Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1241: brothers

The chaotic imprint appeared on his true body!

Zhong Yue's forehead again gave out cold sweat, and was hit.

Together with the Kun people, he shared the world. It was his expedient measure to stabilize the mother emperor, in order to deceive the mother of the universe.

He did not want to sign any chaotic contract with the mother emperor, nor did he want to ally with the Kun people.

The Kun people are notorious, and are definitely the most notorious race. They are greedy, cruel, bloodthirsty, dirty, untrustworthy, breeding like bugs, and living wherever they go.

They are the common enemy of the various demons and gods!

Zhong Yue originally proposed the Chaos Contract because his body was his Tao. Although the Tao was not completely cut out, the Tao signed a contract with his mother, and in the future, if he violated the contract, the Tao could accept the Tao on his behalf. Dead, the real body is at ease.

But now that the chaos brand has really appeared, the contract is not so easy to regret.

"Is it really going to be alliance with the Kun people?"

He blinked, and the Fuxi Protoss is already a public enemy of the world. As long as it appears, it is shouting and killing. In addition to the Kuns, it will make all races anxious.

"Why can't wet wet shoes when we often walk by the river? This time it was planted, but it is not completely a bad thing. The mother emperor has been controlling the birth wheel for 80,000 years. I am afraid that the hidden power of the Kun people is extremely strong and powerful! This power, Can borrow! "

Zhong Yue's eyes flashed, the reproductive power of the Kun people was amazing, and coupled with the accumulation of 80,000 years, the hidden power of the Kun people was probably terrifying!

Although he is limited by the chaos contract, he can also use the power of the Kun people to conquer the world!

"And more critical is the universe's original fluid."

Zhong Yue took out the small cosmic stock solution and looked at it carefully. He was the first time to observe the cosmic stock solution at such a close distance. It is not so much a liquid as an aggregate of energy.

This is a liquid in the form of light. It is full of extremely horrible energy. It can be said to be the supreme material that can be found in the world today!

In the light, we can faintly see countless auras of light, constantly changing, sometimes transformed into galaxies, sometimes into avenues, sometimes into flower clusters, and sometimes into ancient trees, very strange.

The dope has no fixed form. It is the remnant of the cosmic explosion. It is the original material. At the beginning of the world, the dope formed the ancient universe. The dope formed the nine spiritual roots. The dope formed the heaven and earth avenue. The dope formed. Innate Holy Land.

In theory, the original liquid in Zhongyue's hands can also be transformed into these things, forming innate holy places, spiritual roots of heaven and earth, and even a small form of the universe!

Of course, the treasure used to make heaven is also indispensable.

"The chief commander said that the original solution was used to refine the treasures of heaven and earth, only to make wedding dresses for heaven. He also suggested that I put it in my own practice."

Zhong Yuezhang was fascinated and understood Da Shiming's words. Da Shiming advised him to incorporate the original liquid into his Taoist mysterious congenital gossip holy place and enhance his congenital holy place!

With the original solution of the universe, his innate holy land is not a tree without roots, which can be improved and expanded faster, allowing his path to advance by leaps and bounds!

"It's just that Da Shiming doesn't know. What restricts me is not my innate holy land, but the sealed blood."

Zhong Yue sighed, if there was no blood, I am afraid he is already a congenital god, congenital Fuxi!

The universe solution can make his innate holy land more perfect, the avenue strengthened, and his strength has been greatly improved, but it cannot unravel the blood seal of ordinary people, nor can it cope with the horrible things that happened after unsealing the seal!

Unravel the last bloodseal and meet the Black Emperor!

Even if he did not die in the hands of the Black Emperor, he would still be dragged to see the Taoist god!

"The stock solution has two uses, one is to refine the treasure of the thirty heavens, and the other is to upgrade my innate sacred place, to improve the way. The treasure of the heavens can strengthen the ancestral power of the ancestors in a short time. With a sharp weapon, with these thirty treasures, my army will be able to compete with the ancient King of God! But there are hidden dangers that may be used by heaven. "

"And the second way, although it has been greatly improved, it is not fast. It needs to be refined slowly, and it is impossible to eat a fat person in one bite. And I need to have more insights and understanding of Taoism. It is possible to rise to a higher level. And it takes time and experience. It is definitely not as fast as strengthening the power of heaven to strengthen my power. "

Zhong Yue calculated a moment, her idea was decided, and she took the second path.

The treasure of heaven is a foreign object, and even if it is overpowered, it may be taken away by heaven. In this case, the second way is the most wise choice.

He sacrificed the undiluted liquid, flew into his head, and entered Tao Yi secret place from Tao round.

His true body is standing in the consecrated holy land of Tao Yi, carefully urging the four phases of Taiji and the gossip holy land, collecting the energy of the universe's original liquid, condensing into the avenues that make up the holy land, and expanding the avenues of heaven and earth.

Tiandi Avenue is growing, and his cultivation is also improving.

However, he needs to be very cautious. The original liquid is a groundbreaking residue. If the original material is too fierce at the time of the sacrifice, I am afraid it will explode again in the secret state of his Tao and blast him into fly ash!

The energy in the original solution is coming, and it is strange to say that this energy has no attributes. When it encounters Shinto, it turns into Shinto. When it meets Demon, it turns into Demon, and it becomes pure!

"When can I really get out of Tao?"

Zhong Yue lamented that the real body was getting stronger and stronger, but only walking on the Tao body, the real body could only hide in the secret realm of Tao, unable to show its ability, and was somewhat aggrieved.

The Qianyi ancient ship returned to the center of the ancient universe, but did not turn to the ancestral court, but continued to go deeper, closer to the place of origin.

The burial spirit king was puzzled. Zhong Yueming Ming had already been here. The last time he left and washed it into white ground, he just didn't remove the body of the origin **** king. Why come back again?

Six months later, they entered the place of origin, and Zhong Yue walked nonstop, heading directly to the body of the God of Origin.

The burial spirit king quickly followed, and the two came there, both of them lingering.

I saw the corpse of the King of Origins missing.

"Sure enough." Zhong Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

The burial spirit king was puzzled, and said, "Master, what is really so?"

Zhong Yue laughed and said, "Why did Da Shiming come here? Why did he choose the battlefield here? I want to understand now. First, he wants to kill many opponents here, and second, to take this opportunity to revive his old friend. He controlled the avenue of life and secretly moved his hands and feet to the place of origin. This **** of origin has been resurrected by the boss. The holy place of origin will probably be restored and become a real holy place. "

The heart of the burial spirit king shook.

"The chief secretary is dead."

Zhong Yue sighed. He had never wanted to understand why Da Shiming put the battlefield here, but now the resurrection of the God of Origins made him understand.

"Brother Origin, can you see me?"

Zhong Yue saluted to the place of origin, and said sincerely: "I want to know about the heavens, and I also ask my brother to enlighten me!"

There was no movement deep in the place of origin.

Zhong Yue frowned slightly, and said, "Please also enlighten me!"

Still nothing.

The funeral **** Wang said: "Is it taken away by the boss?"

Zhong Yue waited for a long time and had to leave with the King of Funeral Spirits. It wasn't long after they left. In the depths of origin, a **** king had a broken body, his eyes were gloomy, and he looked at the figures of Zhongyue and the buried **** king.

"A divine sacred ... he came to search my holy place not long ago and almost removed my body. If I show up, I'm afraid he will be taken away with his leash and bones."

The **** king was a little puzzled and murmured: "Why did the young **** king choose to follow an ancestor sacred? It is a disgrace to the predecessor of the innate god! I have told you long ago that you should n’t give birth Such indulgence made them more unrestrained! Now that I have been resurrected, it is time to set aside chaos and help Da Si ’s life return to the glory days of my innate God King, that golden age! "


Among the ancestral courts, Feng Xiaozhong frowned, watching Feng Wuji lead the many heavenly soldiers and gods to come. Hundreds of Nantianmen gods were magnificent, and his whole body was brilliant, golden and dazzling.

Feng Wuji walked forward, knelt down on his knees, worshipped, and got up and laughed: "Father, the baby is now the head of the four heavenly kings of the Tiantian Nan Tianmen, where to walk ~ www.readwn.com ~ Come to meet and worship, all are in and out of the holy place of the Holy Mountain, raise your arms, the responders gather! Is the baby prestigious? "

Feng Xiaozhong nodded and said, "Majestic. What are you doing here?"

"Baby, come and see your brother!"

Feng Wuji looked around, with great power, and smiled, "I heard the presence of Heaven coming to the meeting said that I have a younger brother, so come to meet the brothers! Father, where is my younger brother?"

Feng Xiaozhong closed his eyes instead of looking at him, and said, "Your brother is now practicing with your uncle, and is now practicing in the restricted area created by your uncle. Go for it yourself."

Feng Wuji looked at him, unhappy, and cried, "Why didn't my father look at me?"

Feng Xiaozhong was silent.

The wind angered his heart, hummed coldly, and led the crowd away.

"come back."

Suddenly Feng Xiaozhong said: "You come back and practice with me. I did n’t know how to be a father before. Now I know. I will give you a thousand years to make you emperor."

The wind stopped without fear, looked at him, hesitated, and sneered: "Father, the existence of my teacher does not know how much better than you, why bother to practice it with you? There is no joy at all!" Led the people away.

Feng Xiaozhong sighed.

Feng Wuji led the crowd to the forbidden zone left by Zhong Yue, and when he looked far away, he saw a change in the formation method and a lot of murder. A young boy was deciphering the formation method left by Zhong Yue and realized the mystery. At this moment, he was almost out of the way. Kill.

"That's my brother?"

Feng Wuji looked at the young boy, but felt that his eyebrows were similar to himself. Suddenly, the young man was in danger, and Feng Wuji was shocked and rushed out to rescue him. I saw Feng Huaiyu's amazing understanding and cracked the killing with his own wisdom. Came out.

Feng Wuji stepped forward, the two looked at each other, Feng Huaiyu wondered, "Who are you?" (To be continued.)

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