Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1212: Accompanied by a prince, accompanied by 1

Zhong Yue's stupid uncle was there, looking at Jiang Yi's body. Δ

Yan Huang, here we go.

He has since lost one fellow.

One less fellow ...

Human races are not allowed to have an emperor. If a human race emperor appears under Mu Xiantian's Majesty, it will be very passive for Mu Xiantian, so Jiang Yizhen must die.

Now, the overall situation of the emperor's struggle has been fixed, and Mu Xiantian can't help but finally do it himself. He kept telling Zhong Yue to remove Jiang Yizhang from the battlefield, and Zhong Yue had never done it, so he borrowed the hand of King Ziguang to let the king of Ziguang send the funeral demon to Jiang Yizhang. .

King Ziguang is the most trusted person of Jiang Yichen. He gave the funeral emperor to Jiang Yiyi. No one would doubt it, even Ziguang himself would not doubt it.

The overall situation of the imperial struggle is determined. It is time to clean up the stain on Mu Xiantian. The first thing to be removed is Jiang Yizheng, who has cultivated to the realm of emperor.

"Why ..." Zhong Yue closed her eyes and felt the colic in her heart.

Jiang Yizhen is the guide of his Ziwei visit. He is not the best person for the emperor. He is not the pioneer of the pioneer and is only suitable for Shoucheng. The human race recuperates, showing silently.

He wins time for human race and for Zhong Yue.

He was not a pure-blooded human race, but was born of a marriage between the human race and the Zhongli Protoss. He could actually make himself better as a Zhongli Protoss, but chose to be an individual and silently bear the Emperor's Heavy burden.

But the world cannot tolerate him.

King Ziguang sat on his knees in front of Jiang Yi's body, looking dull, Emperor Yangzun sighed, and turned to leave. This incident has already involved Mu Xiantian. As Mu Xiantian's allies and courtiers, he cannot say much.

The overall situation of the imperial struggle has been determined, and Mu Xiantian is destined to become the emperor. It is not a big deal to wash away a person's emperor, and it cannot change the doomed ending.

"The elder brother is like a father."

After a long time, King Ziguang's eyes moved, and he whispered, "In my early years, my family was poor. My father worked as a slave to a gas trainer, and my mother worked as a slaughter. My parents were often punished and my food was low. It ’s just a reluctance. The only son of the Qiqiang helped me and often gave me something to eat. I was very envious of him and jealous of him. He felt that he was the son of the Qiqiang by nature. But it was pity that I gave me some leftovers. "

"I later learned that his status was not what I thought he was. He was a child born of a gas refiner and a human girl. He had no status in his family. His status was worse than mine. After all, the sons were not. He will hit me for no reason, but he will hit him for no reason. "

"They laughed at him, calling him a bastard, a human being who deducted his silver and only gave him leftovers. I only knew that he picked out good ones from the leftovers."

"From that moment, he is my brother ..."

"Later, the gas refiner died. It is said that because of the conflict between the two gods, their believers went to war, and the gas refiner died in the war. His home was looted by his enemies and his children died and dispersed. After the killing, those slaves and nieces are also dead and injured. Such tragedies are often born at the bottom of this world. "

King Ziguang was remembering his past with Jiang Yizhen, and memories flowed from the bottom of his heart and murmured: "He escaped with me and avoided the pursuit of those enemies. He almost died to protect me. I The first time I saw him killed an enemy, he was scared. His expression was fierce, like a beast. But he was also injured. Soon after, the wound began to rot, pus, and many flies swirled around him. "

"We ate the bark all the way to dig grass roots. We survived and walked into a city. He was dying and his life was lost. He knelt down the street, kept me behind, and faced the city. Pedestrians coming and going crying and said, okay, uncle and grandma, take my brother, I can't live, take him, he can live ... "

"A lot of pedestrians stopped and looked at us, but none of them were willing to adopt me. Later, the city owner passed by and stopped Baodi, saying that I had a clear qualification and would accept me as a disciple. The city mainly took me away. I cried and begged the Lord of the City to rescue him. The Lord of the City threw him a panacea and told me that even if he was rescued, he could not live in this world without help. "

"I became a disciple of the owner of the city, and became more and more loved by the city. Soon I became the coveter of dreams. I searched for him everywhere in the city, but I never found him. Later, I was in a group of begging places. When I found him, my elder brother was fighting with a group of begging and grabbing a leftover. He won and saw me. He was very happy and ashamed. He hid silently in the corner. I hope I didn't see him. ... "

"I took him and practiced with him, and he made rapid progress. He is not as smart as I am, but works harder and harder than me, and soon he catches up with me and still protects me like an older brother. Just The lord of the city soon came to him, saying that I had taught his peerless arts without permission, abolished me and his cultivation, and expelled us from that city. "

"We became waste again, or did he continue to wander with me and continue to protect me ... We have suffered a lot, he desperately struggled with the beast, and almost died many times. He also grabbed food with other people, and then grabbed The leftovers that came here were shared with me. I felt embarrassed, but ate the leftovers he grabbed. On this day, he finally found my race and sent me to the race to be separated from me. "

"He keeps me from having to feel guilty. He can live. He says he has a past life. He awakens the memories of his past life. His past life is human. Now he wants to return to his race. I haven't seen him for a long time. After him, until a thousand years later, I met him at the Zhongli Protoss. He grew up, and I grew up, and he and I have become the gods that once made me look up. "

"But he seems much older than me. It should be that he has a previous life, and the previous life consumed part of his life. I don't know what caused him to enter the Chongli Protoss, not to the Clan. My race is working with the Chongli Protoss. The war, but he was just opposite, how could I hurt the killer? So I left my race, I owed him too much, and could n’t let my own people fight him. Then I met him again, and he also left Chong Li Protoss. "

"We were dumb when we met. It turned out that he recognized me and didn't want to lead the Chongli Protoss to hit me, so he ran away. We cried and laughed a long time, drank a lot of wine, and got drunk. My The race and the Chongli Protoss knew that our defection was very furious. They sent strong men to hunt and began to run again, and began to flee. "

"It was a troubled time at that time, and Emperor Ming was not the emperor. He was fighting for the throne with many horrible beings. There was chaos all over the world. God and demons died a wave after wave. These little demons are also insecure. Then I met the Congenital Emperor. From that moment, I knew that I had met the Ming Lord who was able to show all his wisdom and ambitions. He also met himself The person I want to meet, the farmer, the one who can settle him down and work for his life. "

The purple air in King Ziguang's eyes permeated, and he looked up and murmured, "I know that the farmer has many unrealistic ambitions, and that ambition will involve him and be involved for a lifetime. However, who makes him my Brother? I ’ll carry it for him. He burns a hole in the emperor ’s turbulent sky. I know that he did it in the order of the emperor. If the emperor knew it, he would surely Beheaded him. But I did not tell the emperor, because he is my brother, his kindness, I ca n’t repay in my life, I ca n’t repay ... ”

He stood up, looked at Jiang Yi's body, and whispered, "Now I know why Emperor Xiaoyao said that. He told me not to blame myself, and you also told me not to blame myself ... what am I Do n’t blame myself? I have poisoned my brother with my own hands, my brother with my own hands, my best friend! ”


He yelled in the sky, his voice spread far away, shocked the whole world. Mu Xiantian's three true bodies were practicing. Hearing the sorrowful cry, he couldn't help but wake up and hurried out of the imperial palace to Xiangyang. The emperor's palace looks!

"What did you do for the throne!"

The king of purple light walked out of the palace of Emperor Yangzun with the body of Jiang Yizhao. UU read the book www.uukanshu.com. The shawl scattered like crazy, pointing at Mu Xiantian, laughing, falling to the chest, screaming: "Now your world , I helped you to level it, but killed my best friend! "

Mu Xian frowned, and his voice came: "Zijun, what happened? Your mind is so chaotic, don't talk nonsense!"

"Your world doesn't need me anymore."

The king of purple light is full of purple light, like a purple flame, burning and burning, saying: "You should not kill my brother. I can help you get the world, and you can destroy it."

He looked calmer than ever before, and said to Nusula, "Sura, you go, there is no need for you here."

"Aren't you going to be destined anymore?" Bishura asked infrequently.

"No need, no more ..."

King Ziguang looked sad and laughed, "My best friend is dead. What destiny is it?"

Zhong Yue was shocked, and looked at Nusula. Nusula face was expressionless and left.

"Heaven's destiny ..."

"Zhongshan, farewell."

King Ziguang smiled, turned his head, and said to Zhong Yue: "Yes, you are right, Mu Xiantian may not be a Mingjun, I will not stop you anymore, never again ..."

"Zijun, don't"

The three statues of Mu congenially flew towards this side, but they were too far away to catch the purple sword flying from the mysterious realm of Ziguang King Yuan.

"Yi, on this way, I will be with you."

King Ziguang embraced Jiang Yizhang's body and sat silently. The purple sword fell off and smiled. "This time, I really can't forgive myself."

The sword light fell, slaying the soul.

There is a companion along the way, brothers, respect Jiang Yizhen and Ziguang! November 1st, ask for monthly pass! !! !! (To be continued.) 8

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