Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1407: Smooth

Reincarnation Avenue entered the body, Lei Ze ancient **** finally recovered as before, can not help but be shocked and happy, just now the king was caught off guard, when he recovered his physical body was pressed down by his huge body, and he was prepared to not be ugly.

The two **** kings moved their bodies for a while. The former powers returned. Both gods were filled with emotion. In the reincarnation of the Tao world, they were indifferent to one another. They even delayed them for a hundred years before they recovered.

Especially the Reze ancient god, because he had missed the battle of the Tao world reincarnation because of this incident, he was very sorry.

Zhong Yue's spirit fluctuated, and she passed on her feelings on the reincarnation avenue to the two, saying: "You have delayed the practice for a hundred years, but it is not difficult for me to catch up with others. Avenue of Reincarnation ... "

The congenital **** is very large. In addition to forming his own avenue, it is difficult to make other avenues difficult. Zhongyue dove occupies the nest, refining a part of the reincarnation avenue. In the centuries of comprehension, all innate understandings are transformed into innate understandings.

As soon as you comprehend the innate avenue, as long as you add your own understanding, you will transform from innate to acquired.

If you want to change from acquired to congenital, think about how Zhong Yue reversed the congenital, then you can know the difficulty.

Especially when they practice to the present state, they are only one step away from the final state. If they want to change from the acquired to the innate, the difficulty will be increased by hundreds of times!

However, even the acquired Totem Avenue is a trivial one. It is all-encompassing and has other innate avenues that are not comparable.

What Zhong Yue got was also part of the congenital reincarnation and part of the reincarnation, and the reincarnation road was never completely refined.

The ancient **** Lei Ze glanced at Xiang Wang, and said, "I have given you the Tao God's understanding. Have you fully understood?"

Zhong Yue shook her head: "Tao Shen comprehend, how can I get to know so quickly? But I can see the whole picture of the realm of Dao."

Lei Zegu taught the Taoism to him, and he also gained a lot.

The ancient **** of Lei Ze is the Taoism of Thunder Avenue. Although it only occupied the Taoism of Thunder Avenue, the state of Taoism, the perception and control of the Avenue have reached an incredible state!

Taoism, who does not understand this realm, is called the **** of the avenue, but Zhong Yue participated in the study of the Taoism and found that this realm should be called the avenue god.

The Yuanshen is the soul, and the Dao Yuanshen is the Dao soul. All the gods, whether innate or acquired, regardless of the deities or the emperors, comprehend the Dao in the use of the Dao, which is the supernatural power.

And Taoism is different. The realm of Daoyuan can make them the purest Taoism. It is the essence of Taoism, the spirit of Taoism, the soul of Taoism, the God of Taoism, everything is justification, every word and every action. Magical power.

As the Dao Yuan Yuan, his actions are the truth and the rules of the Dao. His consciousness is the Dao consciousness, and this is the Dao.

The Tao gods such as the post-Tuniang mother and Lei Ze ancient gods have misunderstood the Tao gods, causing them to fall into the trap of Tao gods. Their consciousness has not become the rules of the Tao, but the rules of the Tao have replaced their consciousness. Enlightenment shrine.

This is why they fell into the trap of Taoism.

After all, too few people have achieved the realm of Taoism. Afterwards, the earth goddess and the ancient **** of Reze both explored by themselves. This found the way to achieve Taoism, opened up the realm of Taoism, and failed to avoid the trap. .

This is also reasonable.

Zhong Yue came to enlightenment these days, and found that the one who has studied the most in the realm of Taoism is probably Fuxi Taoism.

As the most powerful being of the year, Fuxi Daozun's state of mind has stepped into the realm of Taoism, but he is an acquired soul, and he has not been able to reverse the congenital like Zhongyue, and the physical body has dragged him down.

However, his most thorough understanding of Daoyuan Yuanshen made him realize that he was outside of the Tao, his Tao is already the Tao, and the flesh is still the emperor.

With a superb and superb understanding of Daoyuan Yuanshen, Fuxi Daozao hit the world without rivals. At that time he was respected by the enemy and me as Taoist, and this is why.

It is a pity that he did not reverse his congenital. He was still old and died of qi, leaving great regret.

"The reincarnation avenue can avoid the Tao God trap. Perhaps this is the best time for the Chinese Goddess to become a Tao God ..."

Zhong Yue had just thought of it, and suddenly a man from God came to the newspaper and said, "Your Majesty, the boss wants to see you."

Zhong Yue stood up and walked out of the hall to meet each other. The two settled down each other. The chief looked at Zhong Yue and admired: "Your Majesty's majesty has become more and more serious. It seems that these years of enlightenment and reincarnation are not small.

"The grandfather ordered to save the reincarnation saint king, did the saint saint king not teach you the reincarnation road?"

Zhong Yue laughed: "The boss is nearing the water tower and should get more than me. This time the boss came and did n’t bring the Holy King? He had hurt him by mistake before, and felt guilty in his heart. He, not with him. "

The chief commander laughed and said, "The reincarnation Taoist did not come this time, and he must let His Majesty see him next time."

Zhong Yue smiled and said, "What's the matter with the boss?"

The boss ordered his body to lean forward, and laughed, "Your Majesty, after all, the Taoism started from the ruins. Is it time to level up the old world and establish a new one?"

Zhong Yue trembled in her heart and laughed: "The reincarnation saint king is divided into two, can another saint saint king do inner response?"

The chief commander laughed and said, "This is no way to know. Your Majesty, you promised me to level the world and establish a new world, and hope that your Majesty will not breach the contract. After all, you and I have signed a chaotic contract, if it violates ... "

Zhong Yue laughed and got up and said, "I won't break the contract or break the vow. The boss's life is assured! However, it is not trivial to level the Tao world. I will do my best, and I hope my boss will do my best!"

The boss got up and said calmly, "Your Majesty, rest assured. I will do my best in this battle! I will go back to the battle and wait for His Majesty!"

When Zhong Yue sent him, he turned around and summoned 3,600 emperors, many **** kings, and came to discuss matters. The emperors and gods were all staring at each other, a little scared.

In recent years, new emperors have been born, but the momentum is not as strong as before, and the number of new emperors is not as good as before. Zhong Yue once deduced Yun Juanshu and Tiansi Niangniang, and as a result, at least one thousand new emperors were unknowingly devoured by the king of the grandfather's life, making Zhong Yue furious.

"Train the road?"

The emperor Jinwu said: "Your Majesty, our current strength is not difficult to level the Tao world. There are five Taoist gods in the Tao world, and the saint king of reincarnation. Moreover, the Tao world has unpredictable power and wants to set foot on the road. World, I'm afraid that there will be heavy casualties ... "

"It's too early to set foot on the road, and you should wait another 50,000 years!"

The Huanian Niangniang said: "Your Majesty should not listen to the confession of Da Si Ming, Da Si Ming asks you to take a shot now, just to cut down your power and let your Majesty's emperors be buried in the battle of the Tao world! After all, he was once Commander of the Dark Ages, deceitful mind, must guard! "

Lei Zegu nodded and said, "That's true."

Yun Juan bowed down and said: "His Majesty, His Majesty ordered His Majesty many kings, secretly hunting new emperors, eating more than a thousand new emperors, refining their avenues, devouring their cultivation, and the depth of His Majesty's King is difficult.揣 Degree. From thousands of years of Dao wars, Chen Guanda's command of His Majesty the kings of the gods, without any achievements, we can see that they are hidden strength. Your Majesty must not be prevented! "

Zhong Yue looked at Feng Xiaozhong, Feng Xiaozhong nodded gently and said, "Reincarnation celestial sphere is available."

Zhong Yue laughed: "You don't need to worry too much. We attacked the Tao realm, but the emperors did not enter the Tao realm, and they performed their reincarnation in the Tao realm. Only those Taoists on our side entered the Tao realm. The Three Taos God, coupled with the fighting power of 朕 and Fengdaozun, nearly five Taos, with the help of the emperors outside, plus the gods such as Dashenming and Origin, as well as the saintly king of reincarnation, the level of Taoism Power, the lowest seven! The seven Taos are not insurmountable. "

"The fighting power of the Seven Taoist gods?"

Everyone was a little surprised, puzzled.

Yun Juan shook his head slightly. He came to his senses, looked at the mother-in-law, smiled, and said, "Congratulations to the ancestor."

Hua Nuang Niang also immediately realized, her heart was shocked, hesitantly said: "I was taken away from the Tao God opportunity, I am afraid it will be difficult to become a Tao God in a short time, and both the Reze Tao God and the Hou Di Tao God fell into the Tao God trap, I If you forcibly become a Taoist god, I am afraid that you will fall into a trap and become a help for the Taoist community ... "

Zhong Yue smiled and said, "The ancestor mother-in-law is assured. Even if you impact the realm of Taoism, I will use the reincarnation method to prevent the ancestor mother-in-law from falling into the trap. It is only used for the two Taoist gods in Lei Ze and Houtu. I can save them from the trap without worrying. . "

The spirit of the crowd was so great. In this way, there are three Taoist gods to help out, plus the fighting power of Heavenly Emperor and Taoist God, and five Taoist gods, it is not impossible to fight!

Zhong Yue stood up and said loudly, "Zhujun ~ www.readwn.com ~ The Tao world is high, the Tao gods play with the sacredness of the world, the slavery devours the emperors, and treats me like a pig and dog. Today, Zhujun and I set foot in the Tao world. Level the Dao realm, and open another Dao realm! Sacrifice reincarnation! "

The emperors stood up, and seven haloes emerged from their heads, turning endlessly, and all roads rose like dragons and pythons, rising towards a huge celestial sphere on the stone platform.

That is the reincarnation celestial sphere that Zhong Yue assembled the wisdom and power of the gods and kings of the emperors. That day, the sphere encompassed the avenues of the Six Realms. Device, surpassing any heavy device made by any dynasty in history!

This unprecedented heavy weapon was sacrificed by the avenues of the emperors. The huge celestial sphere was suddenly violently shaken, and countless lines of light on the surface lit up. Then the internal lines of the light also lighted up, and the celestial sphere became more and more huge!

At the time of refining, the reincarnation avenue had not been fully formed, but the emperors used their wisdom and strength to create a treasure that integrated the Six Realms Avenue and unified them.

And when the reincarnation celestial sphere came a hundred years ago, the emperors even entered their own understanding of the reincarnation avenue and sacrificed for hundreds of years.

The mighty power of this heavy weapon was stimulated. The might of the Six Realms swayed the Daemon reincarnation. The pressure was so strong that even the sacred place of reincarnation made a crackling crackle, and the bubble universe burst out directly. Smooth it out!

"Reincarnate the Holy Land first, and wipe out the uncle," Zhong Yue said indifferently, and ordered.


The reincarnation of the celestial sphere vibrates, the power bursts, and the vast and immortal is filled with countless reincarnation space. The vast congenital holy land is suddenly crushed by the violent endless force, smoothed, and the circle of reincarnation in this holy land is also shaken into dust No longer exists!

Zhong Yue raised her finger to Dao Jie, and said, "Boom for you."

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