Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1422: Light wind moon

The origins of Daoshen, Black Emperor, White Emperor, and Heaven were in horror, and they hurriedly strove to hold down the chaos that had been suppressed. Now they rushed into the realm of the Dao, and found that the Dao was only opened up by the boss, and there was nothing in it. , Completely different from later generations!

And now seeing the downward pressure of Taoism, the Taoism in future generations simply cannot exist!

"It turned out we opened up the world!"

Everyone was sulking and had to fight against the chaotic air that was pressed down, but the air of chaos was too heavy and terrible. Even if they were the most powerful beings in later generations, it was difficult to compete with them.

This time, the origin and Taoism were miscalculated and expected to be wrong. Da Siming and the Kings of the Gods did not open up the Tao world at all, so they were attacked by the former "Origin" and failed.

The moment they rushed into the realm of the Tao, they were forced to fight against the depressed chaos, or they were crushed to death by the chaos, or they opened up the realm of chaos in the chaos, and there was no third way to go. !!

The same is true of Zhong Yue. He chased and killed the origin Dao Shen and others at the same time. He came to Da Shiming to open up the Dao Ming at the same time with Chao Lian. He also did not expect that Da Shiming had been "originated" without opening up the Dao. "Unexpectedly, under the pressure of chaos, he was forced to do everything in his power to hold up the chaos.

His strength is the strongest, and there are not many injuries on his body, but the pressure on him under the chaos pressure is also the greatest. His bones crackled, and a blast of fire erupted from his eyes, ears, nose and nose.

Suddenly, only a buzzing sound was heard, followed by a scream, and the saintly king of samsara rushed into this superficial realm, and was also stopped by the pressure of chaos that was suppressed. Can't move!

His injuries were not too serious. Although he fought against Zhong Yue, although he fell into the downwind, his reincarnation road was pure after all, and escaped Zhong Yue's pursuit.

But even though he was inherently savvy, he didn't realize that Taoism was just a shell, and he didn't open up at all. He also wanted to take the light of Taoism into the Taoism to improve his strength, so he also suffered a loss.

"Is it the path we have pioneered?"

The reincarnation saint just rushed in and immediately realized that the eighteen arms struggled to hold the air of chaos, and it was difficult to settle the channel: "How is this possible?"

"Reincarnation is a ring, why is it impossible?"

He murmured from all sides, gritted his teeth and said, "Da Siming thought he had opened up the Tao world, and we thought he had opened the Tao world. The world thinks so, who would have expected him to die without opening up! We Coming to this point in time from the future is a closed ring in terms of time. The most critical and wonderful thing about this closed ring is that no one knows the truth, knowing that the truth is coming! "

The reincarnation saint is still a little bit confused, only to feel that his experience is strange and confusing, making himself difficult to distinguish.

But the words of the Four Faced God make sense.

The sacramental king was born because of the Taoism. If there was no Taoism, Zhong Yue would not be able to open up the samsara. The reincarnation road would not be born. Naturally, there would be no sacramental king.

There is no sacramental king, I am afraid that only Zhong Yue and others cannot return to the past to open up the realm, because without him, the origin Tao God and others were already killed by Zhong Yue on the way back to the past!

One ring is one ring. Each ring is a closed ring. It is a closed cycle. It is doomed to happen and cannot be cracked.

Because, until the end, no one knows that he is in a closed loop, nor does he know what he has done in the past!

This is also the cycle of reincarnation, and it is also the road of reincarnation. Its wonder makes the saint king reverently, and he is so upset.

There was a creaking noise in Zhong Yue's body, the pressure was too strong, the boss's life was conspired, and the Taoism collapsed. At this moment, all the **** kings in Zhentianfu were crushed to the altar and could only be slaughtered. Fate is still, still motionless, but imagine how fierce this pressure is.

However, the pressure on the altar is not as good as the pressure on Zhongyue and others. If there is no chaotic atmosphere supported by Zhongyue and others, there is no need for Gods such as "Origin" to start, and Dashen and other gods to do it. The chaos will be crushed to pieces!

"His Majesty the King, the only way we can work together today is to open up the sky and open up chaos to shape the realm of the Dao.

The God of Origin clenched his teeth, struggling to support the weight of chaos, and uttered a few words in his teeth, saying: "Otherwise we will die here eventually, and you cannot escape! Your majesty thought?"

Zhong Yue also clenched her teeth, and uttered a few laughs from her teeth: "I have the same intention, and I plan to invite you to open up the community to join in the grand event. I did not expect that the origin brother even gave up the former suspect and invited me first. I ca n’t help but be filled with emotion and emotions. ”

The Black Emperor, the White Emperor, and the heavens looked at each other. Zhong Yue chased them for so long, and the enemies of life and death did not wear together. Today, they have spoken so beautifully, as if they are not enemies who ca n’t wait to stab the knife in the heart of each other, but old men who know it Friends.

Although the words were sweet and warm, they made them feel cold from their bones.

"Imperial, unbelievable!" Several people had this idea at the same time.

"It's better to swear to chaos."

The black emperor suddenly said: "We are working together to open up the realm of the Dao, and we are all worried about being attacked by the other party, and vowing to chaos can let us join forces assured. What does Your Majesty think?"

"The words of Brother Heidi are extremely true."

Zhong Yue was sprayed with blood on her nostrils and splashed her face, but she still smiled: "I and you are all the generations of high wind and bright festival, light wind and moon, but it is necessary to sign the chaos contract, not because we are not keeping promises. It is prepared. "

Tian Leng sneered: "Your Majesty signed a lot of Chaos contracts in this life? I saw that His Majesty's robes were torn, as if some corners of Chaos Contracts were exposed."

Black Emperor White Emperor and the Origin of the Four-faced God looked one after another. Sure enough, they saw a large hole in the emperor's robe on Zhongyue's chest, exposing the skin on the chest, and several chaotic contracts were printed on it.

"Ha ha."

Zhong Yue's face did not change, she said indifferently: "Yu Gui is the Emperor of Heaven, and she has a broad mind, and it is not an exaggeration to make a few contracts. I and you are bright and bright, and the moon is bright ..."

"Your Majesty need not say, we all understand!"

Origin hurriedly said, "Your Majesty has a broad mind, and there are a few more chaotic contracts that can be imprinted. We now swear by each other."

He still satirically cared about Zhong Yue.

Everyone swears to the chaos on their heads, and they can't do anything to each other before the realm is opened up. When the chaos on each of them is printed on their chests, the chaos contract is imprinted, and finally everyone is relieved.

At this moment, I suddenly heard only a loud noise coming from below. The chief's life on the altar was melted by the huge pressure, and then the sound of the twilight came. The "origin" two million years ago was called twilight. The life consciousness of Grand Sect was incorporated into the Twilight Drum, which was sunk into the depths of the altar and continuously refined the consciousness of the Grand Sect.

The boss died, and he was still wondering if he was lethal. What was there that was approaching him quietly, so that he fell short.

As soon as the boss died, the pressure from all the people was even worse, and his heart was stunned.

The pressure of chaos is getting stronger and stronger, forcing them to have to open up the realm of the Tao, otherwise they will die and disappear into the air of chaos!

"Masters, do it!"

The reincarnation saint shouted loudly, "At this point, you and I will be crushed to death here!"


Zhong Yue took the lead. The seven light wheels in the back of the head were rotated, and the next step was the congenital tai chi, the innate four phases, the innate gossips flying out, the layers spread out, the second flying out, supporting chaos.

At the same time, God was thinking about all realms on all sides, supporting the chaotic pressure with an infinite mirror, reaching out and grabbing the black and white emperors, saying, "I ’ll open the light and darkness of the Tao world! Origin Brother, you come to open the Tao world origin ! "

The origin of Taoism is smashing, the shape has changed dramatically, the shore has become more and more powerful, the robes are hunting, and the scope of coverage has become wider and wider, and Shen said: "Sir, I will open the Tao world. Taiji, the four phases of yin and yang, innate gossip. God, you set the heavens, reincarnation Taoists to determine the reincarnation! In this way, the Tao world can be stable and will not collapse! "

Zhong Yue chuckled and laughed: "The heavenly heaven is just the way of the day after tomorrow. I am afraid it is difficult to determine the innate heavenly way? In my opinion, the heavens will determine the heavenly way, and the sky will be crushed!"

The faceless **** man transformed by the sky could not help being angry, and it would definitely be beneficial to open up the Tao, but Zhong Yue obviously did not intend to let him share this benefit.

"Your Majesty, if you have not killed the three demon kings of gods and demons, they can set the gods and demons of Taiji and stabilize the Tao."

The origin Tao said quietly: "Your Majesty is going to order the four phases of yin and yang this time, congenital gossip. I'm afraid to work harder and share more pressure. If His Majesty has more power, it is no harm to help heaven to open up the Tao. If His Majesty can't, then please Tiandaoyou shot. "

The sky had to be pressed down, nodded and said yes.


The God of Origins blasted out on the whole body of the road ~ www.readwn.com ~, like a loud sound when the world was opened. Even though the twilight drums are innocent, but they are also the origin of the heavens. Drive chaos!

This blow shows the extraordinaryness of the Taoist **** of origin. It is truly stunning, crowning the world, letting chaos separate and turning into turbidity.

"Chaos friends!"

Origin suddenly felt all the pressure gathered on himself, to crush himself, and quickly yelled, "Not yet?"

The four-faced **** immediately sacrificed the Black Emperor and the White Emperor, turned them into black and white, and separated them from turbidity, giving the Tao world a colorful time. The Black Emperor, the White Emperor, and the Four-faced God were both pressed to spit blood. The Four-faced God only felt difficult to support, and quickly said, "Your Majesty!"

Zhong Yue waited for a while, when the four-faced **** and the black emperor and white emperor were crushed and twisted, and they were almost crushed to death, then they had a heavy meal. The congenital Taichi, the congenital four-phase, and the congenital gossip opened up from the **** of origin. That space bursts out, expands outward, divides chaos, and opens up the realm of the Tao!

"This bastard!" The pressure on all sides was light, and he woke up a few spits of blood, his breath was embarrassed, and his heart was furious.

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