Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1436: Myo

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"Reincarnation friends joked. M.slk.tw"

Zhong Yue gritted her teeth, and she fought against the pressure of the Taoism. Shen said, "Brother, you can go to the Taoism first, and you can have me here."

Everyone hesitated, leaving Zhong Yue to face the sacramental king alone? This matter is not appropriate, how arrogant is the pressure of the Tao world, a little careless is the broken body, and the saint king is also deliberate. Even if it is limited to the chaos contract, Zhong Yue will not be started for the time being. Or, the reincarnation saint king moves his hands and feet during his reincarnation, which will leave Zhong Yue a deadly hidden danger.

Dasao laughed: "Even if I enter the Tao world, it is useless. It is better to stay here to protect your Majesty."

He sacrifices innate gods. Even if he enters the realm of Taoism, there is no possibility of becoming a Taoist god. Everyone can rest assured that Zhong Yue stays here alone. It is the best choice for him to stay.

Dasao's combat power is extremely high. Although not as good as Taoism, the saint king is powerful, but as long as there is no two-body fusion, he is not his opponent.

"Ma'am, watch out for saint reincarnation!"

The ancient **** Lei Ze commanded that he immediately rose into the air and rushed towards the Tao realm, followed by the Chinese auntie, Hou Tuniang and Feng Xiaozhong, who did not enter the Tao realm.

The two reincarnation saints came to Zhong Yue and stood on either side of him, smiling, "Your Majesty, can we start?"

Zhong Yue nodded, the pressure in the Tao world was getting stronger and stronger, especially after people such as Lei Ze, Feng Xiaozhong and so on entered, the pressure was even greater. The pressure was all on him.

And this is what he needs most.

This time he wants to break his own innate sacred place, innate body, and even smash his meta mysterious realm, smash all eight secret realms, and destroy his own innate avenue!

He reversed the innate success, and later the heavenly body achieved the innate sacredness. Although he walked out of the path of no ancient people, even the great lord and the origin **** are admired, but he achieved the innate sacredness, but restricted himself.

As long as there is an innate holy land, he cannot make himself a avenue of light and darkness.

The dark and light avenues have not been completed, and there is a fatal loophole in his own universe, giving the enemy a chance to kill himself.

Because his innate sacred place was created by the chaos in his brain and evolved into the universe, the avenue of heaven and earth has been fixed in the open heaven and earth, forming an innate sacred place.

If you want to make the innate holy land more dark and bright, you can only return to chaos, reopen the heavens and earth, and then become Pangu.

In the past, Zhong Yuexiu was still in a low state. He could also use the shelter of the three thousand emperors and many **** kings to suppress his out-of-control mana, guard his spirit, and prevent him from being destroyed.

Now, he is already the most extreme existence. There is no stronger existence in the world than him. Who can suppress his mana?

Even if all the strongest beings in the world join forces today, it is impossible to hold Zhong Yue's out of control mana.

But Taoism can.

The stronger the pressure on the Tao world, the more Zhong Yue's mana was suppressed.

The Tao could not crush his consciousness. As long as the consciousness persisted, he could borrow the sacramental king of reincarnation and his reincarnation avenue to regenerate the reincarnation of the universe in his body and create innateness!

The reincarnation saint glanced at the aunt who was not far away, and saw the aunt holding the mulberry tree. The sea of ​​chaos appeared in this sacred palm, and the other side of the flower opened behind the aunt, and the slender petals seemed to emit a glow Streamer slowly dancing.

Obviously, Dasao was very worried about him, but if he changed something, Dasao would definitely use the most overbearing means to kill him directly!

The two reincarnation saints each chanted each other, and the reincarnation avenue rose up, just like two big dragons moved from both sides of Zhong Yue. Zhongyue's reincarnation avenue also rose from the back of his head, touching the reincarnation avenues of the two saintly kings, and the three avenues were connected into a round.

Zhong Yue and the Reincarnation King each got a part of the reincarnation avenue. The Reincarnation King got the big head and Zhong Yue got the small head. However, the reincarnation saint king was split by Zhong Yue and split into two. His reincarnation avenue also Be split.

Comparatively speaking, the samsara avenue obtained by any saint saint king cannot exceed Zhongyue much.


The vibration came. Suddenly the round wheel trembled slightly. There was another round inside the round wheel, and then another round kept bursting out. The round wheels were layered on top of each other. Seems endless.

At the same time, the innermost ring is still splitting, and in the ring there are phantoms of the six realms. Lagerstroemia indica, the six realms, the realm of the void, the ancient universe, the seventh area, and the realm of the realm are extremely sacred. The vastness is profound.

Despite the destruction of the Nether Realm and Dao Realm, the reincarnation avenue is a unified avenue of the Six Realms, which still contains the avenues of the Six Realms, thus showing the phantom of the Six Realms.

"Wonderful." Grandma sighed.

The two reincarnation saints are also in front of them, breathing a little fast, and the complete reincarnation avenue is more exquisite than any of them. It is indeed the first great unification avenue!

Although he was the sacramental king of reincarnation, Zhong Yue seized him by chance and split him into two halves, so that he never had a complete road of reincarnation.

The most fierce part of Zhong Yue is that the part of the reincarnation avenue he seized was the avenue in the reincarnation holy land. Even if the reincarnation king died and was resurrected from the reincarnation holy land, he would still lack that part of the avenue.

And how terrible is Zhong Yue's knife?

He was split, and even if he was resurrected, there were still two reincarnation saints, unable to return to one!

If you want to be back together, you can only get the complete road of reincarnation!

Now, the complete reincarnation avenue is in front of him. Could the reincarnation saint not be moved?

However, the imprint of the Chaos Contract is still there, he can only press down and urge the reincarnation road with Zhong Yue.

Those round wheels are still buzzing and shaking, sending more round wheels to the inside, and Zhong Yue is standing in the center of those round wheels, and the six realms of the world around him seem to be a singularity of the universe.

The complete reincarnation avenue contains mysteries and mysteries. Each round is beautiful, each round carries endless miracles, emits melodious sounds, and contains different artistic concepts.

This is the complete avenue of reincarnation, the highest avenue beyond the avenue of life.

Zhong Yue stood at the center of the round and looked outward. It was not the same as what people outside saw. He saw the reincarnation of the six realms. The six realms seemed to be in different time and space in different rings. Twisted, deformed, changeable, magical.

The avenue of the Six Realms is also changing, and all changes are thought-provoking, and it seems to explain to him the mystery of the reincarnation of the avenue.


Zhong Yue couldn't help but admire that the scene was too beautiful and the truth contained was too deep, which made him linger in it, almost forgetting that he was still supporting the Taoism.

"Reincarnation friends, you can do it!"

Zhong Yue gathered his spirit, and the saint king reluctantly hesitated to make a decision to urge the reincarnation avenue. Zhong Yue was also urging at the same time. Printed with Zhongyue's body together with the six shadows!

"Your Majesty, you should know that your consciousness is not absolutely safe even if it is hidden in the reincarnation road!"

The reincarnation saint Wang Fei stepped back, quit Zhentianfu, and shouted loudly: "The pressure in the Tao world is too great, it may still crush you in layers of reincarnation, crushing into chaos!"

"Thank you for your concern!"

Zhong Yue's body trembled suddenly, and suddenly the congenital holy places were seized into a secret state of the Tao. The power of the eight arms spread out, and the magnificent and magnificent Tao realm was suddenly depressed!

His physical body is the Yuanshen and the avenue. Yuanshen has no physical body. The whole world is depressed, and his head is crushed first!

The mystery of Daoyi is hidden in his skull. It is formed by exploding the chaos in his brain to form a space similar to the ancient universe. Now, the countless sun, moon and stars in Daoyi's mystery are all crushed into dust, the universe is destroyed, dust Shock, reduced to chaos!

The congenital sacred place in the secret realm of Dao is also under the pressure of the horror of Dao, and the roads are disintegrated and shook into chaos!

The destruction of the innate holy places is horrible!

Standing outside Zhentianfu, I just saw that Zhong Yue was crushed by her head, but in Zhong Yue's body, the situation of the destruction of the universe caused by the terrible shock was the destruction of the universe, and the universe was crushed in the entire skull. Into a singularity!

At the moment when this singularity was formed, the avenue of reincarnation contained Zhong Yue's consciousness that was not destroyed by the Taoism and hid in the singularity.

At this moment, Zhong Yue's consciousness looked outward in the singularity, but saw another scene.

He saw the big bang of the universe, and the universe was being formed. Countless stars flew outward at a speed faster than light, with traces of light, wonderful, silent, without any sound.

His consciousness shook, and suddenly there was an understanding.

"Origin, that's it ... this is the origin, this is the end, this is the heavens ..."

He learned about the heavens and the gods of Taoism, and studied the Twilight Drums of Taoism treasure level. He was deeply aware of the heavens and the gods, even surpassing the black emperor and the king of origins.

However, even if he is enlightened, he still cannot surpass the origin and Taoism, or even beat the horse.

And now, at the moment of the destruction of one of his Taos, he suddenly realized, realized the origin and the end, and realized the true omnipotence of the heavens!

This is so, this is so!

The mystery of Dao Yi collapsed ~ www.readwn.com ~ As the center of all mysteries, all mana, and all avenues in his body, this was destroyed, which directly led to his mana out of control and the avenue out of control!

His yin and yang mystery followed the collapse, collapse, and became chaos, followed by the mystery of the gods, the mystery of the five elements, the mystery of the five elements, the bloodline mystery, the cosmic light mystery, the space mystery!

Other big and small mysteries in his body collapsed, disintegrated, and the avenue was shattered into powder. Without the protection of the reincarnation avenue, his consciousness would also be crushed into powder, into chaos, and no longer exist!

But even so, Zhong Yue's consciousness in the center of Reincarnation Avenue also saw the reincarnation in the outer circle of Reincarnation Avenue in annihilation and destruction under the terrible pressure of the Tao world!

This speed of destruction is terrible, but fortunately, reincarnation is endless, so that the Taoism is constantly under pressure but never reaches the core of the reincarnation avenue.

Under the pressure of the Tao, it was pressed to the soles of his feet in an instant. For the reincarnation saint and the grandmother, this was only a momentary thing, but for Zhongyue's consciousness in the cycle of reincarnation, it was extremely long. It seems even eternal.

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