Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1471: The strongest killing team in history

[Title: Humanitarian Supreme body of the 1471 chapter of the history of the strongest killing array: house pig]

The latest chapter of "Humanitarian Supreme" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The legend of the Wusong world, the heavens, the dragon king, and the legendary Tangmen masters in the ancient universe of the strongest fellow in the history of the eternal heart of the alien world, the emperor of the fortunes and emigrations moved here to avoid this chaos of the chaos. Focus on cultivation. There are many secret messages from the great emperor who intend to turn to the emperor, but the good fortune emperor and others still persuade the emperors on the grounds of security, saying: "If we participate in this battle, we must die for many lives, or we will not participate. Wonder. In the future, whoever sits in God will re-open the void, and then we will be guilty of both sins and live forever. Why not? "

So the hundreds of emperors never rebelled or trusted in heaven.

On this day, all the emperors were frightened, the face of the great emperor changed dramatically, and he lost his voice: "My six realms have been destroyed!"

The other emperors came one after another and shouted, "Creating Dao Brothers, destroying my six realms is like killing my parents. This hatred is not shared!"

"This revenge is not revenge, and it is not sworn!"

The great emperor was also unable to sit still, and he got up and called: "This is driving us to the end of the road! Let's take refuge in the emperor, princes, and I will kill his mother and turn it upside down!"

The 800 Emperors nodded one after another, and the figure sank into the seventh cycle of the reincarnation. The Emperor of Fortune looked at it and said, "The sixty-four **** city was broken and the eight barriers were surrounded. He attacked from behind, breaking the army of gods and demons of Helien Guiyu, and it was also a great achievement! "

The emperors laughed, "Okay!"

Liudaojie was completely destroyed, and the pattern of Tiandi Avenue was suddenly changed.

The origin Tao said with a smile: "The Taoist magic power has been reduced by at least 20%, and now it is difficult to threaten our lives. It is still prudent to order the emperors to let the emperors lead the battle."

Helian Guiyu took the command and ordered the emperors to split up into eight routes and attack eight barriers.

The reason why it is divided into eight ways is because the Dao Jie Zhen can only attack one way, and the other seven road army can restrain the demon generals in the pass, so that it cannot continue to perform Dao Jie, and the power of Dao Jie Datong is naturally weaker. .

And if there are the origin Taoism and the four-faced gods attacking the eight levels, then Taoism is to deal with the origin Taoism and the four-faced gods, and there is no time to attack the eight-way gods and demons and give them the opportunity to break the barrier.

"Friends on all sides, let's go for a while!"

The origin Tao **** and the four-faced **** got up, walked towards the **** Sun, and walked very fast, before the other army of Helian Guiyu.

Dao Jie Tao ’s mighty power exploded and blasted to both existences at the same time. The origin Tao God smiled and said, "Yun Juan Shu and the Emperor Tai are really extraordinary. It was really calculated early that we would destroy the Six Realms, and the Tian Da Avenue was the right one. Change and prepare for the interpretation of the unification of the Five Realms! Unfortunately, the unification of the Unification of the Five Realms does not need us at all! "

The existence of two Taoist gods erupted at the same time, and the chaos on all sides transformed into chaos. The chaos breaking supernatural power shot forward like a sharp arrow. The mighty power vibrated once every time it rushed out of a certain distance. From that world, another chaotic gas was shot, and the power of the world rushed forward!

Bobo bo

A series of worlds were born in the place where the chaotic atmosphere passed, and the power was getting stronger and more horrible, and it collided with the Taoist Magic Power!

On the other side, the origin Taoist God simultaneously performed the heavens, the heavens and the heavens. The two strong men joined forces to counteract the Taoism that erupted from the eight levels. A horrible wave slammed open the eight levels and the starry sky in front!

The existence of the two Taoist gods screamed in their clothes. This time, they were not damaged. Obviously, the unified Taoist magical powers of the Five Realms did not threaten their strength.

This scene made all the emperors in the Guan sink in their hearts. The origin of the Tao God is really powerful, and it is indeed ruthless, and directly destroys the six realms. Even the endless innate souls are buried, and it is possible that the Eight Passes will be broken. !!

The Taoist **** of origin and the four-sided **** walked forward together, listening only to the loud sound of a bang. The barrier cut by the collision just now was directly crushed by the existence of two powerful men.

"Breaking the eight barriers is as simple as that!"


Two loud sounds came again, and the city wall of Shenyangguan was shattered like a sky wall, and was stepped into the gate by the existence of two Taoism gods.


The emperors in the God's Sun Pass shouted loudly, flocking to kill the two. The God of Origin and the four-faced **** looked at each other, smiled at each other, and the four-faced **** thought that the realm of the realm bloomed, and the realm of the realm erupted, as if an emperor was attacking his front face alone.

The four-faced **** raised his hand and slaughtered a great emperor, as simple as slaughtering the urchin.

The Taoist **** of origin shakes Mugu, the emperor who pounces on him falls like a rain, the Yuanshen dissolves, and the avenue melts.

The two existed as killers, and the army of Helien Guiyu rushed to the front of the cracked city wall and entered the pass. In the other seven stages, the emperors led the army of gods and monsters to kill, and the two sides battled bloodily.

Suddenly, a voice came from the ancestral court, and you leisurely said, "Origin, surrounded by two gods, it is true that two of my brothers bullied you? Your grandmother is in the ancestral court.

The origin Taoist **** and the four-faced **** looked at each other, and saw Zhong Yue's Taoist body with his hands standing on the abyss of the ancestral courtyard. He couldn't help looking at each other, and smiled all over his face: "It is really boring to bully these juniors. Then we entered this ancestral court and broke the so-called first kill. "

The origin Tao shook his head, walked forward, and laughed: "Break his first kill."

The existence of two Taoist gods crossed the eight levels, stepped into the ancestral court one after the other, the monstrous killings started, and drowned the two!

The Taoist God of Origin stands among the slain battles. Looking at it, I can see that the ancestral palace has disappeared. Instead, it is filled with billions of stars. He can't help but praise: It ’s quite different. It ’s worthwhile to see the seven-round reincarnation of Chen Su in Taoism level. This killing line is left by Feng Daozun? ”

The illusion of wind filial piety emerged from the billions of stars, looking indifferent, and suddenly the stars turned, strangling towards the origin Taoist god!

"Although not the real you, it's worth my shot!"

When the origin Tao's figure moved, suddenly the space cracked and the infinite space was rotated. In that layer of space, the ghostly image of Zhong Yue appeared, shocking his mind.

"The phantom of the two avenues, this first battle is indeed some famous!"

He had just said this, and suddenly time was like a long river, in which the cycle revolved, and another ghost image of Zhong Yue appeared in the cycle of time.

The origin Tao ’s eyes flickered slightly, and he smiled, “This first kill is a true name! I wonder if there are other changes?”

Boom, boom, thunder breed, and there is boundless thunder forming the fourth killing array, Lei Ze's phantom appears there, holding the congenital fruit tree of Linggen.

God of origin suddenly burst into his heart and laughed, "Old opponent."

Suddenly, the vast ocean surging, the fifth killing line appeared, and the ghost image of Huaying Niangni appeared in the Wangyang, followed by the sixth killing array, the earth was vast, the sky was yellow, and the ghost of the rear earth maiden appeared in the purple bamboo. There.

The eighth battlefield emerged, Daxu's virtual shadow sitting on the other side of the flower, holding a hibiscus tree.

The ninth killing array emerged, and the origin of the Taoist god's eyes was another. He saw a hand of the old emperor standing with his sword.

"Fuxi Taoist!"

The Taoist **** of origin came out in shock, one after the other, and the virtual shadows of the emperors of the 23rd dynasty emerged, in addition to the virtual shadows of the emperors of the fire dynasty, plus the seven reincarnations. The killing rules are different for each of the seven reincarnation killing rules!

This ancestral battlefield is no longer the original ancestral battlefield, but has been improved by Zhong Yue, Feng Xiaozhong, Lei Ze, Dasao and others to evolve a battlefield into seven reincarnations!

The power of the ancestral battle is much larger than before!

"Thai Emperor, how long can you keep up with such a killing team? Besides, you are divided into two things. In addition to dealing with me, you have to deal with all sides!"

The God of Origins laughed, each seat started, and an extremely powerful virtual shadow was killed!

"If you are here, use this killing array, even I will end with hate! Unfortunately, you cannot guarantee it!"

On the other side, the four-faced gods were also caught in a heavy killing battle. Soon all realms were broken. The four-faced gods became chaos.

This first battle array gathered the most powerful beings from ancient times to the present, and is based on the wisdom of Zhong Yue and Feng Xiaozhong to complete these seven reincarnations. Each statue was created with the goal of infinitely approaching the realm of Taoism. In the encirclement ~ www.readwn.com ~ the consequences can be imagined!

At this time, the presence of Dasao, Lei Ze, Hou Tu, and Hua Huanniang among the eight levels also fought, killing an enemy emperor, and the situation suddenly reversed!

Suddenly, there was a chaos behind Helian Guiyu. The great emperor and other people killed him. Helian Guiyu and others suffered enemies, and their hearts were flustered, and a secret passage was bad.

In the samsara burial area, Emperor Tianhe and the Emperor Junyue went deep into the burial area. After a heavy period of time, they never saw any demon in the burial area, and wondered.

Soon after, the three came to the tenth day of the burial area and looked forward. They could not help but look at them, and saw the 800 Emperor headed by Emperor Tiantian and Burial Spirit God, and waited for them for a long time.

"God, do you know what this tenth heaven is called?"

The burial spirit king hangs himself, and the golden sword sits in front of the battlefield, coldly: "This place was originally called burial ground heaven, and Fuxi Tao has the foresight. Change this place to burial sky! Burial sky, funeral sky, heaven A place of burial! Today, let you be the first to be here! "

Tian's face changed greatly, and he suddenly laughed: "Fun spirit, Emperor Fen Tian, ​​you are a big battle, but the defeat is doomed, no matter how you struggle, it's just a dying struggle."

His mind moved slightly, and he said leisurely: "Now, the great emperors I have hidden among the eight guan emperors, it's time to start. And even the two His Majesty emperors have many of my subordinates."

Emperor Tiantian and the King of the Burial Spirit looked at each other and looked at the great emperors behind him. Suddenly, Emperor Tiantian violently shouted, "Don't bother and urge Taoist, whoever rebels and kills anyone!"

The burial spirit king stood up and yelled, "Princes, we have to rebirth the burial area. It is time to bury a god! Follow me, bury the heaven!"

The vicious war broke out immediately.

Dao Jie, the door of Dao Jie is slowly opening, and one black and one white light emerges from the door of Dao Jie. 166 novel reading network

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