Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1486: consciousness

Lei Ze, Dasao, Huanian Niangniang, and others were murderous, looking at the origin Taoshen, the black and white emperor and others, and the origin Taoshen and others were also at heart.

Zhong Yue has always taken the initiative, quelled the rebellion as soon as she appeared, and invited them to sit down, not to mention the war, to talk and laugh like a long-time old friend.

He has the initiative at all times, whether he invites them to sit down or reproduces the spiritual roots and gathers the spiritual roots, he is drawing the attention and attention of everyone.

And now, I do n’t know what he is going to say. But judging by Zhong Yue's tone just now, I'm afraid it won't be good!

The God of Origin Taoism and the Four-faced God thought that Zhong Yue was planning to reconcile, but just now Zhong Yue also said that it is impossible to turn Gan Ge into jade, it is impossible to laugh at it!

So, is this serious business going on, or is it something else?

Zhong Yue smiled mildly, making people feel like a spring breeze, without the slightest murderousness and evil spirit, leisurely said, "In fact, I admire the Origin Brother. The Origin Brother was the God of Origin, and the God of Origin was opened by the Grand Master's life blood festival. , But the avenue of origin is not in the avenue of the Tao world. The king of origin survived, was reborn in the holy place of origin, entered chaos and became the Taoist **** of origin, and returned to the prince to revenge three million years ago. The origin brother did not I was admired for dying in the samsara loop and jumping out. "

There was an uproar, and there was a lot of debate.

Even the Black Emperor and the White Emperor were confused, and I wonder what Zhong Yue was talking about. The four-faced **** is also wrong, looking at the origin Taoist **** incredulously, and whispering: "My brother?"

Zhong Yue looked at the Black Emperor and laughed, "Where is your betrayal?" Master betrayed the apprentice, the apprentice betrayed the master, the black emperor. Do you think it is your master that the Tao God betrayed you, let You seal the blood of the Fuxi God and exterminate the Fuxi God, causing you to bear the curse of the Fuxi God. The cause and effect are so deep that you failed to become the Tao God after 100,000 years of sinking. Is it the origin of the Tao God that betrayed you? "

The black emperor calmly said, "It is unnecessary to mention the past."

Zhong Yue smiled, "In fact, the origin Dao betrayed Da Shi Ming at the beginning. He treated Da Shi Ming as a father and brother, but Da Shi Ming did not trust him. He sacrificed his blood, and many **** kings loyal to Da Shi Ming. However, Da Shiming betrayed their loyalty and sacrifice them for blood. He was too loyal to Da Shiming, and Da Shi Ming betrayed him. He could not accept the destruction of the most perfect God in his heart, so he chose to betray Da Shiming and put his heart in his heart. The perfect God breaks. "

The origin of God said with a smile: "The betrayal of our veins actually originated from Da Shiming, and I also learned from Da Shiming."

Zhong Yue sighed: "The grand prince was domineering, and he was the only overlord before his death. He was unmatched in the world, and he was defeated by his own person. Even if he did not open the Tao world, he would not have the origin brother, the four-faced god, etc. Realm? Unfortunately, he really does not want to submit to me. To submit to you, he wants to open up the Tao to control the Tao. In the end, the Tao will not be controlled. The Tao kills him. "

The God of Origin said with a smile: "What does Your Majesty want to say?"

"What I want to say is that I admire my brother for being able to crack his reincarnation."

Zhong Yue sighed: "Suddenly during this period of time, I was also in a great reincarnation, but unlike my brother, my reincarnation is an endless cycle. I was trapped in this time and space reincarnation. I could n’t jump out. But not long ago, I suddenly figured it out. "

Everyone was stunned.

Zhong Yuemei smiled and said, "I was too concerned about my own life and death, and forgot what my life's purpose was, so that I was obsessed with jumping out of my reincarnation. In fact, I set my sight too far. If I look closer, I will find the answer to the problem. "

He seemed to be talking to the crowd, and he was talking to himself, "It's not a problem to say," The purpose, goal, and controversy of my life, in fact, come to me. How much is worth my heart. I fight with the innate gods, but the origin of my Fuxi family is the innate gods. I have old ancestors to help me. Lei Ze, Hua Hua, Hou Tu, Da Ye, they are all Innate gods, as well as innate gods like Gandu, Xiangxiang, and Burial Spirit help them. "

"So I am not against the innate gods. My goal in this life is only one, that is, for the revival and rise of the Fuxi Protoss! I have struggled for my life and exhausted my supernatural power and wisdom! And now, the rise of the Fuxi Protoss , Revival, what hinders? "

The crowd listened quietly, and many land emperors and grand emperors listened.

Zhong Yue raised a finger, pointed to the origin Taoist god, pointed to the black and white emperors, pointed to the saint king of reincarnation, pointed to the four-faced god, and then pointed to himself.

"Brother of Origin, all of you want to destroy my Fuxi Protoss, enslave my Fuxi Protoss, turn us into food, become livestock, and become slaves of unknown resistance. So you are an obstacle. And I am also an obstacle, and I am also a Fuxi God Obstacles to the rise of the revival. "

Zhong Yuexuan booed, "I'm too strong, to the point where this world and this world can't stand it."

There was a muffled sound from all sides, and the saintly king of the reincarnation grinds his teeth crunching, Yin Xuan Xuan could not help but smile, and others could not help laughing.

Zhong Yue continued: "I am too strong, so the Taoist world will kill me. However, I cannot be timid because the Taoist world is going to kill me. Because of timidity, the revival of Fuxi Protoss and Terran are dragged into the disaster. And I ’m too strong, so strong that the Fuxi Protoss has almost no enemies, because as long as I am still, the Fuxi Protoss is the world ’s first protoss, so I do n’t need to be strong, I do n’t need experience, I can get the best resources in the world. A rich treasure. "

Saint Wu's and Zhonghuang gods are silent.

For a long time, the danger that the Fuxi Protoss faced was blocked by Zhong Yue alone. The dead innate demon was removed by him. The grandfather's life was broken by his Taoism. The origin Taoism and other gods were also killed by him. Fighting hard, and the emperors of the world also surrendered to Zhong Yue, and did not dare to oppose, and did not dare to have two hearts.

The children of the Fuxi Protoss did not have many opportunities to experience. The world was peaceful and okay, but the disadvantages were revealed in this disaster. The overall power of the Fuxi Protoss was not even as good as that of the Huxie family.

However, Zhong Yue said that she had become a hindrance to the revival of the Fuxi Protoss, which made them somewhat reluctant to admit it!

The father and the emperor paid too much to the Fuxi Protoss. In the end, they denied themselves and made them difficult to accept.

Zhong Yue denied himself. Although the blow to Zhong Huangshen and others was great, the biggest blow was probably Zhong Yue.

That was the goal for which he struggled throughout his life, the ideal for which he devoted his whole life.

In the end, he found himself a hindrance.

How sad would he be?

Realizing this is the Thai Emperor, the real Thai Emperor.

"The God of War race was played out, not supported by a strong man, so I am also an obstacle."

Zhong Yue said here, with a slight smile, and said, "After I figured this out, I suddenly realized that everything was bright. My own reincarnation can be put first, and my own life and death can also be put first. Let it go. I can't put my life and death above the race! "

He looked eagerly, moved from the face of the origin Tao to the face of the God of Four Faces, and then looked at the Black Emperor and the White Emperor, and then looked at the saint king of reincarnation. His voice was a little eager, and he hurriedly said, "I just need to kill you , You, you and you! After killing all of you, the obstacles to the revival of the Fuxi Protoss will be cleared away in one fell swoop! The biggest obstacle is removed, and by then, it will be time for me to concentrate on dealing with Taoism and Taoism. "

The origin of Taoism and other people's faces became heavier and more murderous.

Zhong Yuedun sighed: "Kill you, my energy can be used in the Tao world. Poor I have been intoxicated to unlock the Tao light, unlock the brand of chaos, I take my life too seriously Now, you also take my life too seriously, so much that you have died. "

He stood up and leisurely said: "Just kill everyone, you can solve this problem. Zhujun, I will send you on the road today. Reincarnation Taoist, sorry, you are the first one on the road."

The reincarnation of Saint King's face changed dramatically.

Zhong Yue smiled and said, "If you want to kill the origin, kill the Holy King first. Brother, sister-in-law, you old grandmothers and mothers, send the reincarnation to the King."

Feng Xiaozhong got up, Dasao, Lei Ze, Goddess Hua Hua and Hou Tu Niang. Feng Xiaozhong said, "Reincarnation friends, please."

The reincarnation saint laughed and said, "If you want to kill me, first ask the origin brother, the black and white emperors, they will not agree!"

He looked around at sixteen, and suddenly his heart was cold, and when time and space opened, countless stars shone, and the stars were like a bucket. This is another universe, the seven reincarnation of Feng Xiaozhong. He fell into Feng Xiaozhong's Chen Su seven reincarnation.

The Taoism, the Four-faced God, and the Black and White Emperors are beyond the universe and beyond.

The figures of Daxu, Lei Ze, Huaxu and Houtu Niangniang appeared and trapped him.

The saintly king of reincarnation laughed: "I am proficient in the reincarnation avenue, and I am the reincarnation avenue. You cannot kill me!"


A spirit of light traveled through the universe, crossing each other, passing Feng Xiaozhong's Chensu seven rounds of reincarnation ~ www.readwn.com ~ The reincarnation of the saint king's eyes beating, his heart panic.

That is samsara.

Reincarnation vine is the last spiritual root among the nine spiritual roots, but it is also the strongest spiritual root. It can even penetrate the Tao world.

The formation of the reincarnation avenue can be said to have a great relationship with this plant.

Zhong Yue reproduced all the samsara vines, so as to break his path of samsara with roots and completely wipe him out!

"Eradicate me completely, impossible."

The reincarnation saint's face was a bit distorted, and he whispered, "Even if I die here, there is another one that I survive, hehe, the reincarnation will not die ..."

Outside the ancestral court, the Taoist gods, the four-faced gods and the two black and white emperors originated, looking at Zhong Yue, and the four-faced gods laughed and said, "Before this war, it was unwise for the reincarnation saint to heal us. It is now unwise. Feng Daozun, Da'ao, Lei Ze, Hua Hua, and Hou Tu are even more unwise. How does Your Majesty want to die? "

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