Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1444: People with lofty ideals


The more than a thousand emperors were all shocked, and then an ancient emperor shook his head and said, "It turns out that the patriarch of Helian took refuge in Heaven. No wonder there is such a big tone. Although the sky is powerful, but I am afraid that it is unbearable in front of the Thai emperor Although the Thai emperor was severely damaged, there are also terrible existences such as Lei Ze, Hua Hua, Hou Tu, Da Tu, Gan Du, Xiang Wang, and Burial Spirit. No matter who is afraid, they can be compared with the sky? "

"Ha ha ha, I have been retreating for so many years, haven't thought that I have been despised to such an extent?"

The faceless **** laughed, a large mouth appeared on the blank paper-like face, and said leisurely: "Elders of the ancients, you despise me too much. My means are far from what you can think of! The last Taoism I ’m one of the pioneers, and it ’s a great benefit! And this time, I ’ve benefited a lot too! The world thinks that my Tao injury has n’t healed, but I do n’t know that my Tao injury has been cured already! Now my strength has reached An unprecedented peak, a **** of shoulders! "

The emperors will be suspicious, some will not believe it.

Yun Tian's performances in previous battles with Zhong Yue have been embarrassing, making it hard to believe that his strength is not what it used to be.

Tian Youran said: "And this time is extraordinary. It ’s not only that I deal with the Thai King, but also that the Shinto friends have to deal with the Thai King. Emperor! "

The emperors can't help but change colors.

Tian smiled and said, "You should know why the Thai emperor is dying, right? I tell you the truth, the rumors are true. The Tiandi Avenue in Taoism cannot tolerate the existence of the Thai Emperor. The emperor's eyebrows. Although the Thai emperor used tricks to temporarily save his life, his cultivation can no longer be used for half a point! Now he is a waste! "

He laughed: "Today's Thai emperor, don't say me, it's enough to be killed by any one in the presence! Thai emperor can't be beaten, Gandu and Xiangwang can't be beaten, I can easily kill them! If hesitates, look at this treasure! "


A loud tremor came, and I saw the sky waving his sleeve, and a huge skull fell to the ground. The skull couldn't see the back of the head, and all the front and back saw the front!

Not only that, the majestic vitality burst into anger, so that everyone was almost bathed in the rich vitality, any injury can be cured in an instant!

"The head of the big boss!" The emperors' faces changed greatly.

Suddenly, another towering sacred tree fell to the ground and appeared in front of the emperors. It was the ancient tree of life that was cut in half.

What Li Tian got was the canopy of the ancient tree of life, soaring like a nebula, the canopy can almost cover a Six Realms!

"The other half of the ancient tree of life fell into the hands of the saintly king of reincarnation and was beaten into a heavy weapon by the king! The holy king is still being sacrificed and has not yet been made, but it is extremely powerful!"

Tian Xiao said: "You are now taking part in Guiyu's Majesty, but it's just icing on the cake. The real effort is not you, but me and the four-faced gods and other Tao friends! Zhujun, you are all older people, you can live up to three or four For ten thousand years, the short life span is only five or six thousand years. Instead of sitting still, it is better to give it a try! There is a flower root on the other side of the aunt, I seize it, and I will surely see the void and keep you safe! "

His voice was soaring and exclaimed, "Slay the Thai Emperor, I will teach you to reverse the innate method, so that you will also become innate sacred, old and sick, and live with heaven and earth! Princes, do you still hesitate? "

不再 The thousand ancient emperors no longer hesitated, bowed together, and saluted to Helian Guiyu, saying, "Your Majesty!"

Helian Guiyu hurriedly returned the gift, and laughed, "You brothers don't need to be polite! Fuxi has only a few dozen emperors, but he can rule the emperor. If the emperor does not obey it, he will raise the banner and overthrow the Fuxi gods. It ’s a matter of raising hands! My Huxie has four hundred emperors. On the basis of knowledge and talents, which one does not exceed the Fuxi Protoss? The help of the princes is to stir up the chaos anyway and win the righteousness! "

An ancient emperor said: "The son of the emperor, the emperor Zhonghuang, guards the six realms. Since it is the opposite today, it would be better to be at ease."

"Not right."

Xie Lianguiyu shook her head and smiled, "I need to contact other Taoist friends. The 36 Dao circles, the 3,000 Emperors, all need to have met before."

"Do not take care of yourself."

A few ancient emperors looked at each other and laughed: "We go to persuade them and ask them to leave the mountain. Even if they refuse to go out to help each other, we can rely on friendship to prevent them from helping the Thai emperor."

He Lianguiyu was overjoyed and quickly thanked him, saying, "In this way, I can find more qualified people and work together to eradicate the evil forces of the Thai Emperor! Among the emperors, there must be control over the Thai Emperor. Artifacts, a moral man who steals the heavens and the earth, and I am visiting them to join forces to overthrow the dynasty of the Thai emperor! When the kings wait for my news, I will take advantage of it, and you will rise against this heaven and kill the bell. Emperor! "

The ancient emperors claimed that they left.

Xie Helian Guiyu thanked heaven and said, "Now that great things can be expected, if I sit on the throne of God, I will certainly lead the emperors to worship the heaven and be a heavenly son!"

Tian Haha laughed and proudly said: "What I am looking forward to is not enshrined by you. I am going to be a Taoist **** in this battle. By then, you will be your true emperor, and you do n’t need to worship me, worship I!"

He Helian Guiyu hurriedly said: "The Age of God was born because of the sky. The Thai emperor was unjust and wanted to destroy the foundation of the Age of God. As the people of God's Age, he should worship and support the sky."

Wu Tian shook his head and said, "You don't need to be careful. In the future, I will become a Tao God, and I will not ask about the Nether again. You only need to hang the name of the Son of Heaven, rule the world for me, and keep the Tao of Heaven."

Min Helian Guiyu's eyes flashed, and she smiled, "The plan today ..."

"Today's plan, contact the emperor who has an indomitable heart!"

Tian Leng chuckled: "The Thai Emperor does not preach the reversal of the innate method, and holds the mystery alone, and there must be many resentments against him. I have no jealousy, I have contacted people with lofty ideals and rebelled. I have no jealousy Identification, talent, mastery of the heavenly brain, and mastery of causal calculations will surely persuade many emperors to come together. However, there are many emperors of His Majesty the King, and he can't persuade these counter-existences one by one. You still need to come forward. "

Helian Guiyu said, "The existence of God on all sides, I do not know when the son can meet him?"

自 He claimed to be his son, and he heard all the emperors of Huxie's were a little displeased, and felt lowly.

After all, Emperor Ji Di ruled the existence of one era at that time. The Supreme Emperor was the only emperor, but Helen Guiyu called Father to Heaven and made himself a child, which made them all unhappy.

However, at that time, the Taoist magical power of that year was far less than today, and the emperor ’s territories and fire age had ended. Helian Guiyu was a talented man, and he had to be far superior to them in terms of strength. , They also have to help.

Tian Wenyan said, "I can't help but please, and laughed:" It won't be long before you see him. He has now gone to the reincarnation burial area, one of the three holy places in the seventh reincarnation area, to meet the burial spirit **** king, please Help the funeral! "

"The King of the Burial Spirits who controls one of the three reincarnation holy places?"

Helian Guiyu was overjoyed: "If you can get the help of a burial spirit, the event will be more than half!"

"In addition to the funeral spirit, the mother emperor also needs to meet for a while, and Shinto friends on all sides will also see her."

Tian Youran said: "The emperor's dynasty of Thailand seems to be extremely powerful, but it is full of blemishes, rotten caves everywhere, and airy everywhere. Shaking his dynasty is easy! You enter the seventh area of ​​reincarnation this time, and listen to my instructions, I Take you to see a crucial being! "

Seeing the dignity he said, Bian Helian Guiyu quickly said, "Dare to ask this existence?"

"Life born by the innate spiritual root, eternal life, eternal life emperor!"

The sky disappeared, and Helian Guiyu quickly led the 16th emperor into the seventh area of ​​reincarnation and followed Tian's trace. His heart shook: "Emperor Chang! He is still alive! I thought he had already died in the Thai emperor During the big cleansing, he did not expect that he could live to this day! "

"Today's Emperor Changsheng is extraordinary. When the Thai emperor and Mu Xiantian competed for the world, he stole the emperor's holy medicine by chaos, and has found most of the lost holy medicine. And I have collected many holy medicine over the years, and he lacks Half of the holy medicine is with me and half with the Thai King! "

Tian's voice came: "When you see him, just mention that I have half of the holy medicine here, and the Thai emperor has half of the holy medicine. He will definitely come out to help you! The complete spiritual root, the combat power is no less than the Taoist God, you Please ask him to help you out with less effort! "

Helian Guiyu's heart beating, murmured: "Emperor Emperor has such skills? I really betrayed him ..."

And at this time, in the reincarnation burial area of ​​the seventh cycle of samsara ~ www.readwn.com ~ the burial spirit **** looked at the chaos in front of him, and sneered slightly: "Everyone is here, but you are courageous. I have 800 emperors guarding the burial area in my reincarnation area, and it ’s enough to send a solution to send you back to heaven! Your majesty knows that the burial area is very important. How can you be defenseless? "

The chaos was rampant, and the four-faced **** stepped out of the chaos, chuckling and laughing: "As a **** king, the burial spirit Taoist friends have fallen freely, willing to be a running dog under the Thai royal gate! Funeral spirit, I come to see you, what do you know? "

The funeral of the God of the Funeral Spirit is so extraordinary that it has reached the level of the King of the Gods. The breath shook the funeral sky and sneered: "Even though my brother said, listen to me or not!"

He looked around and laughed, "I know that you are trapped in the Chaos Oath, forced by the Emperor of Thailand to make a Chaos Contract with him, and you must not betray him. I came here to cancel your contract."

The funeral spirit king's face changed greatly and he lost his voice: "Can you unlock the chaos contract?"

Gods on all sides laughed: "I am chaos. Why is it necessary to break the contract? As long as there is no chaos contract, you are a free body. These years the King of Thailand has enslaved you, bullied you, and you hate it? I help You unlock the Chaos Pact, and you help me eradicate the emperor's dynasty from Thailand! What's your intention? "

The king of the funeral spirit was pale and uncertain.

God's eyes flashed on all sides, and he took out a piece of rune and laughed: "This paper rune is made by the Avenue of Chaos. If you print it on your chest, you can block the Chaos Contract and make Chaos imprint ineffective. You take it If you promise, when I get to your troubles, you will kill Emperor Brahma to capture the reincarnation burial area, and raise your troops against the Thai Emperor! "

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