Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1201: Killer in the picture

Tianli, Wenchang, Tianyi, Taiyi, Sanshi, and the throne. The emperors in the six academies are elites selected from various ethnic groups. They are full of scholars, and their research directions are different.

Tianli Institute studies Tiandao, Wenchang Institute studies Taoist magical powers, Tianyi Institute studies Divine Calendar, Taiyiyuan University studies the magic of the universe, the Third Normal School disseminates Taoist magical powers, and the Teijin Academy is a professor who emperors Passing power.

The emperors of the Six Courts are all civil servants and civil servants. They do not have military power, but each of them is extremely powerful. Each has its own uniqueness and its own uniqueness.

Several emperors of the Tianliyuan rushed to the ancient ship, and when they faced Zhong Yue, they were suppressed by the palm of one's palm.

In their eyes, Zhong Yue ’s palm descended like a heaven, with a mighty sky, and a palm chart appeared in the palm of his hand, which is the secret of their lifelong research, but they have not studied thoroughly throughout their lives!

The map of the heavens mixed with the sky, the Taiji step by day, and the calendar of the week, under the pressure of this palm, the heavens and the heavens are mixed and boundless, giving them a sense of inability to resist!

The emperors and emperors of the Tianliyuan Academy are out of control, and their strength is extremely powerful, but Zhong Yueshi exhibited the Tianyuan mixed sky map, but they were unable to resist, because they cultivated the heavenly path, and they also enlightened on the heavenly path. Zhong Yue.

One word of Tao is a thousand miles away. They have lost in the Tao.

But at this time, the emperors of Tianyiyuan killed, and saw the emperors yell at each other, and a large silk book was rolled out, which is the Divine Calendar, the calendar of the Divine Period.

The so-called Tianyuan has two meanings. One is that the Emperor Tianyuan established the Divine Age, and named the calendar of the Divine Age. Instead, heaven is born, Tiandi becomes emperor, and Tianyuan means the beginning of heaven. So the Tianyuan calendar has the meaning of the epoch calendar.

When this volume of silk silk book was rolled out, countless major events recorded in silk silk gushed out from silk silk, and immediately showed a magnificent scene. The countless gods in the Age of Gods seemed to reproduce the world, from Out of the silk urn, out of the calendar, to create a glorious ancient emperor of an era, under the leadership of the Emperor Tianyuan, reproduce the world!

In the days of Emperor Tianyuan, a ghost of the Emperor of the Shining Age appeared on silk, while under Emperor Tianyuan was Emperor Tomorrow, and there were many imprints of Emperor Ming Dynasty!

In addition to the imprint of the events of the destruction of the earth, the imprints of the two emperor battles, the imprints of the celestial sacrifice to the heavens and the emperor's sacrifice to the heavens, and various memorabilia, all emerged at this moment, and a venerable shadow shook the sky.

From the many appearances appearing in this Divinity Tianyuan calendar, he stiffly blocked Zhong Yue and rescued the strong man in Tianliyuan.

The emperor of Tianliyuan awakened like a dream, and was sweating like sweat, and was about to attack Zhongyue. Suddenly, a knife light fell from the sky, the avenue rang, and the sound of the historical record recorded by the Divine Tianyuan calendar in the roar of Tao sound was chopped. In two halves, all the figures of the emperors carried in that book were all severed.

Many of the strong men in Tianyiyuan murmured, bleeding from the corners of their mouths, and were frightened and angry. Zhong Yue's sword broke the history of the Divine Age, which was about to split the Tianyuan calendar of the Divine Age into two halves.

"Shen Jitian Yuan calendar, how can there still be such wonderful use?"

Zhong Yue was surprised. The Divine Age had miracle days and the Yuan Dynasty, while the Di Age and the Fire Age also had their own calendars, such as the Dashan Fumu Solar Calendar in the Fire Age.

The calendar is a record of history. When the days are recorded, the division of yin and yang is divided, but he did not think that these epoch calendars are still a treasure, which can reproduce the events in history and summon the strong brand of these events.

However, the history of the Divine Age is too short, and there are not many major events, so the power is not strong, and he can split it with a knife.

But the Fire Age and the Earth Age have countless strong men, countless major events, the Fire Age calendar and the Earth Age era calendar, must be a treasure that can surpass the ordinary emperor!

He is not clear about the calendar of the Age of Era, but he knows exactly where the calendar of the Age of Fire is.

Dashan Fumu solar calendar, where the sun refers to Yugu, Fumu refers to hibiscus tree, Dashan refers to Fushan on the chaotic seaside!

Dashan Fumu solar calendar must still be in Yugu.

A powerful figure descended on the ancient ship, and the emperors of the Six Courts came together, their respective momentums bloomed, and the ancient ship was settled.

"The six governors of the Six Courts actually participated in the emperor's struggle.

Zhong Yue looked indifferent, and suddenly appeared Fuxi's real body, human head snake body, three eyebrows, waist scales, and an innate air flowing slowly, as if a congenital demon of Fuxi appeared in front of them.

He burst into the sky and shook the sky, so that the six courts were beating.

"Fu Xizhen, there are so many holes!"

The eyes of the six courts shivered. For the first time, they saw that a person could have so many caves. Dozens of caves were interspersed with each other and gradually merged into one huge cave. It was really terrible.

"Kill him, Mu Xiantian's army is headless!"

The six princes of the six courtyards suddenly dispersed, each standing in a different direction. The emperors of Taiyiyuan sacrificed the cosmic celestial sphere, Tianliyuan sacrificed the remnants of the heavenly path they studied, and Tianyiyuan sacrificed the two halves of the Divine Heavenly Calendar. And the emperor of the third division instituted the four treasures of the pen and ink, and the Wenchang court offered the two soldiers of the rule and the rule. The emperors of the throne institute offered the ruler and a scroll of heavenly books!

Many imperial monarchs went straight to the Ninth Heaven. These six institutes are all research institutes. The emperors of the six institutes are full of scholars and knowledgeable. Although not as good as those generals with soldiers, they are also a great force!

This is the first time that many emperors and monarchs have joined forces to besiege a creator.

The head of the Tianliyuan bowed down and said, "Ashamed, King Yi has great powers, forcing us to join hands, and please forgive King Yi!"

Zhong Yue also replied, saying: "Everyone is their own owner, and each one is killed and injured, so don't say more."

"excuse me!"

The emperor of the Six Courts started to work at almost the same time. All the powerful powers of the cosmic celestial sphere, the remnants of the heavenly path, pen and ink, paper and ink, all bloomed at the same time, and went to Zhongyue!

Many emperors and princes of Wenchang Institute have rules and regulations, draw circles with squares and squares with squares. Many emperors stand between squares and have advances and retreats. The cooperation between many emperors is seamless and impeccable.

When the ruler was stroked lightly, Zhong Yue's whole body was cut into an independent space and time, shielding all the heavens and the avenues, making Zhong Yue startled and almost thinking that she was falling into the sky.

However, when he reacted, Wenchang Yuan's rule was not that the heavens were incompetent, but cut out the time and space he was in, shielding all the avenues of the outside world and preventing him from borrowing the law from heaven and earth, but the avenues and mana in his body were both Can be used.

The heavens have no way to shield all Taoist magical powers, even the mana and the avenue in the other side cannot be used.

He cut it out with a knife, and immediately split the strange space-time cut out by the ruler, but at this time the universe celestial sphere in Taiyiyuan fell suddenly, Zhong Yue drew a flower, only felt a vast surrounding, the endless starry sky above and below himself Rotate left and right and squeeze towards you.

The emperors of Taiyiyuan pitched heaven and earth, watched the mystery of the universe's operation, refined the ball, and deduced the truth and principles of the universe from the countless stars and rivers in the universe.

Inside this cosmic celestial sphere, there is a huge amount of mighty power hidden in the galaxy. Numerous galaxies and rivers scour and bring Zhong Yue's body up and down. The mighty power is appalling.

"The treasures of Taiyiyuan are truly extraordinary!"

Zhong Yue marveled that this cosmic celestial sphere in Taiyiyuan was almost refined to the level of a small universe, which was magical, trapped in the celestial sphere, and sooner or later it would be refined.

Even if he was scoured by those galaxies, he only found it difficult to resist, I am afraid that it will be refined into fly ash soon!

Seven rounds of blooming in the back of his head, the space mystery rotates, cuts off the cosmic celestial sphere, escapes from this small universe, and suddenly he becomes alert, and a sound of two congenital flesh wings unfolds behind him, flying backwards.

On his head, a ring ruler dangled, like a ruler measuring the sky. This ruler transmitted a heavy teacher, morale, and morale, all the way, Zhong Yue's various magical powers bloomed, and the hole was spread out, but the ruler was not in the least. He stopped and hit him with a pop.

Zhong Yue was struck by this ruler, and the emperor of the Third Normal College committed suicide by holding a pen, ink and paper. An emperor held a pen, as large as a pen, writing text, and suddenly articles rushed into the sky, and countless words turned into dragons. The snake phoenix drowned Zhong Yue!

Another emperor splashed ink, and the ink was extremely black. It was like pouring a dark ocean, drowning Zhong Yue in the ink sea. Zhong Yue stood on the Mohai, and countless words turned into magical powers and attacked him. He looked around and saw the endlessness of Mohai.

"King Yi, this is learning without boundaries!"

Another sacrifice raised the paper, and the paper flew up, as if the sky appeared on the Mohai Sea, and a seal was called down, and Zhong Yue and the countless words were included in the paper.

Suddenly, a picture appeared on that piece of paper, and Zhong Yue's figure appeared on the paper, becoming extremely flat and lifelike, surrounded by countless texts and gorgeous articles!


A jade cover fell and fell on the paper, suppressing the painting.

The four emperors were relieved, and Haha laughed, "King Yi can't escape the four treasures of my third division!"

Their words didn't fall, and the jade pendant that calmed the painting and calligraphy chattered endlessly. Then the jade pendant flew in the air. A knife light cut the calligraphy and painting.

The emperors were taken aback. The emperor of the throne court hurriedly sacrificed the heavenly script, and was about to suppress the newly written calligraphy and painting into the heavenly script, but saw a large hand grabbed from the calligraphy and painting, and clicked and cracked him continuously The big heavens, grabbed from the six heavens, pinched his head, pulled it hard, and pulled him into the painting.

"Refine him!"

The princes of the Six Courts shouted loudly, various magical soldiers went to Zhong Yue in the painting ~ www.readwn.com ~ but saw that there was an extra person in the painting, which was pulled by Zhong Yue into the painting Emperor, the two are moving in the painting, they should be fighting each other, blink of an eye, the emperor fell head to head, was beheaded and killed in the painting, there is an extra pool of blood on the painting.

"Sacrifice the celestial sphere, refine this picture!"

"Spray the ink in and let Xue Hai black out the painting!"

"Get into the picture!"

"I drew a picture on the painting, and turned it into a catastrophic disaster.


The monarchs of the Six Courts used various methods, but saw the painting and painting suddenly come and go, flying constantly, and the knife light in the painting kept flying out, seriously wounding a monarch, and at the same time, a big hand was flying out, and a monarch was drawn into the painting in.

And those emperors fell into the painting, died at an instant and died by Zhong Yue!

I saw more and more corpses on that painting, and the blood painted the painting red. (To be continued.) (Humanitarian Supreme: 2424850)-(Humanitarian Supreme)

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