Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1275: Liquidation

Feng Xiaozhong and Yin Xuan Xuan sacrifice the God of Heaven to hide the God of Heaven, so that the God of Nanming cannot sense the danger and is blocked in the lair without knowing it.

If he is alert in advance and prepared for it early, he can run away even if he is defeated, and the role of blinding the secret is to make him lose his alert and do not know that he will be robbed.

Zhongyue led hundreds of millions of troops to gather the power of the army to sacrifice the sword. Only at the moment when the sword power burst out, the king of Nanming God noticed it, but it was too late, and Zhongyue split it in half with him. That world is also divided equally.

The innate sword uses the power of the emperor as the handle, uses Yidao as a knife, and chopped Tao for the use of the sword. It can be divided into the ancient universe of the Shinto magic fight. Zhong Yue came to the nest and gathered all the power to offer the sword. , Forming the various avenues of fire from the Nanming God King, unified and cut off!

If the road is cut off, his life will naturally be cut off.

This knife was sharp and sharp. After Zhong Yue closed the sword, he began to return to the ancestral court. As for cleaning the battlefield and harvesting the life of the king of the Ming Dynasty, the remaining army and strong men of the ancestral court would do it. court.

Today, the ancestral court has established a system of priests in a small heavenly court, and each priest has his own duties, and there is no need for Zhong Yueshi to kiss him.

Whether it is the body of Nanming God King or its treasure house, it is no small fortune. The task of cleaning the battlefield fell on Fuli. The thumb of Nanming God King was also snatched by him last time. This time, he was naturally the most active when cleaning the lair of a Taigu God King.

"God Nanming will not die so easily, he will be resurrected in his innate holy land."

Zhong Yue returned to the ancestral court and ordered that the Nanming **** king be notified to the Quartet. In addition to killing the Nanming **** king in order to report the revenge of the Fuxi protoss, he also had to stand up.

The eleven **** kings inhabiting his territory, except for the **** of gods, are not easy to exist!

The beheading of the Nanming God King is to warn them that even if it is the ancient King of God, they will be beheaded as long as they do not obey!

The beheading of the King of the Ming Emperor can also verify the power of the innate sword. Zhong Yue's innate sword finally became a treasure that can suppress the luck of the human race!

"After the resurrection of King Nanming, it should be one or two hundred years later. He is relatively weak from the avenue of fire, and it takes less time to resurrect than the evil emperor. After resurrection, he will definitely come to revenge, but then he Just resurrected, the strength may not be higher than the funeral spirit.

Zhong Yue put down her heart, but she couldn't find the birth place of Nanming God King. It was a bit regrettable. If the Holy Land of Fire can be found and broken, the Holy Land of Fire can be completely killed.

"Kings of the ancient times often hid their sacred places, as did Mu Xiannian and would not be easily exposed. If these sacred places can be found, it would be great ..."

Zhong Yue practiced with peace of mind, taught Feng Huaiyu in her spare time, and hugged with the daughters, feeling affectionate, and occasionally went to Feng Xiaozhong to communicate with Feng Xiaozhong.

He has cultivated to the realm of the Creator. Although he is in the realm, but the Tao is outside the realm, this feeling is extraordinary. The acquired cultivation method and innate cultivation method are perfectly reflected in him.

The road opened by Grandma has come to an end. There are no predecessors on the road. You can only rely on him to explore alone and move forward in the dark and rugged.

On this day, Zhong Yue was in the outer cave of Tiandu Tiandong, the King of Gods, talking with the King of Gods. Prime Minister ’s worship, but those places are already empty! "

Zhong Yue froze slightly: "Empty? Didn't you find the place where the eight **** kings lived?"

The **** will respectfully say, "Here, he found. His subordinates and others shined in the mirror to gain insight into the world, large and small. Only the residences of these eight **** kings were found, but there was nothing in them, and they were all cleaned up. . "

Zhong Yue frowned slightly, sneering: "Where is the holy place of origin?"

"The Holy Land of Origin has disappeared."

The voice of the burial spirit king came, and the burial spirit king Fengchen hurried back, saying, "Sir, I have reached the holy place of origin, but I cannot find that holy place. It should be hidden by the origin god."

Zhong Yue smiled angrily, and said, "Do you admit that my landlord is so embarrassing them?"

King God of Gandu took a look at him, and he had a profound meaning: "Major Fuxi, have you forgotten your identity. Your identity is placed here, and you have killed King Nanming again. How can they still live here?"

Zhong Yue's heart trembled, looking at the King God of Gandu, she said in a whisper: "You mean these eight **** kings are all my enemies?"

"Is it true that the enemy is not known?"

The King of Gods shook his head and said, "I was aware of the robbery before it started, and I hid in advance. I do n’t know how many **** kings started working with your Fuxi family. But I understand the minds of the eight **** kings who left. Since you are a divine king, how can you easily become a subject in your territory? "

He Yoyo: "I have experienced endless years since birth and witnessed the rise and decline of countless races in the universe. Even the emperors of the Fire Age and Earth Age, our **** kings will not surrender. Even Mu Xiantian, The **** kings will not surrender to her. Not to mention you? Do n’t forget that you still have Fuxi ’s identity. This identity alone will not dare to let the **** king take refuge in you. Otherwise, they may be liquidated in the future. Liquidate! "

Zhong Yue stunned, and said, "Who dares to liquidate the God King?"

"Naturally dare."

God of God seemed to laugh and smile: "Aren't you just liquidating?"

Zhong Yue smiled slightly, but didn't answer this stubble.

"Hundred-footed worms die but are not stiff. It is impossible for Fuzhe's strong race to completely die with a single stick. Not to mention that there are some brothers and sisters of this hundred-footed worm."

The God of God in Gandu laughed: "At that time, the Fuxi Protoss were sealed. After a big blood wash, the Era period has ended. Although the strength of Fuxi is slightly weak, it is not a trivial matter. If the two sides continue to fight again, they will probably lose both Even with the end of both defeats, I had to compromise and truce. Then there was the Age of Theology. After 100,000 years of peace, I am afraid that this liquidation is coming. "

After all, he is the **** king representing the heavenly gods born in the Holy Land of Gandu. He can perceive more subtle things and details that are not noticed by other **** kings.

"I feel that this liquidation is coming, I am afraid that it will be extremely fierce, and it will not be worse than the battle of 100,000 years ago. The strength of Fu Xi's heart is weakening, and the other party is growing."

God of God said: "Whoever stands on your side will be liquidated. Who do you dare to shelter under your wings? What's more, the King of God can be innocent and not stained with Fuxi's blood Yes, very few. "

Zhong Yue was silent and whispered: "Liquidation ..."

God of God continued: "You beheaded God Nanming, and Liwei was here. They said they could not do anything about you, and did not want to send you under the fence, so they simply left."

Zhong Yue nodded, and stood up to leave: "Thank you, Brother for calling."

The God of God's eyes flashed and watched him go away, whispering: "Liquidation ... Are you ready to liquidate me?"

From the Holy Land of Fire.

King Nanming will give birth to this innocent holy holy place, which was extremely tightly hidden. He was beheaded and killed by Zhongyue. The innocent liou avenue in the holy place of holy fire immediately became restless. Among the raging fires, there was a huge half-dragon Wiggling, screaming, forming.

The roar seemed painful.

"What a pity ..."

But at this moment, the sky of the sacred place of fire was twisted, and a huge **** wound appeared, and then the sky fell like a lot of emulsion, falling to the ground, turning into a strange man with no face, and the face on the face slowly separated from the sides, exposing Huge eyes covering the entire face.

"Poor King Nanming, I have been waiting for you to be killed for a long time."

In the boundless sea of ​​fire, the half-dragon demon that was forming was hissing and groaning, gritting his teeth and saying, "Hey! How did you find me? Where is my holy place hidden, it is impossible for others to know!"

"Because there is a sky here."

The sky looked up and looked at the sky, and said leisurely: "Where there is a sky, there is my foothold. I travel through countless times in the universe, and I have found many hiding places of **** kings, only a few I did n’t find the holy place for the **** king. Those **** kings ca n’t mess with it too ~ www.readwn.com ~ but fortunately you are not among them. "

There was a trace of chaos in his fingertips, and the growing body of God Nanming roared: "Chaos contract?"

Tian calmly said: "I don't want to die completely, then sign the Chaos Contract and stand on my side."

The King of Fire in the South and South China gritted his teeth, but had to sign a chaos contract with him, sneer: "Heaven, your idea is too big, you want to completely replace the innate demon and control the universe, your ability cannot keep up with your idea , In the future liquidation, you will die better! "

"Liquidation? I also wanted to liquidate a long time ago. I will clear all the parasites in the universe, and give me a clear one!"

The sky is compatible with the sky, becoming bigger and bigger, the sky becomes a huge eye, bleeding eyes: "You innate gods are parasites, parasitizing between the universe, so are all beings, and need to be cleaned. The thoughts are too cluttered, they should only have one thought, pure thoughts! "

The eyes closed slowly, and a wound quickly left.

Palace of the Emperor.

The innate **** emperor looked at the **** kings who came from afar, and was surprised: "Why did the four Taoists come together?"

The four **** kings looked at each other, one of them said: "His Majesty the Emperor and the Emperor divided the ancient universe into three points and ceded it to Fuxi. God Nanming has been killed by him. Can come to look for His Majesty. "

The innate **** emperor lost his voice: "Such a thing like this?"

A goddess king said unpleasantly, "Your Majesty the Emperor, your intention is to force us out. Why should you be surprised?"

The innate **** Emperor laughed and said, "I'm surprised that he can kill King Nanming. This little ghost's head is getting more and more flavorful."

———— What's going on in my ears when I still have a cold? (To be continued.)

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