Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1257: Heaven Invasion

The heavenly treasures are refined, each of the thirty treasures emits different flavors, floating in mid-air, Zhongyue stops urging the reincarnation vine, and 50 million gods and demons are relieved, even the funeral **** king, Xuanqi two emperors and The brothers Jiu Jiu are struggling for such existence.

Fourteen years of refining treasures, maintaining the state of samsara vines, and almost draining all of their cultivation into mana. Fortunately, they have many people, so they can persist.

This 14-year refining of treasures, although all the gods and weeds are exhausted, but they have gained a lot. The process of Zhongyue's refining of treasures is the process of attracting the heavenly ways and breaking into the treasures. Although each person's understanding is different due to the realm limitation, qualification limitation, and perception limitation, it is enough to surpass their fourteen years of penance.

Suddenly, a true God's eyes were stunned, but he was immersed in the enlightenment when he was traveling around the world, but his whole body was full of weather, but it was his fourteen-year refining treasure, and the accumulation had arrived.

Then, a demon and a monk were sitting, while others were standing and looking into the distance, and some were standing on one foot, half-sit, half-squat, and holding strange handprints. Shaped and interesting.

Then, more and more gods and demons fell into the state of enlightenment. Tens of thousands of gods and enemies enlightened together. This scene is a scene of funeral spirits, the second emperor Xuanqi and other people who are accustomed to the big scene, and can't help being deeply shocked!

The 30-day Taoist treasure was made, and the feelings and feelings brought to these gods and monsters were too deep. At the moment, the treasures were refined, and various understandings came into being. In the blink of an eye, more than 200 million gods and their own enlightenment were realized.

Gods and demons comprehend the Tao, and the sounds of the Taos oscillate, each explaining a different kind of magic. Among the Taos, there is a spiritual deity of the gods and demonstrating their own comprehension. The principles are compatible and various visions are formed. It's really colorful and colorful!

Zhong Yue was also deeply shocked. Now there are more and more gods and demons in the state of enlightenment. Some gods and demon who can't accumulate have heard the words of the Tao, and suddenly they are open, and then they are caught in the state of enlightenment. The number of gods is also increasing, forming a momentum of snowballing!

The snowball is rolling bigger and bigger, and the number of gods and demons of Wu Da has reached tens of millions, accounting for one-fifth of the gods and demons of His Highness Zhong Yue, and it is still increasing!

Only those generals who are high and reach the realm of God Emperor and Creation, because the accumulation of breakthrough needs is relatively large, and only a few God Emperor creations fall into the state of enlightenment.

Qi Di murmured, "Congratulations, I'm afraid I have more Emperors ..."

Zhong Yue nodded, the number of gods and demons who realized Tao increased by tens of thousands, infected more gods and demons, the various Tao sounds were methodical, the Tao sounds intertwined, and the vision was magical power, drawing more people in.

This scene is spectacular, I'm afraid it's the first time since it broke the ground!

Suddenly, the thirty treasures of heaven in the air shined brightly, the sound of the sky was shaking, the sky was mighty, and it was rolling!

There is an aura of surging in the sky, turning into aura of light, rain of rain, one after another, sprinkle to the ancestors, those gods who realize the words heard the sound of the day, felt the power of that day, could not help showing the color of joy, and the aura light rain Let their breath rise, and repair it!

"A great force is coming out of heaven!"

The burial spirit king's face changed greatly, and he said loudly, "This power is so strong!"

Xuanqi Erji also changed his face greatly, feeling the horror power from the ancestral world, that power is extremely sacred, as omnipresent as the heavenly path, invaded the ancestral continent and their hard-working lands of the ancestors. !!

That power gives people a sense of incompetence, deep, sacred, unpredictable, admirable, admirable, awesome, and impenetrable!

"It's heaven."

Zhong Yue whispered softly: "He wants to take the opportunity to enter my ancestral home and explore how strong Fuxi's backhand is."

His words did not fall, and suddenly I saw the thousands of enlightened gods involuntarily actuated the mana, and the breath was unconsciously connected with the treasure of the thirty days of Tao, letting the power of the treasure of thirty days masterpiece!

The Thirty Days of Treasure of the Tao each erupted into earth-shaking Tianwei, the deep and vast Tianwei broke out, forming a vast sky above the ancestral continent!

Then more gods and gods fell into the state of enlightenment, which caused a lot of spiritual light and rain to fly from the sky. Countless auras turned into a ray of light, one after another, just like pouring rain, absorbed by more gods and spirits.

The sound of the sky is getting brighter and brighter. More than two thousand gods have fallen into the state of enlightenment. Within a few breaths, they have reached more than three thousand gods and then forty million gods!

Even those **** emperors and creatures who need more accumulation are involuntarily plunged into the enlightenment, and are motivated by the treasures of the thirty days of the air in the air, each sitting silently, with the uncontrollable urgency of the essence of mana Move the treasure of the thirty days!

The power of the Thirty Days of the Treasure of the Tao became more vast and deeper, making the vast sky more and more thick, taller, and larger, and the scope of coverage was getting wider and wider!

Around Zhong Yue, many emperors, like their enemies, surrounded Zhong Yue one after another and circled Zhong Yue around.

"Mr. is right, the treasure of heaven is indeed a treasure for heaven!"

The two Emperors Xuanqi couldn't help but be shocked. They helped Zhong Yue to refine the treasures of Tiandao at the moment, which was totally out of control at the moment. Not only was the treasure of Tiandao out of control, but even the more than 4,000 gods involved in refining the treasure of Tiandao also lost control. Instead, it is controlled by the treasure of heaven!

Although they are in a state of enlightenment, in fact, it is the treasure of the heavens that actively gives them endless spiritual light and rain, giving them more insights, letting them realize the enlightenment, thus connecting with the breath of the heavens and treasures!

Their breath has been linked with the treasure of heaven, and the treasure of heaven is linked with heaven. They are controlled by the treasure of heaven, and the treasure of heaven is controlled by heaven!

If it is in an ordinary period, heaven cannot enter the ancestral family at all, and with the help of more than 40 million demon and thirty days of treasure, he will enter the ancestral family this time. Not only will he come in, but he will also occupy this place and conquer it.旻 道 尊 's backhand becomes his own wealth, and becomes the foundation of his own resistance to other beings!

The mixed Luo Yuan Da Luo Jian screamed, suddenly separated, divided into fifty, as if the umbrella Luo spread on the sky.

The heavenly books opened and opened, and there appeared heaven and earth in the book, and the world jumped out from the books.

The tianchi taiji seal is overhanging, the sun and the moon are yin and yang, and the taiji is rotating. The two big fish mouths end to end, and the head and tail are connected.

The gate of Xuanzang Tower is soaring and contains infinite vitality. It seems to be gestating the demon who controls the world.

Tianjinet spreads out, catching the world!


The power of the heavenly treasures is getting stronger and stronger, and there is a formidable force coming out of the sky, making this heaven more stable, making the power of the treasures of the thirty heavens even more horrible. Everything in the ancestral court was torn apart and assimilated!

Zhong Yue's face remained unchanged, watching this scene quietly. He was surrounded by funeral spirits, the second emperor Xuanqi, 狴 犴, pepper, Yin Yin Xuan, Yin Fukang, Feng Xiaozhong, Fuli, Fuyan Mountain, etc. There is a strong existence, but in the face of this increasingly strong Tianwei, they can only feel their own smallness.

That is the power of Taoism.

Suddenly, the newly born sky dome trembled slightly above the ancestral court, and then a wound and **** wound appeared on the sky.

Heaven got the sacrifice from the court of heaven, the sacrifice of the people of Li Min, the wounds were basically healed, and only the deepest wound was left, and it was not cured.

The appearance of this wound means that Tian finally squeezed into the ancestral courtyard!

Zhong Yue looked up at the dome, and saw that the dome suddenly had a long and narrow crack slowly separating, and the crack of hundreds of millions of miles continued to expand to both sides. It seemed to be slow, but it was expanding at an alarming rate. Then a huge fireball appeared in that arc. In the shape of cracks, like the burning eyes, they are constantly rolling, looking at the layout of the ancestral courtyard.

"God, you're finally here."

Zhong Yuelang whispered: "Villain, you have invaded my territory with the power of your Majesty's generals, and do not say hello to the master, is it too presumptuous?"

The burning sky eye rolled a little, and the huge eyes were almost on Zhong Yue's face. Zhong Yue saw that eyeball reflected herself, and she continued to subdivide in the mirror light on the surface of the eyeball, as if the shadow reflected on the surface of the eyeball. Subdivide him into the finest particles.

It was the totem particles, the eyes of the sky, and in a split second he deconstructed his physical primordial avenue and knew everything about him!

This is the most terrible place, any avenue you feel, any magical power ~ www.readwn.com ~ your powerful physical body, the invincible Yuanshen, you can see all the mysteries in the sky in the blink of an eye. No secret at all!

However, this is for the innate soul. The innate demon is a complete avenue in itself. The sky can only parse out the totem, and it cannot deconstruct the overall innate avenue.

He has reached the extreme of the totem cultivation system, but he knows nothing about the true innate avenue and cannot be deconstructed.

When Zhong Yue saw his eyes, he understood this, so he didn't take it seriously.

"Humble existence, kneel before the deep and mysterious." An obscure sense of God came out in the eyes that day, telling Zhong Yue and others.


Zhong Yue suddenly pulled out the power of the Heavenly Emperor, turned it into a congenital sword, and inserted it into the ground. The knife light was like a mirror and reflected his eyes.

In the mirror surface of the knife light, the structure of the sky eye was constantly decomposed. When the blade body was reflected, the sky eye was structured into countless fine totem patterns. The totem pattern was constantly changing and subdividing. The entire sky eye was actually changed by countless changes. The most subtle totem pattern.

Those totem textures, including the natural totem patterns of thousands of people in the world, are not only the god's eye totem of Fuxi, but also the god's eye totem of other major royaltys, and even the god's eye totem that has disappeared!

"It turned out to be the ultimate of the totem cultivation system."

Zhong Yue sighed, suddenly pulled out the knife, and said softly, "You retreat."

His sword was pulled up, and the ancestral court suddenly shook. The strongest first killing team in history was started. The sky suddenly broke apart, and the eyes of the sky showed a crack, and then it was torn apart!

The wound on the sky suddenly increased and deepened, tearing the sky!

"The humble existence has actually calculated me ..."

A muffled hum came from outside the sky, the wound was swiftly moving, disappeared, and the power of the treasure of the Thirty Days slowly calmed down. (.)

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