Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1482: 2nd generation

[Title: Humanitarian Supreme body of the 1482 chapter of the world and man: house pig]

The latest chapter of "Humanitarian Supreme" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Tongtianxian Road, Wulian Peak, Dragon King Legend, Eternal Heart, Tangmen masters in another world, the legendary martial arts world, the ancient star formula, Zhong Yue and her future, they are both the same young, just out of chaos You have some vicissitudes, but the strong will flowing out from the eyes of the two is exactly the same!

That is the immortal Tao heart. .Fastest update

Zhong Yue looked at this himself. His third eye was not carved out, and it was not perfect. The purpose of carving for him was Emperor Hao Yi. Emperor Hao Yi fished him out of the chaos and asked the future for his return The eyes were carved, but the third eye was not carved.

This may be the only difference in their bodies.

"The King of Origins returned from the chaos, swallowed up his former self, and became the God of Origins, jumping out of his reincarnation."

Zhong Yue asked: "Why didn't you devour me? Why did you choose to hide your true face?"

"Because we don't have an advantage."

Qiqiao Shenren calmly said: "Even if I swallow you, I will not have an advantage. I win because I know the future, but the future is the past for me. I cannot easily change it. Changing it is changing me. Advantage. I need to gain a new advantage without changing the future. I can wait. Only when you die is it time for me to break out of the cycle of reincarnation. "

Zhong Yue was a little puzzled. She looked up at the innate clock. The mouth of the innate clock was cast by the chaotic matter. It rotated peacefully, shaking from time to time.

In addition to this congenital clock, there is also the Void Clock, and in addition to the Void Clock, there should be six clocks, reincarnation clocks, road clocks, and Ziwei **** clocks.

"I understand what you are doing."

Zhong Yue was still a little confused, and said, "You and I joined forces, and we should be invincible. Why ..."

"Originating them has never been your enemy. Even if you kill Origin, you can't change the result."

Qiqiao God-man looked up at the Tao world, saying: "It is not the origin that destroys you, but the Tao world. You end up under the Tao world light."

Zhong Yue's heart trembled, she was silent, and after a while, she said, "You still kill me in the future. I saw that picture. The last shot that killed me was issued by you."

Qiqiao God's Humanity: "I have a sense, my blow is to block the Tao light, let you die but not die. After you die, I will erupt, and with the reincarnation of the heavenly saint king Tutu to spearhead, to kill the origin, all sides God and Emperor Black and White. They have been controlled by my Chaos Pact and have to take action. "

Zhong Yue wondered, "Why do you want to see me again and explain to me?"

Qiqiao Shenren said indifferently: "I was always preparing for the battle after your death, but until recently, I found that you noticed your reincarnation and made some changes. Honor the Nether, this future is different from the one I experienced. Maybe you can do what I haven't been able to do before. You don't want to know what I have experienced, so I will take you to see what I experienced what!"

There was a sudden burst of divine light in the eyebrows of Qiqiao Shenren's eyebrows, which burst out and drowned Zhong Yue.

The final battle.

The ancestral court was destroyed, and Daxun, Leize, Huaxu, Houtu, and others died. The emperor of the past, the emperor of Fuxi, died of united war. The son of Zhong Yue died in the battle.

Zhong Yue walked alone in the battlefield full of bleakness, everywhere was a desolate, fallen flags, broken swordsmen, relatives' bodies, smoke and sunset.

Emperor Shengwu stood with Fu Xi's banner.

"Father Emperor, the child and brother and sister have not insulted your reputation, nor have they honored Fuxi, we have been fighting without surrendering!" He said to Zhong Yue with a smile.

Then his soul broke.

The heavenly courts were empty, leaving only Zhong Yue to stand in that lonely battlefield.

The cry of heartbreaking like a wounded lone wolf came, unyielding will, immortal anger, this emperor broke out and invited to fight against his enemies!

Origin, Four-faced God, Heaven, Qiqiao Chaos, God, Black Emperor, White Emperor siege, the battle was shaking, and finally, Zhong Yue was killed.

The Chaos Contract broke out, engulfed him, his body disappeared into the chaos, and even death, even chaos, failed to wipe him out.

In the chaos, Zhong Yue's body was continuously eroded, leaving him completely unrecognizable, but he has never been worn away. Over time, this corpse has become a chaotic creature, haunting, unknowing, right and wrong, just migrating in chaos.

When he came to the beginning of the universe, he saw his life, and rashly ran to praise the first life in the world.

He has been traveling in chaos for too long, from the beginning of time to the end of time, from the end of time to the beginning of time, he seems to be looking for something, running around.

Other chaotic creatures also ran with him. One day, the chaos broke apart and a large crack appeared. He accidentally kicked the other chaos and kicked that chaos into the crack, causing the chaos to be destroyed. The crack sucked, struggling weakly, but couldn't help it, and had to stop there.

Then he checked with the other chaos, and saw that this chaos eventually fell into time, so he left.

After a while, he swam around with the chaos and saw the shore of the chaos, where there was a hibiscus tree, a big bird lived on the tree, and the sun kept rising from the sea of ​​chaos.

The chaos foraged here, ate a lot of the sun, and I do not know when a bottle floated in the chaos. One of the chaotic creatures thought that the bottle should not be something in chaos, and sent the bottle ashore.

Then he and the other chaotic creatures saw the bottle open, and the chaotic creature went ashore, eating up the big bird on the tree and the creatures in this valley and gone.

He and the Chaos called for the chaotic creature that had left, but the opponent never looked back.

He thought about it and put away the empty bottle.

The Chaos Sea has become their music venue. The Chaos like to wander here, and suddenly one day, the big bird is driven away by a dragon-headed boy who lives here.

For some reason, he sent the bottle he had collected to the shore, where the young man picked it up cheerfully and dedicated it to a woman with a snake body.

The woman was happy and tied the bottle around her waist.

He was also very happy. He always wanted to speak to the dragon head boy, but he didn't know what to say. Finally one day, the young man tied a sun to catch chaos. He bit the sun and hooked up, and the other chaotic creatures looked puzzled, watching him get caught.

The young man said excitedly, "All-around chaos, I want to ask ..."

He solved the problem for the other party, and the boy was very happy, saying, "Chaos, you have no mouth, I will make a mouth for you!" Then, the dragon head boy made a mouth for him.

"By the way, I can comprehend some heavenly maps, and you do me a favor!"

He returned to the chaos, watching the rise and fall of this time, the sorrows and joys of countless souls, but he still likes wandering the sea of ​​chaos. On this day, he saw another glorious young man in the sea of ​​chaos, silly fishing for chaos with the sun.

For some reason, he still bit his hook.

The young man said that his name was Hao Yi. He wanted to know the future. He told Hao Yi what he knew about the future. Hao Yi was very happy and carved out two eyes for him.

"I want three ..." Before he finished, Hao Yi left.

He confuses in chaos again for a long time, and still likes to stay in this chaotic sea, until one day the old man with a snake body fished him, carved out his ears for him, asked some future things, and left.

This old man claims to be ambush.

He continued to wait in the sea of ​​chaos, with some expectations, but he didn't know what he was looking forward to.

Until this day, he saw a young boy, silly fishing for him as the sun, but it made him feel so kind, he still hooked, the young boy asked him for the map of heaven, and he said the young boy Many future identities.

The chaos is vast and countless years, this Fuxi boy has grown up, and once again came to catch him, he still hooked.

"Dasao gave me a mouth, Hao Yi gave me eyes, and gave it to my ears, and now I don't have a nose. If you can make a nose for me, I will tell you what I know." He smiled To that Fuxi.

The Fuxi helped him to cut out his nose. At this time, countless memories awakened in an instant, and the imperishable will, the imperishable Taoism, the endless revenge and obsession, and the revival!

He is resurrected!

He thought he was back in time and could do many things!

He can go to the Tao world to rescue the God of Reze and Taotu ~ www.readwn.com ~ He can change the future!

Then he was blasted down in the Tao world.

He finally calmed down, his strength was not enough to compete with the Tao world, against this reincarnation, his greatest advantage now is that he knows the future, knows the future trend, and knows the magical powers of the future.

He has just emerged from the chaos, and he still needs to cultivate and master everything he knows.

So he calmed down for many years, and when Zhong Yue pulled the Tao realm into reincarnation, he took the opportunity to rush into the Tao realm to become the Tao god. His combat power is unparalleled.

But he still has a lot of fear for the Tao world.

His knowledge of the future would become another weapon for him, so he went to save the sky, let the sky bear the chaos oath, and then shot the reincarnation saint king, and let the saint king conquer a chaos contract with him.

However, he still has no help with the Tao world. He is sure that when the origin Dao God and others are beheaded, Dao Daoguang will surely come to cut him!

"I shouldn't save another saintly reincarnation, because saving him has led to more and more changes in the future."

The vision disappeared, Zhong Yue still stood next to Qiqiao God-Man, Qiqiao God-Man quietly said, "If you do n’t save another reincarnation saint, the two reincarnation saints will merge together, the strength will increase, and the ancestral court will be destroyed by him You destroyed the seventh cycle of the reincarnation, and killed the saint king, so he did not appear in the last battle. "

"However, the saintly king of reincarnation is still alive, but the longevity emperor who should not have died is eaten by you."

He was puzzled and said: "I don't think I should let this history go in the direction I know. I want to see what you can do. Then, the sky that should have appeared in the last battle , Dead. I think, maybe, maybe ... you can undo this reincarnation. "

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