Rise of Humanity

Chapter 121: Zhu Xianer

"It's just a snake, can it be more powerful than the demon gas refiner?"

Xun Zhongyue's body sank suddenly, the serpentine long front body was suddenly crushed to the ground, but the tail whisker still shot, and at this time he had already flew backwards, avoiding the tail whisker.

The Venom Tail Venom turned into two bright yellow wires and shot at him!

The poisonous silk is not yet approaching. Two basalt gold shields have emerged in front of Zhong Yue. Only two beeps are heard from the two poisonous wires. The two venomous silks actually corroded the extremely strong basalt gold shields into two fine holes!

"Such strong toxicity?"

Zhong Zhongyue was frightened, and she hurriedly turned upside down and flew out parallel to the ground. Her body muscles moved and her bones were transported, her body was distorted in mid-air, and she avoided two poisonous wires!

嗤 ——

Two poisonous wires flew from under his armpit and the tip of his nose. A strong and pungent odor came. Zhong Yue quickly held his breath, but still smelled a scent. The spirit in the sea was immediately corroded, and the sky in the sea was changed. He was defeated, the sun and the moon were dim, and the golden spirit of the square acres was infected with poisonous gas, lost his activity, turned into a paste, and filled with stench!

"It is worthy of being created by the devil to deal with the gods!"

Zhong Zhongyue thought about the emperor, and instantly refined the poisonous gas, but the spiritual force eroded by toxins was lost.

On top of his two basalt gold spirit shields, where the poisonous filaments penetrated, I saw that the venom was also diffused. The dragon tortoise and the snake snake totem pattern continued to disintegrate under the erosion of the venom. From a pinhole with a large tip to a fist!

Xun Zhongyue quickly dissipated the basalt gold spirit shield. Withdrawing the golden gas that has not yet been attacked, my heart is horrified that this serpentine venom is too strong. Even the structure of the totem pattern can be fundamentally destroyed!

At this moment, the serpentine rose into the air, rushed towards him against the ground, was extremely fast, Zhong Yue was shaking, and shuttled between towering ancient trees, and the sound of the rumbling trees falling behind him. Amazingly, the sharp edges and legs of the serpentine cut a tree!

"Sword style!"

Jin Zhongyue flew behind her, turning into a sword silk. Silently chopped off to the serpentine, alas, a burst of sound came, and the serpentine body was permeated with golden fire. A wound was cut by the sword wire, and the pale yellow blood flowed out of it, and then saw the serpentine legs and feet stretch, continuously colliding with Jin Jianqi, and even wound the sword wire around the legs and feet.

Qi Zhongyue's mind moved slightly, and the power of the sword silk bloomed, and she could not cut it off just by cutting off one of the serpentine legs.

"The Kun people's physical body is so strong? Jin Jianqi. Come back!"

Ji Zhongyue withdrew the sword gas, and the zigzag was painful, and suddenly his legs and feet quickly moved. Climb against a tree to a big tree, just listen to the crackling of the canopy, then serpentine flew out of the crown of this big tree silently, into the canopy of another tree.

Tong Zhongyue stood still, only listening to the whirling leaves from time to time in the canopy of a large tree around it, and the serpentine shuttled through a large tree. Changing positions around him, waiting for opportunities.

Zhong Zhongyue stood still. Swords of air emerged from the side, forming a sword four-style sword array, and waited.

Suddenly a rattle came from a large tree on the right, then calmed down.

"Sword Four!"

Zhongyue's thoughts moved, and the four sword silks flew out, turning into a sword-type sword array covering the big tree, the sword silk shuttled back and forth, and the whole tree was cut into pieces in a split second.

At this moment, the ground suddenly swelled at the foot of Zhong Yue. The snake did not know when to come down from the back of the tree, plunged into the ground, and sneaked into the ground!

有趣 "Fun, it's so smart, but your ability is limited, it's only physical and venom, there is no other magical power, so you can only stop here!"

Zhongyue inhaled for a long time, and the dense dragon totem pattern appeared on the surface of the skin. The muscles were swollen, and the large tendons on the body also made up the dragon totem pattern. At the same time, the whole body was entangled with a smooth dragon. !!


抬 He lifted his feet heavily, and the large, serpentine body had just rushed out of the ground, so he could not step out of the ground with one foot, and most of his body was buried in the ground.

The strength of Zhongyue's foot is so strong. Only listening to the loud noise, the land of more than ten feet in diameter was stepped down flatly by a living, and a large pit deep enough to be left, and the land around it was more than ten feet. They were trampled as hard as iron stones!


Zhong Zhongyue waved his fist and smashed it hard. His fist broke through the sound barrier, and a thunderous sound broke out. The serpentine head was cracked and yellow blood splashed.

The serpentine body trembled, tumbling under the ground, and the extremely hard ground exploded. Zhong Yue shot continuously, and his fists were almost like a phantom, a cricket, and a continuous explosion.

The serpentine just shook the ground, and in the blink of an eye, I didn't know how many punches, the huge body was beaten torn, and it fell and flew, hitting several ancient trees in succession, falling to the ground, twisting its legs and body Then, it was motionless.

"Pretend to die?"

Zhong Yue stretched out a finger, and swords flew into it, digging into its body from the serpentine wound, the serpentine hissed and screamed, and the body flew up again, and flew towards Zhong Yue, only two feet away from Zhong Yue. The distance hit the ground suddenly, and saw the sword air flying out of his mouth.

Wu Jianqi has shattered his brain!

"No magic power, but still want to fight with gas eliminators?"

Wu Zhongyue took the sword, looked around, and saw that the forest was a mess, the damage caused by his battle with this snake.

"Hey guys, if the Kun people are all so powerful, it would be a disaster for the demon gas refiners who entered here. Besides, here is not only the Kun people, but also the ban of the demon **** king. It can be described as dangerous and slightly dangerous. If you accidentally die! "

Zhong Zhongyue fixed his mind and suddenly woke up: "Salary, you just said that the Kun people are a treasure. Where is the treasure?"

"It's inside."

The fire-fire child sat on his forehead and said: "The Kun people swallow the aura. Whether it is the gold spirit or the wood spirit, they can devour it and build up the spirit beads in the body. The gold spirit beads are called gold spirit beads and wood spirit. The bead is called Mu Lingzhu. This snake should be a rustic food, and there should be earth beads in your body. Search and look! "

"Earth beads?"

Zhong Zhongyue's mental power flew out and poured into the body of the snake. After a while, it was found that spiritual power wrapped in a ocher spirit bead flew out of the snake body.

The jade earth bead is extremely heavy. A small bead weighs more than two thousand catties. It is covered with strange textures, like a totem pattern, but it is a little different from the totem pattern of the human race and the demon race. It looks like a totem of the demons, but the magic is not so heavy.

"The totem pattern above. Could it be the totem pattern of the Kuns? But the earth bead is indeed a good thing. With this bead in hand, I can forge the sword power of the earth to form the five types of swords. The power of the sword array is again It can be improved! Unfortunately, there is not much earth spirit in a earth spirit bead. I am afraid that the power of the earth sword energy is not so amazing. It is not as good as other sword energy.

Qi Zhongyue held the Earth Spirit Bead in his hand, and absorbed the refining Earth Spirit air with a free sword energy, turning it into a sword energy.

"I can cope with such a large snake, and two or three can do as much as possible, but if it is a group of Kuns. I will find it difficult to fight. The demon who died in the air, This is how they suffered. "

He quietly walked forward, no one arrived. Spiritual force comes first. Use spiritual power to explore the surroundings, including trees, the air, and even the ground. Be careful not to fall into the siege of the Kun people.

Only a few miles from Zhongyue. A young demon-style gas refiner was pierced through the body by thin silk threads, and the blood in his body was lost along the silk threads. Constantly flowing towards the mouth of a giant spider.

The spider was like a hill, with hundreds of spider silk biting in its mouth, and there was a steady flow of blood on each spider silk.

"Wish fairy, you are clearly my demon clan, why ..." The young demon clan's eyes were getting darker and darker.

"Demon race?"

The spider demon giggled: "They are not demons, they are more advanced than the demons. My master fled here. Not long ago, my master heard that the Holy City mainly closed disciples and sent them to See, sure enough, the holy city owner of your demon tribe has his own little secret and will actually send you here. Giggle, my master's inheritance of the so-called demon **** king is not very hearty, what makes my master heart is, The demon **** king was ordered to guard this place, the thing he guarded ... "

"Your Master?"

The young demons lost too much blood, barely opened their eyes, and said hoarsely, "Wish fairy, who is your Master?"

"So much for telling you for me, don't you know who my Master is?"

Zhu Xianer fluttered and laughed: "My Master opened the deep hole under your holy city, and the former city owner of your holy city was also killed by my master. You do n’t even know my master. Who is it? You said that the demon clan is smarter than our Kun clan, but I didn't see it. "

未 Without her words, the young demon clan has been drained by spider silk and turned into a dead body.

"This is the place where Master grows up, and I don't know how many Kun people live there."

The spider demon wished Xianer to open his mouth to take back the silk, and eat the dry corpse into his belly. The huge body slowly began to change, turning into a cheerful and lively girl, bright and moving, but with eight black talons growing behind him. He whispered and laughed: "Master sent me back to see what the holy city master wanted to do. It seems that the holy city master did not find the master's layout ... the taste of the demon is really good, so I want to eat them all Light ... well, eat them all! "

Zhongyue stepped out of the dense forest ~ www.readwn.com ~ Suddenly stopped, looked at the bright girl in front, and then looked around, and saw that there was a mess around, there should be a slight frown.

"This brother ..."

I wish Xianer a charming smile, and suddenly my heart was alert, and I flew up and leaped immediately, and saw the sound of crickets coming from the ground. Swords flew from the ground and surrounded by her, forming a sword array!

"Cultivate the Kun people in human form!"

Zhongyue narrowed her eyes, and the sword array turned into a sword four style to surround Zhu Xianer, and whispered: "Demon tribe has been invaded by the Kun tribe?"

Zhu Xianer's face changed slightly, giggling: "Brother, what kind of Kun people? People are obviously demon, my name is Zhu Xianer, the daughter of the Lord of the Wind Valley City."

"So, is the Lord of the Wind Valley the Kun also?"

Zhong Zhongyue said differently: "The Kun people's power in the demons is not small." (To be continued)

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