Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1283: Raze's Rebellion

Captain Qianyi drove straight in. Every time he passed a city, a dragon **** came to obstruct it and stop the ancient ship.

Zhongyue ignored it and broke into it. The Qianyi ancient ship was like a smashing bamboo, ramming all the way. Anyone blocking the way directly ran into it without any hesitation.


"This is the Holy Land of Reiser, how can you let it come to you!"

"Enemies! Foreign enemies invade!"

The thousands of wings of the ancient ship are invincible, and the dragon gods blocking the road were even spitting blood, and some bodies were crushed into two sections. Suddenly, one hundred ten dragon gods sacrifice the towering cities and lay them in front. The next moment, they just listened. With a loud bang, the dragon city was penetrated through a large hole, and the ancient ship went away.

After all, Lei Ze is a congenital holy land. Although there are not many pure blood Lei Ze, other foreign races have been reincarnated into Lei Ze. The power of blood has become extremely powerful and sacred, and a horrible breath has risen from the sky. Fly out of the magnificent rough city, chase after the ancient ship with thousands of wings!

Even Zhong Yue couldn't help but move. In a short time, he saw a hundred emperors. The number was even more than the grand army he built!

The decline is the real Lezier, but the Lezier tribe and Lezier's blood have never fallen. This race still has great power. There are countless strong people in the tribe, but this force does not belong to Lezier. Real razer, but the power of foreigners!

How much this makes people feel sad, the Reze Holy Land has been occupied by foreigners, the pure Rezer Dragon God has become a minority, and the foreigners have their blood, have their appearance, have their territory, have their name and Surnames occupy what belongs to them.

The only thing other races don't have is the soul of Reese.

Patriarch Pao, was completely elevated.

How many genuine Leziers are there in Lazier Holy Land of Lagerstroemia indica?

In the rear, thousands of angry dragons roared and twitched. They streamed through the starry sky. These razor dragons are very peculiar, with different types and various attributes, including blue dragons, red dragons, and yellow dragons. , Thunder dragon, purple dragon, white dragon, but also weird dragons, ichthyosaurs, dragon pythons, dragons, dragons, dragons, lions, oolongs, flying dragons and other weird species.

Zhong Yue couldn't help but be speechless. The women of Huatuo didn't say anything wrong. The dragons of Reze were really passionate. All races can be true love and colorful, but they should be born to the Kun people.

"However, some of my heirs also have relations with the Kun people ..." Zhong Yuezhen must be the confusion of the fire.

Along the way, Zhong Yue saw the galaxies one after another, and on the living planet, many gods and dragons lingered, established the Dragon Temple, enslaved many races, and enjoyed sacrifices.

The sheer number of these planets is staggering.

Judging by the vast galaxy seen by Zhong Yue, Lei Ze's family not only did not decline, but was even larger and more powerful than the former Royal Family Zhong Clan!

However, there are not many of these forces that truly belong to the Reze family, most of them are reincarnation of foreign races, or blood of foreign races.

"So, there should be some ancient supernatural beings ..." Zhong Yue narrowed his eyes.

Most of the Fuxi in the world are the reincarnation of ancient supernatural powers and their descendants. I am afraid the same is true of Reese.

"There are more than one emperor-level existence in the world, then there may be an emperor-level existence among the ancient supernatural beings in Lei Ze's. It is no wonder that the cousin of the dragon dragon can not be held up!"

Finally, the thousand-winged ancient ship set aside a lot of Lei Zelong dragons that came after it, and the wings gently vibrated and landed smoothly in the core area of ​​Lei Ze Holy Land. The former convenience was a magnificent and continuous grand palace family, majestic and spectacular.

There are endless palace communities here, but they are a little different from those in the periphery. The palaces here are more beautiful. As a protoss from the glorious age to the present day, the level of civilization is so high that it is unimaginable today.

The real Reese has a very high level of artistic attainment and taste is extremely elegant. At this point, Zhong Yue has already seen on the frescoes of the six realms of Reizer.

After all, Reese is a brilliant tribe that has seen many Emperors of Heaven appear in history.

Obviously, this is where the real Reese live.

However, there are few people living in the palace, the Zhongyue's consciousness is so exciting, and the whole family is enveloped in an instant.


His consciousness touched a spirit of horror like abyss, and bumped slightly, even if separated. In the center of the palace, the Emperor's mighty towering sky, the dragon slowly rose, and looked at the ancient ship. When he saw the daughters of Huayi on the ship, he was surprised, and smiled: "It was the cousin and the Huayi's. Sister. Why are you here? Guys outside, will you let you in? "

Zhong Yue landed on the ancient ship, met with him, and smiled: "Cousin, you are not quite here."

Emperor Xiaolong laughed and said, "Much better than before. In the past, I have not become an emperor, and I have been monitored every move. Now that I am an emperor, these guys are not easy to monitor me."

Zhong Yue sighed, the divine congenital god, the most brilliant patriarch of the Reze family, even in such a field, it is difficult to move, but why isn't Fu Shi?

Although this Reze's holy place still looks extraordinary, it has actually decayed.

Xiaolong was about to lead them into the temple. Suddenly there was a storm in the sky, and then a huge divine dragon was coiled in the sky, and the vision was endless.

Many divine dragons are huge and unmatched, with their bodies appearing, and the dragons must be long and vertical, floating in the air like a road like a xia, sacred and extraordinary, and not angry.

The central dragon, even though the divine power is pervasive, is obviously an emperor-level existence!

It's just that his dragon mustache is white, apparently he has reached old age and is an old dragon emperor!

"Patriarch, foreign enemies invade. Why did the patriarch treat foreign enemies as guests?"

The old emperor, the central dragon, had a long chant, and asked, "This foreign enemy is running all the way, running wildly, disrespecting me, rushing to the landlord, and injuring many strong people in my tribe, wantonly. Use it to the effect. "

Xiaolong said aloud, indifferently: "Foreign enemy? This is the Heavenly Prime Minister, how could he be an external enemy?"

"Good luck?"

The old dragon emperor sneered: "Why does Heaven and Me and the Rezier? Although the Emperor of Heaven has a high weight, he can't control my Rezier! The emperor's heavenly law is not as good as my Rezier's law! There is nothing worthy in front of him! If he hurts my Lezier, he will be punished by him! The patriarch must stop me from using the clan law? "

Xun Long couldn't help getting angry, glanced at Zhong Yue, and suddenly he laughed and said, "Since this is the case, please ask Brother Long (read shi) to do patriarchal law. Heavenly Prime Minister, this dragon is the deputy chief of my tribe. He I have no choice but to use Zongfa to take you. "

Zhong Yue's eyes flickered, and he looked at the old dragon emperor, only to see that he was white-haired and had a dead body. He should be a hybrid of the Shebi corpse and the Dragon clan, wondering: "How many deputy patriarchs does Reese have?"

Xiaolong was about to speak. Suddenly another imperial power surged. A dragon emperor led the dragons of several emperors and monarchs, and said coldly: "Clan leader, foreign enemies invade. You have enshrined foreign enemies as guests and hurt me. I do n’t say the majesty of the clan, but I still lost my face. How can I be the chief of my clan? ”

Xunlong smiled and said with a smile: "This is the vice patriarch of Dragon and Phoenix. Do n’t hide the words of the prince, there are eight deputy patriarchs of the Leze family. In addition to them, there are Long Tianbao, Wu, Long Xie, Long Chu Demon, dragon dream, dragon crow, etc. "

"Well? So did she ..."

Zhong Yue took a sip of air-conditioner and murmured, "Are all eight dragon emperors?"

Chen Long shook his head: "This is not true. He became emperor not long ago, and Dragon Crow never became emperor."

As I was saying, suddenly a black bird flew, the dragon's head was full of dragon scales around its neck, and its wings were scales made of glittering gold. When the wings fluttered, the dragon scales reflected, and the gods' light was radiated in all directions.

"This is the vice patriarch of Dragon Raven." Zhong Yue nodded and smiled.

The dragon-crow with its wings and the dragon-headed bird standing in midair looked to Zhong Yue, startled, and said, "Who am I? It turned out to be a heavenly prince. No wonder it was so bold and arrogant. , Dare to invade me!

"Well! What about the good friend?"

There was another Diwei rolling, evil spirit filled, and a dragon flew ~ www.readwn.com ~ The scales of the body were like eyes, weird, and sneered: "The heavens and the gods violated my Lezi's clan law, and they will be cut. Not spare! "

Another Emperor Dragon came, and he laughed and said, "I have a rare guest who welcomes you. Don't come up and yell and kill. Tenzou is a rare guest, and the patriarch deserves hospitality. Don't say that he killed a few little rabbits. Nothing. Even a few Lexus dragons are not a big deal. "

Another Emperor Shenlong flew in and said leisurely, "Don't we offend Tianbao Brother when we killed the Prime Minister? Brother Tianbao, do you mean it?"

Zhong Yue looked at Long Tianbao, his eyes flickered. The **** emperor with the blood of Lei Ze gave him a familiar feeling.

Long Tianbao should be one of the 30 days of Taoism.

Chen Long was indeed elevated, completely overhead.

How many emperors are there in Mu Tiantian's heaven?

How many emperors have emerged during the entire emperor struggle?

In Lei Ze, there are actually seven emperors to guard, including the mysterious heavenly body of Long Tianbao!

Zhong Yue now knows why even the goddess ninjas must be careful to remove the foreigners who have been mixed into the Huaxu family little by little.

At that time, the situation faced by Huaxu was probably not much better than that of Reze now. The pressure of the goddess at that time must be not small!

"Tianxi is a guest from far away, why not treat him?"

Suddenly, Long Tianbao laughed: "Standing here is not the way."

Long Xieran said: "Hospitality? He violated the patriarchal law and naturally wanted to kill. Am I still afraid of the power being lost? What's my face like that?"

"What's the matter of hitting several dragons?"

Long Chu Mo sneered: "The heavens are in the ancient universe, but that is the existence of Dangdang. I will have to respect him for a drink, drink a drink, and stay home!"

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