come on, be happy together, here is the Bliss World, we can share us together. Happy! "

"Brother Zishou, come to urge Qinghezhou!"

Feng Wuji waited for someone to board the Qinghe boat, Lingzi Shou urged this boat, struggling to pass by one side of Yueyue Mo, and many emperors and innate gods on the ship shot one by one, holding the weapon of Gods, and swarming in all directions The Demon Eater smashed and smashed his head.

I don't know how many food demon monsters were attracted to them, and they blasted into the air and chased them.

"Be careful, there are shepherds here!"

The voice of Lingzi Shou came and shouted, "The shepherd is called the blissful old demon. The food demon absorbs the happy memory and feeds it! The strength of those shepherds is extremely terrible. We must pass through this herd as soon as possible. ! "

Qinghe boat drove quickly, and more food eater in front of him flew up. Zhong Yue looked at the three-eyed sky pupil, but when she saw the road ahead was suddenly empty, she couldn't help it, and quickly said, "Brother Yu, Let's go through as soon as possible! "

The two immediately rushed forward, galloping forward, but the speed was too fast, so that they had no time to avoid the oncoming picture, where the two rushed through, experiencing a picture, and suddenly innumerable Messages came in as if they had experienced one after another in Red Dust, and their memories began to become chaotic!

This is the greatest danger!

Gods and demons are also gas refiners. They become their own Tao heart, and the more red dust they experience, the longer the years, the easier it will be to dust the Tao heart, and to wash away the dust from the Tao heart, so as to make their own Tao heart. Pure, brave and aggressive.

They passed through each picture, which is equivalent to going through the life of the owner of the picture, and there are so many pictures here that it is easy to get lost in one's heart!

If a picture will go through fifty years, they are extremely fast, and they will pass through ten million pictures in an instant, which is equivalent to going through 500 million years in an instant, and undergoing ten million reincarnations. Influence can be described as taking time to corrode one's heart!

However, this is also a sharpening of Daoxin. If the Daoxin can not be affected by the red dust, then the stability of Daoxin will reach an unimaginable level!

Hun Dunyu urged his Chaos Taoism, while Zhong Yue held the ancient seal to resist the invasion of Taoism by time. Chaos' Chaos Taoism is the simplest to deal with the situation at hand. All interference with Taoxin Returning to chaos, the ancestral methods of Hun Dunyu's ancestors are here to shine.

And the ancient immovable seal taught by Prince Fuxi to Zhong Yue is also very useful here. The more time you experience, the more immortal the ancient seal will be!

The two ran faster and faster, going through this herd. Suddenly, Zhong Yue's heart trembled suddenly, and she stopped suddenly and paused in a picture.

Hun Dunyu also paused quickly, urging: "Mr. Yi, you can't stay! Those who are unable to catch the Qinghezhou will come down and will find us!"

Zhong Yue was silent in that picture, as if foolish.

That picture is the memory of a young girl's short life. She is from the Shui Tu Family of Dahuang Jianmen, after the famous family.

That was Shui Qingyan's memory.

Zhong Yue saw that she had become Shui Qingyan and experienced the life of this young girl. She was a ignorant young girl at that time, and went to Jianmen in the company of her clan.

She encountered a herd riot, and many young people in the clan died in the herd. Others were also scattered by the herd. She was in danger, and at this time, a teenager killed her and rescued her. Retreat a beast.

Zhong Yue "sees" the young man desperately protecting her in the herd, and feels the adoration in her own heart, that adoration warms her soul.

The young man who rescued Shui Qingyan was Zhong Yue himself.


Her eyes never left the figure of that boy, even when she reached Jianmen.

It was the happiest time of her life. The girl's various careful thoughts were rippling like a river, there were high and low, there were ups and downs, there were silly smiles, there were autumn wind-like worries.

And all this broke after the resurrection of Mother Tianxiang.

"Mr. Yi, let's go!" Hun Dunyu cried loudly, anxious, and the surging food eater in the sky had abandoned the Qinghe boat and was ready to fall.

"Sister Shi, haven't you reincarnation?"

Zhong Yue murmured: "You have no reincarnation, no ... there is no real reincarnation in this world, no ..."

Hun Dunyu quickly grabbed his hand, struggling to pull forward, anxiously: "Go away! We are about to be found!"

He couldn't move Zhong Yue at all, Hun Dunyu couldn't help but panic, and said, "Mr. Yi, your Tao heart has been blinded! After hundreds of millions of years, your Tao heart can't bear the time erosion and decay? "


Zhong Yue stepped out of the picture of Shui Qingyan's short life, looked at the picture of the girl's memory, and shook her head: "I don't have it. I just thought that there was no reincarnation in this world at all, she was still here. I suddenly Understand why Fuxi Tao wants to do something. "

"Hurry up!"

Hun Dunyu looked up at the landing Yue Yue, angrily: "If we don't leave, we will probably fall here!"

Detective Zhong Yue gently stroked the face in the picture and whispered: "She should not lose the happiness in her memory, she shouldn't ..."

Hun Dunyu was furious. He sacrificed the hibiscus branch and turned it into a towering giant tree. He swept away one of the Yue Demon: "The dead have died, and the soul is dissipated. What can you do? The soul is dead, but it will never live Come! This reincarnation area is where they finally belong, where the dead souls have been wiped out! "

Zhong Yue stunned and murmured, "Is there no way to be born again?"


Hun Dunyu struggled to resist the Yue Yue, and shouted: "If the soul is broken, even if it can be reunited, it is no longer the former soul!"

The angle of Zhong Yue's eyes trembled, and many Demon Demon broke through the defense circle of Hun Dunyu and rushed at him.

"Don't approach her!"

Zhong Yue suddenly became furious, and the congenital gossip broke out suddenly in her eyebrows. A stun of the sword dazzled a dazzling light, and chopped off the countless food Yue demons!

"Get away!"

The seven light wheels roaring behind his head, getting bigger and bigger, and the scope is getting wider and wider. He has rolled up countless food eaters into the seven reincarnation, and those food eaters have disintegrated in his mysterious realm. Into fragments of the soul.

Hun Dunyu stayed for a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ I looked around, and saw that there were thousands of miles away and I was completely swept away, leaving only a fluttering picture.

"Don't approach her, don't approach her ..."

Zhong Yue murmured, trying to put away this picture, but couldn't hold it.

In the distance more Shi Yue demons rushed in, and suddenly a heavy roar came, and there seemed to be something furious in the depths of the second sky, and it was coming here.

Hun Dunyu hurriedly grabbed him, struggling to pull forward, and shouted, "You can't do anything, hurry up!"

Zhong Yue turned her head and shook her hand, and saw a congenital gossip figure flying out, covering the picture with a low voice: "I can also protect her memory, maybe she can come back one day ..."

He looked at the endless picture. There might be his parents, his clan, his ancestors, but does he have the strength to protect the memory of all dead souls? (To be continued.)

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