Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1312: Zi

The ancestral court is very lively and full of lights, and today is the seventh day of the prime minister ’s seventh birthday, Zhou Guangzhang. In recent years, the family of the prime minister has gradually become lively, first being the sister-in-law of the mother of stone, and the next sister-in-law. Later, his uncle married his pro-Tissot family and gave birth to a third son-in-law.

A few years later, the prime minister gave birth to Qiu Niang Niang, and the Niu Niang gave birth to his daughter, Glacier, a Chinese god. The goddess goddess was very happy, came to bless the glacier in person, and took the glacier away, intending to cultivate it herself.

It didn't take long for Tian Yao's sage banshee to send a message, saying that she had a son, and asked the maid to get a name, which led to anger in the harem, and one after another asked where the son had come from before the door.

The prime minister had a hundred mouths to argue, gray-faced and humiliated, and quickly calmed the wrath of the harem. He quietly named the son of the Celestial Clan Chen, and then married the star maiden.

The year before, Xi Niangniang's sister-in-law was dying, and the bridesmaids had a great feast, and all the military and military generals came to congratulate them. Now it's time for Lu Guang to catch Zhou, and the scene is very lively, only Xuan Niangniang is not very happy.

Over the years, all the maids have been added, but she has always been difficult to conceive, probably because of her bloodline. If the husband and wife are not the same race, the higher the blood, the more difficult it is to conceive. Zhong Yue is the Fuxi family, the royal family, Yin Yinxuan is the Yin Kang family, the emperor family, and the blood of the couple is high.

In addition, Zhong Yue Zhenshen is already an innate body. Only 10% of the blood is unsolved, which is equivalent to half an innate god. Yin Yin Xuan is a holy spirit. Both of them are almost the most extreme blood vessels, and the blood intensity of each other is almost On a comparable basis, Yin Xuanxuan is not far away even if it is slightly worse, so it is difficult to feel pregnant.

"We can easily conceive with Fahrenheit and Fuchs."

Guests in the hall came and went, and many gods and demon generals were waiting for Prince Guangguang to catch Zhou, to see what this little baby could catch. I saw the little baby crawling around in the present and was curious about everything.

Zhong Yue personally threw her innate sword into those gifts and laughed, "See if the little one can inherit my mantle."

Other gods will also give gifts to let Guang Guang catch.

Hua Qianzheng grinned, heartless and heartless: "Huawei's and Fuxi's blood is very close, and it is often Huayi who suppress Fuxi, and the chances of having a child are girls, very high. It's Huaying. You see, Junshimei is very upset and gave birth to Huaying. "

Yin Xuan Xuan was furious and said bitterly, "You say one less thing! By the way, when do you cross the door?"

Hua Qianyi held up her cheeks and thought, shaking her head and saying, "I don't know yet! I'm not a son-in-law now, and I haven't become a patriarch. It is estimated that I won't be married until I become a son-in-law."

Yin Xuan Xuan smiled with an eyebrow and said, "You won't be born at that time, you just wait to cry!"

Hua Qianzhen seriously and truly said: "Huaxi and Fuxi were born easily. Really, our times are so prolific. We can live without the guarantee, but I do n’t know whether it is a boy or a girl. This is more sad. ... "

Yin Yanxuan gasped: "Ignore you!"

"Prince Huang Guang grabbed a girl's red bellyband!"

Suddenly a scream came, many gods and men looked one after another, and surely saw the little prince sitting on the buttocks over the pile of gifts, grabbing a red bellyband in his hand, and was stuffing his mouth.

Yin Xuan Xuan couldn't help but: "It really looks like his father!"

Jin Hexi was furious and shouted, "Which **** threw the gamble in? My son won't be like his father!"

Zhong Yue flushed slightly and coughed twice.

The King of Heavenly Machine God quickly shrank back, and quietly threw a wink at the King of Heavenly God Xuan Shen, and two little nodded quickly.

"Xi Niang Niang is crazy, is it your lost bellyband?" Tian Xuan Shen Wang asked quietly.

"not me!"

The King of Heavenly Machine shouted, "It was lost by the master Gandu, and it's our fault!"

The faces of the two **** kings were all dark, and they were endless.

Zhong Xiaowen has many younger brothers and sisters. When Zhong Yue is busy, he teaches his father how to cultivate these little dolls. After seven rounds of reversal, his practice is getting faster and faster. After all, he is trapped in Yun For many years, his soul accumulation was really strong, which caused his soul to be extremely powerful.

He is a mature boy with a solid foundation, but with a little bit of escape from his character.

Now that he has cultivated to the gods' realm, Zhong Yue has given him peace of mind to practice. Don't rush into the realm of pure sun, he will stay in the realm of the gods and continue to work hard.

The cousin Feng Huaiyu is already a priest, and he can be called a god. Zhong Yue spends more time on Feng Huaiyu than Zhong Xiaowen. After all, there is a source of Feng Xiaozhong, so Zhong Yue wants to let the wind Huaiyu becomes a talent.

As for Gongsun Xuanyuan, at this moment is already a **** emperor, not far from the realm of the Creator. Since Feng Xiaozhong re-founded the foundation for him, his practice has made rapid progress. The practice of these hundreds of years of progress has made him look jealous and jealous. Uneasy, secretly said, "Is it really possible for me to cross me within a thousand years?"

He worked hard and worked hard, but he only went to the realm of the emperor and then went forward. The emperor's realm was like a huge gully, and it couldn't be filled up.

He couldn't break through the realm of emperor, and Zhong Yue did not break through. The realm of emperor was extremely vast, and there were too many things to cultivate. Every avenue needs to be fine-tuned and refined, and surrendering to Tiandi Avenue requires its own spirit to be extremely powerful. For extremely thick.

Some emperors are even trapped in this realm for tens of thousands of years and cannot break through. When they have enough background, they want to break through but they are physically old and their blood is dying. They cannot go any further.

From the emperor's breakthrough to the emperor's realm, all aspects of his own need to reach the state of prosperity, the peak state, if the blood is withered, it cannot be broken. Not only qi and blood, but also any other aspects are inadequate, can not break through!

However, Zhongyue reversed the innate, the avenue turned from acquired to innate, and breaking through was as difficult or even more difficult as a congenital **** breaking into the emperor's realm!

After all, the avenue of the innate **** is the physical body, the primordial spirit, and the soul. You only need to cultivate the avenue, but he is not a true innate god. He needs to cultivate and polish more aspects.

Not only that, he also had the need to take care of his past life, and also spent some energy on him.

In the past two hundred years of the wars of the emperors, Zhong Yue only practiced to the middle of the emperor's realm, and he barely reached the middle.

According to his estimation, it would take thousands of years of penance to break through the realm of the emperor.

In fact, the strong men of his contemporaries, such as Xuanji, such as Yin Xuanxuan, such as Hua Qianxuan, such as Tian Xuanzi, such as Yao Xingyue, are often trapped in the realm of the emperor and have no chance to enter the emperor. territory.

Only when some of them existed in the emperor's realm was their era coming, and so far no one has been able to enter the emperor's realm.

Of course, to remove Feng Xiaozhong's abnormality from their generation.

That's heaven and man, not on a level with them.

If Zhongyue has become an a priori god, or if he has not done otherwise, then he can be built into the emperor's realm so quickly, but his road to becoming an a priori **** is trapped, and it is difficult to break through.

Soon after, Zhong Yue's heart moved slightly, opening up the mysterious realm of Yuan. I saw a heavenly wheel suddenly appeared and appeared in his meta mysterious realm. The giant reincarnation slowly stopped turning, and the commander stepped down from the six heavenly wheels. Come out of his eyebrow and come to him.

"Patriarch, I have become emperor." She whispered softly.

Zhong Yue's body shook slightly, and she lost her voice: "So fast?"

The commander chuckled, and said, "It's faster than you. If your heart is not so big, maybe you can become emperor at the same time with me. But unfortunately, you are ambitious and want to contradict the innate, delaying entry. This time Chengdi, I'm going to start from the six realms, take the ancient universe to the sky, and ask for the position of the emperor! "

"You are not Mu Xiantian's opponent."

Zhong Yue shook his head and said, "Mu Xiantian's soldiers are strong and strong, and His Majesty is able to flourish, not inferior to my ancestors. Moreover, there are many ancient emperors hidden in his emperor dynasty, and those ancient emperors are hostile to my Fuxi protoss. I prepared it. If something happened, you gave him an excuse for the ancient universe, and took the opportunity to destroy the Ninth God City, and the soldiers came to the ancestral court! "

The commander laughed: "Isn't this what you want?"

Zhong Yue gently shook her head ~ www.readwn.com ~ said: "I don't want you to take risks. This war cannot be started by you. I am waiting for a change and the evil emperor is about to be reborn. If he is born again, he will return to the evil way to separate the Shinto And the pattern of the demon. Mu Xiantian will inevitably sit still, and before the resurrection of the evil emperor, he will enter the ancient universe, and then start the war, and stir up the participation of heaven, the innate **** emperor, and the innate devil. This is a chaos. Only in this way can I win in disorder! If you come to start the war, then as your Fuxi, you will inevitably be unable to protect yourself, and it will be difficult for me to even protect you. "

Shi Mingjun laughed and said, "You, instead of waiting for the situation to change, take the initiative to change the situation! This war, I will start, I do not need you to protect!"

Zhong Yue said, "I'm the patriarch. You have to listen to me!"

Shi Ming giggled: "The Fuxi Protoss is only you and me, I don't recognize you as the patriarch, you can't order me to move!"

Zhong Yue Haha laughed: "Now my sons and daughters are all Fuxi, you see they deny that I am the patriarch."

"They contain alien blood, I don't consider them Fuxi, they can set up another race, but not my Fuxi!"

Ming Ming smiled, "But you and I can have pure blood Fuxi, I recognize our children."

Zhong Yue stayed.

Shi Mingrou said, "I don't know if I'm going to live or die, so I want to leave my son-in-law in advance for our race. In the future, even if I lose, you will lose, we still have thoughts. You are doing this. "

Zhong Yue was dumbfounded.

He just jumped out of the sea, raised his hands and feet, and rejoiced, "I agree!"

"The fire of inheritance is also in favor, do you?" Si Ming's bright eyes fell on Zhong Yue, her teeth biting her lower lip.

Zhong Yue hesitated, and the ghost nodded his head. (To be continued.) 8

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