Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1425: Killing the future

The chaotic creatures are murky. Although wandering in the air of chaos in the long time, I have seen all the pictures in the time, but those pictures are just to them the floating dust from the eyes, which can not disturb them. It is irrelevant to them whether they are old, sick or dead, or that the universe is changing.

The only thing that can arouse their interest are those ripples of time. Chaos is the clear river for chaotic creatures. There is no half wave. They can swim to the beginning, to see the birth of the universe, or to the end, to see the universe. destroy.

Only the occasional ripples of time will block their footsteps and let them stop and watch.

It was a powerful creature in time, with the intention of changing the future. At this time, time began to make subtle changes, but these changes will eventually restore peace, and the chaos began to wander.

But when chaotic creatures come ashore, it's no small matter. The red dust is full of nuisances. There is sound, light, color, affection and dislike, and love and hatred.

This chaotic creature was sucked into the Tao realm, blocking the holes in the Tao realm, suffering from torture, and neither entering nor retreating. The Tao realm became extremely dangerous and in a state of collapse. He was blocked and suffered the chaos. Heavy pressure can only absorb the bitter support of Dao Xiaguang in the Dao industry.

This repression was two million years. Over time, he became resentful and became a four-faced god.

It wasn't until Hou Tu Niang Niang became a Taoist **** and rose to the Dao realm. The Dao realm was finally stable, allowing him to be relieved.

At the moment when Zhong Yue and others killed Dao, he could only be blocked there, waiting quietly for the day of liberation.

"After this battle, Emperor Yue can't kill us."

In the lotus of chaos, the Taoist **** of origin sighed with relief and laughed: "We opened up the Taoist realm and absorbed the avenues of the avenue. Today the repair is advancing by leaps and bounds. Although we have failed to become a Taoist again in the Taoist realm, we are no longer able to match him . "

God shook his head and said, "The progress of Emperor Yue is also very great. After this battle, he is not far away from Taoism. He opened Tai Chi, divided into four phases, established gossip, turned into sixty-four gossips, and then established Liyu and Zhou. Secondly, he can open up the avenue areas that can only be opened by the seventy-six innate gods and demonstrators. All the avenues he receives are extremely amazing! "

The black emperor and the white emperor looked dignified and nodded.

Heaven opened up the world of the Tao, and also received the nineteenth heavenly road, which is very important to him. Although he is unable to make the nineteenth heavenly road because he is a sacrifice god, his strength will also be very high. Great promotion.

The Black Emperor and the White Emperor were sacrificed by four-faced gods to open up the world of light and darkness, and also made great progress.

And the origin is to open up the origin of Taoism. This is a pioneering feat. The achievements are extraordinary and far-reaching!

What can be compared with the origins of the pioneering world is Zhong Yue and the saint king of reincarnation!

The reincarnation saint ruled the avenue of Dao, and incorporated the avenue into the reincarnation to form the Dadao cycle to consolidate the Dao. He naturally contributed greatly and received a generous reward from Dao.

And Zhong Yueli's seventy-six Taoism, the credit is also the greatest, no single achievement can be comparable to the origin and reincarnation of the Holy King, but the number is sufficient, the benefits are naturally extraordinary!

God hesitated, and said, "The Emperor Yue is not seventy-seven, but seventy-seven."

"Seventy-seven?" Everyone was shocked.

Tian nodded and said, "It's seventy-seven. When I opened up the heavenly dome, I felt that the heavenly dome had already printed one, and it should be his innate change."

"The seventy-seven avenues are amazing." Everyone looked dignified.

The samsara king hesitated: "There may be seventy-eight avenues, but I'm not sure. When I worshipped the avenues and included the avenues of the Tao world into the reincarnation, I vaguely felt that some avenues had been penetrated by the avenues. Someone is taking my chance ... "

He was not quite sure, thinking: "Although I felt the invasion of this external force at the time, but the situation was urgent, I had to push the reincarnation avenue with no effort to investigate. Now think about it, it is most likely to be Emperor Yue secretly moved his hands and feet ... "

Everyone looked at each other.

If in the world today it is said that there is still Zhongyue who can do something in front of the reincarnation saint, but still not be aware of it.

Only Zhong Yue once seized the chance of the saintly king of reincarnation, chopped him in half, the dove occupied the nest, and devoured the reincarnation avenue.

Although the reincarnation saint taught the origins of Taoism and others, they could not leave their hands alone, and even if he taught them by all means, the origins and others might get the reincarnations of the day after tomorrow, and they would not be congenital.

But Zhong Yue got a part of the congenital reincarnation avenue. This part is exactly the part that the saint reincarnation does not have. Zhong Yue took this part of him. He either completed it by himself or regained it from Zhong Yue. , There is no third way!

If Zhong Yue really moved his hands and feet, then he would open up the opportunities that the Dao obtained, and the avenues of the avenue that he would get, I'm afraid that he would have to go through many origins and saints!

"I was aware of the invasion of external forces, so I also fiddled with Dao."

The samsara saint laughed and said, "I have left the Tao God trap."

The Black Emperor, the White Emperor, the Heaven, the Four-faced God, and the Taoist God of Origin are all trembling, watching him incredibly.

The Tao God Trap is actually a trap left by the reincarnation saint when he opened up the Tao realm?

After trapping the Empress Dowager, the dragon dragon, and the body of the Taoist **** of the White Emperor, this trap was actually left shortly before the reincarnation of the Holy King?

"A Taoist trap exists."

Reincarnation: "I noticed that the Taoism of the Tao world has its own laws. When it comes to cultivation of Taoism, it must pass through the Taoism trap, and it will break out of the trap to become the real Taoism. So the only way to jump out of the Taoism trap The road is erased. As long as you jump in, you cannot jump out, making the trap a real trap. "

Baidi exhaled a stale gas and murmured: "No wonder Houtu and Leizer couldn't get out of the trap ..."

The experience this time is really strange. The Taoism was not created by the boss, but they jointly developed it. The Taoism trap turned out to be only a barrier of the Taoism state. Jumping out of the trap can become the real Taoism. As a result, samsara The holy king turned the trap into a bottomless pit and couldn't jump out.

Everyone was dizzy.

"The Emperor Yue got the greatest benefit of opening up the realm of Taoism. He is afraid to be closer to the realm of Taoism."

Black Emperor calmly, Shen said: "Can we still kill him? And the Emperor Yue got part of the reincarnation road, the Tao God trap has been unlocked by him, the Tao world has also been destroyed by him. His strength is stronger, now he has It is invincible! "

Origin laughed and laughed: "Although he is not far away from Taoism, but he is not yet Taoism. Moreover, his skill is extraordinary, but there is still no darkness and light. The flaw is still there. This time we are only in the past, Complete the fixed history, it was all doomed back two million years ago. Black Emperor, my disciple, do you know what this means? "

Black Emperor froze slightly and shook his head.

"This means the future, never changed!"

The light of wisdom shone in the eyes of God of Origin, and smiled, "Two million years ago, the matter of two million years later was decided, which means that Emperor Yue, like the future I saw, is still dead. And The future of the boss is already doomed. "

Gods on all sides hesitated, saying: "But the future has become turbid, and even Chaos cannot reach the future, so the Chaos Emperor will go ashore to observe. Does this not mean that the future has changed?"

"You're wrong friend."

The God of Origin said with a smile: "The reason why the future will become cloudy and make chaotic creatures unable to set foot in the future is because chaotic creatures are also involved in the red dust. You, Chaos Emperor, Chaos Seven Gods, you change because of chaos. Come to the earth with turbidity, isn't chaos becoming turbid instead of you? You are involved, so the chaos is turbid, but the turbidity returns to turbidity, and there will be no change in the future, but you ca n’t see it.

All sides are thoughtful.

Suddenly, the reincarnation of the saint king's face changed greatly, and he said loudly, "The emperor is chasing again!"

"Hey, the ghosts stay!"

The God of Origin drank: "Princes, we have returned to the past and have reached the limit. We cannot go to the more ancient times. In this case, we will move to the future!"

Everyone's face suddenly changed, going to the future?

The future is muddy, and even chaos is unwilling to set foot easily. Can they really go to the future?

The light flashed in the eyes of the God of Origin, and he laughed: "The Emperor Yue wanted to take this opportunity to wipe us all away. From now to two million years ago, he pursued it again and never swears. His Tao heart is extremely firm , Has developed an invincible spirit, and insidious and cunning is more than a hundred times the life of a grand boss ~ www.readwn.com ~ not inferior to me. Since his Tao heart will not easily change, then shake his Tao heart, but can shake him The only way for Daoxin is to let him look at the future! This is the biggest blow to him! "

It is said by others that the Emperor Zhouguang Avenue practiced by Baidi and Tianfei flew out, and together with the Taoist God of Origin urged Chaos Lotus, whistling away, and went from the past to the future.

Outside of Chaos Lotus, suddenly Zhong Yue's voice came and laughed, "Why do you go away, brothers? Where can you escape? All corners of the universe can't hide my eyes and eyes, reversing the past two For millions of years, I can also set foot in it. The Tao is the road I opened, and the Avenue is the road where you stand. Why do you resist when you see my vast magical power? Everyone sat down happily and let me cut it happily. Isn't the head beautiful? "

God of Origin, Taoism, and others turned a deaf ear. Although Zhong Yue's pursuits were fast, they were not slow. The time of two million years was like a white horse passing by and passing away.


A violent shock came, and the chaotic lotus finally entered the future. The lotus bloomed, and the stamens of the roots trembled gently to produce more lotus flowers.

The origin, the four-faced god, the black emperor, the white emperor, the heavenly and saintly kings each stood at the center of a lotus and looked outwards, but they saw everything dim and dim.

They seem to be driving into chaos, but they are not chaos. This is a cloudy future, and I do not know how many years have passed.

Suddenly a picture flowed from the outside, and everyone was shocked.


The seven light wheels rotated and cut into the future. Zhong Yue's figure appeared in the seven reincarnations, and she was about to shoot. Suddenly she saw the picture, her body shook, and she stopped suddenly.

———— Seriously recommend a novel, Emperor Hantian, who has fallen for 90,000 years, and once into the world. Hengdao cut the sky, slaughter all the domain immortals!

Brothers and sisters, Happy Valentine's Day, beware of life

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