Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1238: origin

On the ancient tree of life, the two birds struck up, and the King of Xing Xing was also swinging around the tree, flying towards the Yuan Ya God King and approaching Feng Tian Yuan King, apparently preparing to join forces to kill Yuan Ya God.

The grandfather gently shook the ancient tree, and the three **** kings on the tree immediately took their place, honestly, and unable to move.

The King of the Crow touched his barely pecked head and sneered again and again: "Feng Tian, ​​Yan Xing, you be honest! You have swallowed the fruit of life, I have no body! I annoyed me, I did you ! "

The two **** kings were furious, and they were about to kill again. The grandfather shook the old trees again, the branches fluttered, and the three **** kings were drawn with blood.

The burial spirit king looked horrified and murmured, "These three old **** are finished, and they have to take their lives."

However, in the dark days, they were originally subordinates of Dasi Ming, but later betrayed them. Now they are captured and controlled by Da Siming, and they are back to the original Emperor Wei.

These three ancient **** kings simply behaved incompetent and bad-tempered, so that the bosses could relax their vigilance so that they could escape.

"In the dark age, the Grand Commander has no place for them, and the Grand Commander will certainly not give Yuan Ya, Feng Tian and carry them any chance!"

Zhong Yue's eyes flickered, and she said, "Yuan Crow and they think carefully in front of him, I'm afraid it will be futile!"

The grandfather ordered to hold the ancient tree of life and walked forward. The first life in history came to them, giving them a very powerful and immeasurable feeling.

The behemoth, such as the ancient tree of life, is like a small sapling in his hands, and you can imagine how vast his physical body is.

He gently poked out the other palm and placed Zhong Yue and the King of the Burial Spirit in his palm.

The burial spirit king bowed his head and did not dare to look up. He has the memory of the burial god, and the burial **** is also an ancient king. The burial ground has two types of memory of the grandfather, one is wise and martial. Leader, the other is a brutal tyrant!

The burial ground has deep awe and fear of the grandfather's life, and this memory also affects the burial spirit **** king.

However, Zhong Yue did not have this fear, and looked up at Da Shiming, saying: "You have used the totem cultivation system to open the secret state of the body, which means that you have not recovered to the peak state."

The giant holding him in his palm nodded.

If he returned to his heyday, he would not have to surrender Feng Tian Yuanjun and King Yan Xing by using tricks, nor would he need to fight the mysterious existence with the power of King Yuancang.

He looks very domineering, but the real strength is better than Yuan Ya and others.

"I was born again this time, and my previous road injuries were too severe, and I had to use Dasao's cultivation system to restore me."

The sound of the grandfather's life was shocking. Although the sound was very loud, he was very pleasant. He had a man and a woman, a man and a woman, androgynous.

No matter which angle you look at, you always see his front face, you see his front side, and you never see his side and back.

This is the first vision of an innate demon between heaven and earth!

This is such a perfect life, amazing and jealous.

There is no shortcoming in his appearance. He is the only one. When the heavens and earth were just born, the entire universe was the perfect living body born when it was in the same innate sacred place. Chaos also appeared around him and praised him. His presence.

"Fu Xi, what are you looking for?" Dai Shiming asked.

"Cosmic stock solution."

Zhong Yue talked about his plans to create a thirty-day Tao map, saying: "Bai Yaojin and other materials that can be used to make Imperial soldiers can not withstand the power of heaven, so I plan to find the original solution to refine the treasures of heaven."

"There is no more universe liquid. Even if there is, it will be taken away by the guy who hides his head."

The chief commander shook his head and said, "And, even if you find the original solution, why use it to make the heavenly map? The treasure, the original solution, used to make the heavenly map is just a wedding dress for the sky. You can use it to make more Something useful. "

Zhong Yue froze.

The boss ordered him to lay down, and stood up and left: "You are accomplishing a feat like an uncle's unprecedented feat. There should be more in the universe and the universe, and you should not spend too much energy and resources on the treasure of heaven. Instead, focus on your own practice. "

He left a few steps away, his body disappeared, but his voice still came: "There is still a place where there may be a dope, you should try your luck there."

There was an extra star map in Zhong Yue's brain, and he couldn't help but hesitated. He had never been to this place in the star map.

The star chart entrusted to him by Da Shiming is located above the ancient universe. The place where the ancient universe originated is located at the very center of the universe, while the samsara burial area is located below the universe. This place is located directly above the universe!

"Is that the place where Da Shi Ming refers to is a holy place corresponding to the reincarnation area?"

Zhong Yue wondered, looked at the star chart, and said, "So what is this holy land like? Is it the opposite place to the reincarnation area?"

The grandfather's life had disappeared, and he couldn't catch up with a detailed inquiry.

"Fire, Da Shiming said that the universe dope here has been taken away. Is it because Dasao took the universe dope here? Do you know where Dasao brought the universe dope?" Zhong Yue asked .

The fire was also blank, and shook his head.

Zhong Yue suddenly woke up, maybe Dasao turned the raw liquid into a fire, and many ancient beings called it the fire of the soul of the soul.

Or is it……

Zhongyue raised the copper lamp with strange eyes, did Dasao smelt the original liquid into this tattered copper lamp?

The appearance of this copper lamp is really bad and terrible. Although it may fall apart, it should not be made from treasures such as the universe's original liquid?

Zhong Yue put away the bronze lamp, and was planning to take the funeral **** king to the place indicated by the star map, and then suddenly returned to the place of origin to collect the fragments of Mugu.

Although this twilight drum is broken, it is a Taoist treasure. Just the fragments have immeasurable power!

The value of each piece is inconceivable. If it can be restored to its original state, then the power will be above all the soldiers, and even the heavenly treasure will not be able to compete with it!


The funeral **** king also received a few pieces. Suddenly Zhong Yue said this. The funeral **** king was resentful, but he had to give the fragment of Mugu to Zhong Yue.

Zhong Yue tried to take away the body of the God of Origin, but he couldn't take it away.

Zhong Yue gave a light whistle and called for the King of Funeral Spirits to come forward to help. The two tried to lift up the King of Origins. The corpse had been eroded by chaos, but they could not be moved by them.

"What's going on?" The burial spirit king was also skeptical.

With the power of the two of them, let alone the corpse of the King of Origins, even several galaxies can be carried away, but why this corpse is a bit odd.

"This corpse is not so simple. It doesn't seem like it can't be moved. It seems to be caught by something!"

The burial spirit king was surprised, and said, "Below the corpse, there must be something to seize this corpse, and we will not be carried away by him!"

The two looked at each other, and they fought a cold war.

Just now Da Shiming and the mysterious existed in a battle, and the destructive power was amazing, but the corpse was not removed. It can be seen that the thing grabbing the corpse must have infinite power!

"What the **** has caught the body?"

The two tried to dig the ground and look at it from the side, but the ground in the place of origin was extremely hard.

The King of the Burial Spirits had a stronger combat power, and cut the ground, but saw that the ground was cut off like flesh and blood immediately, leaving no trace.

"It's weird ..."

In the end, Zhong Yue could only leave the place of origin, sacrificed thousands of wings of ancient ships, and sailed up the ancient universe.

Not long after he left, I saw the body of the God of Origin shaking gently, and a faint light reflected from the wounds eroded by the chaos.

A stream of liquid like a mysterious color spreads back and forth around the wounds of the God of Origin, but sees that the wounds of the God of Origin are slowly healing, and the avenue is slowly reconnecting.

If Zhongyue and the King of Funeral Spirits return, they will be exclaimed. This liquid streamer is exactly the original liquid of the universe they are looking for!

Dasao came here to find the dying Xinghe transformed by the dope, and the mysterious existence did not find the dope. The real dope has been hidden by the God of Origin in the place of origin. The place of origin merges.

He died here, but in the past the original place was destroyed and the original solution failed to appear, and the Grand Commander battled here, secretly changing the structure of this holy place, reconnecting the broken holy place, and restoring the original place to the original place. Original solution He oozed out of the place of origin, entered his body, and repaired him.

He is waiting for resurrection.

In the starry sky of the ancient universe, a skeleton wearing a drum skin, whistling fly, stopped suddenly, and saw a shocking crack appeared in the sky in front of the sky, and blood columns continued to flow like a waterfall.


The skull opened its mouth, and the flesh and blood on the original was growing, but suddenly the flesh rotted and shed.

The wound on that dome became smaller and smaller the next moment, a faceless man walked down the dome and looked up and down the skull.

Obviously, this skeleton does not want to reveal his identity. His Tao walking in the lower realm is of great use. If the true identity of his Tao is known by heaven, he will lose one hand and be passive.

"Brother." God saluted him.

"Heavenly friend." The skeleton paid back.

"Dao You came out this time, and it was unwise. Your drum was broken, your Tao body was bleak, and the boss ordered you to let you go to seduce Feng Tianyuan Jun and Yanxing God King."

An eye grows out of Tian's white paper-like face, scrolls up and down, and looks at the skull. There is no emotional fluctuation in his voice, dry: "You have been hit hard, not my opponent. Now, can I see it in true face I?"

The skeleton hesitated for a moment, when flesh and blood suddenly grew, revealing its true content.

The sky was taken aback, nodded silently, and suddenly the flesh disappeared, compatible with the sky, disappeared.

Chop your hand, chop your hand, the house pig is coded with the hind hoof, the hand has been chopped off! Hey, let's say arrogantly, we are the man behind Jack Ma ...

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