Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1463: Tai Sui and Da Shi Ming

"Well! This old man has the ability to break the aura!"

The Emperor Changsheng was taken aback, and he drove away with the light. He shouted, "Da'ao, if you have the patience, don't die in the hands of others. In the future, when I become a spiritual root completely, I will fight with you again!"

Dasao grabbed his other hand forward, grabbed the tail of that aura, Emperor Changsheng gritted his teeth, and the strong man broke his tail. He severely cut off the section of aura that was caught by Dasao and flew away.

Dasao grabbed the tail, and looked closely, but saw that the tail had turned into dozens of holy medicine, which was extraordinary.

"Longevity, do you think you can escape my palm? Painting wall, where is he?" Daizhan raised the painting wall and asked.

The trace of Emperor Changsheng appeared on the wall of the painting, and Daxi smiled slightly and chased after him.

But at this moment, suddenly a vast expanse of breath came, Dasao's face changed greatly, and he hurriedly followed this breath to look at it. He couldn't help but stumble and said: "Heaven, you have done a great sin!"

It was in the direction of Gancheng, and suddenly a huge head was raised, and the huge head was raised, getting higher and higher, and the vast and vast breath came from this head!

No matter which direction the skull was viewed from, the skull was frontal, and the back of the head could not be seen.

Grand Skull of the head.

From this head sacrifice, Dasao knew that Gancheng was going to suffer. Countless gods and gods in Gancheng suddenly began to age and rot, and countless gods and monsters became a dead bone when they were still standing!

Those high-level creations, emperors and emperors flocked to flee the city, and while they ran, the avenue was decaying and disintegrating, the flesh melted, and Yuanshen died, turning into a running skeleton!

Dasao couldn't bear to look again, and was about to withdraw his gaze. Suddenly, I saw a few great emperors carrying a huge meatball whistling and running towards Da Shiming's head. One of those emperors was the son of the Thai Emperor, called Ju Jiang. As he ran, he cut the meatballs and stuffed them into his mouth. The other emperors also smashed the meatballs of the meatballs and ate them into the stomach.

The meatball was still screaming, the heartbreaking screaming was painful, and his voice was surprisingly loud.

But the strange thing is that the meat ball was eaten piece by piece by Ju Jiang and others, but it did not decrease at all, and the flesh seemed to be able to resist the power of the head of the grandfather!

Dasao paused: "What a strange meatball ... I have heard of it, it seems that it is too old **** king, no one can survive! It seems that the Thai king ordered the Taisui **** king to be sent to the front as soldier food. The frontline officers and men all eat the flesh of the Taishou God King to satisfy their hunger ... it's too bad! Jujiang, this little bastard, doesn't take the opportunity to escape, what is he going to do? "

Ju Jiang led the Emperors to the underside of Da Shiming's head, and suddenly threw the meat ball and hit the head of Da Shiming. The flesh and blood of the too old **** king wriggled, and suddenly he wrapped the skull of the grandfather's head, covering it strictly. The avenue of life of the grandfather's life was completely blocked by the meatball!

The sky didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen, and he couldn't help but stay in a hurry, and quickly planned to recall the head of his life, but he couldn't feel it. The several great emperors in Jujiang held up the big meat **** one by one and ran away. They didn't even have to go to the city, and they went all the way out of the city.

The sky was described as sluggish, and after a long while, he turned his head and asked, "What is the first emperor of Thailand?"

Feng Wuji bowed down, "Master, that was the fourth senior of the Thai royal family, born of a wooden spirit, called Ju Jiang."

"Jujiang ... the **** thing, somehow took away my chief of life!"

Sky couldn't help getting angry, and shouted, "Junk! It's a junk! It's lawless!"

The wind is jealous and does not dare to talk too much, and the heart is weird. How powerful is the chief of the boss? His mighty power is still above the physical body of the three **** kings, but he was restrained by a flesh ball from Jujiang's puppet, grabbed and left!

Dasao saw that Emperor Ju Jiang came straight to his own direction. It should be intended to go to the nearest city of Kun, and Emperor Changsheng had already come to Tian's side. Dasao was about to kill the past, but suddenly in his palm at this moment The sea of ​​chaos was undulating, and his heart jumped, and he quickly stopped, saying, "Is God on all sides?"

Not only did the four-faced gods come, but also the saintly king of reincarnation, and then the sound of the air in the midair was dazzled, the light of the road was reflected, and the origin of the Tao God came here.

Tian led Helian Guiyu and many emperors to greet him. Please ask the four-faced god, the **** of origin, and the saint king to sit down.

"Well, sixty-four Shencheng is unable to carry it."

Dashen sighed aloud, and suddenly the sound of the road roared, Lei Ze ancient god, Hou Tu Niangniang, Huayi Niangniang and Xiang Wang came together, came to Gancheng, and distantly opposed to the other side of God.

Emperor Ju Jiang and others just ran to Daxu and were held by Daxu's palm before they could see them. Several people came to his palm.

Dasao walked into Gancheng with the crowds, saw salutes to Lei Ze, Hua Huan, and others, settled down, put Emperor Ju Jiang and others down, and laughed: "His Royal Highness is really clever, and he can kill the boss from the hands of heaven Grabbed his head. "

Emperor Ju Jiang did not have much joy, shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, I am the defender of Gancheng. Only a few of us are left."

The defenders in Gancheng are dead. Only they survived. The power of the chief of the Grand Commander was too fierce. If they did not sacrifice the King of the Age, this time they would have to die.

"Now this battle is not what you can deal with."

Rezegu Shinto: "Let's step back."

Emperor Ju Jiang shook his head and said, "Yun Xiang has not issued an order to withdraw."

Lei Ze, the ancient **** frowned, said: "The Tao has arrived, and your stay here is also a dead end. It won't be of much use."

Dasao laughed: "Yun Juanshu is worried about what damage we have, so we must maintain the universe sky map. After all, the universe sky map has six or seven points of Thai emperor's combat power and can help."

Hua Ao's mother nodded and said, "I'm afraid that's what the emperor meant."

Rezegu no longer spoke. Hou Tu Niang Niang looked at the Tai Sui God King, curiously, "This big meat ball is interesting. It can wrap the head of the boss's life, so that the first half of the power of the boss can't be leaked. Why did it come from?"

Dasao said: "This is the Taisui God King. I heard that it is a piece of meat in chaos. Somehow I went ashore and became the Taisui God King. I also heard about his prestige that year, but I have never seen him."

Xiang Wang's heart moved slightly, and he quickly said, "I once heard that the emperor Taishi brought back the corpse of Da Shiming. The corpse of Da Shiming was assimilated by chaos, and only a piece of meat was wrapped in the chaos gas and rushed into the chaos. Disappeared in the middle. Is this too old **** king the piece of meat with a big fat? "

Everyone looked at each other and looked weird.

Lei Zegu coughed and said, "Taiyou Taoyou, do you remember your chaos?"

If the too-old God King is treasured, he is struggling to digest the head of his grandfather, and he shakes his head when he hears the words: "I am haunted by chaos, I do not know what I have experienced. I just remember that there was a villain in chaos, who took me Kicked ashore, and then I suddenly had my own consciousness. As for what happened in the chaos, it was unclear. "

"Kicked ashore by Chaos?"

The people are even more unknown. Therefore, there are many chaotic creatures living in chaos. The origin, the four-faced **** and the chaos emperor are all from the chaos space, and the seven-chaos chaos caught by Zhongyue.

Before going ashore, these chaos were inconsistent with the world, so how could a villain kick the Taishou God King ashore?

Hua Yanniang blinked and smiled: "Do you remember what happened before you fell into chaos?"

The Taishou God King is also at a loss, shaking his head and saying: "I don't have any memory. I feel like I've given birth to the intellect in the chaos. Just after giving birth to the intellect, I was kicked ashore by a villain. I don't know who kicked me ... "

Everyone frowned, and the words of Tai Sui God King had no useful information at all.

Houtu Niangniang moved with a smile, and said with a smile, "So what do you think of Da Siming's head taste?"

Tai Sui Shen Wang was excited: "It's delicious! I think this head has something to do with me, as if it was made from a mother's womb! It tastes so good, it's just as delicious as me! If I eat him, I can definitely go further. The strength has been greatly improved, and you will never have to be eaten again! "

The ancient **** of Lei Ze was dark, and he sacrificed the congenital fruit tree to suppress the Taisui **** king first. He was not allowed to continue refining and devouring the chief of the grandfather's life, and his face was dignified: "This piece of meat is the fat of the grandfather! But, is there still a memory of the grandfather in the chief of grandfather? "

Everyone's heart was tight. If the king of the old age got the memory of the grandfather, the grandfather would be resurrected!

He was too arrogant. He was calculated by Zhong Yue and beheaded by Tao Daoguang. If his brain still had his memory, then the king of the old age would eat his head and get his memory, and his life would come back. !!

The ancient **** Lei Ze imposes several seals and summons the sentence, saying: "You **** the Taishou God King back to the court of heaven and give it to your father. Remember that there must be no delay on the road, you must give it to your father in person. , Tell him what happened! "

Ju Jiang took the command and took the Taisui **** king into his own mysterious realm, sinking into the seventh area of ​​reincarnation, and rushing to the heavenly court.

Lei Zegu Shen got up ~ www.readwn.com ~ Looking at the camp opposite, Shen said: "After all, this battle is coming, the Thai emperor is so good, I wonder if I can still keep it ..."

The mother-in-law of Hua Yan stood up and said lightly and calmly: "It's a big deal to destroy the world, leaving only the seventh round of reincarnation, and then reopening all circles. I don't believe that all circles have been destroyed, they can still maintain the realm of Taoism!"

Xiang Wang took a nap and muttered, "Mother, are you too cruel?"

On the opposite side, the origin **** Tao and others stood up and laughed: "Tiandao friends, although you can crack the sixty-four **** city, it is too slow. It is up to us to do this battle."

Tian also got up and smiled, "You brothers who have labor. Have you thanked Helen?"

Helian Guiyu thanked quickly.

In the heavenly court, Yun Juanshu's face was dignified, he took a long breath, and the reincarnation of the celestial sphere vibrated, and the center of the universe sky picture again appeared the ghost of Zhong Yue!

"This battle, even if the sixty-four **** city is completely destroyed, you still have to pull a few strong people on the road!"

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