Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1433: The most brilliant moment

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The Origin Taoist God suddenly shot at this time, but it was somewhat unexpected by Zhong Yue. The origin Taoist God shot a lot earlier than he expected. M.slk.tw

According to Zhong Yue's expectation, the origin Taoist **** should launch a sneak attack at the time when Da Si Ming is about to open up the Dao Sect success, concealing the Da Si Ming.

In this way, the development of the Tao realm was successful, and the grandfather's life was severely damaged. Therefore, the origin Taoism and other people can become the first wave of existence in the Tao realm, with unparalleled advantages.

However, now that the sneak attack has not been established, there have been many variables.

"Why is the Origin God so eager to attack Da Shiming? It's not like his style. He is well-thought-out and can sit still. Why is he so rushed this time?"

Mugu trembled and bombarded Zhentianfu from the bottom up. Hundreds of **** kings used countless gods to gather their innate avenues. Zhentianfu, which had been refined over a few years, became under the bombardment of Mugu. Floating crisps, fumbled pieces of debris as large as the mainland fell off the town of Tianfu, and then shattered!

The origin of the Tao God is too powerful, more powerful than when Zhong Yue chased and killed him two million years ago. Obviously, the last time he opened up the Tao world, he also gained a lot of new insights.

Zhong Yue is improving, and his enemies are also improving.

However, under the blessing of the saint king, Da Siming opened eight reincarnations, and even his strength was strong. Even Zhong Yue felt that Da Siming's current combat power was still above himself. The origin Taoist **** was now killed. Good timing.

In Zhentian Mansion, the grandfather ordered a palm print to meet Mugu, and his palm collided with Mugu, the power of eight reincarnation broke out, Mugu's drum sound suddenly dulled.

The series of bombardments that originated in the Tao were suppressed under the palm of his hand. The strange space formed by the heavens is the space of origin and end. All avenues are silent, but the grand order lives in this place of origin and end. The space, with the endless nature of the avenue of life, fills the entire innocent space and becomes full of vigorous life.

Around the twilight time, flowers bloom in luxuriant colors, and colorful petals embellish the inefficient space.

His strength is really arrogant. He has a way to break the road, there is nothing out of nothing, and even the mouth-shaking twilight drum has sprouts and sprouts, and it has to become a beautiful twilight drum.

In order to break the way, the Dasi Ming has apparently worked out a way to break the heavens. The avenue of life opens up the wayless space, and there are various avenues derived from the wayless space, which grow and fill this wayless space. The magic of the means is amazing.

He had already suffered from the loss of the heavens in the past. This time he cracked the heavens and the roads, but it was so wonderful that people had to admire his means and wisdom.

Zhu Tian Wu Tao, as a once unsolvable mastery, is not much that can be cracked now, at most there are only two or three supernatural powers, and Da Si Ming has another one this time.

The God of Origin smiled, his palms were printed on the twilight drum, and he whispered, "All heavens!"

His magical powers suddenly changed, and the hit of the grandfather's life made the infidelity space into the morality space, and various avenues breed, but now it has become the tonic of the **** God of origin!

The heavens are boundless, and the heavens are boundless. The place of origin is the starting point and the end, and the world is beginning to erupt in the place where the universe originated.

The most famous supernatural power of the Taoism is the Heavenly Way, but the Heavenly Way is also his most powerful peerlessness, and its lethality is absolutely not inferior to the Heavenly Way!

With this blow, he killed the mighty power of the boss and reversed his life!


Mu Gu and the palm of Da Shiming's palms collided again. In the shock, Mu Gu was torn apart. This heavy treasure could not withstand the power of the two strong men. At this moment Mu Gu's fragments were surrounded by God, Black Emperor, Bai Emperor, and Heaven. The saint king and the reincarnation suddenly stood up on their own, and the heavens and heavens on all sides broke out. Immediately, the palm of the grandfather's life became tens of thousands, and they were hidden in spaces.

Black Emperor and White Emperor are intertwined, like the same black, white and two mysterious cuts, cut up along the arm of the grandfather!

The grandfather ordered the other hand to grab the ancient tree of life and shake it, but when he saw the ancient tree of life bursting out, the nebula was vast, and the galaxy was scattered around the ancient tree. Under a brush, the black emperor and the white emperor spit blood. Captivated and falling, the two became very old.

The ancient tree of life was completely urged by the boss's life, and almost turned into pure aura. Without the quaint surface, the rolling aura of light rolled, the huge body and flesh of the black emperor and the white emperor continued to fly, and it was impossible to resist this horror. one strike!

Innate spiritual roots are evoked into a state of great power, often when they are transformed into a world, such as the void world transformed by the other shore flower, such as the seventh cycle of the reincarnation transformed by the reincarnation rattan.

And now the Grand Commander has started eight rounds of reincarnation, and the ancient tree has been able to evoke the ancient tree to the state of Xeon, which shows that his current combat strength is unparalleled!

With this shot down, the gods on all sides couldn't help changing color, and the thoughts of all realms were broken open by layers, like a bamboo shoot!


The gods roared on all sides, rolling their bodies into chaos, opening their mouths and biting down at the ancient tree of life, it was intended to be desperate. The billowing chaos breathed like a sea of ​​chaos, surging into the ancient trees, and then the waves calmed down and were suppressed by the ancient trees of life.

The sky was high, Qiong Qiong, the heavens blasted down, turned into the heavens and the universe pressed against the ancient tree of life, and then was pumped away by the ancient tree of life!

Da Siming fought against them alone, but he still had the upper hand and suppressed them all!

The Taoist God of Origin also felt the terrible crushing power, his face changed drastically, and he shouted, "Reincarnation King!"

The boss is so relieved that the saint reincarnation suddenly took his path of reincarnation, apologizing: "The boss is forgiven, I don't want to offend you, and I don't want to offend the origin brother, so I can only help each other."

He suddenly pulled away, and the eighth light wheel behind his boss shook, shattered, and fell directly from the state of eight reincarnations to the state of seven reincarnations. The supreme state of the ancient tree of life suddenly disappeared, and the rolling aura of light condensed and recovered as before.

The bang, the bang, the sea of ​​chaos struck the ancient tree of life, shook the ancient tree of life up high, the Taoist **** of origin laughed, sacrificed the Chaos lotus, and I saw that this spiritual root was immersed in the Tao realm. .


The origin of Taoism is bursting, and the chaotic lotus blooms one after another. The chaotic atmosphere of lotus blooms, the flower trembles, and the chaotic lotus blooms one after another, crushing the contours of the Tao world, pulling the surging chaos. Qi fell from the sky.

All the **** kings in Da Shiming and Zhentianfu murmured, the blood in the eyes, ears, nose, and nose continued to flow out, and chaotic lotus hit the channel boundary and chaotic boundary. The pressure in the channel boundary increased sharply, almost setting them in the town. Heaven can't move.

This hand was so wonderful that Zhong Yue also kept beating his eyes. He opened up the aisle and destroyed it, knowing the terrible pressure of chaos on the chaos.

The people in the original town of Tianfu were only able to support the weight of Taoism, but now the pressure has doubled, and they are set in Zhentianfu, and they have become fish on the chopping board, and they can be slaughtered by the origin gods and others!

"The origin Tao God lost." Dasao sighed suddenly, said.

Zhong Yue was puzzled, and looked at him, and said, "Your Majesty, if the origin of the Taoism was enough to kill Da Siming and other people's lives, but now Da Siming is prepared, the origin will be lost. . Ziwei Star Field, after all, was created by the boss. He deliberately exposed the flaws to cause the source to enter the game ... "

"Lagerstroemia indica? World flower? Couldn't the grandfather still urge the world to spend it?"

Zhong Yue was terrified. Just thinking of it, suddenly the entire Lagerstroemia starburst trembled, and the boundless Lagerstroemia starburst suddenly emerged from the boundary. It was a rolling aura, shaped like a petal covering the heavens and earth, and a star field was also The light shines, and when viewed from a distance, it seems like a single flower.

The petals are stacked in clusters, making the entire Lagerstroemia star field as if surrounded by a large flower. The Lagerstroemia star field is the world in flowers.

World flower!

After being transformed into Lagerstroemia indicatus by the princes of life and many ancient **** kings, this big flower finally showed up again!

The origins caused the saint king to take the avenue of reincarnation and fight back to the state of seven reincarnation. It was originally a wonderful move that caused the death of the chief, but this move also put him in danger.

Now the grandfather's order has spurred the flower of the world, spurring the power of Lagerstroemia indica, who can stop it under the bombardment of that mighty power?

They are plotting the big command, and the big command is also trying to figure them out and lead them into the concubine!

The competition between the two sides in wisdom is to do everything they can. Anyone accidentally will die without burial!

Reze looked up to this earth-shattering fierce battle and said, "Big boss, has always been so cunning, but others only pay attention to his bright side and forget his brutality and cunning."

Chaos Lotus opened up the Tao world and chaos, which led to a more turbulent atmosphere of chaos, suppressing the Da Shiming and others, while the world flower drove the power of Ziwei Star Field to bombard the Taoism and others, so that everyone would be in the first place. Suddenly hit, Tian, ​​Black Emperor, and White Emperor were all maimed, chaos transformed by the gods on all sides was beaten and rolled, and the origins of the heavens were directly broken!

The power of the Dao Sect is too strong, and the Da Si Ming and others still cannot move, and then suppress it. The Da Si Ming is still good to say, but many **** kings will be crushed to death.

The power of the world flower is too powerful, mobilizing the energy of Lagerstroemia indica, enough to let the origin **** and others die!

This battle is at an impasse, and it may end at any time!

"Does the boss need help?" Zhong Yue's eyes flickered and he asked loudly.

"No trivial matter, don't need help."

The voice of the grandfather came, and suddenly in the high town of Tiantian, all the **** kings were burning and turned into a raging fire into the Tao realm.

Zhong Yue's heart sank, and the grandfather's life was as expected by the Chinese Goddess of God and Lei Ze ancient god, and he began to treat those **** kings under his sacrifice, sacrifice them into the blood sacrifice, and consolidate the taoism ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Grand Secretary! "

On the altar of Zhentianfu, a **** king screamed again and again, the scene was terrible, a **** king was sacrificed alive, their roads and glory were between the thoughts of the grandfather, and there was almost no resistance in front of the grandfather. !!

Their physical avenues disintegrated, turned into Daoguang Daohuo and rushed into the Dao realm, stabilized the Dao realm, and made the Chaos Lotus' influence on the Dao realm smaller and smaller!

"Why betray us?"

The King of Origins looked up and looked at his close friend in disbelief. In a moment, he turned pale and sternly, "Why betray us!"

"Origin, you betrayed me first."

Da Shiming's face was light, no expression changed, calmly said, "You sneaked into me and buried me for two million years. I have tolerated you for a long time."

Despair in the eyes of the God of Origin: "I did not! I have never betrayed you!"

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