Rise of Humanity

Chapter 127: Ming Dynasty Heritage

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Zhong Zhongyue stepped into the palace of the demon gods, looked around, could not help frowning, the palace of the demon gods was empty, empty, as if it had been ransacked again, as if the newly built house had time to be decorated.

"Someone stepped ahead and ransacked the place."

Xinghuo looked at Zhong Yue's eyes and said, "I don't know whether it was the holy city master or the big guy who climbed out from here."

"It should be the big guy crawling out of here."

Zhong Yue thought for a moment and said, "The lord of the sacred city of the demon tribe was just a refining gas refiner. His strength will not be too high. I am afraid that he cannot destroy the ban imposed by the demon **** king. And the one who climbed out from here The big guy, however, killed the previous generation of the holy city owner. It can be seen that when he left from here, he was already a giant-class existence, and he was absolutely capable of searching it again. Moreover, this big guy broke the ban and left this place, which turned the entire Black Mountain secret The ban has destroyed Yun Ling and the two major bans. Such a terrifying strength is afraid of being a giant among the giants! "

There is a distinction between a small blockade and a large blockade, such as those on the stone steps in front of the palace, and small blockades, but the large blockades that cover the entire secret of Montenegro.

This big blockade banned everything from Yunling to Tongshen and other realms into a realm. Outsiders could n’t get in, and people inside could n’t get out. If they forcibly broke in or out, no matter what the realm would be, the black mountain ’s secret realm would be Blocked for eradication!

What the big guy broke was the big ban that enveloped the entire Montenegro mystery. When passing through the Montenegro mystery, the ban on the spiritual realm and the unborn lands were destroyed!

This is very horrible. The lord of the holy city of the demon tribe has not destroyed the third blockade of Montenegro ’s mystery so far. It is clear that he is not unwilling, but has no such ability.

But the big guy has such ability, we can see that its strength is overbearing.

Wang Teng and others finally boarded the last stone steps and set foot on the demon **** palace. These young monster clan refiners looked at Zhong Yue with a complex look. It took them nearly a month to suppress the 108-step ban, and Zhong Yue came here. Without stopping, they went up to 108 blocks.

之 The magnitude of this blow can be imagined.

Wang Teng and others just came here, and immediately separated from each other, far away from each other, so as not to be attacked by each other. Previously, they could also cooperate to overcome difficulties, but there is no need for cooperation here, but competition with each other!

"I heard that the Donghai Dragons have a rich collection and are very knowledgeable, and now they are knowledgeable."

King Teng Teng looked at Zhong Yue, nodded, and then looked around, frowning slightly, saw that the palace of the demon gods was empty, and there was no half treasure.

Other monster masters are frowning too. They speculate that the palace of the demon gods must be treasure all over the place, and they have come here after much hard work. Now the gap is too great for them to accept.

"Without the treasure of the demon **** king, where is the inheritance of the demon **** king?" Yu Xuanji murmured.

Suddenly, the palace shudder trembled, and the figures in the palace shivered. I saw the palace shattered in front of everyone. Bricks, beams, walls, slate, cornices, and copper pillars were staggered, like a huge machine. Start roaring and turning!

Zhong Yue and others had not responded yet, and they saw that Miyazaki disappeared, and replaced it with a huge platform. Various gorgeous totem patterns appeared at the feet, and copper pillars fell below the platform, supporting the platform. In addition to the platform, there is a platform towering in the distance, also supported by copper pillars.

In a farther place, there is another platform, and each platform emerges. There is a floating bridge between the platform and the platform to communicate to the distance!

"what is this?"

Everyone stood on the first platform, but saw a wall come and land in front of the platform.

图 A totem pattern suddenly appeared on the wall, flowing in the wall, and after a while, I saw the gold slurry flowing out of the wall, falling on the platform, and turning into an eight-armed god-man, which is exactly the image of the demon **** king!

"Battle Puppet?" Wang Teng whispered, looking dignified.

Wu Zhongyue looked closely, and saw the dense totems appearing on this war puppet, and the totems left by the Lord of the Holy City on the stone wall of the Oushui Bridge seemed to be.

It's just that this war puppet has experienced an extremely painful battle, his body is torn, the third eye on his forehead is also broken, and gold liquid flows out.

"The legacy of the demon **** king is imprinted on the battle puppet!" The monster clan refiners on the platform got excited and looked at the battle puppet one after another.

"You guys ..."

The battle figure floated, all cast of gold and iron, and the sound came from the chest, as if the voice was a little blurred because of the age too long: "You ... Ming Wang Fengtian ... ... The market ... Leave the legacy and wait for the fate ... Ming Wang Jue is the first one, and the enlightenment can go to the second one ... see Ming Wang's true body ... "

The sound of the battle puppet was intermittent, but none of the people on the platform were dumb. I immediately guessed what the battle puppet wanted to say. The demon **** king guarded the place by the order of a strong man named emperor, and missed Shou Yuan, so he left the inheritance and waited for his fate. After seeing the first chapter of the demon **** king tactics, you can enter the second platform and see the second chapter.

If you can fully understand all the demon **** king tactics, you can see the true body of the king, and get a higher inheritance!

Suddenly, Yu Xuanji asked, "How can you count on the demon **** king?"

The war puppet turned his head and looked at him. There was a loud noise in his chest: "Cross the pontoon."

"Passing the pontoon, is it a pass?"

Xu Yuxuan asked again, "What's on the pontoon?"

That war puppet did not answer, apparently because of the serious damage, it had lost its function when the demon **** king just made it. Yu Xuanji frowned, and said, "What if you can't walk the pontoon?"

The war puppet looked down at the platform, and Fox Seven Girl, Zhong Yue and others looked down. They couldn't help getting scared. I saw a deep abyss under the pontoon connected to the platform. The strong bones!

Obviously these are the bones left by the demons who stepped on the pontoon!

The war puppet no longer spoke, suddenly took a step back, and merged into the wall. A pattern of the demon **** king suddenly appeared on the wall. The totem pattern of the pattern began to change, demonstrating the beginning of the demon **** king tactic.

At the beginning of the demon demon king Wang Jue, everyone has seen it on the Lishui Bridge, and it has its heritage, but the inheritance demonstrated on the wall is a bit more complicated than that on the Lishui Bridge.

Everyone did not dare to neglect, and they came to enlighten one after another. After a while, Kongban and other second-generation monster clan refiners also boarded the platform and sat down to understand.

Wu Zhongyue also participated in the research quietly, realizing the changes in the beginning of the demon **** Wang Jue. With the foundation on the Lishui Bridge, it was easier to understand the beginning.

After another half a day, suddenly a demon-style gas refiner got up, glanced at other gas refiners who were participating in the research, and shook his head: "I have fully understood all the changes in the beginning of the article. Such simple things also Need to learn so long? Ming Chuan Cheng is destined to be with me, I have to take a step! "

He stepped onto the pontoon, walked towards the second platform, and Zhong Yue got up. At this moment, King Teng, Yu Xuanji, and others all got up and looked at each other. Only then saw the gas refiner's footsteps fall, and the pontoon suddenly appeared gorgeous The totem pattern, intertwined into light, rushed towards the Qilianshi.

气 The gas fighter shouted, showing the body of the King himself, showing his eight arms, stepping on the light on the pontoon, and walking forward!

嗤 ——

A piece of flesh came off his chest, as if the gas-practitioner didn't feel the slightest pain, and didn't seem to notice that he had lost a piece of flesh and continued to move forward.

嗤嗤嗤 ——

他 As he walked, flesh and blood flew off his body, and he took a dozen steps away, and the demon-style gas refiner who walked on the pontoon had only a tired bone.

Baigu is still walking forward, still laughing. "I can pass it so easily, I don't know why you still spend so long ..."

His head had been shattered by invisible forces, and a large hole was opened in the brain. In the brain hole, the brain can be seen to be boiled, and the gas and water bubbles bubbling.

This scene made the demons on the platform creepy, Yu Xuanji could not help but shouted: "Brother, you are dead, don't you know?"


The demon refiner turned his head, pieces of bones fell off his body, fell into the abyss below, and smiled to himself: "What is dead? Hahaha, I have the legacy of the demon **** king, are you jealous of me? ... What's going on? I'm really dead ... "

The bones on the bridge were disintegrated and they fell down. The totem pattern on the bridge calmed down and disappeared.

King Teng suddenly got up, stepped onto the pontoon, and said calmly: "It seems that the totem pattern hidden on this pontoon is the way of the totem pattern change in the beginning of the demon **** Wang Jue. To walk on the bridge, you must visualize the demon **** king. Let the totem pattern change along with the totem pattern on the bridge ~ www.readwn.com ~ Demonstrate all the changes in the opening article before walking across the pontoon. "

Wu Zhongyue also saw this, and nodded secretly. Some other demon gas refiners realized this, and some even woke up and realized it.

Yuyu Xuanji smiled and said, "If you don't understand all the changes in the beginning, stepping on the pontoon is a dead end, so dumb guys, don't try it."

Twenty demon gas refiners stared in anger, Yu Xuanji shrugged, and whispered, "I haven't said anything wrong. If you don't understand, walking on the pontoon is a dead end. I also care about you ..."

Wu Zhongyue also got up and set foot on the pontoon. On the pontoon, King Teng and his two gas refiners already existed, while other gas refiners were still enlightening.

At the moment when they stepped onto the pontoon bridge, they both showed the body of the King of Ming, trapped in eight arms, and their body surface had various totem pattern changes, corresponding to the totem pattern changes on the bridge surface.

King Teng stopped suddenly, turned around, and said seriously: "Brother Long Yue also realized all the changes in the opening chapter so quickly. I wonder if you are interested in learning a little or two with me on this pontoon? I would like to know who is more savvy and stronger between you and me. "

Zhong Zhongyue was carrying a big knife, and kept walking, stepping forward, smiling, "Teng Teng confirmed that he would fight on the pontoon?"

At this time, Yu Xuanji and Fox Seven Sisters also boarded the pontoon respectively. Kong Bian and the other two demons of the Qi Clan also stepped on the bridge. Teng Wang smiled slightly and walked forward. "Now It ’s too late, when it ’s only you and me on the bridge, it ’s not too late to fight. Brother Longyue, I hope you can come to the end and fight with me! ”R1152

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