Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1415: Empress

Emperor Penghe was a little sluggish, Mumu looked at Bai Di's head, but he hadn't recovered yet.

White Emperor was also a very powerful existence in his time. He had brought countless emperors to siege Bai Emperor several times, but was always escaped by White Emperor. He could not surround him at all, let alone defeat him.

Baidi, the most cunning existence in the world, can't slip away, and now Baidi has become one of the most powerful beings in the world. After six reincarnations and seven reincarnations, he once became a Taoist half-powered, so powerful Existence, the dirt body was even cut by the head of Zhong Yue!

How powerful is Zhong Yue today?

Emperor Penghe suddenly woke up and said quickly: "Your Majesty, is the emperor's dirty body dead?"

Zhong Yue nodded, raised Bai Di's head, and tucked it into the mysterious realm of Emperor Penghe, and laughed, "Dead. But his remaining body was snatched by himself, probably to be in his own. Revive my filth in the Holy Land. I have been waiting for this opportunity. "

Emperor Penghe was a little puzzled.

Among the ancestral courts, Mr. Zhong Yue ’s Taoist Yi suddenly walked out of the ancestral hall of the ancestral palace, and came to the outer cave of Tiandu Tiandong, the king of Gods, and laughed, Your power. "

"Bai Dimu was cut off?"

The King of Gods suddenly understood, the sleeves fluttered, but seeing the nineteen congenital maps floated and laughed: "After all, Baidi is a former Taoist god. He is strong and has a solid foundation, far better than the three demon gods. Only It is indeed difficult to determine his holy place based on His Majesty. However, Her Majesty, White Emperor is really too strong, and we are not sure whether we can find out where he is resurrected in the forty-nine days. "

The light wheel of Mr. Yi's head turned, and the Taoist maps hula fly out in the secret realm. Forty-nine heavenly maps are linked together, covering the outer caves of the outer sky, connecting all circles of the universe, and capturing the subtle movements of the avenues of all circles.


Mr. Yi stretched out a finger, and the congenital Yidao rose into the air, turning it into the last map of the Tao, forming a number of great achievements.

The congenital Yidao formed the last of the fifty heavenly paths, filling the heavenly paths, and immediately connecting all the corners of the universe with the heavenly path map. Any slight movements will be noticed by the two.

Mr. Yi flicked his fingers, and saw a ray of white emperor blood flying out, penetrated into the map of Dayan Heaven, and the two of them sat squatting, feeling subtlely.

Bai Di was wounded in the hands of Zhong Yue several times. Zhong Yue even collected a lot of Bai Di's blood and gave it to the descendants of Xiaowen and Huangshen to refine the treasure. There is still some stock of Bai Di's blood here.

"White Emperor's Bright Holy Land, finally found!"

Mr. Yi suddenly got up and laughed: "Brother Gandu, this time razing Baidi's holy land, I will hand it over to you and Houtu Niangniang."

God of God said: "Don't you dare to die?"

In the six realms of good fortune, Zhong Yue found the Emperor Inkang who was reincarnated here. Because of Emperor Kangdi, the pioneer of the Dragon Star fire, he became an emperor with a waste body and eventually took the seat of God!

In this era, the Xinghe Spirit is considered to be the number one spirit, after all, the Xinghe Spirit is the seven reincarnation orthodoxy. However, in the era when the six reincarnations had not yet opened up, the Xinghe Spirit was a waste body, useless, the most waste spirit, even worse than ordinary constitution.

Because Kangdi was such the most abandoned spirit body at that time, there are hundreds of millions of kinds of spiritual power in the body, each of which has different attributes, and different forces conflict with each other. This kind of spirit body is almost impossible in the era of the five reincarnation. Cultivate!

However, because Emperor Kangdi stumbled out of his own path, unified the various disordered forces in his body, and eventually became a generation of emperor!

Regarding Emperor Inkham, the Emperor Emperor Wall Shuo and Emperor Zezhi once commented on her, saying: "Although Emperor Emperor Kang is a woman, she has unparalleled skill in the industry. It is easy to change."

"Ink Empress, Zhou Tianxing, Dragon Fire Calendar, invincible in the world for nine thousand years, different."

It is because Kangdi's grasp of various powers has reached the extreme. The Dragon Star Fire has controlled the powers of the stars and stars, and has endless changes, and has come out of the way of a galaxy spirit body.

The reincarnation of Emperor Kang ’s life in this life is also a woman. She is as old as Penghe, but she is very cute. When she saw Emperor Penghe quickly bowed, she said, "Penghe ancestor!"

Penghe quickly waved his hand and said, "Although your previous life is a few years later than me, in this life we ​​are not much different in age, so there is no need to talk about the previous generations."

Zhong Yue said: "Two ancestors, we must go to the next place as soon as possible to meet another emperor."

Because Emperor Kang nodded, Zhong Yue stretched out his palm, because Emperor Kang and Penghe could not help but floated with his palm raised, and fell into the light wheel behind his head.

Zhong Yue was about to leave, and suddenly a mental wave came, saying: "Here is His Majesty and slow."

Zhong Yue stopped and smiled: "A good friend of Taoism?"

A little boy shrouded in strong sacrificial power rushed around and called, "It is good fortune! Your Majesty, this is the space of my mysterious realm. You know when you step in, and quickly mobilize the mysterious realm. Power comes to you! "

The six realm of creation is the world transformed by the mysterious realm of the great emperor. Although the great emperor is reincarnated, the **** of the Yuan is still the **** of the previous life and has not changed. In this life, he was reincarnated to the six realms of good fortune, because in the six realms of good fortune, he can come and go anywhere, and it is easy to avoid the pursuit of the enemy.

"Your Majesty, my life is only 8000 years old, dare to ask Your Majesty, is it possible to reopen the void?" The fortuned child was a little nervous.

Zhong Yue shook her head and said, "I don't know about this. Now that the void world has collapsed and there is no place for the soul, but the seventh cycle of reincarnation has been completed, and there is a way of rebirth, and the Daoist brothers don't need to worry."

The good fortune child showed disappointment and said: "Your Majesty, walking around in reincarnation is to let the soul fly away! Once my soul Shouyuan arrives, the soul fly away, the soul disintegrates, and then passes through the burial area to wash everything and rebuild the soul to the sanctuary of life. Past life. At that time, there is no longer a great emperor! "

Zhong Yue frowned slightly and said, "This is the rule of reincarnation, and I can't help it. When the reunification reincarnation was not born, the void world was only a temporary place of trust. The void world can only enter and exit. It will be crushed sooner or later, but now it is only many years in advance. Brother Dao, this is the way of the universe. You are respected as good, and you should know that samsara is the right way. "

The good fortune child became more and more disappointed: "Is there no way for your Majesty?"

Zhong Yue shook her head.

"Then, please, Your Majesty, please return my good fortune to Xuanmen." The good fortune said nervously.

Zhong Yue laughed and said, "Your emperor soldiers are with Yinji Niangniang and Wanjun niangniang, but you don't have to worry about it. I am not too ignorant of the emperor soldiers. After I return, I will send them to you. "

The good-for-nothing child breathed a sigh of relief, bowed and thanked, and the power of sacrifice around him turned, and the child disappeared.

"The emperor soldiers of the Three Thousand Emperors are indeed my emperor's treasures to suppress the air transport of all parts of the universe. If the three thousand emperors are resurrected to recover these treasures, they will only add a little more to the unstable factors."

Zhong Yue's eyes flickered, and he turned to take the Emperor Inkang and Penghe to leave the Six Realms of Creation. The emperor of good fortune was kind to him, and was not rude, so he promised to return the emperor to the emperor of good fortune.

And these emperor soldiers can't help but return. The emperor soldiers have spirits. The three thousand emperors of the three thousand emperors have their own spirituality. If the three thousand emperors recruit their respective emperors, Zhong Yue can only let them take them away. Otherwise, it would be a huge loss for these emperors to let the imperial soldiers suppress the imperial dynasty.

Moreover, Zhong Yue cannot suppress these three thousand emperors at all times.

But not all of these three thousand emperors were as good at talking as the emperor of good fortune. I am afraid that more of them are as if the Emperor Yanhuo was grieving at his reluctance to rebuild the void.

"Three thousand ancient emperors, plus those reincarnated gods and spirits, are enough headaches ..."

Zhong Yue rubbed her eyebrows, feeling a little distressed, because Kang and Penghe looked at each other and did not know why he was worried.

Suddenly, Zhong Yue laughed and said, "I gave the dirty head of Emperor Penghedi to the emperor, but I have not given any treasure to Emperor Ink Di, but it is a bit rude. Emperor Kang Di waits a moment."

Because Kang Zheng wanted to quit, suddenly the endless darkness invaded, covering the sky, covering all the stars, and the universe has no color ~ www.readwn.com ~ Black Emperor! "Exclaimed the two emperors.

In the darkness, I heard only the sound of a drum, which was a strange noise from the heavenly vibrations, but then another drum sound rang from Inkang and Penghe, and then I heard a humming sound, Seeing that the sky was all dark and receding in all directions like the tide, the starry sky was restored.

Zhong Yue raised her hand, and a huge head fell down, falling into his hand.

"It's a shame."

Zhong Yue raised her hand into her own mysterious realm and sent it to Emperor Inkang, smiling. "This is the dirty head of the black emperor. He has great hatred with me. I broke his dark holy land. This time, he wanted to test my strength, so he sent him to come forward, but how can his heavens and injustices rival me? I was suppressed by the heavens and my soul for strength, and I picked him up. Head. "

Because Emperor Kang was a woman, she was a little displeased to see the black emperor's head, and quickly shook her head: "No, it's ugly! I don't want to use his skull to make treasures."

Zhong Yue rubbed her hands, shattered the black emperor's head, reduced it to a dark avenue, and turned it into a black bead. She laughed, "Should it be all right now?"

The Emperor Kang was overjoyed, put away the innate dark beads, and smiled: "Thank Your Majesty."

Zhong Yue went on to the next six realms, saying, "Let's go find the Empress of the Gun. The empress of the Gun of the Empress Fu Moxuan Gong is extremely domineering. A dragon snake gun hits the world, and it is invincible. A lot has been gained in France! "

The Emperor Fuxi in the 23rd dynasty, the female emperor accounted for a large part. Inkang, the printing gun, the elephant group, Yi Yi, Gui Yi, Fu Tai, Ji Jie, Ji Hao, Shi Yi, etc., were all female emperors. Dominate an era.

Women are called emperors, and they were not a minority in the period of the Earth Age, especially the female emperors of the Fuxi tribe accounted for as much as half.

———— Second more after ten minutes!

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