Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1428: Great boss

"Kill the dry capital ..."

Zhong Yue stumbled. Although Feng Xiaozhong said this with a smile, he was not kidding. Feng Xiaozhong never joked!

Although the King of Gods is the great hero of Zhong Yue, although he has fought alongside Feng Xiaozhong and had a life-and-death relationship, if the King of God is killed, he can verify whether the future will change because of this. Then Feng Xiaozhong Must not hesitate to decide to do this experiment.

In Tao Tao ’s heart, there is no worldly etiquette, good or evil, he thinks that it is right, it is right. As far as the world thinks it is right, neither fart is in his eyes.

Zhong Yue quickly said: "Brother, I already understand what you mean. If you kill the King of Gods, you can indeed change the future of King of Gods, but now it is too late to protect the King of Gods, how can you kill him? ? "

"You don't want to kill him, but I do."

Feng Xiaozhong said, "Don't you wonder if the future can change?"

"The future can change."

Zhong Yuewei was afraid that he really ran over to kill the King of Gods, and asked him to sit down and said, "I once saw the team that gave me a funeral in the Emperor Road, Xuan Er was also among the funeral team, but this The next time I went to the future, I saw Xuan Er died and was buried with me. This shows that the future has indeed changed, but it is even worse. Brother, since the future is changeable, then you must first eliminate the idea of ​​killing Gandu. "

"I'm not a killer, I won't go and kill the capital for no reason."

Feng Xiaozhong laughed and said, "Master, where am I so wicked? I just saw that you were restless, and then I wanted to kill you to make you feel at ease."

Zhong Yue couldn't laugh or cry, and let him feel at ease if he killed him? I am afraid that only Feng Xiaozhong has such a strange idea.

"Brother, you have to promise me one more thing."

Zhong Yue hesitated, and said, "Don't go to Taoism."

Feng Xiaozhong smiled for a moment, and laughed, "Will the Tao be my lifelong pursuit, can't you go? Brother, you have gone out of the way that the day after tomorrow reversed the innate, and immortal, but I am the day after tomorrow, although I can do it for myself Extending life, but after all, not longevity, I can only surpass you if I become a Taoist god. I know your worry is nothing more than a Taoist trap. This **** trap can trap others and not me! "

Zhong Yue's heart sank slightly. Although Feng Xiaozhong saw the clarity of his heart and surpassed Zhong Yue a lot in his state of mind, he also had his own obstacles.

This obstacle made Zhong Yue a little uneasy.

Feng Xiaozhong is not perfect. He is not perfect. He has his own shortcomings. The biggest shortcoming is his persistence in the Tao. If the Taoist trap traps him, then in the future battle, I am afraid that Feng Xiaozhong will not participate in the war ...

He stepped out of the reincarnation celestial sphere and looked up at this heavy weapon to suppress the imperial fortune of Emperor.

The reincarnation celestial sphere is unparalleled, changing in all directions, and contains endless wonders, but it is the first weapon from ancient times to the present, and has gathered the wisdom of this era.

It ’s just that weapons are weapons, and people are people. The Fuxi Protoss must grow stronger, and there must be more powerful people to stand. Only by reincarnation of the celestial sphere, and only by Zhong Yue, is not a powerful race.

He was slightly agitated, his body had disappeared from the heaven, appeared in the resurrection holy place in the seventh area of ​​reincarnation, and came to see the command.

The mother emperor was also there. When she saw Zhong Yue, she quickly saw the ceremony and smiled, "Your Majesty, you are better off than you are! It ’s my mother Queen Kun who wants to separate the world from you. You are good, use me to harm me!"

She said that to divide the world, Zhong Yue and her signed a contract. In the future, Zhong Yue's territory would be divided into half for the Kun people. After Zhong Yue obtained the throne, he said that all the territories of the uncle were also the territory of the Kun people and fulfilled their promises.

He did not actually designate the territory of the Kun people, but any territory can be used as the territory of the Kun people. The Kun people can be located in any corner of the world, and it is not a breach of promise. The mother emperor can be said to have won the world, but it can also be said that there is no inch of soil. She has hated her teeth all these years, but Zhong Yue is big, and she is not good at turning her face.

Zhong Yue smiled mildly and said, "Why does the mother emperor come to see the mother-in-law?"

The mother emperor sighed and said, "I will soon die, I am afraid that it will be hard for me to persist for a thousand years. At that time, I will die old. Without the void, the gods will be destroyed, and the soul and soul will be broken down and buried. The spirit **** king broke up the soul. I did n’t know how many billions of my soul was broken down at that time. The mother emperor could say that it was all right. I and the dead mother were also relatives, so I came to ask her to take care of me. Family. "

Zhong Yue's heart was astonished that even the wicked and fierce Queen Mother Emperor of Kun nationality was exhaustingly devoted to her own race.

The mother emperor bowed down and said, "Your Majesty, whether you admit it or not, you owe it to your body. After my death, I hope that Her Majesty will keep my Kun people from extinction and give a way of life!"

Zhong Yue nodded: "Mother Emperor rest assured. You and You have done great things, and the Kun people will not perish because of your death."

The mother emperor left.

Zhong Yue entered the Ascension Palace, and sat opposite to Shi Ming.

The fire was still raging, and Zhong Zhongyue was no longer afraid. Although contact would still burn him, it was very slow.

He talked about what he saw in the future, and his life was lost in thought.

After a while, Zhong Yue said: "Since the breakthrough point is in the sacramental king, then I still start with the sacramental king. But I still need a strong person to watch Gandu, and not let Gandu die in the hands of heaven. This, Can you do that? I can't ask Brother Feng to take the shot. I saw the death of Gandu, just after the death of the grand prince, and Brother Feng has already entered the Dao. At that time, it is unknown whether he can get out of Dao. number."

Shi Ming's eyes flickered and he said, "If something happened suddenly, would I be too late to save it?"

Zhong Yue looked at her, and Si Ming also looked at him. The two eyes met and each other's eyes were so deep that they reached each other's heart.

"I understand."

The commander said, "At that time, I would kill Gandu, and I would not let God devour him."

Zhong Yue stood up and said, "Killing is the next policy, it is critical ..."

"I know."

The commander got up and sent him away, saying: "If God is eaten by God, Heaven ’s power will increase greatly, and it will be more harmful. I will help you to do what you cannot do. Fuxi, you are already a qualified patriarch . "

"Qualified patriarch?"

Zhong Yue shook her head and smiled bitterly: "But she is not a qualified friend."

The commander said coldly: "The emperor does not need friends! How does your Majesty plan to find the sacramental saint?"

"The reincarnation saint is in the dark, and I am in the light. I don't have to go to him, he will find me."

Zhong Yue left, calmly said: "He should have followed the origin and others who have seen the future picture, and will certainly know that there is no trace of him in the future picture. There are only two possibilities, either he died or he died in drastic changes. Before, either he hid, but where could he hide? He would come to me, and only he could save him. "

He returned to heaven, Yun Yunshu and Tian Si Niangniang came and said, "Your Majesty, the reincarnation of the Emperor of the Fire Age has been found. When will Her Majesty leave?"

Zhong Yue laughed: "The whereabouts of the Emperor's reincarnation is handed to Dasao and the emperors, and let them go and look for them. After the last battle, I would like to see if the origin Tao God and others dare to show up!"

Yun Juanshu and Tiansi Niangniu were slightly shaken, and in accordance with the words, the reincarnated body of the 31st emperor Tiandi fell to Dalai, and Dalai immediately ordered the 20th Emperor to go to all parts of the universe to find their tracks.

Hundred years later, the emperors of all ages have been found. These emperors have grown up. The most famous emperor is the emperor of the candle dragon, the velvet emperor, the nest emperor, the dzum, the madonna, the dz Female, Great Brahma. One of them had a nest time earlier, it was already an inborn sacrifice to the god, and there was no reincarnation.

The avenue of the Fire Age is different from that of today, and the method of divine passage is also different from this era. The reincarnation of the emperors also needs more learning to keep up with the times.

There is also the fire spirit of the Fire Age, and Zhong Yue also returned it to the Emperor. The fire spirit of the Fire Age has maintained the bloodline of the Paz, and the Paz has been extinct. The closest blood is the Fuxi Protoss. He and other beings are all sacrifices to the gods, and it is impossible to truly restore the blood lineage of Heze.

Longsheng's nine sons are different. Even if Leze and Huazhen have children again, they won't give birth.

The emperor and other emperors can see it openly, saying: "Since the Zushi family has become the Fuxi family, the same family and the same family are all wind, then the Zushi family is the Fuxi family."

This is an unprecedented era. New emperors are emerging endlessly. There are about a thousand emperors in existence in a century. Although some emperors have grown old, they are all ancient emperors. Today, the number of emperors has reached 5,000.

Two hundred years later, a period of great emperor ushered in, and the imperial spirits of the Nether Realm have once again become emperors. Within five years, there were a hundred new emperors. After another hundred years, more than two thousand new emperors appeared. The imperial court ruled Yang Fengyin!

Chaos breeds everywhere, rebellions happen from time to time, there are too many new emperors, too many races, and almost all territories of the universe are occupied. In order to compete for the habitat of races and occupy resources, it is naturally various wars.

The big commander also touched the fish in troubled waters ~ www.readwn.com ~ took the opportunity to plunder the new emperor, seize the road repair, and let His Majesty the King upgrade the repair to strength.

Three hundred years later, Wandi was in the same dynasty, and an unprecedented prosperity appeared.

On this day, Da Si Ming personally led many **** kings to come to see the emperor and bowed down and said, "Your Majesty, I will open up the realm of the Lord, and hereby inform Her Majesty, please Her Majesty move and observe the ceremony."

Zhong Yue bowed his head, and said, "I have watched the ceremony from now on."

The chief commanded the crowd to leave. During the reincarnation, the saintly king secretly sought to see the Thai emperor, and said to Zhong Yue, "I and your Majesty both have deaths and robbers. What is your self-protection?"

Zhong Yue smiled slightly and said leisurely: "I have been waiting for the Holy King for a long time. Holy King, you are proficient in reincarnation, and I have a lot of research on reincarnation. The merger between you and me will be a complete reincarnation road. I need you to help me. I will guarantee that you will not die in the future. "

The saint king's heart moved slightly and said, "How can I help you?"

Zhong Yue Xu Xu said: "I need to take a walk in the complete road of reincarnation, re-confirm the innate, and fill in the loopholes."

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