Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1295: Fishing for Chaos

"Tian Ce was killed by his life, something I didn't expect."

In a secret place in the ancient universe, the sky was flowing, as if there was something transparent covering the sky in this secret place, but when I looked up, I could see nothing, only a shocking wound.

The wound suddenly stopped and hung in the sky.

It seems strange that the sun and the moon are covered with a layer of water.

"The layout for hundreds of years was once broken. Si Ming went to see Fu Xi, out of my control, and exposed my heavenly body. However, the trend is so large that it cannot tolerate Si Ming to resist, the battle between ancient emperors and innate gods and demons, Whether she is willing to take charge of the big picture or not, it will happen. This is something destined to be born! "

The wound in the sky moved again, from the sky of this mysterious world to the sky of the next planet, and rushed to the depths of the universe.

"The King of God is dead and can be resurrected, and the period of weakness before their resurrection is the best opportunity to control them. Si Ming, Si Ming, do n’t hesitate to feed you for so many years, and even return the six heavenly wheels You, you really do what I want, get rid of more **** kings, let me capture them! "

"The six heavenly wheels can allow you to grasp the movements of those **** kings. Now it's up to you. I don't know how many **** kings you can get rid of by joining hands with the emperors?"

"It's just that Fuxi really hates it, and every time he feeds, he makes him bite! But as long as he grows up and urges the reincarnation vine to form a complete reincarnation of the Six Realms, everything is worth it."

Ancestral court.

Zhong Yue's eyes flickered, and she said, "Si Ming's thunder is decisive. He must have killed Tian Tian's body as soon as possible. This can be considered as a hidden danger. But the six heavenly wheels should be ordered by Tian deliberately. Right? "

He couldn't help fighting a cold war.

God's strategy is too deep.

Only Si Ming and Zhong Yue can use the six heavenly wheels, but how to get the six heavenly wheels into their hands without causing doubt?

In order to do this, Tian even spared his life to destroy Tianyi's brain!

And when Zhong Yue and Si Ming sneaked into the Blue Palace, Mr. Blue did not appear in the Blue Palace. At that time, Mr. Blue left the Blue Palace to ask God something, and the heavenly destiny, Shura, was not in the Blue Palace. Now think about it, It should be that both of them were turned away by heaven, so that Zhong Yue and Shi Ming could steal the six heavenly wheels.

As for the loss of the ancient tree of life, there may be another game involved!

The six heavenly wheels are the heavy weapon of the Fuxi Protoss. Even if the sky is obtained, it cannot be used, but falling into the hands of the commander can urge the power of this heavy weapon that shocks the Earth Age!

The six heavenly wheels can enter any existing mysterious realm, shuttle to the seventh area, come and go without a trace!

This heavy device can also search for the six reincarnations that are powerful, search out the ancient emperors, and search out the **** king!

Therefore, handing over the six heavenly wheels to Si Ming, it is easier to fulfill Tian ’s wish, let Si Ming gather the ancient emperors, start wars with the gods, and use the hand of Si Ming to complete his plan!

"God, this isn't normal cunning ..."

Zhong Yue admired that it was also a good thing for Zhong Yue to remove those **** kings. The only bad thing should be the **** king who intends to take over and control the resurrected **** kings.

If all these **** kings are controlled by heaven, it will be a big trouble.

But although he knew the plot of the sky, Zhong Yue was helpless. It was inevitable that the ancient emperors and the gods would fight. The ancient emperors were old. In order not to be eroded by these gods, they must take advantage of their own breath. While struggling to resist, how many can be killed!

And those **** kings will not let the ancient emperors succeed, they will also take the opportunity to hunt and kill the ancient emperors, enjoy these "big fish" that they have raised for a long time!

This battle is inevitable!

However, Zhong Yue looked farther. The battle between ancient emperors and **** kings involved not only the fish-raising party, but also a more terrible existence behind them.

For example, Da Mingming, he must begin to deal with those **** kings who have betrayed themselves.

For example, the most terrible existence of the gods such as Black Emperor and White Emperor, it is unknown whether the existence in the Tao world will intervene.

And Mu Xiantian, if the **** kings are eliminated and her biggest obstacle to rule the ancient universe is removed, will she sit safely in Ziwei?

"A troubled world is coming ..."

The imperial dynasty had a calendar of 260 years, and there were fuxi in chaos. They set up troops in the six realms of Polo, tangled the chaotic party, leveled the three thousand and six realms, cut off the imperial realm, killed the imperial dynasties, the realm, and cut off the gods Tens of millions were piled into stars, and Asano was shocked.

The congenital emperor ordered the emperor to make peace, and the emperor led the troops to fight with the thieves in the Fourth God City, defeated, and reported to the emperor to ask for reinforcements.

The emperor did not allow him, and he condemned the prime minister for sending troops to be unfavorable. He cut down his position as the prince and the prince, ordered the prime minister to return to heaven to report, and the emperor came to take over the prime minister's army.

The emperor made the lower realm hacked to death by the thief.

The emperor sent the twelve emperors in succession and encountered chaotic parties on the way.

Tian Xiangxiang wrote to the heavenly court and said: "The ancient universe, the barbarous land, the bandits are all around. After they leave, the thieves will rebel again. Only the hard work and repression will be carried out. , Before Fuguan. "

The emperor was furious, and Yu Chaotang yelled, "The thief bullies too much!"

So he set off with an angry rage, and was driven by a protagonist. He was blocked by the thief at the Ninth God City and could not enter the ancient universe.

Then the prime minister came to report and said, "The old minister is incompetent, the thief has captured the Ninth City of God, and now the City of God is changing hands. Her Majesty, don't worry, the old man went to the soup and fire, and he will recapture the Ninth City of God, and begging for mercy.

The Emperor of Heaven praised him and said, "Ai Qing worked hard and was loyal to the Jiangshan community. He took the official position of the prime minister because of his anger and anger, but now he is still in charge of the ancient universe and suppresses the barbarians."

The prime minister led the purpose, thanked him far and wide, and sincerely prepared to let the civil and military in the Manchu dynasty admire the loyalty of the prime minister.

Not long after good news came, the prime minister led the army to conquer the thief and recapture the ninth city.

When the emperor heard the news, he led a large army, and the Ninth Divine City proclaimed its defeat and was taken away by the thieves. Tianbingtian will still not be able to enter the ancient universe. The heavenly army and the thief had fought fiercely, and they could not win the ninth battle. Instead, they would damage the heavenly soldiers countlessly, and defeated and returned.

"Old thief bullies too much!" Heavenly Emperor scolded.

A minister reminded: "His Majesty, it is a woman who is alleged to be an ambush, who has tangled a group of ancient emperors and extremely vicious generations, as well as the former Chaos party, which are not old traitors. It is better to be a minister of loyalty. Give Tian Tianxiang more soldiers and horses ... "

The emperor was angry, and ordered that the mouthful of courtiers be dragged out of the staff and beat thirty.

After these things, the Emperor of Heaven also abstained from the idea of ​​the imperial conspiracy, and only ordered the concubine to keep Fu related, waiting for the variables of the ancient universe.

"Sir, we're not doing that well, are we?"

The ninth city of God, Fuli's head was as big as a bucket, and the heavenly army invaded heavily. It was Zhong Yue and the burial spirits, Jinwu, Xuanqi and other emperors who fortified themselves to kill the blood of the heavenly soldiers into a river, which blocked the army of heaven.

Even if the four imperial emperors were personally transmitted from Fuxian, they were killed back, and the four imperial emperors were almost damaged in the chaos.

It was only Zhong Yuetuo's words that the bandit captured the Ninth Divine City and pushed the ambush of the heavenly army to Si Ming's head.

Fu Li fought a cold war and said: "We are here to stop the Emperor of Heaven, and we have no brazen rebellion, can she bear it?"

"Why can't she bear me?"

Zhong Yue laughed: "She has to endure, I will not give way, she can only follow the emperor's way. She dare to follow the emperor's way, all the gods in the world must fight against her, even against the sky. That road, It ’s for the emperor, not for the emperor! Second Emperor Xuanqi, you are here, but there is movement, we will come to support immediately. "

Emperor Xuan Emperor took the command and guarded the Ninth Divine City with Fuli.

The emperor Jinwu said: "The order was chaotic in the three thousand six realms, but the **** king who has been residing in the six realms has not yet been leveled. If you report falsely, you must not hide Mu Xiantian."

In the past years, what happened to the Fourth God City and the Ninth God City to fall, all were reported by Zhong Yue to lie to the military, and even the emperors were Zhong Yue ordered Fu Li Fu Lie and others to pretend to be bandits and killed them halfway. !!

Zhong Yuedao: "Mu Xiantian still dare not turn his face with me. Emperor, I want to go to Tanggu again and ask some things about chaos ~ www.readwn.com ~ I wonder if it is possible?"

Tanggu, Diaoaotai.

Zhong Yue personally made bait and turned it into a big day. The emperor Jinwu held fishing and caught chaos in the sea of ​​chaos.

I saw the chaotic fire tumbling in the sea of ​​fire, and Shenao swam out of the chaos, engulfing the sun.

Suddenly, a guide from a chaotic creature came and opened his mouth slowly, swallowing the big day that Zhong Yue had transformed. The Emperor Jinwu hurriedly closed the pole and fished the chaos.

That chaos left the sea of ​​chaos, and suddenly spit out Zhong Yue, and then fell into the sea of ​​fire. Zhong Yue screamed angrily, his body getting bigger and bigger, he lifted the chaos and jumped onto Diao'aotai.

The emperor Jinwu looked at him with a little joy.

"Zhongshan Family, you already have the Tao map on my back, why bother me again?" The chaos shook his head and wondered.

Zhong Yue politely smiled and said, "I am very guilty of disturbing your Excellency. But I still have doubts. My brother knows what happened in the past and also knows what's going on in the future.

The chaos smiled and said, "Dasao gave me eyes, Hao Yi gave me eyes, Fuxi gave me ears, and now I don't have a nose. If you can make a nose for me, I will know what I know Tell you."

Zhong Yue and Jinwu God Emperor looked at each other. Zhong Yue said, "I want to ask you not the past and the future, but the lair of those **** kings. Can you tell me?"

The chaos said: "I traveled in the endless time of the past and the future. After all your infinite years, I know everything. I have already done five tricks, and two tricks have not yet opened. You help me to cut two Tip, I tell you what I see and hear in chaos. "

Zhongyue sacrifice a congenital sword, stepped forward, and carved a nose for this chaos, and laughed: "Dao Brother, it is not easy to carve out the nose. You must have the ability to open up chaos. Fortunately, I have experience ..." (Unfinished To be continued.) 8

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