Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1404: Inaudible response

The congenital gossip figure wanders silently in the seventh area of ​​reincarnation. The memory of a young girl in the picture flows quietly, from her birth to her growth, to the moment she meets her favorite teenager, to the moment she dies. , Back and forth.

The quiet light reflected on this gossip picture, carrying the girl's memory drifting for a long time, a long time, until one day, the gossip picture was stranded and landed on an unknown planet.

After a long time, a young girl picked it up and looked at the girl's memory for a long time.

"Meng Qingyan, come quickly-" her partner called to her again.

The girl hurried over and smiled, "I picked up a gossip mirror, there is a girl inside, looks like me!"


The girls laughed: "Are you looking in the mirror, isn't it you in the mirror? Walk, walk, the patriarch is going to teach us the totem!"

They ran towards the village, where a statue of Emperor Fuxi was erected. The girls stopped suddenly as they passed, bowed to the statue of the emperor, and ran away again.

The girl named Meng Qingyan quietly looked up, looked at Emperor Fuxi, and gave a slight glance: "The emperor is similar to the boy whom the girl admires in the mirror. If the emperor is younger ... oh, I think Where did it go, how could Tiandi be the girl's lover in the mirror ... "

She quickly followed her companion and went to the patriarch to listen.

Even the most powerful emperor, the most powerful god, and even the most powerful heavenly emperor, who controls billions of gods and demons, and the most powerful existence of the six realms, have many regrets in this life, have many perseverance and have to She also has many misses.

Emperor Tiandi, the mighty and mighty shore, looked down and watched the floods and famines of the universe. The large number of people saw and the small number of people observed, but even with the clever eyes that look through everything, there are places he could not miss or miss.

Zhong Yue didn't see it here, she never saw it here.

On the stone platform of the reincarnation of Taoism, Zhong Yuezhang was fascinated. After a while, he converged and released his spirit.

Feng Xiaozhong is still by his side. Not far away, the Chinese Goddess of God and the Goddess of God walked from left to right, and the King of Gods, who had been hit hard. Trying to get rid of the sky, but was finally caught up by the sky.

The two existed in a big fight, but the King of Gods was still defeated, and Tian bit his legs and pulled them into his stomach.

Fortunately, Zhongyue Avenue washed away the undead soul of Zhong Yue at that time. The origin **** knew that Zhong Yue was about to wake up, lest he be feared by Zhong Yue and his boss, and immediately led the crowds to retreat. The sky also had to retreat. Save your life.

However, his shirt was so embarrassed that he couldn't cover his body.

"He eats you, won't you eat him?"

The king Wang Xiaolong turtle jumped out and said, "You bit him, too! You are so useless!"

I was furious and yelled, "You speak blunt words again! How can you not stand up to it? Every time you use it, you push three obstacles, and you are as timid as a mouse. Anyway, I dare to fight with nature, you It ’s good, it just turned into a little bit, and this time it did not work! "

Xiang Wang stared round green beans, and said angrily, "I'm not on the road to reincarnation? If I was in the heyday, could I be afraid of heaven? Master Xiang Wang could spray him to death together with Tianhe!"

God King sneered, his legs leaked, and hesitated.

Zhong Yue asked him to sit down and laughed: "Brother Tao is hard. This little injury, I will help my brother to treat him later. Xiang Wang, you also have to say one thing, you are now the state you were when you were born. he."

Xiang Wang's face turned dark and he shouted, "Brother Reze can't beat him."

The boss commanded his hand, and many **** kings flew on his palm, and the ancient tree of life also came flying, and everyone stood under the tree.

The chief commander looked at Zhong Yue and said calmly: "Your Majesty, the King of the Reincarnation is dead. When does Your Majesty join hands with me to break the Tao? Starting from the Tao Sin, you can break the Tao."

Many of the **** kings in his palms are sinking in the water, looking at Zhong Yue's eyes is very hostile. What they are doing is reincarnation of the saint king, wanting or drawing in, or instilling consciousness, to make this saint king Be able to stand on their side afterwards.

In their original thoughts, Zhong Yue and his ancestors all came for the same purpose, all to win over this holy king.

However, he did not expect that the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the Saint King's spirit was split into two halves by Zhong Yue directly, making everyone 100, and he took a bad deal!

Zhong Yue laughed: "The big boss's life is a little safe and not impatient. Although the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the Holy King was cut in half by me, it will not necessarily die. The avenue of life is contained in the avenue of reincarnation. The spirit fetus is divided into two and falls into the countless bubble universe below the holy land. It needs to be carefully searched and cut off the roots! "

Yuan Ya, Feng Tian, ​​and Origin and many other **** kings all fluttered at the corners of their eyes.

Zhong Yue was really cruel, and she was still thinking about cutting the grass and rooting, and searching for the two half-spirits!

"Your Majesty, when will you attack the Taoist world?" Da Siming asked.

Zhong Yue groaned and said, "Today's reincarnation, we have just retreated the origin Taoism and the four-faced god. There are still many secrets unsolved. We also need to work together to understand the path of reincarnation here and find out The real and true of the Tao world reincarnation, control this place, and then you can attack the Tao world. The grandfather still has to wait for some time, I ordered the emperors to come, consolidate the Tao world reincarnation, hold here, and have the opportunity to attack the Tao world . "

The grandfather nodded gently.

Attacking the Dao realm and breaking the Dao realm can't be too hasty.

The Tao God in the Tao Realm is extremely powerful, and even more powerful is the power of the Tao Realm!

Destroying the Dao realm is afraid that it will be bitten by the Dao realm. It is necessary to take a long-term view to avoid breaking the Dao realm.

However, he also understood Zhong Yue's intentions. Obviously Zhong Yue wanted to step by step, first annexing the Taoist reincarnation, and let Taoist reincarnation become his own power. The gods and emperors were stationed here to control the reincarnation.

What's more important is to search for the two halves of the reincarnation of the Holy King, thoroughly execute and execute, and never suffer from it!

"That being the case, then I will draw this stone platform with my Majesty, and rule separately."

The boss raised his hand and stretched out a finger, drawing from one end of the stone platform to the other. The stone platform cracked along the scratch and split into two halves.

The chief commander stood on half of the stone platforms. The ancient trees were towering and the ground was rooted. The layers of palaces were generated by the bricks and tiles flying. The chief commander stood in front of the central palace and saluted: "Your Majesty, the reincarnation of the Tao world. Divided into two, Your Majesty's half, my half, Your Majesty's disagreement? "

Both the Chinese mother-in-law and Lei Zelong changed their faces slightly, and they were about to speak. Zhong Yue shook her head and smiled, "No objection. The boss ordered you."

"Your Majesty, please."

The two stone platforms were separated, getting farther and farther away.

Lei Ze Xiaolong said: "Tiandi, you should not rule with him and rule! The boss's life is speculative, it must be for the two half-spirit, can not give him this opportunity!"

The Chinese mother-in-law also nodded, and said, "The reincarnation avenue breaks the chaos and breaks the chaos. It is really amazing. If the grandfather orders the two half-spirituals, after using you in the future, it is inevitable for you to start!"

Zhong Yue raised her hand, created things in the void, and created the overlapping imperial palace. She laughed, "Can't help but give it. Our imperial dynasty doesn't have enough power to completely occupy this place, and fight against the Taoist gods of origin and the gods around them. The power of commanding life. Only with the commanding power here can we let the gods and emperors station here to explore the mysteries of the cycle of reincarnation. "

Huayin Niangniang and Lei Zelong no longer speak, and now they have to join forces with Da Shiming to fight against Taoism in the Tao world.

Reincarnation from the Tao realm can of course attack the Tao realm, but the Tao gods in the Tao realm can also sneak into the Tao realm. Without the assistance of the boss, it is almost impossible for Zhong Yue to occupy this place.

In addition, people such as the origin Taoist **** and the four-faced **** also want to obtain the two half-spirit fetuses, and will inevitably sneak into the reincarnation of the Tao realm, searching for the whereabouts of the spiritual fetuses, and they can also restrain their lives.

Zhong Yue immediately contacted Yun Juanshu and asked him to send an order, asking the emperors to come with the spirits of the demon, the creator and the emperor-level existence, to study the mysterious world of Taoism, to find out the geography of Taoism.

He also ordered the king of the king to meet at the entrance of the reincarnation of the Tao world, so that the emperors, the creators, and the emperors would not take the road of the reincarnation road.

"The rebirth of the Holy King is a matter of great importance and must be found."

After many days, the emperors came one after another, bringing a million creators and emperors, and Zhong Yue immediately ordered many creators and emperors to travel through the bubble universe and search for the whereabouts of the spiritual fetus.

He ruled the division with Da Shiming and ruled the reincarnation of the Tao world in half, so many creations and monarchs searched only their own half, and they were strictly prohibited from stepping into the territory of the other half.

However, the **** king under the command of the boss often repeatedly "strayed into" Zhongyue's territory, and it was only once or twice. Later, the number of times, he collided with the gods, wounding and destroying many creations and monarchs. .

Zhong Yue ordered someone to send a book and a grand order, which only slightly converged, but after a while, he returned to his original state and invaded Zhong Yue's reincarnation territory.

Zhong Yue asked Feng Xiaozhong to go to www.readwn.com ~ Feng Xiaozhong directly killed the troubled Tai Su Yuanjun and Qing Xiao Yuanjun, and held the heads of the two goddess kings to see the grand prince, offering his head In front of the hall, then turned back.

Da Shiming didn't stop him, and didn't say much. After that, no king of God "stuck in" Zhong Yue's territory.

After a few years, an emperor asked to see him and said, "Your Majesty, these days, the officials waited to search. How can each bubble look small, but the inside is vast and vast, the stars are immeasurable, and it is impossible to calculate. I want to find two It ’s a difficult feat, ”she said.

"Continue searching!" Zhong Yue Chuan Ling said.

Many creations and monarchs had to continue searching.

"Qi's grand order, found half a spirit, I don't know if it's dead or alive!" The God of Origins hurried up, overjoyed.

The boss' life changed slightly, and Zhan Yan smiled, "Even if he is dead, he will come to life in my hands! Quickly carry the spirit into the temple!"

-Tomorrow will be updated during the normal time period, the first change around 12 noon, and the second change around 8 pm!

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